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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Screenshots of the Teaser - Part 2
I went a bit crazy with the last part because they just looked so cute being embarrassed, and I love that cheekbone dimples! [羞嗒嗒][羞嗒嗒][羞嗒嗒] If they are already that embarrassed, are they going to dig a hole and hide when they have to commentate the bed scene?


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Guest uctqepe

@Noxn OF COURSE I am submitting my name!! will do, chingu :-* 
Why are they so shy about the hand? ;)) ;)) i guess they must have heard how we call that particular action ;)) ;))  tumblr_nlrmq0rWjj1txqz2wo1_1280.png

But Puppy looks so handsome here i wanna cryyyyyy :(( :(

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You must know how Happy I am with these pics, finally, I like how embarrassed PMY is with the holding hand scene, just imagin if the commentary was on ep 15 what will happen HAHAHA, and can I just say how BROAD is JCW shoulders now, he looks huge next to PMY and to the PDs :\">
A small question, do we have the commentary in video or just in voice over like some american shows!!!!

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I loooove you @sia3 :x Thank youuu! I was just about to post screenshots but you beat me to it. Anyway yours are much better. I couldn't seem to take any good shots because my hands were shaking from giddiness. :))

Ugh. How I miss them! Soooooooo much. I physically ache looking at them smiling and laughing and just being adorable. GOTTA REWATCH HEALER!

Btw, they totally look like they have the same hair color. :))

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I think we will see them commentate, just like the teaser. :)
I remember seeing commentary of another K-Drama, and the actors are sitting there watching the monitor & talk about it. :)

I miss them too! I was soooooooooooo depressed for Ta Hwan just now because I was watching EK's E21! :( Now I'm all cheered up by Healer again. Gaaahhhh, I LUB YOU, Healer-ah.
Is it weird that I even love the Healer logo?

The answer is YES. :D

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Guest mywebfoot

sia3 said: Screenshots of the Teaser - Part 2
I went a bit crazy with the last part because they just looked so cute being embarrassed, and I love that cheekbone dimples! [羞嗒嗒][羞嗒嗒][羞嗒嗒] If they are already that embarrassed, are they going to dig a hole and hide when they have to commentate the bed scene?

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@uctqepe Phew! Araso, chingu! :-*

GALS! The deadline for the form/poll will be on Saturday. So we can submit the list to the mods. :D

We'll go with the name Healerities, as per the majority's suggestions.

To everyone who hasn't signed up/voted yet, click here: http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/28389044/#Comment_2838904z

@sia3 Hahaha I remember how depressed I was during those tumultous times (EK eps 21-24) so I know what you mean! I luuuurve the logo too! You're not alone! (Btw, have you included your UN in the form above?) :)

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Guest mywebfoot

sia3 said: @mywebfoot
Yes and no, because the PD has made a cut of couple scenes (so I read) for Healer couple to commentate on. Therefore, we might actually get the bed scene being commentated. ;)) :D [-O<
Just to add to the effect ... ;)) and for my viewing pleasure

[photo snipped for safety reasons!]
credit to owner (DC)

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Ohhh crap, so I gotta be depressed for another 3-4 episodes? I have seen the cut, but I have forgotten about which episodes are depressing. I do remember what's gonna happen next. SN left, lost aegi, he had some kind of heart attack and refused to speak yatta yatta. Then she went back to him...

Form: Oops! I forgot about it. I'll do it now. I am still calming down from the adrenaline rush after the teaser is released.
>> I had to do it twice, coz I was being stupid the first time. :P

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sia3 said: @Odankltha - Mianhe in advance... but it's for your own good.

Wake up!!! Don't go into that ship!
I'm sure everyone knows about a few sunken ships couple of days ago. Now I am sure you don't want to have your =((

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