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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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Guest delightful
45 minutes ago, ksylovee said:


So sweet :wub::wub:. Is it a part lf the special chapters?

Yeah, it's a very short story of Kongpope and his motorcycle problem. I already finished translating it and sent it to @erngust to do the PDF file. So whenever that file gets back to me, I'll post it. ^_^

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3 hours ago, delightful said:

I tried the comments on the bottom suggestion and it looked weird/messy and it 'competes' with the actually subtitle. I think I'll keep it at the top, but I'll make it a little longer. I didn't know people liked my comments that much. LOL! I don't know about adding more, I only add it when I get excited about something. I actually had a lot of stuff to say during the episodes, but I deleted a lot of them because I felt like there was too much. Like the part when Maprang and Praepailin came over to ask them why the seniors were all friendly with them and Maprang said she liked P'Arthit and the camera focuses on Kongpope's face... trust me.. my inner .. don't you dare touch my pink milk monster comments flew out of my mouth.. But I held myself back, because I didn't want to overload the episode with my comments.  ^_^

Someone suggested I used maroon as the shadow/outline, it actually didn't turn out so bad. You need to click on it and view it at full screen/full size.







First one is good for me, best out of these 3... but... I like your blue-ish subs more. Why not continue with those? :phew:

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10 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay I wrote another chapter! :lol::sweatingbullets: Here's the post with the first chapter:

And now Chatper Two>>

The Wattpad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/88363937-sotus-kongarthit-ff-a-day-full-of-sunshine 

And then I also put chapter two here in the spoiler box for those without Wattpad:

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I added footnotes with my weird comments and some of my gifs ^^





“P,” Kong’s enthusiastic voice pulled Arthit away from his lingering thoughts and back to the scene in front of him. Kong standing in his room. Pink milk in hand. And, of course, that irresistibly smug grin still etched on his handsome face.

“Come sit down.”

Arthit looked up at him with wide eyes; the gesture causing his ruffled bangs to shift slightly lower on his forehead. He brought his hand up to sweep back the disturbance and Kong could see that the creases in his brow were gone, replaced by a wide-eyed innocent gaze. An awkward air had descended upon that bright cute face leaving his soft squishy nature exposed. (1)

Arthit looked away slightly and nodded as he pulled his hand out from his hair. A quiet grunt of acceptance left his lips; his tongue ducking out to wet his upper lip as he did so. Arthit absent mindedly rubbed his chest with the hand that had just dropped from his hair as he began to make his way over to the table. He awkwardly pressed down on the thumping surface with the side of his hand, willing the strange bubbly feeling in his pounding heart to quiet down. (2)

Kong intently gazed at the older man soaking in every detail, every movement.

He was having a hard time holding back.

Arthit reached out to grab the pink milk from Kong, but looked up with a puzzled expression when Kong failed to let go right away. Kong was simply standing there staring at him.

What is this guy thinking staring at me like that? Arthit immediately looked away cutting off his thoughts before they extended further. Sitting down he focused all his attention on the cold drink before him, but that still wasn’t enough to stop the blush that had once again spread across his cheeks.

Kong had awkwardly frozen for a moment but, at the sight of those blushing cheeks, was rushing to sit down across from their owner where there was a much better view of the beautiful sight. (3)

Arthit slurped his way through his pink milk and began downing the porridge that Kong had brought. (4)

He was a lot hungrier than he had realized and his porridge was almost half done before he noticed that Kong hadn’t even touched his food. The younger man was just sitting there watching him.

“Kongpob, why aren’t you eating?” He lifted his head up from his slightly hunched position over the porridge bowl to peak at Kong’s take-out box.

“You didn’t get porridge?” he asked with a confused yet curious glance.

“It’s minced pork omelet with rice,” (5) Kong replied as he reluctantly tore his gaze away from the precious sight in front of him and began to start opening up his own food.

