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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Too cute the contrast between the two reactions...

From surprise and uncertainty...


To surprise and eagerness :)


Oh what a difference one eventful evening in Busan makes :wub:


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Guest Elzabar

Too cute the contrast between the two reactions...

From surprise and some uncertainty...


To surprise and eagerness :)


Oh what a difference one eventful evening in Busan makes :wub:


Wow, you continue to amaze me with your pics and insight. Awesome pics and couldn't agree with you more....

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We should  lock the 2 up in a room with no cameras. Let SY parade all the sexy dresses in front  of JH. Get it out of the system. And JH better get that 8 pecs ready. He should be topless like in Fluttering India whenever they have 'bed scenes' Tit for tat. Since  SY went all sexy on us, JH should do the same. Woohoo. Hot hot hot.

thumbbbsss upppppp for this!!

yes,,,,, then theyll do JUDO ... then whoever looses will drink two glasses of apple juice...

CALL! I really love this idea a lot, let me put all these  keywords on some formula:


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Guest AoiYagami

We should  lock the 2 up in a room with no cameras. Let SY parade all the sexy dresses in front  of JH. Get it out of the system. And JH better get that 8 pecs ready. He should be topless like in Fluttering India whenever they have 'bed scenes' Tit for tat. Since  SY went all sexy on us, JH should do the same. Woohoo. Hot hot hot.

thumbbbsss upppppp for this!!

yes,,,,, then theyll do JUDO ... then whoever looses will drink two glasses of apple juice...

CALL! I really love this idea a lot, let me put all these  keywords on some formula:


Thanks for the fanfic idea guys... kekeke. Can we make him a vampire also?

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Do you think JH looked bothered having to wait for SY to get instructions by the player on how to throw the ball? I didn't know for sure, but he didn't look happy having to wait. The player himself looked smitten by SY though...eye smiling and all, but SY was completely oblivious to it it seems. I think that is what JH worries about, she is kind of innocent to her charms and that is what concerns JH (but that is also what he loves about her)...am I wrong here? 

 @burningwithlove I too am open to admitting I'm wrong...I'd rather have the truth of the matter than be strong in an erroneous opinion. I agree with others now that say he was bothered by the dress. In fact, I had to laugh watching the gifs of it. He looks up and away (like japan) and his expression was a combination of "I'm attracted and a little nervous" (like I don't know what to do, in their first meeting). Not just the japan moment...but take it back to the very first meeting. In the school room afterwards his mouth did the same thing and he did the same kind of awkward head bob. Nervous and attracted. I can see that there was no place he could touch her though, so he kept his hand close to her, but on his own knee. She would habitually lean into him at a time he would have touched her on the leg...but it was a bare leg LOL! 

YES! I got the distinct vibe that he was not okay with the interaction between the two AND he looked like he was really trying to "hold it in" because it's a "virtual marriage" and all this stuff is for an "event".  But, I got the a very REAL sense that, given the right opportunity, >>>he would have said the same EXACT thing he said to SY's appa when he said, "you've gotten prettier". <<<  

^^^ and this statement by *me* [lol] is why I was saying that I'd really like to see the subs first before saying more than "I got a very different *vibe* of a bothered JH" in this last episode.  I, at least, agreed with you, Happy, that others can kinda *pretend* there's no *change* in JH but, from what I saw, I cannot say that....  Then we get a FEW translations, and I'm kinda floored myself.  I didn't, at first, believe that he could have such a, to me, severe reaction to a mere *dress*, but words don't lie.  That's what he said.  He said it to her directly and he repeated in the BRI, so what can I do but shrug and say, yep, that dress really did bother him that much....  

But the thing about ^^^this isn't bad to me.  In fact, as I think about it past the disappointment that he has a hard time moving past certain things, it's really a GOOD thing he is like this.  Let's look at this critically shall we? We all know certain "Male Types" and their "dating styles".  The "possessive and controlling" man is one of those types.  That isn't a bad thing in general.  It all depends on the degrees they take it.  Besides, there a "Female Types" and their "dating styles" who are "passive" and love to be "submissive" and "controlled" by their man.  

SO.........   Let's all backtrack here on our couple.  From the start, SY expressed that as a person/girl she is easygoing but when it comes to "dating style" she likes to date a man who "controls" the conversation, activities, and direction of the relationship.  CHECK that this is the kind of girl that doesn't mind a possessive/controlling kind of guy.  

AND THEN, go back from the beginning and let's just check off some of the ways JH showed, WHEN HE MEETS THE RIGHT WOMAN, he's not only jealous BUT controlling. [It doesn't matter what JH thought about himself at this point, because all those things he said went out the window on pretty much day one with SY] He tells her to make a promise and she "can't" be "interested" in her NEXT suitor.  He tells her she shouldn't wear short skirts because he doesn't want other men to look at her legs.  When male students shout to her that she is "pretty" he tells her she can only look at him.  Even if he acknowledges another guy is "attractive" she's not allowed to acknowledge his "attractiveness" back.  She must only find him attractive.  When they go out, even if she says she's dressing that way for him, he needs to remind her that she's showing legs.  He'd prefer she not wear too high of heels to not accentuate her legs for others to see.  Other men, including her father, are not allowed to openly acknowledge her "beauty" in front of him.  He's the only one that's allowed to say these kinds of things.  ...and he has said these things over and over and over....  

...so, YEP, I guess this is a serious matter for him... but what is even MORE serious about this is this is what REAL boyfriends who are REALLY dating do with their women.  He's not gonna do this with others, and most likely, based on his own statements, he's not "acted" jealous or controlling because he never felt a reason to do such things.  But, this is a serious thing and I don't know what others are seeing because he had a very "pointed" reaction to her attire based on what I've read and seen since the "live" broadcast.  

