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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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WOW.. THANKS VIPs for all the updates.. ican't name them all because it would

take up this whole thign to name everyone.. since i've been gone for a while.. so.. THANKS

WOW.. i'm sorry to hear that SOMEPEOPLE have different opinions about T.O.P

i'm with EVERYONE else.. he's a BEAUTIFUL person.. and you have to realize that to

be BEAUTIFUL doesn't mean that you're face is PRETTY (although T.O.P's face is).. i guess they

don't understand anything about T.O.P.. he's too talented.. he has accomplished so much

in his life as well.. we LOVE T.O.P for who he

is.. and we LOVE everything about him... so it doesn't matter about your

opinion.. but we would appreciate it if you don't BASH about him...

anyways.. WOW.. ther have been so much AWSOME updates.. and everything..

i can't wait until the GREAT DVD comes out.. i wish it was today.. but atleast it's

this month.. YES.. i am going to try to get me a copy of it.. YES..

um... and i made this.. thing.. suppose to be a wallie.. so.. sorry if it's not the best..

but i made it this morning... i'm still learning.. and i'm on a free trial.. so i hope i get

BETTER before it runs out...


anyways.. if you do use it.. credit me please.. nounu..

so.. i'm expecting to get my stuff from the contest.. i just PMed Jess.. i'm excited...

i really need to get more BIG BANG stuff..

um.. maybe i will post my song here... later.. but it seems a little too late for a

BIG BANG christmas song ah?


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Guest helennn

haha, this one is my favorite<3


our boys are supaaa famous (;

check it outttttttt ;D

Singapore & Osaka, Japan!


idk what kind of curency this is in, BUT LOOK HOW MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE IT IS THEN THE OTHER ONES! ^^









omo, if i were to catch big bang on a plane, I WOULD GO CRAZY AND TAKE LIKE 2837982734 PICTURES.

idk if they would look stalkerish ;D i would be staring at them the whole ride mann. (:

but if i were to walk over, i would be super nervous :vicx:

i agree with everything Jerilyn said ^^ very well put ;D

although it was very long, i enjoyed reading it & looking over everything that makes top just so amazingggggg :wub:

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Guest melodygreenleaf

Reading all these posts makes me so happy for being a VIP~

Thank you all for not falling to that person's level and bashing back.

TOP will not be hosting Music Core this week. He will be hosting next week however.

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OHMAHGASHITSSOHOT. haha. THANNKS stardaisy f or the BB pcis!q DUDE is IT ME EYES OR IS YB NOT WEARING A HAT? AWWHHHHH. he LOOKS soo hot<3 like literally. REALLY hot<3 haha. maan his hair is so sexy and when he wears the SHAADES, ar those the same ones from his red carpet entrance for for the MKMF awards? anyyways its a nice look for him. so maybe he shouldnt wear hats all that often:] just a thought.

THANKS leslie, Mon, && Jerilyna dn OTHER VIPS for addresssing the stuff that we should be RESPECTING in hereee. especially the artist themselves. and i most def agreed with everyones adn espically Jerilyn's novel speech, yeep MOn, haha. i coldnt explain it ay more clearer. if i did i bet i woulda misspelled SO MANY words that you people wouldnte ven know ebcuase of my mood that im in.

sugarcakes! thee GD&&top cartoons are cuteee and 0.0 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS YB<3

thankEVEYRONE for the pics! its greaat to see some spamming up in heree. notice its GOOD spamming NOT ONE LINERS or a lil thing KINDA SPAMMING. comon PEOPL KEP IT UP, no spamming and absolutely o QUOTING pics<3

** thanks Melody for the heads upp. aww soudns liek ehs enjoying himself in Japan, tophyung<333

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Guest DongBangBoys


I'm not a new big bang fan but I just never posted in this thread. I feel bad for not posting my first post in dbsk's groups topic but I just HAD to ask this question since I love Big Bang! HAHA!


Are they starting to do stuff in Japan or did they like fail in Japan? My sister was telling me that they were really hating on their Japanese Album because it's all in English and then one song is also in Korean so everyone was just confused..I really liked their english album. I could finally sing along ^__^ lol! So I'm wondering if they are still trying to make it big in Japan or...what?


ps. I LOVE Ty's hair without the hat, it looks so good!

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Guest melodygreenleaf

대명 비발디파크에서 빅뱅!!

심심타파 공개 방송하러간 날 같죠? ㅋㅋ

원출처가 스노우보드 관련 포털사이트래요.

아마 빅뱅과 함께 사진 찍으신 분이 직접 올리신듯........

(누군지 모르겠지만.....부럽고...감사합니다.ㅠㅠ)

The poster herself doesn't know what the picture was for, but she's assuming that it was taken on the same day as the Shim Shim Ta Pa Concert.

She thinks that the picture was posted by one of the people in the picture or the person holding the camera.

"(I don't know who posted this picture.....I'm jealous.....and thank you. ㅠㅠ)"

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His low rapping is a good contrast against GD's more lighter sounding rapping and with those two together, it creates this sort of balance that just 'works' well with the both of them and with the group as a whole.

