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Photoshop Tutorials And Requests

Guest jasonyc

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i have a question about making screen caps

ive read many tutorials about print screening and just cropping and your done...seems simple

but when i try to print screen it and i paste it into photoshop, the video cap from the video doesnt show unless the software i used to play my video is directly behind the place where the cap should be

i tried to explain the best i can, some one please help me! i wanna make a movie gif but i cant because i cant screen cap it! T__T


What program are you playing your video in? Because if you're using Windows Media, it's not going to work UNLESS you go to View > Plug-ins > Options. Click on the tab that says Performance and change the video acceleration to NONE. Click apply, okay and you shouldnow be able to take caps.

An easier way to do it would just be to open up the video in Windows Movie Maker, which allows you to take screenshots easily.

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Guest yeppmusic7

there's an easier way to make nice quality screen caps rather than print screening and cropping. Download virtualdub and make screen caps with that. There's an option in there for copying frames, once you choose that go to ps and paste.

hey thanks alot! you are the greatest! *muahz* ^o^


What program are you playing your video in? Because if you're using Windows Media, it's not going to work UNLESS you go to View > Plug-ins > Options. Click on the tab that says Performance and change the video acceleration to NONE. Click apply, okay and you shouldnow be able to take caps.

An easier way to do it would just be to open up the video in Windows Movie Maker, which allows you to take screenshots easily.

i tried using the windows movie maker but i still couldnt get it right. is it something u press or click on that says copy frame or something?


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Guest dendrobium.

chanda I think karinojjang used pattern overlay to make the text look like that. You can do that too by right click on the text layer and choose blending option - pattern overlay - choose the pattern you want. BUT first you need to define that pattern first. EDIT - DEFINE PATTERN.

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Guest dendrobium.

ok i still couldnt get it bubbly letters like that...i dont have the pattern

First of all, you need to create a pattern the way you want. If you want many colors like that, you can use the rectangle tool and do it. Just use different colors. You know what I mean?

NEW IMAGE (you choose the size, not too big or too small.)



DRAG IT. You choose how big the box should be.

DO IT SEVERAL TIMES. Change colors each time so you can get the rainbow thingy.

This is just one way to do it.

To make it bubbly: Do as I said in my previous post and this time you add bevel and emboss thingy too. You can play around with it..how thick you want and the shadow and stuff.

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How do you make things like this


Credit: miss kitty

and how do you make icons like this


Do you guys know what I mean. THEY look diffretn from most grapics like IDK how to explain it

Credits:amber@shcj and Dolce

last but not least

How do you have this icy feeling its like sparkly


Credits: doriangray@jwh forum

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Guest bitememonster

O_O those banner, icons, and poster are amazing :D

hmm..well, i am not a really good photoshop person(in other words, i am an amateur) but i know some things about making posters. well, you see all the graphics are based on different kinds of brushes(i hope i am making sense and this is somewhat true cuz otherwise..i'm making a fool out of myself >_<)

for the poster...same, it's the brushes and how you use the blending options.

gahh i give up who am i to act like i know it >_< sorry if i made you even more confused..... TTOTT let's just hope jasonyc won't slap me over the head for being such an idiot

oh yea, i would like to know how you make those too :)

<3ah bao

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how do u make ur fonts like this??...Daddy, guess what im pregnant


credits to karinojjang

Did you want the colour effect of the bubble effect? For the bubble just do what ___gone said :)

For the colour, I would prefer using gradient overlay, rather than pattern overlay, but I guess there are different ways of doing it ^__^

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Guest dendrobium.

Did you want the colour effect of the bubble effect? For the bubble just do what ___gone said :)

For the colour, I would prefer using gradient overlay, rather than pattern overlay, but I guess there are different ways of doing it ^__^

yeah..it's a easier way to do it..lol..why didn't I think of that? :w00t:

yelinoh You need to play around with photoshop before you find something that suits you. There is some tutorials you can find on the net. It will give you idea for making icons and you'll learn the basic of making icons too. Go with LJ.

I don't think we can tell exactly how Amber and Dolce made them. Wjhen you know the basic, you'll be able to make beautoful icons soon.

I'm not helpful, I know...



The ice-feeling of a graphic, I don't know how other does, but I use to combine different textures, color overlay and different blending option. Brushes help too.

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^ ah ohkay

but as stupid as this mite sound. How do you use brushes? Like do u just pick a color and start brushing on ur graphic. or do u make a new layer. do you make it on a different part and copy and paste and then over lay. just how do u use it?

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Guest bitememonster

^ haha i can help you with that! yay!

1. make a new layer

2. pick the brush you want to use

3. pick the color you want to use

4. use the brush however you like it

5. you could play around with the blending options(optional)

i think that's about it and no, you don't have to copy&paste anything

hehe^_^ uhm i have a very noobie question =_=

i was learning how to make a pic within a pic and uhh i got stuck at the part where you use that drop shadow thing. how do you apply a drop shadow to a layer? :mellow:

<3ah bao

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Guest dendrobium.

^ ah ohkay

but as stupid as this mite sound. How do you use brushes? Like do u just pick a color and start brushing on ur graphic. or do u make a new layer. do you make it on a different part and copy and paste and then over lay. just how do u use it?

i don't think it's stupid.

Do it like c iZzLe gO zZz said. I have a tips, when you use textures, create a new layer below the textures and just add the brush you want. That way, the brush (color = black) you add will have same colors as your graphic. No need to change blending option if you want to. If you don't want to do it, just drag that layer over the top of the textures-layers.

If you know this already...then ignore my post - B)

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Guest infinityyy

O_O those banner, icons, and poster are amazing :D

hmm..well, i am not a really good photoshop person(in other words, i am an amateur) but i know some things about making posters. well, you see all the graphics are based on different kinds of brushes(i hope i am making sense and this is somewhat true cuz otherwise..i'm making a fool out of myself >_<)

for the poster...same, it's the brushes and how you use the blending options.

all graphics are based on brushes?? O_O i never knew that. denng im slow.

newhoo; how do you posterize pictures into different colors such as this one: posterized poster

*credits to starbrite

if anyone kan help me with paintshop pro, please do! but if you can't, i can manage with photoshop

=) thanks bunches!

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Guest dendrobium.

That's not true. Not all graphics are based on brushes. Some graphic designers just blend pictures and the outcome is different. Others also create filters.

Agree ! It's how you put things together, find suitable things/blend-options/filters.

sweettart88 I'm not 100 % sure what starbrite did there, but I believe she used filters, i forgot what it was...

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Guest bitememonster

^ ooh I can help you (I think.) Where they show you the layers and stuph. Right click the icon of the layer you want to attach a dropshadow to> Blending options>right click drop shadow

waahhh thanks so much!! oh yea, people please just ignore my post about the graphics were based on brushes >_< i wasn't thinking straight!

<3ah bao

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