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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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1 hour ago, jl08 said:

Quite upset with most comments about the Excellence Awards winners, and that why WGM and Real Men females are the winners blah blah... don't understand why a down to earth nice girl like So Yeon has negative backlash about her win but I'll take it as jealousy and childishness. Anyway, I love my SiSo couple too much to bother..

They deserve their win.  WGM is a breakthrough for So Yeon for sure. I'm really glad that she participated (I'm fine with  A list stars taking part cos  I think we get to see the real side and  it's fun too)  and who knows, heaven has  its  own way of match-making 2 beautiful beings.  :)


You should not put much thought in these comments. I read them and I rolled my eyes. Maybe because I understood long time ago that those awards mean so little. Why so many talk about it? May or not agree, move on. They are awards mostly to thank the artists that had good performance but most of all it is about who has more star power, or who gained more ratings or God knows what reason. I understand that for the artists receiving an award is important because it is a kind of recognition. But for me... Nothing good, nothing wrong. 

About those comments (It was a few BTW and many trying to deny the importance of the shows most of all). We all know that It is impossible to reach unanimous, especially when it is something so subjective like entertainment business. I think that most of those who made those comments have other preference of variety shows and I am sure they don`t even watched the programs they are even criticize. In a way, WGM indeed won many awards. :) Imagine if they did not like WGM, what will be their reaction? :blink:

Lets analyze just one comment... "All the WGM cast members were awarded. Just by rating alone, My Little TV and Mask Singer deserve more awards more."  Maybe it is true, but first, Mask Singer is in a different category with WGM and second, maybe other shows are very hard to differentiate between participants. Did they think about that? I read that with very few exceptions, the cast of My Little TV is changing every week. Try to nominate the best performer. If these shows are popular, they should win the best program. All the nominees did their best in their respective programs, if the network decides witch one should award, it is its business.

I congratulate all the winners but I already forgot about the awards. :w00t:


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1 hour ago, seesaw_love said:

@larus  I finally know why Siyang looked so different yesterday !!    His eye brow TOO neat !  I am not used to it. 

 He did a full chance on his look. :) I am sure So yeon will comment about that in the program soon. :D

Thanks for the pictures. I did not see them before.

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Thanks for the 2 photos. Don't think I've seen them before. Such sweet pics.  Please share if you have some that you forgot to share k!    Lol...

LOL....it took me a while to spot her favourite coffee.......by the car door! wow! your eyes are really sharp!!  haha.....

I wish there are more fancams of our couple!  Can't get enough of them. MBC show is really a bonus for them and for us. So much sweet moments and daebak KISS!

I wish there are more of such bonuses to see our lovely couple together, besides the WGM episodes. It's not enough....

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@larus  the photos went to DC very quickly too.   So I really forget to share that day!

 Here is another red carpet interview released by "enews24"  The other one I have shared earlier was released by "SSTV" was interview cut by the male emcee .  This new one is interviewed by the female emcee.   Just nothing from MBC officially ! 

if i am not wrong, when the camera focus on their hands, the korean caption wrote  "Kim soyeon & Kwak Siyang couple holding hands tightly" ! :D The female MC asked about Siyang holding to Soyeon waist when she nearly tripped.  Siyang explained it was really an accident.   (Please correct me if i am wrong).  


another photo of beautiful soyeon 



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1 hour ago, seesaw_love said:

another photo of beautiful soyeon 

 The last pictures captured another angle of gorgeous Soyeon. The PD is a beautiful woman too. She is only 2 years older than So yeon. I am glad that the PD and even the producers gave So yeon more confidence that she is doing alright in WGM. 

I hope that they show tomorrow the whole renewal... and the "wedding" ceremony. Not split it in another episode. I really like that they are the only one there it will be just their moment. I did not see another "wedding ceremony" in WGM. What they are suppose to do? They will say some words to each other? I have a feeling that Si yang will come with the new bracelets (it will be like the traditional custom)  but I still hope she will give the surprise. I love that they have the absolute couple bracelets and not rings. They could wear them all the time and not feel odd when they are outside WGM.


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edSry but anyone still has the link for So Yeon's segment of Excellence award? Seems MBC blocked the youtube version.



I don't really know what the female MC was asking Si Yang. I only know he said it's really......lol.....

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16 minutes ago, jl08 said:

edSry but anyone still has the link for So Yeon's segment of Excellence award? Seems MBC blocked the youtube version.


