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Photoshop Tutorials And Requests

Guest jasonyc

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Guest JustOne

you know for these banners, what do you use to make the backgrounds ?????

like kiki said it was a brush (when i find that site i'll give it to u)..after i use that brush i also use a different brush..a text brush or sparky

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Guest beautifulsin

I downloaded the brushes, and all went well until I tried loading them onto my photoshop. It says the brush file is not compatible with my version of adobe photoshop. What am I supposed to do? =T

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^ well... You can't really do much because the brush isn't compatible. You need a more updated version of Photoshop to use those brushes. To avoid this from happening, make sure you read what version of photoshop the brushes were made in and suitable for so you're not wasting your time downloading things that won't work.

Unless there's a way that you can still use them, but I don't know.

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Guest Justalilodreamer

How do you use the textures that you just downloaded off a site?

is it like an image? ...if so , i think you need to open it on ps and define as brush?

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Guest TiFFaNiZeD

this thread is soo useful !! and thanks everyone<3 for the wonderful tutorials and responds for beginners like me :D but i still have a quesition tho...are textures and brush the same thing ??? how do you use the textures???

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Guest dork.sauce

How do you use the textures that you just downloaded off a site?

On the Layers Palette, there should be a drop down list and the first thing it hasd is 'normal' Choose one of those settings for textures. That's what i do >.< It's for image textures though.. Is there nay other kind of texture? :huh:

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Guest Muddie Murda

Making Blinkies Muddie Murda's Way...

This is the way I make my blinkies. Doing things my way requires ALOT of patient. If you do not have enough patients...do not attempt anything. -_- Please.............................

Program Requirements:


-Paint Shop Pro

-Animation Shop

Our Goal:



1) We will be using this picture. Usually, I can work with any picture, pixelated or not, I can fix it up in photoshop a bit.


2) Resize it to about a good blinkie size picture. Just focus on his head. Don't make it too big or too small.


You can "enhance" your picture with effects/brighten/contrast/whatever. Do this now if you'd like to fix up your picture.

3) The cutting! Zoom in until you have a good view. Then select the "Lasso" tool.


4) Cut a nice smooth shape around his head. This may take SEVERAL tries.


If you cut a shape that is ALMOST perfect, keep it.


Notice a not so smooth part. Do not worry! Go to "select" at the top menu, and click on "inverse.” This would inverse your selection. With the "Lasso" tool again and while holding down your "Shift" key, draw around the messed up part.

DO NOT FORGET YOUR SHIFT KEY! It's your best friend!


This would cut out the messed up part, giving you a chance to start over on that part again.


Go back up to "select" and "inverse" your selection. With your "lasso" tool and While holding down your shift key, redraw the smooth edge. If it's not perfect, undo it, and try again.


If you made your shape, but have a little tiny spot that isn't selected such as the example below...


With your lasso tool and while holding down your shift key, just draw around that left over spot.


[blinkie tutorial continue 2]

6) Okay! So you have your selected cut out shape! Go to "Edit" at the top menu and select "copy merged.”

7) Go to "file" at the top menu, and click "new.” Make your new document around 300x200.

8) Go to "Edit" > "Paste"

9) Now to stroke your cut out picture. Go to "edit" > "Stroke.” Use the below info.


10) Go back to "edit" > Stoke then use the below info.


11) Look at your cut out shape. Is it smooth like you wanted? Yes??? Skip down to step 17...If not, use a cheating tool. :D


12) The cheating tool. It's not really a cheating tool, I just call it that. It's really an eraser. :P On your history, go back to the part right before you did the 2 stroking. Like when you first pasted the cut shaped into the new document.

13) Click on the "eraser" tool, and select the following brush. NOTHING ELSE! (well you can go smaller if you want, but use THAT style brush only, not the ones that looks like the one after I have selected below.


14) Remember when after you stroked it, you noticed a not so smooth spot? Zoom in, and carefully erase just a LITTLE, and I mean little little, part of it.