“What kind of breakfast is that?” Arthit found himself mumbling. The next sentence that escaped his lips was muttered in an even softer voice – it was hardly audible: “Isn’t it cold by now?”

“What was that?” Kong asked.

“Oh nothing. Uh. You should eat.”

This wasn’t the first time that Kong had visited him in his room. Even though he was very busy, they still made some time to meet up for meals, go for walks, hang out and watch TV, and sometimes hang out and do… other stuff…

It definitely wasn’t the first time that being alone in a room together had led to something happening.

Arthit let out a muffled cough and intently started down at his remaining porridge.

But even so, he was nervous. A little unsettled and awkward. Who knows what tricks Kong would try to pull this morning.

I shouldn’t have let him in.

But Arthit knew all too well that there was never any chance of him denying his 0062 entrance (6). The more he thought about it, the more he was amazed at his reactivity to the younger man. Even though they had been dating for a while now, something as simple as a smile from Kong could set him on edge, leave his heart pounding, and make him feel shy.

Normally it wasn’t this bad though was it? His heart had been thumping like crazy all morning; ever since he opened that damn door. Maybe it was because they hadn’t been in a room alone together in such a long time. That last thought stuck with him for longer than it should have. His cheeks burned and his heart jumped. Arthit moved his sweaty palms down from the table and wiped them along his legs without thinking too much until his hands met with the bare skin of his thighs.

F u c k! Am I just wearing my boxers right now? He had been sleeping in a simple T-shirt and pair of striped boxers. Even though he had made sure to only make his head visible when opening the door earlier that morning, he had completely forgotten about his apparel as soon as he laid eyes on Kong.

He nervously retraced his palms back up until they reached the safety of the cotton fabric of his boxers. Making it easier to forget his partial nakedness.

But then, all hope of forgetting disappeared when he looked up at the man across the table. The man who was supposed to be across the table. When had he moved his chair over to the side of the table?!

As it turns out, Kong was very aware of those boxer clad legs. He had soaked in the sight of Arthit’s hands on them like he was tasting the most decadent of desserts: his teeth teasing his lower lip, slowly pulling along the sensitive surface leaving it with a slight wet gloss.

“I have to go to the washroom,” Arthit abruptly grunted in a hoarse voice that slightly cracked as he quickly squeaked the words out. He thought his hammering heart had pressed itself all the way up against his throat. All the way down to the heavy heated flesh of his fingers. He could feel it tinting his voice with its impact; making his knees wobble with its spiking, pulsing rhythm. As he got up from his seat, the embarrassment at his lack of coordination only made him flee more quickly.

Arthit didn’t turn around to look back as he fled across the room. But all the same, he thought he could feel those eyes boring into him.

And he was right.

The younger man had made sure to pay close attention to his boyfriend as he walked away. He was more than grateful for his decision to drop by so early. More than grateful for the recent hot, balmy weather. For the beautiful boxer clad sight before him.

Arthit disappeared into the bathroom and Kongpob waited for a moment before reluctantly turning back to his food letting out a soft satisfied chuckle.

~ ~ ~

Arthit ran the tap and reached in to cup the cold water in his hands. He leaned in and splashed the water across his face, wetting his bangs in the process. He was desperately trying to let the cool touch soothe his burning skin. He shut the tap off and turned to grab the towel from the rail when a thought suddenly occurred to him: This is just like what they do in those dramas. Wiping off his face and shaking out his hair, he muttered: “What am I doing?”

Glancing one last time into the mirror, he set the towel back and made his way out into the bedroom. Shaking his head as he closed the bathroom door behind him.

Kong had to restrain himself from letting out a small chuckle when he saw Arthit’s wet bangs flopping against his shaking head. Needed to cool yourself down? Kong was also thinking about those same drama scenes. He was beaming at the thought.

Arthit caught the strange look in Kong’s eyes and for some reason immediately knew what the other man was thinking.

“I wanted to wash up. You know, you came in so early… I hadn’t even brushed my teeth,” Arthit haphazardly explained; his eyes avoiding the sharp gaze that he just knew was resting on him.

