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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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thanks for teh never before seeen picture TIff!:] annnnd WHOAO WHOAW HOAA. thanks goldie, and melody andd $+@r_lOve for finding and or translating th article!

OHMYTY! GD, you aree losing EVEN more weight? DUDE i even weigh more then him, no lie. this is gnna WORRY allt he VIPS, everywheree. i hope he knows what hes doing, and HELLo, you can slow down with the composinga nd EAT adn sleep. keep healthy and stuff. i mean we dont mind if things get out a little later. man i hope he knows that we all really care for him and that he'll sleeep more and compose less these days!): HWAITING KWON LEADAAAH!

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

Big Bang G-Dragon's Weight 55kg (121 lbs) "I lost weight from composing"

G-dragon said, "I lost weight again. I am 55kg now."

Having already had a body that seemed very skinny, G-dragon looks even more slim recently.

To the comment, "You seemed to have lost weight," G-dragon responded, "I lost a lot of weight. I don't sleep well because after we return from our daily activities, I work on making songs for our new album at night. The secret to my diet is composing."

Big Bang's representative gave a small comment about G-dragon's body: "G-dragon lost weight and is now 55kg. It's worrying how much weight he lost."

The reason behind Big Bang's mini-album 'Always' title song 'Lie' topping music shows, online, and offline charts is purely their "effort."

Credits to melodygreenleaf.

Thank you so much Melody for translating the full thing.

Gosh, :( 121LBS? That's freaking hardcore D: I think I weight more than he does @_@

He really needs some rest and learns how to, I feel so worried for him. I think he lost like 10lbs, I remember he weighed a pound lesser than Se7en.. I think he lost 10-20lbs, not sure :/

He may seem happy and hyper, but it's quite obvious they have less rest, :(



for some reason i just had the feeling i need to come check here before i go sleep >< ~~

and thanks tiffany for that super flyyy big bang picture <3

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Guest engot02

Don't really post here much ><;;

But aw! GD's weight T__T;; hes probably really underweight.

I mean, 55kg?! for his height .. (and I've noticed his gone taller too! ^^)

and for a guy. omg. GD ! you have to sloooww down on working.

BB boys are working soo hard, too hard even.

I hope they stay healthy and well (:


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Guest `__soyBEAN

YO`(: BB fanatics ! : D

newww here(:

well actually, still new to the forum { you can find my intro in 411 section(: } ... BUT ANYWAYS ..

i'm courtney(: and NOT a new fan of bigbaaang <3

kwonjiyongisthesmex(; ROFL, he's my favee -- so talented& GAAAH<3

but ofcourse, i love all of them as well ;D

LIES. gotta love that song. (=

*after reading article about GD losing weight*


121 lbs? that's insaneeeeee! D;

EAT MORE RAMEN GD ! and get lotsa rest.

rofl, (=

anyways, thanks for sharing& translating the article melodygreenleaf

and everything else posted so far everyone ! <3


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Guest melodygreenleaf

Aww~ Big Bang has star nuna fans~

This is a gif of Baek Jiyoung and Yuri spazzing about Big Bang's win at KBS Music Bank.


Credits to 탑이별님 and me for uploading.

Now this might not seem to be enough to prove they are Big Bang fans, but Yuri admitted it herself along with Chae Lena in this clip.


Yuri: Rather than someone good-looking, I think the young, warm, "little-brother" character is so cute. You know those guys...

Chae Lena: Big Bang! Nowadays I like them so much.

Y: Chae Lena-shii to the Big Bang members...[lost her heart? gave them a present? fill in the blank here^^]

CL: Yuri-shii liked them first so that's why I like them also.


I didn't even know their names at first. But she...which member she likes, which member is cute...she kept telling me, so I even got their CD.

credits to melodygreenleaf.

Interestingly enough, Lena was the MC for that one show (Loolah?) G-dragon appeared on when he was just a little kid.

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Guest t. yama

^ Welcome to the thread!! Yay, TEAM GD! ^^

Thank you so much for the news Melody. Wow, GD really has a lost a lot of weight. Poor baby. =[ He and the rest of Big Bang need

to try and take it easy so that they can all be healthy and well. If GD needs some food, I can attempt to make him some. hehe.

MNET Rehearsal - 20071011 - "Koh Jid Mal" -- Lie Remix


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Guest sungieluv

i dono if its been shared but the MV came out with Daesung in it :)



Daesung has beautiful voicee~ perfect duet~ *melts*

im so happy for him. more way to show hes talent <33333

i miss his voice. like his solo

hahah nice GIF! shes spazing rofl.

GD! im the same weight as U!! HAHA how odd. lol ur a guy! u should weight more man!

luvin his new hair style tho :) *HAWT*

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jess, monica, iluxx, soul'd to: GD, josephine with lotsa e's!

a big thank you to you girlies, for the amazing pic spam!

u guys are truly something. LOL

no, im not done, thanks also for the news updates on the boys!

i just wish i could do what you guys do, but.. sadly, i cant. :(:(:(

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Guest melodygreenleaf

The secret to Big Bang's success, the entire album is title songs!

(*although 'Lie' is the title song, the article is saying that all the songs are popular enough to be considered title songs)

Big Bang's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd singles, album, and mini-album all rank within the top 60 of the Hanto annual sale chart.

On Cyworld, every song on the mini-album except their intro ranks within the top 100.

"Melon" - three songs within top 100 for two months straight.

"The Lunchbox" - two songs within top 100 for two months straight.

Especially surprising is TOP's solo. Despite the song having been performed only once at a radio, it ranked within the top 20 on Cyworld for two months straight.