15) After that, go back to the steps where you start stroking again. After the stroke, if it's still not smooth like you wanted, undo it and use the cheating tool once more.


You're cut out picture is now perfect with a strokes! Now you must add text!

17) For text, "the bigger text" you can use any font you want. Just make sure the "strong" or "Sharp" is selected. You can mess around w/ the "tracking" to bring the letters closer together for a better look.


18) On your Layer Palette, right click on the text you've just created and click "blending options.”


19) On the left hand side, Check the box "Stroke" and select it to see the options. I usually make my big text a size "2" with strokes. Not too big, not too small. Since my aim is for a black stroke, I chose the black color.


20) I've decided to be lazy and just use a gradient to decorate my big text. Check the "Gradient Overlay" box and click on it to view the options. Click on "preview" so you can preview your text while you mess around w/ the option. After you've selected the colors you want your gradient to be, mess w/ the "angle" to even out the colors on the text.


21) Click Ok on those and then move the "big text" to where you want it to be on your blinkie.

22) Now, we worry about the "small text" or "subtext.” My favorite font to use for this is "04b_03.” Make sure the following are selected:


[blinkie tutorial continue 3]

23) I used black for the subtext, just to show you where it is. Now select your text and change it to white color. On your "Layer palette,” right click on the subtext and click "blending options.”


Stroke it with the following info. (Again the color is your choice)



24) Does it look okay so far?? You're almost done with this part...Since it's your special blinkie you've created, you want your name on it right?? Using a pixel font (I favor 04b, size 8, and "none" :D ) type in your name. Make sure this is white, and drag it somewhere close to the other texts but not messing up your future dots. (I made mines black just so you can see where I placed my name.)


25) Now on the Layer Palette, click on the eye for both of the subtext and your name text layers. This will hide them.


26) Make sure one of the showing layers (w/ the eye) is selected. Go to "layers" at the top and go down to "merge visible.”


27) On the Layer Palette, right click on the merged layer, and go to "blending options." Check the "stroke" box and click on it for option. Use the following info:


This will keep the strokes you've made before, nice and smooth.

After this, click back to show the eyes next to the text you hid before!! Don't forget!!

28) Go to File > Save > name it > drop down to "GIF" > save to a place where you can find it.

It should look something similar to this:


Wah-lah! You're almost half way done. -_- Now you're done w/ Photoshop. You can close it out if you like. We will now be using Animation Shop and Paintshop pro.

29) Open up your GIF file in "animation shop.” Right click on it > Copy

30) Open up paintshop pro > paste

31) Using the "Dot" tutorial I made weeks before, paint in your dots!!


This is really tricky, and takes a lot more patience. Pick a style, pattern you'd like your dots to flow.

32) After all that hard work, you would open up the layer palette if you haven't already. Right-click on one of the layers > go to merge > Merge visible


33) Copy it, and paste it into "Animation Shop"


[blinkie tutorial continue 4]

34) Animating time!! Like I said earlier...I was lazy, so I'm just going to make the subtext blink, but in a nice way. :D


First, select the colors you would use to blinke the subtext with. I've chosen 3 shades, excluding white. For the darkest shade, I had selected a color from the big text, just to match the rest of the blinkie.


To keep up with your shades, click on the "custom colors" box, select your darkest shade color, and click on "add custom.” Do this again for the next lighter shade, and the next. You can use as many shades as you want, But I'm just using 3.


35) After you've selected your colors, right click on frame number 1, copy it, and press "ctrl+shift+L.” This would paste the image after the current one. Paste a few frames. If you need more, you can add more to it later.


36) Make sure your color is on the darkest shade. Click on the "fill tool,” zoom in to about 2:1 or 3:1, or closer. Whatever suits you. Begin filling in the letters on each frame with that dark shade color.