…hadn’t even brushed my teeth.

The words that he had just said rang through his mind once more.

Wait why didn’t I brush my teeth? All he had done was splash some water on his face and inhale and exhale slowly a few times before stepping back out to meet with that silly grin and heated gaze. He was too out of sorts today. His mind too distracted to think properly.

Whatever, why do I even have to brush my teeth now? I still have some porridge–

“Wait I’ll be back.” The abrupt words suddenly cut through the air. “I have to take a dump.”

Kong gave him a startled look as Arthit swiftly stopped and turned back to the bathroom door.

~ ~ ~

Arthit had rushed back to the bathroom, but instead of taking a dump like he said he would, he was frantically brushing his teeth. He didn’t let himself dwell on the reason for his strange actions.

Arthit set down his toothbrush and looked at himself in the mirror. Adjusted his hair a bit. Stopped. Wait, what am I doing? He saw that he was blushing again. It was getting harder to hide his weird thoughts. The weird thoughts that he kept pushing to the back of his mind. Arthit looked down at his boxers one more time.

Aw to hell with it! And with those thoughts he marched towards the door.

Ready to return and face whatever lay in wait on the other side.

Today was going to be a weird Sunday.

And despite his better judgement, he knew that he really didn’t mind. In fact, his heart was soaring with excitement at the thought.

End of Chapter Two.





(1) I just really felt like using squishy to describe his cute little tsundere heart for some reason. Sorry if it sounds weird!

(2) Yes maybe I did write that just so I could use this gif 5555 …sorry ^_^” I’m a little too obsessed with Krist’s chest rubbing/nipple grabbing moments. I have made multiple gifs 5555


(3) Beautiful sight (◕‿◕) à




(5) I decided to use the same dish that is mentioned in episode 3 when Kong and Arthit are eating together. I used the English name for the dish that was in GMM TV’s episode 3 subs.

(6) Into the room guys! I know what you’re thinking… okay maybe I’m just the only one who thinks weird things like that.

( ⊱⊙)






6 - You are not the only one. :phew::lol:

I need to purify my mind... it's too dirty. ROFL


Thanks for FF :wub:

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14 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so I've been wanting to ask this for some time now but just never got the chance... fine, I forgot, okay? ... Anyways, for the subbed episodes, what do you guys want? I mean the font, size, and the color .... do you guys care as long as you can read it? It's one of those things that I've never gotten down quite right. If you guys haven't noticed I keep on changing the font color, does that bother you guys? I was thinking of just sticking to one color.. what color would it be for SOTUS? Pink for pink milk? LOL! As for font and size... I was going to just stick with one from now on too. Or do you guys want something different in each episode? .. Or am I over-thinking this? I need episode 9 so bad right now! :tears:

First and foremost thanks for what you have done and for what you are going to do. I enjoy the way it is because i can read but above all i like also your notes hence so far i can read and enjoy. GUWANA (i know very closely expression but i love thai when they use it my apology Koton) the way it is now it is really fine because reading and following it is somehow not easy despite i can get some while they speak but the way you write is easy Thanks for asking our opinion 

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34 minutes ago, delightful said:

Yeah, it's a very short story of Kongpope and his motorcycle problem. I already finished translating it and sent it to @erngust to do the PDF file. So whenever that file gets back to me, I'll post it. ^_^


That's great, I can't wait to read it :-) :-). Thank you so much for this, and everything you are doing for us :rolleyes::heart:

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Guest delightful
34 minutes ago, MaguStrates said:

He sang GunAchi and Amp's song a couple of times, didn't he? That last time he said that he missed SOTUS. He misses it? What about us? Hope he knows the fans are suffering too. I miss SOTUS so much!!! It's 5AM here and I haven't slept. I'm so happy I didn't go to bed tonight. At least I got to see Krist live on FB. Now.. if only Singto was there... I would be in heaven.

