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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest the7REAL.

Welcome to the Big Bang Thread Soy. Glad to have you here.^^; Haha, yeah TOP doesn't act the way he looks..(unless 'acting' of course..lol) Big Seunghyun is just a big softy~<3 But yeah, I know what you mean...when I first saw Big Bang as 6 in that one old picture with them in white...TOP looked just very...intimidating..xD Like strikingly gorgeous scary..haha. The first one to catch my 'eye' though was actually Seungri too (pic and promo singing vid)..hahah..in the glasses..wah so adorable..then I found out his age and about keeled over..lmao. When I saw YB I was like WHOA...he's GROWN..and fine. (though he was always so cute..but I got confused with him labeled as vocalist instead of rapper..xD ) lol. But yeah, it's the voice though...once I heard it...it got meee, got me baddd...that voice I swear...it steals hearts. Anddd, what, you got me reminscing about their pre-debut/debut days...haha. But yeah, shift to the present. Yes, their personalities..I like what you said about unified personalities...that is so true. They all bring something to the group to make it complete. And Kwon leadah, our Big Bang leader..so weird..but so cool at the same time. Actually, I think everyone in Big Bang is crazy and weird except Young Bae. lmao. It's not that he's 'normal' but the rest of them are just straight up crazy funny..and I love em' for it. And the way YB is in the middle of it..makes him funny too. lol. I don't know if anyone is understanding what I'm saying... and...Wah, I don't know if I make sense...and why am I getting all sentimental-feeling-like?!!? -.-^


OMG. That Mnet..video... thing. Awesome. I think it could be considered some kind of 'unofficial mv' (?) then since it was well put together into a video..with...music..lol. Well, Mnet is sure nice to our boys now. I remember long time ago (not really but beginning..lol) when they put up some bootleg picture of Big Bang's single instead of a picture or video like every other artist..lol.

Anyways, YB was all levels of hotness in that video and the Guerrilla concert. His voice..just so versatile..Big Bang are very versatile in general. *O* I wonder how many fans chased that truck with their lives...haha. They look like their having fun rockin' out. TOP's rap in that video--just dayuuumn, son. He's good. He has that kind of raw-ness in his voice that fits the song and the video. I love his look there. And Daesung and Seungri as always just cutie pies no matter how much they try to be all serious..lol

January 4th is coming so soon! Big Bang songs in english...it's just kind of..over my head..lol. I can't wait to see what the english versions of the songs sound like...I'm so curioussss...and that 'How Gee' MV...I want to see~~

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Guest kaede_017
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welcome to the fantastic world, Soy! ^^ thanks for daesung pic spam!

and yes yes, jerilyn! i think Mnet is being nicer to the boys because their fanbase is growing! :lol:

i'm so glad that they posted up this video of the boys ♥ ♥

wonny! thanks for posting this pictures!

i wanted to post them too! :lol: great minds think alike! HAHAHA.

but yes yes yes, TEAM TOP YO!


^ i love this picture! TOP is totally looking at the camera!

this VIP is REALLY good, ultra HQ ;D ;D

071224 Mnet No Cut Story - Skoolooks CF interview

^ some gifs of this interview were posted a few pages back! ;D

backing everyone else who've mentioned this,



cant wait till this thread gets flooded with tons of pics, vids & fancams of the boys in the concert!

SIGH, as much as i want to be there!

HAVE FUN! those that are going~ ;D

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decided just to make a new post, cause i found some new,


ZOMG, this person can REALLY take pics,,,and prob awesome camera as well.

gosh, such good photography of such hotties :lol:

i think this person is TEAM TOP inclined **cheers**:rolleyes:

all credits to 순간순간 (http://blog.paran.com/momentyou)







OH, TOP's pout gahhhh **faints**





yb's lookin dreamy~






ok, i thinks thats enough~ enjoyy xDD


baz + vanessa > thanks for the geurilla concert gifs^^.. and jerylin i agree with you, that TOP's rap suits the song~..hmm, i wonder what their english songs would be like? 'engrish/konglish'? :lol:

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Guest mon5482

Hey I-VIPs!!!

i know ive been MIA (missing in action) here...im so sorry but yeah preparing for the Korea trip got me busy. but dont worry when i get back i promise you I'LL BE BACK!