Make sure you're on the right frame. On each frame, color in the next letter, and the next, and so on. You might need to add more frames (copy and paste the image) if you run out of frames before you finish the fill on the last letter.

37) Next, go to the next shade color. You would be filling in the letters that was before the darker shade. Like below:



Your last shade should be the plain blinkie you had first started with.


38) For the speed, it is set on default, which is "10.” We want to speed up the blinking.


Go to Edit > select all

Then go to animation > Frame properties > set to 7


[blinkie tutorial continue 5]

39) On the last frame, click on it, and go to animation > frame properties

I will set it to 100, so the blinkie has time to pause, before it blinks again.


40) After all the speed is set, go to Animation > Animation Properties > Looping > select "repeat the animation indefinitely.”


41) Go to File > Save > name it > save > click on "customize" and make sure the following is set:


42) Make sure the setting is set to "better image quality" then click next.


It'll then give you the basic info such as the size and how long it'll take to load. Click Finish.


You are SOOO done!

That's it! You should get something that looks like this:


TIPS - DO’s and DON’Ts - with the help of alicee – [if it’s mean, then it’s her tip not mines. :D j/k]

1) Cut the picture out 'peacefully'. Cut it out, so you don't get the feeling that it's 'rough' or uneven. Every art piece needs to be balance, no matter what they are: paintings, drawings, graphics, blinkies, etc. Cutting out the person, don’t leave too much space to the side or on top unless on the bottom, that’s where you plan to add the big text.

Cutting is not the most fun…

I have to cut mines 10-100 times before I find the right cut shape for some of mines. :(

2) Take your time! You're hands will hurt, but the results will be better!

3) On jumping dots, do dot by dot. T_T not 10 dots by 10 dots...


5) Do make sure to freakin resize the blinkie before you put text -_-" gosh


Good luck with this…and MY TUTORIAL! Steal, then you…you will have bad karma and Muddie will hate you forever! ^_^ <3!

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Yay! It's up again! I remember you posted this on old soompi :P

I like your dos and don'ts. Haha.

Thanks, even though I already know how to make blinkies like that =]

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Guest Mademoisella

OMGGG!!! i dunno what is wrong with my PS!!!! okay I'm trying to blend but everytime I blend, it seems like it's not right. I'm just cutting it, the point is, that's not how it used to be. It used to seem like something else.

EXAMPLE: (okay the pic look big, but even if it was small, it's still the same)



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Guest dork.sauce


And i was wondering if anyone can make a rounded border tutorial? >.< I apologise if it's to much trouble

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Guest hEy_iTz_LiSa

i know a lot of backrounds culd be made from brushes, but can anyone tell me how to make those really nice backrounds like the one on beautifulsin's banner with eric? =] THANKS x] im going crazy >< i can't get backrounds right ><;;

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Guest dork.sauce

i know a lot of backrounds culd be made from brushes, but can anyone tell me how to make those really nice backrounds like the one on beautifulsin's banner with eric? =] THANKS x] im going crazy >< i can't get backrounds right ><;;

you should just try expreimenting ^^ You'll never know what you're going to get

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i know a lot of backrounds culd be made from brushes, but can anyone tell me how to make those really nice backrounds like the one on beautifulsin's banner with eric? =] THANKS x] im going crazy >< i can't get backrounds right ><;;

It looks more like filtering so you should experiment with everything to get results.

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Guest dork.sauce

about Muddie Murda tut^ is it that we must haf Animation Shop? and if so where can we download it?

when i first followed her tut i used IMage Ready, and it works out, but dificult to understand to get it to blink (for me) So i guess you DON'T need animation shop

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Guest hEy_iTz_LiSa

o.0 i haf two request ^^

can anyone make a tutorial on howda make the fonts or words more fancy like... i can't make it anything but plain... like...make it with outlines and stuff... i can't do that -.-

and if its possible, can anyone make a tutorial on howda use imageready... i haf no clue how that thing works -.- sorry and thanks ^^

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