I have just the link @Kwak SiYang Thailand gave us from Dailymotion


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I am a fan of WGM couple but I hardly shipped any of them except Teuk and Sora or whom they call dimple couple or teukso couple. I am a fan of Soyeon after watching her on IRIS and at first I thought she was Song Hye Gyo that time but then I realized she was different after watching all her drama after that a very good actress with a good heart. I never expected her to join WGM although I saw her being a guest on the show before and how she was on that show was the same Soyeon I saw again in WGM not as a guest but as part of the show. I told myself this was really the real Soyeon before WGM and even until now.

Although these Siso couple started awkwardly at first I saw the blossoming friendship between Siyang and Soyeon which I'm glad to witness them. I read your forum constantly and I'm glad there are more of us now who really liked them

The latest episode I watched was the Ep 301 I saw how comfortable Siyang with Soyeon that he can joke with her a lot plus he had always ask for an embrace with her and you can see how he hugs her tightly and how he feels comfortable putting his hands on the lap of Soyeon while driving eventhough she had a bag on her lap it does not change the fact that he wants his hands to be next to Soyeon. Watching them I feel like there are true feelings coming out from them not just a friendship feeling but rather they saw themselves as a real couple

When I watch the english subbed during Soyeon BRI after Siyang came to airport she said that she wondered why Siyang ended fast their conversation on the phone by saying that he will be going to sleep ( In my opinion I noticed that they call each other often even they are not filming and not just a short call but a long conversation on the phone  they were having, that was the reason Soyeon was a bit dissapointed that the call was a bit short and it was not normal for her to have that short conversation but the truth was Siyang was planning to show up on the airport upon her arrival

It seems this couple might be the next real couple in WGM and if it happens I love the fact that WGM gave them first the 100 days and the decision will be made by them and you can sense that they really tried to make the 100 days memorable not only on camera but also off camera



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Part 2 MBC Entertainment Award

I watch the video 3 times the 1st time was when it was uploaded on youtube without sub coz I was eager to see them together in events and I did not get disapointed seeing them on the event because I saw how loving they are on the table, Their support for one another was so real that you can see how proud they are of one another when each of them receive the award. The smile they gave to one another was so sweet and genuine. 

The award of Siyang will always be memorable to him since this was 1st award in the entertainment industry and I'm glad that Soyeon was part of that award

Did you noticed that only Siyang and Soyeon were holding hands before presenting the award and not just a simple holding hands but an interlock fingers 

Interlocked fingers: When couples interlock their fingers, it shows a deeper connection, and that the person is more vulnerable and emotionally and physically connected at that moment.

Most of the presenters even the married couple who presented an award were not on an interlock fingers instead they just link their arms unlike the berry couple they don't mind being on the stage by interlock finger

They were so used to it that even in public they do it without awkwardness, and seeing that on screen i wonder what will be their episode today on WGM

Sorry for my long post it has been awhile I saw an interesting couple which I felt will fit to be romantically involved rather than being friends only

I only shipped couple who can be more on the relationship rather than friendship


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It's good to read your opinion on our lovely couple. Their charisma and care for each other is so genuine that you can feel it from far. That's cos they're not pretending but really take good care of each other. Most berries here wish Si Yang and So Yeon all the best to finding love with each other as we can see that they really feel happy together and they give support  each other too.

They may have started off quite awkwardly but it's natural because it's not easy when 2 strangers are thrown into each other's company and even more difficult - to suddenly become husband and wife! They have come a long way to the loving relationship that they're having now and it feels such a joy to see them being so close and so natural with their  love gestures - like you said the intertwined fingers and yes, they even do so in public naturally.

The MBC show has shown us many more caring and loving gestures of SiSo couple - sitting so close to each other, holding hands for support, saying thanks to each other in their winning speech and smiling ever so brightly at each other, whether by themselves or in the view of audience.

I can see from MBC show how really caring Si Yang is from the incident of So Yeon nearly tripping. He really took such good care of her by holding her waist when she tripped and after that you can see how concerned he is about her tripping again so he made sure that her gown is safely tucked around her, not stepping on it both during the red carpet interview and also on stage when presenting together you can see that he actually was probably telling her to look out on the uneven stage when they approached the stand. They came out interlocking their fingers and he showed care even on stage.

Isn't Si Yang awesome? And So Yeon helped him by going to his aid when he forgot some names in his speech. They're both so caring of each other and so happy in each other's presence that you can't help smiling always when you see them together. The vibes coming from them are really bright, happy and good.

Even during the red carpet walk he was holding her so carefully and guiding her too. He's so careful that he reacted fast when she kicked the spotlight on the floor.