HOMAHGAH!!! :wacko: In just a few hours i'll be flying to Korea with Anaya (ksnabi) from Texas and we'll be meeting up with a few more I-VIPs in Korea, like Evelyn (grritseve) from New York, Erika (gerika) from Lithuania, Fye (puifye@popcornfor2) from Thailand , Som (orange@popcornfor2), Naty (;naty3@ygbb) from Brazil, and Kez from U.K ....we'll all be watching the concert together...talk about INTERNATIONAL right?


sorry if it seems like im showing off? im not, im just excited and i wanna thank everyone who wished me a safe trip

for those who knows about the YGBB.NET BB Xmas Project....pray that we get to give our AWESOME gifts to Big Bang!

aight i'm out....PEACE!


ooops before im out....PLEASE PLEASE KEEP THE THREAD GOING BUT ALSO FOLLOW ALL THE RULES, PLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT OTHER ARTISTS IN A NEGATIVE WAY...i just want to make sure when I come back the thread isnt closed. ><



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all credits to 순간순간 (http://blog.paran.com/momentyou)


I always wana mention this...

Sounds kinda funny but...GD's cap...reminds me of one of the characters in "Street Fighter" I use to play in playstation LOL!!

Annd yea...Don't talk bad about other artist.Lets not start being possesive/over-posessive over Big Bang.

I'm sure the last thing people(I-VIPs/VIPs) want is to name I-VIPs/VIPs the most possesive/worst fanclub.

Like what Big Bang says,We're(VIP/I-VIP) mature fans remember...and thats why we stand out!!We criticize them when they're bad and praise when their good.

To lighten up the mood...Do the Big Bang dance y'all!!!



and last of all Kwon ajumma..LOL!!!


credits:I forgot -_____-'''

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Guest p a r q u e.

Agh, I'm so psyched for the WG+BB music drama and the Good Sunday ep.!

Good luck to those who are going to Korea to see our BB boys [i'm jealous! :P]

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Guest iLOVEYB_x

mon5482: HOHMAGAH~~ you're going to the concert. maybe you'll see my friends there. =/ such lucky, lucky fans.

Q6. What is something you want the fans to stop doing or do less of?

Seungri = Skinship. Some people walk by touching our butts.

G-Dragon = Sometimes they pull out our hair and then run to pick it up. [<--?!?! ] Also when we get into our car to get to schedules and stuff they throw gifts at us and it hurts a lot when we get hit by them. One person even came up to our apartment and put their ear on our door trying to eavesdrop. If they would give us a bit more privacy that'd be good.

Taeyang = I wish people would come to our apartment a little less.. I want to rest at least while I'm at home and I don't want to give others too many troubles. [probably ppl in their apartment complex]

TOP = Putting up pictures of my family on the internet. I feel apologetic to my family.

Daesung = Touching us so much.. I'd like it if they wouldn't rub us and stuff.

TOP = Yeah, sometimes it feels like they're gonna rip my richard simmons off [lol that's seriously what he said]. It feels like at one moment they're completely gone.

[^oy. that's kind of.. ]

ouch. getting hit with gifts HAVE to hurt. TOUCHING THEIR BUTTS. HOHMAGAH~~ and yeah i don't realy like it when fans post family pictures of TOP. for ex. that false TOP myspace. <_< it's like he can't get no privacy.

Q24. Who's the member you would want to date if you were a girl?

GD = Seungri. He's cute and has so much aegyo (cuteness).

Taeyang = Daesung. He smiles a lot and it looks good when he does. He also has deep thoughts.

TOP = Taeyang. I want to steal all the innocence in him ^^;;

Seungri = GD. I think he'd treat me really well.

Daesung = TOP. He manly and treats everyone so well. I think he'd also happily make jokes and do 'gags' for me.

aww every member was chosen by another! and of course........ the never-ending G-Ri love.

what a kawinkydink? GD and Seungri chose each other!

Q26. What have been some placards or nicknames that fans have given you that you liked?

Seungri = "Daesung rides a dragon to the TOP toward the sun and cries out Victory." A fan sent that to us using all five of our names.

^lol I remember someone posting that saying up in here.. I got the wording wrong, but you guys have seen it before, yeah?

