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[Drama 2014-2015] Pinocchio, 피노키오

Go Seung Ji

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OMG!! I knew that the rating for ep 4 definitely increase after following the live screencaps and recaps yestersay night!!ep 4 is AWESOME and the pace of the story is so good!even better than ep 3! so happy!! So happy for the drama crew! let dance :bz \:D/ another week of waiting seems so long :( pinocchio fighting

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Episode 4 had me crying and laughing and then crying even harder again.Lee JongSuk really knows how to get my tear ducts motivated to do work doesn't he?

First of all, the scene on the rooftop is so flipping cuteeeeeee!!!!!! So happy they showed it again from the dad's point of view. I'm seriously liking this dad! Although he and InHa may bicker all the time, he loves her with all his heart and wants to protect her and give her the best that life has to offer her. His keeping her away from the broadcasting world (and hence her mother) was his way of protecting her from what would have been 13 years of heartbreak - of knowing that her mother was ignoring her for her career.
Second, OMG THE BUS SCENE!!!!!!! I have never before cried at a bus scene before. Not even when the characters are staring out the window all sad and teary eyed. Never! And here I am just breaking down into tears because OMG the love between Haraboji and DalPo is amazing. It just goes to show that not all important relationships are blood ones. The family you are born to are suppose to love you unconditionally, but if, for some reason - like InHa's mom, chooses not too, a person who shares not even a drop of blood with you can become someone extremely important. 
Do I even have to talk about the TOAST KISS??? (yes that required caps!!!) Ughhhh!!!!! I knew the writer-nim was just trolling us!!! There was no way he/she was going to have us have our super squeal worthy moment so early in the series. WAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?????? :(( :(( :((
I can't say I'm really feeling the second lead right now because I want DalPo and InHa to be together so badly (a point I will later get back to), but he seems okay for now. Honestly, I kind of just want him to be the friend on the side. Someone InHa can depend on while she's working in Seoul. But no, seriously, I'm going to be extremely angry if the writer's don't keep cannon. I need my DalPo/InHa!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW that debate was on FIRE!!!!! Why would they show that particular story???  :( Poor DalPo T_T To find out about his father this way was just too cruel. I cried so much when he was on the rooftop. Poor baby =((
And lastly (for now keke :P) INHA HICCUPED WHEN SHE SAID SHE DIDN'T LIKE DALPO THAT WAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*flies to chunguk*  =)) =)) =)) OMOMOMOMOMO InHa-yah! You're just too cute! But thank you for saving viewers a lot of heartache by (indirectly) admitting you have something more than familial feelings for DalPo!!!!!!!P.S. Did anyone watch ep. 5 preview and understand? From what the subs said, and from my personal interpretation, it seems like InHa told DalPo the reason for her hiccups!!!!! And she said "sorry, I'll try to control my feelings", but then....but then....THEN!!!!! DalPo said, "what will happen if you don't" so so so so so..............DOES THAT MEAN WE MIGHT GET A CONFESSION BY EPISODE FIVE?????? OMO!!!!!I think that would be seriously DAEBAK!!!!! :)) :)) :))And then the rest of the drama can be about the Dal-Ha couple and how they're dealing with their relationship and of course, DalPo's backstory.

LOL I'm getting excited just for thinking about it!!!!!!!!!Hehehe :DSorry for the long post, but please understand that I'm trying to contain all my feels.Wednesday, please hurry and come here so we can have episode 5!!!!!!!

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[Drama Review] 'Pinocchio' - Episode 3


November 20, 2014


Pinocchio - Episode 3

The episodes keep improving as we get better acquainted with both our lovable main leads and their sad family dynamics.

This episode was a particularly emotional, heartbreaking one for me. I'm a sucker for parent-related issues, and when we're shown how Dal Po and In Ha are denied the parental love they so desperately want, it strikes a chord within me.

This episode is titled "Snow Queen," and it appears that "Snow Queen" is none other than In Ha's ice-cold mother, Cha Ok. I like how this episode was structured around Cha Ok--how it showed more of her work ethic, her interactions with her daughter, and how much of a powerful influence she is on both of our lead characters. While she can inspire or break In Ha's will to become a reporter, she can fuel Dal Po to want to become a reporter himself in defiance of Cha Ok's own work.

