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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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trangtwo, thanks for sharing tose yb pics. the angle is :crazy: but from the other pics, his hair sure is hot. he schould stop wearing caps. i wanna see his hair! just no cornrows. :wacko: haha.

and thank youuuuu for the yt link of how gee. <33

your avvie cracks me up!

angie thanks for those animal pics.


^HAHAHAHHAHA! its looks like he's laying an egg or sth. :lol:

bazzyyy. thanks for those caps.

jessicaaaa, thanks for the how gee mv link!

Mrs.ImDanny, thanks for their schedule, i cant wait for gdae on mvad! whee games and water. haha.

drarmp1t. thanks for those scans.

about how gee. i like it.. but.. the girls had more screentime than daesungieeee! seungri at the beginning, okay i had to laugh when i watched it. baby baby baby. and jiyong looks so sooooo good in the vid. :lol: but seriously, it was kinda like daesung wasnt even in the vid. :(

anyway, gifs from the mv. :)

here's top gifs for team top.






and here's gd gifs..


^i wear my sunglasses at night. sure gd, suuuuure. haha.






^BANG! heeeeeeeeeeeee x)

and seungri.. <33





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Guest musicismylifey

Ahhh! The pics are so cute. :D

In the How Gee MV, SeungRi is <3.

So is TOP, TaeYang, GD, and DaeSung. <3 x]

and GD is in the sailor cap!! Ahh!

So cute! :D:w00t::lol::D

But not the girls. It's not jealousy...they sort of ruin the mv..

Because we'd rather see Big Bang... :ph34r:

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Can someone help me?

I heard that seungri misunderstood a backdancer, because he said somewhere that if someone is nice (?) to him he mistakes that and sees it as if they like him. And so he said it on somewhere, but when a backdancer was dancing with him, he misunderstood and that he she loved him? (haha) and so he started to have feelings for her as well, but then got his heart broken...

can anyone tell me when Seungri said that? Or where? Or does anyone have a linK?

back during "the real" concert times, they were practicing with their female backdancers a lot for their sexy'ish "she can't get enough" performance. there's some moves where they have to look at each other in the eyes for dramatic effects (hahah), and seungri thought that his partner liked him by the way she was looking at him. he tells his hyungs that he thinks she likes him and that he might be in a bit of trouble because of it, then GD (i think) later asks her if she does, and she straight up says "no" HAHAHA~ seungri just mistakened feelings with acting/dancing :P poor baby... i don't think he had feelings for her, or at least that wasn't said or written anywhere. hope that helped :)

Did you read this post yet?


Jerilyn basically explained it perfectly. Let's not make such a big deal out of that little moment. And they weren't even hugging in the first place. Also, what is there to mention again anyway? That "sneak attack" was probably scripted. It's obvious everyone was "acting" shocked that they got caught. They basically got caught on purpose (if that makes sense lol). But yeah we're all entitled to our own opinions. People watched the clip and saw whatever they wanted to see I guess. Eh. But you can't get "They're dating" from one "hug." I just hope you already downloaded the HQ version to judge for yourself. ^^

And well yeah, it's all their business. They are not obligated to to give us any details about their love lives. And don't you think fangirls will go crazy if they reveal the fact that they have girlfriends? So I completely understand if they don't let us know anything about their love lives.

Eh this was long, but I really don't want this to lead to a huge rumor or anything. And it's really not that important anyway. Let's focus on their health or something ^^

yeah, i definitely agree. it's never good when one little thing is overlooked, causes pointless rumors and scandals and what not. yeah, just see the HQ version as jerilyn wrote :D

But anyways, I have a contribution to this thread 8D~ I got my desk calendar a few days ago and scanned the whole thing so if anybody's interested in them or don't have it (I believe it's sold out in Yesasia O__O), here's HQ and untagged scans!!

and what a big contribution that was! thanks SO much for the HQ scans, it was very nice of you to do so since i'm sure it takes forever. they look SO cute, i especially love seungri's tongue-out picture (but of course, i'm a seungri fan so it's a must hahaha)~

THESE ARE SUCH CUTE GIFS~!!! tempo's is like, whoa... with that crazy "windshield wiping" movement of his hahah~ GD's is reeeally cool with the "BANG". and seungri's... i'm just speechless. that boy is sooo A.D.D. he KNOWS he's cute :P

"what the? get your richard simmons up and do somethin' for me baby! i don't pay you to sleep all day! damnit! go sweep the sidewalk baby! go, get out baby! go baby!" -seungri from HOW GEE MV <--- BEST PART OF THE MV, HANDS DOWN :lol: i freakin' LOVE the mangnae... MUST he say the word "baby" THAT many times~?!! his english was just LOVE<3 (not great in pronunciation but it's still LOVE hahaha)

thanks for all the contribution IVIPs~! ^0^

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Guest Aestas

it seems like TOP is just rehearsing his lines most of the time, but jiyong looks like he understands what he's rapping pretty well. he emphasizes the right parts while TOP just kinda keeps waving his hands to the beat.

i know they need rest, but since their album came out in japan already, that means they have to promote starting now right? are they still in korea?