Daesung = "Geh Chun Daesung" -- it means: Daesung is a genius at gags (saying funny things). That wasn't created because I'm actually GOOD at being funny.. it's cause I made a joke about it before ^^

T.O.P=짐승현. 랩하는 소리가 짐승같다고 붙인 이름이다. 또 넓적부리황새를 닮았다고 한다.

TOP = Beastly Seung Hyun. It comes from my rap sounding like a beast. Also people say I resemble a '넓적부리황새' (translation = spoonbill stork.) <---LOL a spoonbilled stork???

i remember that too! but i forgot who posted it up. i saw it on someone's personal statement. =/

that day is coming soon! THE GREAT CONCERT! can't wait for it. i hope they make a DVD just like The Real. =D and the other day is coming up too. when Big Bang releases their Japanese English album. :D can't wait for this THE MOST. i want to hear their songs in english SO bad. so excited for the music drama and Good Sunday!

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Guest akfgtenshi

only a couple days left til the GREAT concert! ;_;

dang it! i can't believe i'm missing it! *cries*

i wish they would something on May! then i would probably be able to go...

on june/july i will be out of Korea again... dang it! ToT~

i will probably miss a bunch of concerts again....

mon5482: how many days are u staying there in Korea??? *_*~ i wish i could meet with the fellow international VIPs too! ;_;~ but i NEVER find anyone! i'm usually the only foreigner going around every cd shop i see in korea to check out BB stuff and other korean stuff. ToT~ well... yeah! i hope u enjoy the concert and please tell us EVERYTHING about it later! x3~

i'm loving all the pic/gif spams! *_*

*saving a many pics as possible*

thanks everyone! x3





i would put a picture spam for u guys... but i don't think i have anything u guys haven't posted yet...

so i guess i'll put some graphics i made... (even though i haven't made many BB stuff~=/~ but soon my BB graphic collection will grow! *_*~ i just need the time to stop and make new stuff. heheh)

here it is!:



yeah... i kno...

it's not much. ToT

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Guest helennn

top does not look like THIS!

LOL, he thinks he looks scary?!?!


it's sexyy :D i can't belive hes not confident in his looks,

he's like, so freaking hot D:

wait, so first he says 'TOP = I don't think there's been a time when I thought to myself that I look cool. I am pretty good looking though.. I look good in whatever I wear. [He said something about his members reacting to him saying that, but I can't really understand it. : P]'

and then he says hes not confident in his looks, BUT he looks good in everything he wears, LOL?!?! [x

Q17. Who's number 1 on your cellphone speed dial?

G-Dragon = My dad

Taeyang = Mom

Seungri = My house number

Daesung = Mom

TOP = Mom

i love how their familyy people ^^

GD = Music is oxygen. If you don't have oxygen you can't breathe. To me music is something that's always there, wherever I go it's a part of me, without it I can't live. It breathes with me.

I LOVE HOW HE SAID THAT :D his words are amazing (; <3

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^ kwon ajumma? wth xDD he better not have a perm!


^ it seems like GD is wearing eyeliner. and sweet chanel necklace


GIFs are love~ they're my best friend

and i've noticed, in the 'unofficial mv'(quotes with finger gestures), jiyong seems to always hold up the mic

to the camera haha. does he want us to sing or what?


thanks for informing us that. i almost got fooled(babo xD). but i'd have to say, it's really convincing.

the fact that it's seemingly clean and perfect

plus the HQ GOLDEN DISK pics.

yeah, that person can take really good pictures, and he/she is prolly a fan of TOP cuz there were more pics of him since he's gleaming in the spotlight .. not like he is but whatever!

I saw the video which is i think the 'YGBB.NET BB Xmas Project' right?

i spot some people on the site .. of course judging from the username haha

nice video btw :"D

watch the video here

it's a weird video player .. i can't play or stop

everyone is so cute >< especially, seungri, jiyong and daesung heheh









G-ri <3





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^ gd loooook so adorable in eyeliner! hahha LMAO! <3

anyways, im not sure if this has been put up? saw it on LJ.


is it my imagination or do i see that freaking lucky dentist's arms around TOP's waist?!?!?

KYAAAAA *pulls hair out*


haha ok they were impersonating famous people.

saw this and thought it was cute.