And Cha Ok is certainly what you would call a frosty person. Yet as much as she hurts In Ha and as much as it hurts to watch In Ha hurting, I can't help but like Cha Ok. As her coworkers mention in the episode, Cha Ok is one of the first women to be a department chief and an anchor in the news world. Sure, Cha Ok manipulates information and lies in order to gain views for her news station, but she's obviously a hard worker and an ambitious woman who lets nothing get in the way of her career. I find that admirable in some aspects. Flawed, but admirable. She definitely seems like a formidable opponent for both of our leads, and I look forward to the day when she finally levels with them and freely expresses herself without her ice-cold front getting in the way.

Aside from our antagonist of sorts, the episode also develops our protagonists, who have just the most adorable quirks. From In Ha's hiccups to Dal Po's tendency to talk to random objects (last episode it was his piggy bank), they make a youthful, silly, yet passionate pair heading into the news world. How will they fare against the likes of Cha Ok? Can In Ha be a reporter even when she has to be honest 100% of the time? How will Dal Po handle the world of broadcasting, which he absolutely loathes? We'll have to wait and see!



We open with this heartbreaking scene, which, although is a typical wakeup scene for most, is sadly not a reality for Dal Po. 


We find out what Dal Po actually thinks happened to his hyung. Explains why he wouldn't look for him now. 


This moment was great. Just makes you realize what a happy, loving family they were prior to the fire accident. This family could never imagine hurting one other and being torn apart until that fateful night. 


Dal Po's face when he's almost convinced that the dream is real. Agh. My breaking heart. 


Of course it's not the tablecloth he's feeling, but In Ha's dress. Would find this moment hilarious except I'm too busy crying into a puddle of feels. Poor, poor Dal Po. 


Whoa, we're already that far into the future? Is this the present then? Feel like I missed some kind of time jump cue card. 


Awwwww. In Ha's firm belief in her mom is so lovely but so sad. 



Turns out the girlfriend Dal Po mentioned to his grandpa is actually his GPS Hye Sung. The voice actress? None other than Lee Bo Young! Ah, my 'I Hear Your Voice' feels. 

(P.S. I failed to mention this before, but to those who were wondering, 'Pinocchio' was written and directed by the same people who worked on 'I Hear Your Voice'! Both were written by Park Hye Ryun and directed by Jo Soo Won. Explains the similar cast--Lee Jong Suk, Kim Kwang Kyu, and Kim Hae Sook--as well as the cameos!) 


To be honest if I were the dad and my adopted brother seemed to be harboring feelings for my daughter, I'd be concerned, too! 


Dal Po's attempt to cheer In Ha up by selling his dream is adorable. 


Even more adorable is that he gives her his button, which she makes into a necklace! This pair is so precious. I smell future drama merchandise. 


That moment when In Ha gets a text message from her "mom". I HAD SUCH HOPE. 


This poor guy and his judging face witnessing Dal Po's crazy.




AWWWW. The way she says this to herself mentally. I die. 


Well, I think Cha Ok has a point here. It's a harsh test, but In Ha needs to prove that she'll be able to get information as a reporter. Hopefully in the future, In Ha can come up with a creative way to still get that information without needing to lie. 


Gaaaaaaaasp. That was COLD. Cha Ok, I like you and all but--


Seo Beom Jo (Kim Young Kwang) makes his appearance as the receiver of In Ha's text-spams. Seriously bro, you couldn't tell her she had the wrong number or something after all these years?


The things In Ha wishes her mom said. 




WHAT ARE THE CHANCES--I guess pretty high, considering that he's in front of her workplace....


But dayum, what are the chances of THIS?! Jae Myeong starts to piece together what actually happened the night of the fire accident.


And his anger continues to boil. I swear this boy is gonna do something drastic. 


While In Ha mourns the loss of her mother figure, Dal Po remembers his. 


Haha, I like how In Ha can be such a fail sometimes, even failing to burn her books properly. 


Bro, you wanna meet someone who's been texting you for thirteen years thinking you were her mother? Something tells me you might be kinda crazy. 


And you're encouraging this?! You're even crazier. 


The moment our leads decide to become reporters together and face off Cha Ok. 