Seungri and Daesung are the..weird kind of funny things/jokes..TOP is straight up--LOLs.

the7REAL couldn't have said it any better^^ and may i add? top does have MANY tricks up his sleeves when it comes to dancing. the hand-pointing and lightbulb moves have become bb's signature move and other stars even do it. no one can imagine bb without top because he's just that awesome :D way to go vips for not bashing back~~

stardaisy they're in japan! :w00t: yb's hair! is it just me or does it define his jawline even more?? the pic with top&ds&yb is priceless. top hugging his beloved backpack, daedae knocked out with music, and yb staring out into the dark like a little kid on a rainy day~

vip_gd you know i loved that tongue post!<3

drarmp you're killing me with these nii pics. this photoshoot is too much to handle!

ewmoocow!!! omgg i haven't watched that clip in such a long time!! LOL i hope they have just as much fun in japan as they did last time they went~~ and i bet your mom will fall in love with out bb boys sooner or later! theres no choice! haha

melodyy phew glad top is resting this week! i was so scared he'd come flying right back for mc-ing~

my hands got itchy and i couldn't sit still without seeing their nii pics sooo i made wallpapers :lol:

they got dot-y after uploading so if you want the un-dotted version just pm me^^


1280x800 version


1280x800 version

credit: me (tam)

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Guest melodygreenleaf

^ Those wallpapers are AMAZING~ Very beautiful yet simple and clean.

You never fail to blow me away Tam!

Please credit the fanarts you post, whether the artist is Korean or not!

We should respect these artists and give credit where credit is due.

I've been to the personal websites of many of these Korean artists and have read numerous complaints of people stealing their artwork.

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^ yeah .. I was wondering about that cause I've seen a LOT of people's signatures and avatars using OTHER Korean fanarts as if it's official pics or something. I mean whether or not they're Korean and you can't understand what they're saying doesn't give you the right to use their work and ignore their watermarks. People don't like their work being stolen~ so it's best if you credit their work.. ^^ I usually try to credit the person when I post but sometimes I can't find their username so I just credit the site I find it at >.<

(same for translations too mang. It's getting really petty annoying (used the wrong word xD) seeing other people's translations show up again.. that isn't credited to the correct person. So whoever likes to "steal" translations and post it on their own sites w/o proper credit.. and have it circulate back here makes me go BOOOOO. Please credit properly.

Translators take the time to translate for us and get thanked by having someone else get the credit for their own translation? > : (

And artists that take the time to draw and share get their works with everyone else, then having it stolen ain't too great either~)

tammmm I like your wallpapers! I'm gonna use your first one if you don't mind(: My wallpaper is in need for a long overdue change xD thanks for sharing ^_^

and those pics of BB in Japan! WOo. ^^!! Taeyang looks so hot! He should stop hiding his beautiful head under those caps of his. x)

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those latest pics of the guys in japan were simply..awesome!look at GD'S light pink shoes & his funky cap.just GD,to have his own style & it suits him so much~~

TOP with sunglasses plus with his hair trimmed,he simply doesnt look too ruggard.. :wub:

not forgetting the cool TY finally had his cap off from his head.Guess it must be hard on him to hide the hairstyle that suits him so much.Plus with those sunglasses he's another sexy guy,other than TOP.

i love daesung headphones that he used it as part of his fashion.Looks way cool~`

The maknae always is the cutest one.But i realised he looked much more tired than the others.Have a rest,whenever u can,ok?The rest of the guys too!

thans melodygreenleaf,for the news.So TOP would not be mc-ing this wk.I guess its better this way,since they just reached Japan for a few days only,& these days is the most important part.Glad to know that he know when to let go~~Looking forward to him next wk,then.Maybe i'll just give music core a miss,this wk~~

tam those wallpapers,i love the design on it.Especially the first one.Good job!thans for sharing.

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Guest itswinniechu

can someone convert their height & weight to feet & pounds? xD

hey HELENNN i conveted it for u hhahaha
















i used the info on page 1 hahah for heights i use the picture below for GD cause he isnt the same height as YB. niibiglf0.jpg

there u go helennn =)

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Guest rawesome

Wow so many things have happened since I was last here! It still shocks me that someone blatantly called Mr. Cool aka TOP ugly 'cause that person needs to pay LensCrafters a visit or perhaps your nearest optical clinic for an eye check-up. For anyone to question TOP's credibility or any of the members of Big Bang does not know the definition of the term 'great'. People will always find ways to say things about our boys, but that just makes them work even harder.

Anyways... those pics of YBoogie showing his hair and his NII photoshoot picture :o:o:o He looks sooooooooooo PENG!!! SunDae sitting next to each other + ToDae sleeping next to each other on the plane = LOVE Even though GD is still flexin' the Kwon Ji Bowl haircut, he looks so...couture. I can definitely picture him walking on the runway since that haircut is pretty popular nowadays.

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Guest jenjen4

OMG!! i feel so ???, how can GD be so skinny! 119, he's only 10lbs more than me! NO!!!! sorry. :)

well TOP is NOT ugly and we all know that. he's a piece of hotness with a sexy voice.