...BUT THIS IS A GOOD THING.... For me, it just 100% confirms he has "FEELINGS" for her.  I'm not saying that means they're dating or going to date, I mean EXACTLY what I'm saying, "JH HAS REAL FEELINGS FOR SY". PERIOD.  ...because if he doesn't, it makes 100% ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE for him to have these kinds of reactions to her on this "VARIETY" show.


I'm okay with having my mind changed on things as well.  I thought that his distance might have been due to the "intensity" of Busan because, from my perspective, getting upset over a dress seemed kind of ridiculous.  But, I cannot deny JH own words, so, what can I do but change my mind on this matter, whether I agree with his attitude, like his attitude or not.  It's his own words and attitude, and I just have to accept that.  ...But I must say that after seeing some of the translations and going back to the timeline in my mind, it would seem that the only real thing that got to him was her dress, because honestly, that baseball game was a week after Busan, so, if he was gonna start distancing himself because of that trip he would have done it at the baseball game, and I didn't see any of that.  I mean, behind the scenes they were all hands, but in front of 1,000 of watchful eyes they were STILL affectionate just not overtly doing skinship.  It was respectful in general and gave a very comfortable, friendly vibe.  Nothing wrong with any of it.  Very JongYeon-esque in my opinion.  So, okay yeah it's most likely 3 weeks from seeing each other to the wedding and maybe awkward, but they "talk" behind the scenes, they admit that, and it never caused conflict before when they had time between shoots... so what is left for him to act that way... Well, he told us....  Her dress, "I cannot accept it."  ...as some have said, he is really pretty simple-minded when it comes to his attitude toward women and dating, plus straight-forward and opinionated and has no problem expressing his own "truth" regarding his feelings. lol...

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I may not always understand!  Sometimes, I may have questions!  Often I am searching for the things I see and feel while watching them.  Moments where I am touched and write about how JH & SY moved something within me.  From episode to episode all the ups & downs!  All the uncertainty, the melons, WGM and the mid week dark clouds! The only thing my heart is sure of is they were no accident.  From the first moment I saw them I thought these two hearts were somehow already tied together and meant to be.  Just watching them is exciting sets off romantic feelings within me!  Feelings I had forgotten, covered up because of time or to busy to set them free.  Just like last week when I watched the soft moonlight shine upon their faces it took my breath away!  No posts or words could do them justice for the amount of body language & emotions that were running deep within them, those feelings we could and couldn't see.  It may be magic, destiny, luck or a blessing from above! All I know is what I feel and that has never changed that somehow like a miracle they are real and in love and I have to remind myself, that in itself should be enough for me...........

Thanks & Credit to aprilmaesar :wub:

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@ErieBee yeps, it is the most simple formula but yet, the result might be really somethin that both of them and us [BROWNIES] been waiting for :D



omona really likes the idea brownie babies...  They should be really beautiful babies. with fair skin, sharp nose, deep dimples and of course brown eyes like their parents.

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omona really likes the idea brownie babies...  They should be really beautiful babies. with fair skin, sharp nose, deep dimples and of course brown eyes like their parents.


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They had a female mascot and a male mascot, right?  During this scene and the one when they actually were on the field, that "female" mascot was distracting af and I was actually getting irritated by her.  I'm suspecting that it's not a dude playing a female mascot because when JH was massaging SY the mascot kept touching JH and massaging him, while the male mascot kept his distance from SY.  It was 100% annoying to the point I was like, this mascot must be a "fangirl" and is totally trying to take advantage of the situation.  It was taking away from the intimate cute moments that they were having and I could sense that JH was getting bothered by it but was respectfully not saying anything since "film" was running.  Then on the field when she turned and kissed JH and, if he hadn't moved away, she'd have done it on the lips, I was even more bothered.  I mean, you're playing for the crowd and all but they are filming WGM and you are insinuating yourself in the middle in such a hugely awkward fashion.  Had I been at the stadium I would have run onto the field and tackled her and said, "you know, back off and get your ticket to a fan-meeting and wait in line.... this isn't your place to try stealing the 'limelight', you know?"  lol


Me and my friends were talking about that when the pics first came out way back then..we were like there's no way that is not a girl..unless the guy is not straight..or he was taking his job a little too seriously..the mascot was totally all over him..kissing him a few times and touching him.and basically was by his side the whole time..lol

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Guest mnjhs775

Morning guys!! Ok so I don't know if this has been mentioned here, but I read a post on dc and someone was saying that in the scene where they're watching the jingoo video, you can see jongyeon holding hands in the reflection from their sunglasses lenses LOL. So I had a look, and yep, it was there :wub: it wasn't like the whole intertwined fingers and what not, but yeah it was just nice HAHAH 

have a nice day everyone!

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omona really likes the idea brownie babies...  They should be really beautiful babies. with fair skin, sharp nose, deep dimples and of course brown eyes like their parents.


Mwahahaha, look at us now! We're here busy preparing for the second generation of BEBabies, ppftttt. But WAE 10 Years? It's too long..make it erm, 2 years from now? LOL. 

ah to think of it, if were going with the "rational" time line. Currently JH is 25 yo right, which means he is 26 YO by korean years. and his hyung, YH is 27 YO by korean years. In another 2 years, probably they will go  to serve for MS. Coz i remember in one interview, that they will enroll the MS together. Of course that would make more sense to do the MS together, so their absent will be simultaneously.  So says, JH would be entering the MS by the time he's 28 YO by korean year, and he's gonna be out by 30 YO on korean year. So he's gonna be around again 4 years from now. Aish, maths makes me headache. If  4 years were too long to walks down on aisle with SY. Why don't you just walk down the aisle this year JH?you know, while the iron is still striking hot, LOL

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