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Here's the full 'How Gee' MV on youtube:

Big Bang - How Gee [FULL MV]

Thanks trang for the YTlink of the fulll MV. danng i guess its okaay. but like ive said before. girls were not necessary, and they make the MV more randomn than it already is and thats just weird.

thanks Zura for the raaad GIFS haha cuuteee.

DUDe teh YG concert sweaters lok so nicee<333 i'd wnat me one of thoseee.

AND yeah GUYS, just drop that whole DS and Ye Eun thing. even if they wre together, maybe their not ready to let the world now? give them time. and if they arent, we really shouldnt raise any suspicions about theeem. i believe what their doing is what they think is good for not just them but us as well, because you never know,t heir are some really obsessed craazy fans oout there....:]

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Guest helennn

back during "the real" concert times, they were practicing with their female backdancers a lot for their sexy'ish "she can't get enough" performance. there's some moves where they have to look at each other in the eyes for dramatic effects (hahah), and seungri thought that his partner liked him by the way she was looking at him. he tells his hyungs that he thinks she likes him and that he might be in a bit of trouble because of it, then GD (i think) later asks her if she does, and she straight up says "no" HAHAHA~ seungri just mistakened feelings with acting/dancing :P poor baby... i don't think he had feelings for her, or at least that wasn't said or written anywhere. hope that helped :)

HAHAAH! what a dork (:

thats so cute [x

so typical of our mangnae? ;D

drarmp1t thanks for the scans , they look nice 8D

Zura3.DS&SR. cute gifs ^^ thanks ;D they're so hottt B)

oh & about hollywood bowl ;

i really hope they come this year D:

i think it'd be my only chance to see them,

im not sure when it is held this year,

but last year it was on may 5th.

it was amazing =D

ah, i really really really really really want them to come !!! a;lkdsjfanf.

i wanna watch the km world idol episodes 2 - 5 , but i can't find any subbed versions D:

does anyone know where i can get them?

i topped (:

something to sharee, hmmm ...

G-Dragon from Big Bang revealed in a showcase concert/Fan meeting held on the 19th the rumors are true that he is into buying women clothing. G-Dragon said, “Women’s clothing has a better/prettier line than men’s clothing. Because the line is pretty, I have bought women’s clothing before.


you can read more here.

as it says in the article, they arn't 100% sure about this, so it's only a maybe that he said that :P

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lol im kind of disappointed with the boys' new mv, why ? because im use to the big bang style of not needed all those glamourous things to make the mv good, gahh i love their dorky old mvs and their recent mvs with amazing storylines, no matter what they did, it was creative and innovative, the new how gee mv is too .. gangsta and americanized to me, its less focused on their music and lines and more about the hot girls and muscle cars, so im disappointed, but i hope its a hhit for japan.

i have to say maknae with the fro was hilarious !

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Guest Saebin :D

Seungri's message translated! Thanks to the wonderful Sarah ^^


To all the VIPs in this world Happy new year ^^ <3 (awwwww he included the i-vips)

Hello to all the fans who love bigbang this is seungri ^^

I think it's been awhile since i wrote here. we've been so busy T.T (we know seungriii<3)

I hope you guys understand. anyways i wanted to apologize to the fans who came to bigbang's concert on the second day (12/29)

Due to the special effects I became shoked and my blood pressure all the sudden changed and my mind went out. (wait... seungri fainted too? where was i when this happened?)

I'm sorry for not taking care of myself in the first place.. and showing you an unprofessional side.

I'm shameful so I wanted to tell all the fans and the bigbang members through this message that i'm very sorry.

never again!! i'll faint or be sick. I don't want the fans to be worried

so i promise here that i'll never be sick again. (....uhhh your not a person if your never sick lol, it's okayyy seungri<3)

Also, i think my ankle is healing faster due to everyone's help.

2007 was a very special year for bigbang because all the fans were there for us.

I want to thank all the VIPs, Bigbang members, and YG Family members for helping me learn so much in 2007 and helping me get to 2008 with such good experiences

In 2008, Bigbang will be releasing albums outside of korea too.

Not too long ago we released bigbang's first mini album in korea. I hope all the fans in korea too at interested.

The japanese album is in english version.

Oh and people are saying that there is a girl ghost voice in japanese album lalala.... but thats a narration ^^

please don't be shocked!!! T T you have to listen... there's no ghost.... (HAHA how cute.)

Please watch BigBang grow in 2008 too.

Thank you too all the pretty VIPs who supported us in 2007

I'll run forward this year too believing that the fans are there for me!! (does that make sense?)

After the end-of-the-year events, the members let go of their neverous-ness

so most of us caught a cold....

I hope they rest this week and re-energize themselves and come back as a fly bigbang hyungs.... (: (cuties<3)

i'm perfectly fine T T!!!! ( yeah right, don't lie)

We'll be back with new songs and better dances and leveled up performances

you'll give us a lot of love then as you do now right...? (f'sho seungri. don't worry. MORE LOVE MOREEEE.)

I'll believe in your guys <3

To all the VIPs in the worls, 4 fly bigbang memebers and YG Family memebers

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^



That boy is too cute <3

seungri you so fly ;)


btw where is this message from?