G-RI LOOVE -see where gd puts his legs [;

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AWWWwww...theyre so cute.

thank all for their pictures. links. posters. icons and etc.

and poor guys. i hope fans would back off a bit

and put themselves in their shoes and stop acting so


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Guest Dirtycash23

xingg:thankz 4 the pics too cute!

THANKZ all you I-VIPER'S out their

for the links and pics


....bigbng is V.I.P!!!^^...omo!!!

I frickin love their school looks!!!

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^ oh yes, i saw that pic of top with the dentist. i went crazy too! i mean, he actually wrapped his hands around top's waist! gaaaaaaaahhhhh. jealous much! and there's also a pic of top with 2 nurses! XD thank also for the yt link, never saw this, i only watched their interview! haha. man, gd so shy. so cuteeee!

vip_gd, haha i notice that too. he does want us to sing with them! :lol: that link is nuts! haha no play&pause buttons. =_____=;

and aaaah gosh wonny, thanks for posting those HQ pics. man, top's pouts are the best<333333

mon and the rest of i-vips, have a blast on the concert. i'm seriously frickken jealous of you guys!

here's a gif of seungri being a cutieeeee :D


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Guest xeunhee

anyways, im not sure if this has been put up? saw it on LJ.


is it my imagination or do i see that freaking lucky dentist's arms around TOP's waist?!?!?

KYAAAAA *pulls hair out*

OHmybob!!! What a lucky dentist! I loveeeeeee TOP's outfit! His shirt is really cute and the lil case hooked to his jean pocket is adorable! For his camera, I suppose? I just love his sense of style! :lol:

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took me 2+ hours to go through 50+ pages >_<

omgaaah. bigbang is so the love.

i mised so many things!

seungri's ankle, the last farewell MV, hot issue being released, that christmas date with gf interview

can any one give me the link (youtube) for that?

i think i missed it...

but yeah. yb gets cuter and cuter everyday!

and i'm looking forward to the muscal drama with WG!

even though i dont know anything about it...

i just saw it in some one's post.

and yeah.

this girl from my church is going to (or is in) korea, and she's gonna see the YG one concert and bigbang's concerts!

i think she's lucky T_T

i wish i could go.

anyways, thanks for all the news/pics/updates!

keep em coming (:

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aww thanks for the warm welcome, I-VIPS <3

hahhaa gahh i love spazzing about BB on msn with my friend, and we were talking about why we love this group. They're so young and so passionate about music and each other, and i just love that. I mean they have so much going for them, this is just the beginning of so so much more of what's in store for them, sure i want them to be uberly famous, but gahh i dont want to share them, haha.

They're composing, writing, singing, rapping, beat boxing, modeling, acting, at such young ages, i can't see anything but good come out of this, the fact of the matter is, they have talent, and it's great to see them with it.

I love it when they're on variety shows or radio shows, or interviews, and just sing bits and parts of their songs live, a capella, and how it sounds like whats on the cd .. BUT BETTER, it shows that they know what they're doing and it's not some digitalized stuff.

I love the support system the boys have. If you read the interviews, but they never let any of the members feel left out. And then when a single person is singled out to talk or rap/sing, the boys are in the BG making noise and showing love. It's the cutest thing alive, and you really feel the love. They're so loud together. I love how you can always hear GD in the bg when daedae is in an interview talking about his body, and gd usually screams "show them!". I love the group couplings, because they're so cute.

I love big bang because the stuff jiyong says matter. He has such a way with words, i love watching him being interviewed. like the whole oxygen is music thing. And then in another interview he was talking about their song "Lies" and how "at first it sounds a bit weird, and then you start to like it, and theres a sadness in the music but its still funny and then you listen again and it's funny with a hit of sadness, it's music with irony." Leadah Kwon and Taeyang has worked so hard and I'm so proud of them for sticking with YG through their elementary days. I'm proud of DaeDae for overcoming what other people say about him being the "Unpretty Member" (Which is so not true, why can't he see the charm in him that I see). I'm proud of Seung-Ri for becoming a man, and learning to be less stubborn, when it comes to things. and of course i'm proud of TOP for learning how to be a good hyung.

I'm proud of all the boys.

But I'm also proud to be a I-VIP.

(ps sorry for the long message, but i'm extremely proud of the boys, so let's end it with some pics of ... gahh i dont know if someone posted already, but they look so darn cute !)



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