YB/ TY's hair is so shocking. i mean i can't tell fully yet but WOW. different! Seungri<3 looks good in his outfit.

Daesung's smile melt....like chocolate. *sigh*

so now they're in japan. i wish the best for them. GO BIG BANG!

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Guest xiahlover

can anyone help me, im looking for these two pictures..http://us.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/aid-1404354/section-posters/code-k/version-all/pid-1010006335/

does anyone have just the picture that is on the front and back, and not the t-shirt??? thanks a million if you dooo

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Guest melodygreenleaf

i used the info on page 1 hahah for heights i use the picture below for GD cause he isnt the same height as YB.

Just informing you that the stats on the first page are outdated xP

You can tell because DS is about TOP's height now. The newer stats should be available on Naver.

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Guest ewmoocow

I agree with melodygreenleaf, please leave credit. [: and I'm glad that TOP is resting this week because I heard plane rides are tiring.

TAM! OMG, your wallies are awesome!~ I might use one later on in the future, so I'll save it on my laptop first. ;D I hope that my mom falls in love with them soon also. So far she said that DaeSung is cute and JiYong has a good unique style, so we're getting somewhere! ^___^ Gah, I hope that I'll be able to see them in Japan! >w<

Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but in Japan the VIPs there know them as;

DaeSung - D-Lite, SeungRi - V.I., YoungBae - Sol, while TOP and GD are sticking with their stage names? O.O''

I just wanna make sure, so that I don't get confused. ;3 I don't get why they are changing stage names for.

So, my ranting is done and I'll end it with this picture of them.


<3 TOP's and YoungBae's shades. I'm going to steal it from them one day. ;D


스포니치 & bbvipz

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Guest LOVE.is

tam those wallpapers are amazing <3 haha. you did such a great job!!

itswinniechu thanks so much for converting their heights ^^

and wow~ this thread is going really fast! haha its grown so much since i last came here! :D

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Guest trangtwo

Ok, GD’s tongue thing is just too cute. It’s so…childlike! Our cool Kwon Leadah has such a cute habit <3

Gah, I miss the boys so much! Lol and it’s been like what, a day? I don’t know, it just feels weird. Ahh but all the lovely updates are making it better ^^

YB! OMO! I knew he’d look supa fly with that hair. I wonder if he’s feeling IT, ‘cause he’s looking so confident. Like his swagger is similar to Top’s in that one pic. *fans self but ends up dying*

OMyGahh those NII pics.

Jerilyn and kewlnbubbly, yeah let ‘em know! Very well said guys. Y’all said it perfectly, but I kinda want to rant too XD lol.

To come into this thread, knowing that you know nothing about the artist, and blatantly bash someone based on his looks…is very low and immature, is it not? I honestly did not fall in love with Big Bang because of their looks. First, it was their talent. Second, it was their personalities. It’s just an added bonus that they’re super hot ^^. Seriously, the first time I saw the “We Belong Together” MV in like March/April of last year, I thought they looked like 12 year olds lol. Anyway, the point is, I wasn’t all like “omg, they look 12, I’m not gonna give them a chance.” Well I’m glad I did, because their talent, charisma, and charm never cease to amaze me. It still amazes me how much they’ve accomplished, especially considering their age, and how long they’ve been around. Our boys love what they do, and they love their fans, and I absolutely love ‘em for it. You guys remember how happy Seung Ri was to be back after his injury?! <3 AND the boys are just never EVER safe. Seriously, us VIPs never ever get bored with them right? They’re either being weird in interviews, experimenting weird haircut after haircut, wearing shiny, blinding clothes, etc. They’re not scared to be different. They have a passion for what they do. They are original. They can do almost any genre (so far) and make it HOT. Whether it’s hip hop, r&b, a ballad, techno…and even freakin’ TROT! Lol. If you just consider their talent, charisma, and charm alone, trust me, you don’t even have to ask why each individual is so great. Those three qualities are proof enough that they are GREAT. What’s looks got to do with it? Heck, GD is STILL hot even with that mushroom haircut of his. And that’s ‘cause of his personality alone. You seriously don’t have to like their music, but it’d be kind of crazy not to admit the fact that these boys are freakin’ talented. They have worked so hard and deserve all the success and recognition and respect. They definitely deserve respect, so please at least give 'em that, and let's not be so shallow yeah?

This isn’t really a reply to her…more like a reason for me to talk about how much I love Big Bang. And I wanted to say something since they’re gone and I miss ‘em. Thanks for giving me a reason to do so ^^

Big Bang, 'You must come back home'...soon! (Haha I just randomly thought of that radio performance...and Top's singing lol...and it just fits XD)

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Guest xclueless

I just wanna make sure, so that I don't get confused. ;3 I don't get why they are changing stage names for.

They changed their stage names because Seung Ri, Tae Yang, and Dae Sung all have korean pronounced names and they wanted the pronounciation to be easier on the Japanese ^_^

And Wow Tae Yang is 5'6?! I always thought he was only about half a inch shorter then GD! I never knew he was that short! And I could've swore Top was around 6 feet already? o_O

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