Here's the full 'How Gee' MV on youtube:

Big Bang - How Gee [FULL MV]

LMAO @ Seung Ri in the beginning! How many times did he say baby lol. Haha love the swagger. Hope people don't get too crazy over this MV...'cause the girls are like all up in your face...it's a fun music video, but I didn't appreciate the part with the close up of the girls' butts -__- LOL I'd rather see a close up of Dae Sung's body!

Thanks Mrs.ImDanny for the updated schedule. OMO GD's gonna host it! I'm looking forward to that.


ehhhhh... Soy already said everything i had in mind when i saw the MV:

lol im kind of disappointed with the boys' new mv, why ? because im use to the big bang style of not needed all those glamourous things to make the mv good, gahh i love their dorky old mvs and their recent mvs with amazing storylines, no matter what they did, it was creative and innovative, the new how gee mv is too .. gangsta and americanized to me, its less focused on their music and lines and more about the hot girls and muscle cars, so im disappointed, but i hope its a hhit for japan.

i have to say maknae with the fro was hilarious !

yeah :(

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Guest vip_gd

i found something. i think it's from YG one concert, GD took this video from the voice that i heard.

GD's self-cam XD

credits @ bestiz.

Arigato!! I thought GD was the one recording it(well kinda)but at the end it was actually some guy. Kinda spazzed a few minutes ago, it was sorta like meeting GD upclose. You don't get that feeling with those studio cameras.

anyway, gifs from the mv. :)

^BANG! heeeeeeeeeeeee x)

and seungri.. <33

:lol: i freakin' LOVE the mangnae... MUST he say the word "baby" THAT many times~?!! his english was just LOVE<3 (not great in pronunciation but it's still LOVE hahaha)

thanks for all the contribution IVIPs~! ^0^

homg that is my favorite part too! The only time we all get to see seungri actually play a role since it's mostly more of GD and TOP. I love seungri's english and the 'baby' xD and dejavu much? Today, I saw this dude with some crazyarse afro and it looked exactly like seungri's afro wig

speaking of wig, seungri's afro reminds me of Afro Ken ..

%7Boption%7Dhttp://inventorspot.com/files/images/f_12.jpg' alt='f_12.jpg'>

Baby go baby!




okay getting off-topic lol

My thoughts about the video

*ponders* erm I wasn't feelin' it, or was I?(must be my other uncool self)cuz I thought it was awesofrickentastic

too americanized, the girls, cars and everything(okay, not really) some of the parts are kinda similar to

some mv's that are on my mind right now.

I miss the good 'ol big bang days ..

Oh yeah, when they were bboying, does it remind you of 'goodbye baby' a little bit? Well, it did to me haha

Yah! Doesn't Daesung get a part? Not even a barber or something?


Not to forget, thanks trangtwo for the video :D

ficky ficky fresh .. pickly pickly fresh dill pickles

(yeah .. being random again)

credit bestiz

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Guest the7REAL.

I loved the 'How Gee' MV. :ph34r: It was FUN, FUNNY, FUNKY. <3 lol. I'm not even taking the MV seriously, because obviously the song and it's lyrics are just as 'not serious' and random as the MV itself. And it is so typical Big Bang---TOP starts a dance battle that he doesn't even take part in or finish...LOL. I don't think it's so 'americanized' as people say because I've seen worse, this is so much fluff and innocent compared to some american mvs. And about the hot cars and 'hot' girls..as cheesy as it is, its such a guy thing..haha..cars, girls, bling, whatever, so I'm not surprised. The girls actually made me laugh more at the mv. In 'A Fool's only Tear' they randomly had a Ferrarri in the video so I don't see how this is so out there with the cars. Also, going with the whole 'old school' theme of this video, a lot of old school music videos had cars and girls (but more busty and big bootied..lol) Even if it does seem 'americanized' to some folks, remember that Big Bang are influenced by some American things too and have always been. This even reminded me just a little of JinuSean's 'phone number' video with the girls and cars..except the girls danced better in that video (or at least looked enthusiastic) anddd at the end of the video the girls' asses were literally on fire which I thought was more---D: shockface..haha. Honestly, I even felt that the 'How Gee' MV had a parody-like feel to it. So this video isn't super amazing but its okay...I'd only be worried if this becomes the concept for all of their future mvs..but I don't think so...since this does match the song and old school theme. LOL the beginning with Seungri and Young Bae was hella funny and YB looks SO CUTE!! My only peeve about the mv is that there isn't enough DAESUNG. XD But yeah, that's just me and what I thought about the MV. XD causeee I'm just weird like that. :P

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i come bearing more gifs and caps of how gee. gifs are just love. cant get enough of them. :lol:




^yb looks so cute here.

and caps..



thanks for those gifs vip_gd. at least daesung gets one gif-able moment. gahhhh there should be more of him in the vid! :(

and kneekey for those caps.

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Guest Aestas

wait, shouldn't they be in Japan to promote their album? why are they still in korea... and it seems like from the schedule someone put up, they are still doing activities in korea for the next week...

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