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4 minutes ago, delightful said:

He sang GunAchi and Amp's song a couple of times, didn't he? That last time he said that he missed SOTUS. He misses it? What about us? Hope he knows the fans are suffering too. I miss SOTUS so much!!!

Yes. He sang the Sotus ending song last before ending the stream... I also heard him sing a familiar song that he sang in one the videos posted here earlier... 

He must miss Singto's.... 


Shoulders :P

Made you look. lol. :lol:

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14 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so I've been wanting to ask this for some time now but just never got the chance... fine, I forgot, okay? ... Anyways, for the subbed episodes, what do you guys want? I mean the font, size, and the color .... do you guys care as long as you can read it? It's one of those things that I've never gotten down quite right. If you guys haven't noticed I keep on changing the font color, does that bother you guys? I was thinking of just sticking to one color.. what color would it be for SOTUS? Pink for pink milk? LOL! As for font and size... I was going to just stick with one from now on too. Or do you guys want something different in each episode? .. Or am I over-thinking this? I need episode 9 so bad right now! :tears:

@delightful, anything would be fine, you are doing a great job for us already, nothing from us that we want, just do whatever things you feel you like about

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Guest delightful
5 minutes ago, MaguStrates said:

Yes. He sang the Sotus ending song last before ending the stream... I also heard him sing a familiar song that he sang in one the videos posted here earlier... 

He must miss Singto's.... 

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Shoulders :P

Made you look. lol. :lol:

YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was totally expecting something perverted from you! SHOULDERS? I'm sure he also misses Singto's...


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3 minutes ago, Timothy Teo said:

doubt so, think it will be airing on 19th Nov, the last episode will be 7th Jan 2017

Oh ok then. Thank you for the reply:).

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1 minute ago, justrandomfan89 said:

Ohmoook..feel like cant wait for watch next epi..how i skip my life until next epi

Oh yah..hello everyone.. iam new member in soompi. hope for your guide an your kindnes

Hi welcome to this forum:). I hope you enjoy your time here:lol:.

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Guest delightful

Do NOT link/upload/post/share/translate my translations in any shape or form. Thank you!

This is a VERY short special chapter that @ikkiek posted up for us. Thank you so much!!!  Thank you @erngust for the PDF file. ^_^

SOTUS The Novel : Special Chapter : A Day From His Memory : https://mega.nz/#!XUdzkIKK!EvQ4vAj4yTrRnwMOkhMWekVeMtrfeBDgKlacA1NcJpU

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2 hours ago, originalnickname said:

I really like the middle one! I think it's better to not have "fancy" colors (which could be distracting) , just a simple white+black borders is perfect ;) (maybe the style of the second one with the size of the first one?)


I second the middle one. It's easiest to read. 

I find the maroon strains my eyes a little bit. 

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54 minutes ago, delightful said:

Do NOT link/upload/post/share/translate my translations in any shape or form. Thank you!

This is a VERY short special chapter that @ikkiek posted up for us. Thank you so much!!!  Thank you @erngust for the PDF file. ^_^

SOTUS The Novel : Special Chapter : A Day From His Memory : https://mega.nz/#!XUdzkIKK!EvQ4vAj4yTrRnwMOkhMWekVeMtrfeBDgKlacA1NcJpU

Thanks for the special chapter :D

Why did I have flashbacks to Missing You part 1 when Kong asked Arthit,  "P'Arthit, can you handle my weight?" 

You'll know later Kong...^_^:w00t:

edit: Oh, I thought Kong was still a freshman during this chapter... Apparently he isn't... Did they already bump bump?

Arthit's a senior now, So Kong's a sophomore... And the time mentioned in the chapter is somewhere near the finals..  Am I correct to assume that the Missing You Chapter 1 special chapter happened earlier in the year than this special chapter? Arthit's so not a virgin there anymore :lol:

And didn't we see pictures of Kong and Arthit riding a bike together earlier this thread? I wonder if that scene is from this special chapter...

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