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Pinocchio" Episode 4



Having thoroughly established what it means to be a bad parent, this time "Pinocchio" works out what it means to be a good parent. Dal-po and In-ha may be adults, but they're still living at home, and this crazy idea of becoming reporters is a bit hard to reconcile with what their fathers expect from them. Or is it? While the turnabout here is technically surprising from the perspective of our leads, in broad perspective it's not all that difficult to see at all. Parents don't exist to be pleased by their children. They're their to help their kids out, and that's exactly what happens here.

It's pretty sweet stuff after the wringer In-ha went through last episode. We haven't actually seen much in regards to filial relationships since the first episode, with the family that was ceremoniously destroyed. It's nice to see, though, that even an obviously nontraditional family like this one can still back up and support each other when times are rough. Pay attention to Dal-po here in the moment where he realizes that Gong-pil's love is genuinely unconditional.

Aside from that, we finally get a close look at the secondary leads- Beom-jo (played by Kim Yeong-kwang) and Yoon-rae (played by Lee Yoo-bi). Unfortunately all we really know about Yoon-rae is that she's enthusiastic and driven. Beom-jo, by contrast, is an obvious foil for the drama's greater theme of lies and the truth. He's deliberately hiding the fact that he knows an unusually great deal about In-ha. This is mainly because he kind of comes off like a stalker, even if Beom-jo's access to her personal information was acquired by accident.

All of this comes to an abrupt head with the discussion of journalism ethics which makes up the greater part of the climax. The very fact that Gyo-dong (played by Lee Pil-mo) is willing to have this discussion in the first place creates an obvious contrast between his understanding of reporting and Cha-ok's. Cha-ok wouldn't accept a debate founded on critical ethical inquiry. She'd expect the answer to simply be "no" and dismiss anyone impertinent enough to disagree.

The parallels are really all over the place. Even though the cast members here all have completely different motivation, their understanding of the distinction and relevance between truth and reality makes up an essential part of their character. It's hard to ignore, for example, that Dal-po and Beom-jo are both passively telling big lies to In-ha even though their motives to her are perfectly friendly. Of course, there's one lie exposed here that isn't going to be forgiven- and how the characters react to that is what looks most likely to define the actual plot at this point.

Review by William Schwartz

"Pinocchio" is directed by Jo Soo-won and Sin Seung-woo, written by Park Hye-ryeon and features Lee Jong-suk, Park Shin-hye, Kim Yeong-kwang, Lee Yoo-bi, Lee Pil-mo, Kang Shin-il and many more.

Watch on DramaFever

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Why do i find the second male lead to be such a stalker/creep despite being a good looking one but still ... ? I mean he basically chatted with her on the pretense of being In Ha's mother which totally humiliated her, follows her around and does he now want to try to be in a relationship with her. 
I'm not just saying this because Dal Po and In Ha must be endgame, just my thoughts. 
On another note, the writers have definitely struck gold with park shin hye's and Lee Jong Suk's chemistry. I just love the way that dal-po reacts to the second male lead winking at her or just glancing her way.  This is definitely one of the best new k-dramas right now and I'm happy that the ratings reflect that. Pinnochio fighting!

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Now that I have watched fully subbed episode, more spazzing..

But I am always spazzing about LJS and then PSH. But right now I am going to spazz about rest of it.

1) Grandpa - I have seen this actor before. If you have been watching Kdramas the I have in the last two years now, it is kind of difficult not to recognize actors. You have seen them somewhere. But this character of his I will always remember. He is superb. Just so awesome. When writers write great characters, they do bring out the best out of actors. This is so true for almost all the actors in this series.

2) Dad - The quirks of his face! HA! The whole shared toasted bread thing was really sexy. But the fact that the dad imagined it and it was fully formed in his head with all the erotism it represented and the movement of his eyes while imagining it all…It was just so fun. And the thoughtfulness of the way he speaks. So good.

3) Dal Po’s real brother - the way he cried…Ah!

4) The really fun reporter and camerawoman interactions! Pure gold!

5) So far our creepy second lead is just giving me the creeps but in a very silly way. In the sense that I giggle when he comes on the screen. I can not imagine it is not intentional. I am so curious to find out what is with him. I have seen him act and I do not have complaints about his acting. He is good which means, he is like this in this drama for a reason. I can’t wait to find out what it is. Also there is this very interesting, sugary sweetness in his relationship with his mother which I am kind of weirded out about. It feels less like doting mother more like slightly bent relationship. That is why I am even more curious.