The best part of the show was of course their kiss which was such a wonderful surprise to all of us! Their performance was so sweet too. The right song with the right dance steps. Everything went well. MBC was a bonus for us who are starving for their news. :)

Tomorrow's episode is going to be tear-jerking as it's the end of their 100 days contract and they're separated to consider about extending it. So long as one party is not keen to extend, the contract will end. That's why you see the preview photos of both of them with sad look, red eyes from crying and worrying about whether the other party will extend or not.

I wish for them to take it a step further by falling in love for real which they might already have some feelings for each other.  It may be challenging in the entertainment industy but not impossible. Thanks for your support for them too.

SiSo couple is a match made in heaven.    :)

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photo mbc3_zps95odwp0u.png

photo mbc5_zpsg0ygaddr.png

Can you see our awesome Si Yang here after hugging her during the 'accident' on the red carpet and while walking through the glass door to the stage for photo-taking and interview? He was holding her with both hands so carefully that you feel he's holding something very precious. It's really such a great vid cos we see that he is so caring and concerned for his wife! He's facing his wife and they're lost in their own world. Lol.. the crowd is invisible as they can only see each other.

Si Yang is a gem in a million, really. He's younger but he is so matured in his thinking and behaviour. An older guy might not necessarily have the same good manners and care as Si Yang has.

I just feel so happy looking at this pic and the vid. When reaching the stage he made sure she's safe and he was careful not to step on her gown. So Yeon must be feelig very touched in her heart to have such a caring nampyeonim (hubby).

Aren't they just to adorable?:D

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photo mbc6_zpsmwpiyejf.png

Check out the happy smile they gave to each other when the WGM variety show was mentioned during the start. They are really so beautiful together as you can see their enthusiasm and genuine joy in each other's presence outside WGM!  Don't mean to compare but you can see for yourself the difference between our beautiful SiSo couple with others  - SiSo's  body language speaks a thousand words and you can't help feeling so happy to see them so close and happy.

photo mbc7_zpsxm1d5qql.png

How their movements are synchronised as they both gave recognition to the PD and yes, most of the time, it has been observed that SiSo's loving gestures have been witnessed by those seated at their table. You can see the young husband and one of the wives looking at them. It's just feels so good looking at the beautiful couple.

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Hi berries :wub: i know this is random but have you guys watch the movie "seven swords" ? It's a movie where soyeon starred back then in 2005. I just watched it last night but wow ! Soyoeon is sooooooo beautiful and vulnerable and sexy and everything. Ok haha just wanna share it caused i can get over how pretty she is.

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4 hours ago, gdara123 said:


Interlocked fingers: When couples interlock their fingers, it shows a deeper connection, and that the person is more vulnerable and emotionally and physically connected at that moment.

Most of the presenters even the married couple who presented an award were not on an interlock fingers instead they just link their arms unlike the berry couple they don't mind being on the stage by interlock finger

Sorry for my long post it has been awhile I saw an interesting couple which I felt will fit to be romantically involved rather than being friends only

I only shipped couple who can be more on the relationship rather than friendship


Hi @gdara123

Happy to read your comment. 

Not so many wgm couple I have been watched. 

Just like u I also only shipped couple who can be more on the relationship rather than friend.

I will be patient to watch their feeling grow  to each other...because it will difficult to watch their lovey dovey afte wgm...so I just enjoyed siso lovey dovey now.

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5 hours ago, jl08 said:

Can you see our awesome Si Yang here after hugging her during the 'accident' on the red carpet and while walking through the glass door to the stage for photo-taking and interview? He was holding her with both hands so carefully that you feel he's holding something very precious. It's really such a great vid cos we see that he is so caring and concerned for his wife! He's facing his wife and they're lost in their own world. Lol.. the crowd is invisible as they can only see each other.



Hi, may I know where can I watch red carpet video clip that you have mentioned pls provide a link thanks in advance! I would like to see that accident sweet moment :) 

edit: Yea I like nope I should say I love this couple because they looked real to me.. hopefully they can maintain this beautiful relationship outside the show as well.

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LIVE streaming links  

Time : Korea time 17:00

- http://tv.idol001.com/idoltv-mbc.html
- http://www.hanyutai.com/mbc.php
- http://www.zhanqi.tv/keway
- http://www.zoptv.com/live/mbc-tv
- http://vodmall.imbc.com/player/onair.aspx 
(login with MBC account)

(delay telecast with chinese sub / 中字直播韩国时间:17:20) 

Since there is a photo showing Siyang with the panelists, he should be the guest panelist today for whole EP. Stay tuned!  Also please prepare tissue papers!   

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