6) The sasaeng fan I think is really cute. I really laughed out loud the way she was peeping and then the way she ran with such enthusiasm to the message board.

8) And how can I not mention Lee Pil Mo.  I have a feeling he will mentor our Dal Po and they will have a beautiful relationship…

Epic episode!  Perfect!

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Hai, guys.. I  have slept with dreaming about that "toast kiss".. Omoo...Sorry, always late for the party.. Ep 4, daebak!!!  There's always a big gap in feeling between watching recaps gif and seeing the motion pictures.. Whoaa... So heart breaking.. Everybody's hurt.. Don't cry Dal Po-ya.. :((  .. About Beom Jo.. I think he is a little strange, i  mean something not right about his personality.. I don't know, may be it's just my feeling.. Thanks again for all the chingus who's posting and comenting in this thread.. I really enjoy your accompany.. see you around chingus!!   ;;)

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Guest norakim

This drama shows that it's the right writer and direction that can bring out a actor's full potential. Park Shin Hye is showing how good a actress she is.

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Episode 4 is Daebak! I love all the cast, they all give colors to the drama, kudos to them, the writer and PD. and yes to the double digit TV rating, hopefully it keeps on increasing. They deserve it because the drama is just so good (with only 4 episodes, it feels like the best drama of 2014) and they are getting lots of positive reviews too. :x
I love the Choi family! They are the cutest! :)This drama is just fun and heartwarming! :x

Pinocchio Fighting! :-bd

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Can I just say I love this drama more and more? Its so flawless that I keep pausing it and replaying every dialogue and scene. So happy, cuz recently there havent been that good drama's. Hopefully the ratings will increase more by next week.

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Guest LaDadaista

One of the cute Dal-In scenes from EP4tumblr_nfclatrx7t1rngqpbo3_250.giftumblr_nfclatrx7t1rngqpbo1_250.gif
Source: http://hitoritabi.tumblr.com/post/103155640597/finally-this-scene
And this scene...LOL:)) :)) :))
Source: http://pienocchio.tumblr.com/post/103134211942/the-toast-kiss

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class="titleNews" style="font-size: 23px; font-weight: normal; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; font-family: arial, dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 28px; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-align: left; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;"[Ratings: Thurs, 11.20.14] ′Pinocchio′ Begins Catching Up to ′Mr. Back′

With the story getting more and more interesting with possible lovelines popping up, SBS′ Pinocchiosaw an increase in its ratings, stepping forward to catching up with MBC′s Mr. Back

Mr. Back recorded 11.1 percent, still at the top of the game, but right behind it was Pinocchio, which shot up to double digits with 10.4 percent. 

With both dramas having very interesting plots with amazing performances from the cast, the ratings battle is getting more and more fierce, especially with the high possibility that Pinocchio could flip the results in the coming episodes. 

[Ratings: Thurs, 11.20.14] ′Pinocchio′ Begins Catching Up to ′Mr. Back′

Thursday, November 20, 2014


1. MBC Mr. Back 11.2→11.1
2. SBS Pinocchio 9.4→10.4 
3. KBS King′s Face 7.1→6.1


1. KBS Happy Together 6.0

Photo Credit: SBS

Source: http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/81294/ratings-thurs-112014-pinocchio-begins-catching-up-to-mr-back

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class="titleNews"[Ratings: Thurs, 11.20.14] ′Pinocchio′ Begins Catching Up to ′Mr. Back′



With the story getting more and more interesting with possible lovelines popping up, SBS′ Pinocchio saw an increase in its ratings, stepping forward to catching up with MBC′s Mr. Back.

Mr. Back recorded 11.1 percent, still at the top of the game, but right behind it was Pinocchio, which shot up to double digits with 10.4 percent.

With both dramas having very interesting plots with amazing performances from the cast, the ratings battle is getting more and more fierce, especially with the high possibility that Pinocchio could flip the results in the coming episodes.

[Ratings: Thurs, 11.20.14] ′Pinocchio′ Begins Catching Up to ′Mr. Back′

Thursday, November 20, 2014


1. MBC Mr. Back 11.2→11.1
2. SBS Pinocchio 9.4→10.4
3. KBS King′s Face 7.1→6.1


1. KBS Happy Together 6.0

Photo Credit: SBS

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