Although the mini-album was released a while ago, it is still selling about 500 copies a day.

Translated and paraphrased by melodygreenleaf.

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finally exam over, and now i can come to see about BIGBANG for everyday,

can i briefly about the TOP birthday project card?

what was that? can someone tell me what should we do,

so that we can sent to them,

and what card they mean?

what is the size of the card?

haha, i'm so sorry for asking so many question

but because TOP is my favourite BOY,

i was thinking if i can help in anything(:

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Guest mon5482


woot!! TOPped the page...so here goes mangnae's long message! he remembers seungri day!!^^

안녕하세요^^ 승리입니다

오늘은 승리데이~!

은근히 다들 기대하고 있었죠??

저는 다 알고 있답니다 ~

오랜만에 글을 남기는 것 같아 마음이 설레네요~

요즘 ‘거짓말’로 많은 사랑과 관심을 받고 있는데요~

너무 감사 드리고…

기쁨에 몸 둘 바를 모르겠네요..

머릿속엔 열심히 해야겠다는 생각이 떠나질 않는 군요....

요즘은.. 사랑 받고 있다는 느낌에 하루하루가 즐겁고 행복합니다^^

이게다 빅뱅 아껴주시는 여러분들 덕분이 아닐까 생각합니다

요즘 빅뱅~ 유난히 지방스케쥴이 많은데요

최근에 제가 매니저 형께 여쭤보았더니

빅뱅이 이렇게 많은 사랑을 받고 있으니

지방에 있는 팬 분들에게도

직접 모습을 보여주는 게 예의 라고 말씀하셨어요~

몇몇 팬 분들은 너무 지방스케쥴 많은 거 아니냐 쫌 쉬어야 되지 않느냐 하시는데

이것도 빅뱅이 ^^ 여러분들께 보답하는 방법 중 하나이니

지방 팬 분들은 어서어서 빅뱅의 스케쥴 확인하시길 바라겠습니다

그런데... 유독... 전라도광주는 스케쥴이.... 참....ㅋㅋㅋ


빅뱅이 거짓말로 활동 한 지 두 달이 되어가는데요

들어도 들어도 질리지 않죠??

저도.. 실은 무대 하면서 매 무대마다.ㅋㅋㅋ 흥이 나서..원

죄송합니다 또.. 자랑을....ㅜㅜ

이번엔 또 여러분들께 새로운 모습 보여 드리려고

리믹스도 했었는데요 괜찮았는지 모르겠네요...

저희 빅뱅은 매일매일 어떤 모습으로 팬 분들 놀라게 해드릴 지 감동을 드릴지

일분일초도 쉬지 않고.. 매일 생각하고 고민한답니다...

(....일분일초는 오바인가..ㅋㅋㅋ)

아무튼 이런 저희의 마음 정말 알아주시고 그만큼 더 큰 응원 큰 사랑 부탁 드립니다 !!♡

또한 곧 나올 일본 싱글앨범도 준비 중인데요

해외에서 앨범이 나온다니... 정말.... 떨립니다

하지만 !!! VIP 분들이 퐉퐉 밀어줄 거라고 믿고 저흰 달리겠습니다

12월 달에 열릴 빅뱅 콘서트 또한

어마어마한 것들로 준비 되고 있습니다...

이번 콘서트 또한 놓치지 말라고 자신 있게 말씀 드리고 싶네요...

또 티켓팅 해야 된다고 분노하시는 팬 분들 몇몇 계시는군요.. ㅋㅋㅋ

이거 원.. 가수가 팬들을 이렇게 잘아니... 우리... ㅋ 너무 잘맞아~~^^♡


전국에 계시는 고3 수험생 V.I.P 여러분

지금까지 열심히 공부했던 성과 맘껏 발휘해

대박 나서 꿈을 펼칩시다!!! 승리가 화이팅을 기원해요!! 빠샤!!!

(난 큰일났다!!!!! 나도 내년에 고3 이야 !!!! 악 악!!!!!!!!! ㅜㅜ)

그럼 ^^ 다음 승리데이 때봐요 ~~~~

P.S 날이 추워지고 있습니다 ^^ 겨울냄새 가 슬슬 나네요 감기 조심하시고..

빅뱅과 함께 2007년 겨울을 따뜻하게 ♡ -승리-

credit ygbigbang

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^..awww top's message..darn..if only i can read korean...awww..gosh..i relaei cant wait for the translation..T_T

thanks mon_5482

omg..i cant believe i missed out on sooo many stuff..T_T

the picture spams are soo adorable esp..GD..*drools*..lol


oh..i LOVE DS's vid. w/ NEMO..she has sucha great voice n her bname is cute^^..

DS's voice was WONDERFUL!!!!

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jiyong's thin, but why's he so hot?! :P:P:P

can somebody please tell me where i can see BB's song translations??? pretty please.

thanks in advance! :D:D:D

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DAYUM... please translate the SEUNGRI MESS. he is going

to be too CUTE.. i am guessing.. ahahaha.. Thanks for the

pictures again JANNY... and thanks MON for the mess..


I want to do the T.O.P. birthday thinggy,.... umm.. i have to review

all the information again.. i want in on that JERLYN....

EXCITING... 9 days after Choi Seung Hyuns' birthday, it's

going to be mine.. YES.. i'll MAKE A WISH FOR HIM TOO...


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Guest the7REAL.

Big Bang G-Dragon's Weight 55kg (121 lbs) "I lost weight from composing"

G-dragon said, "I lost weight again. I am 55kg now."

Having already had a body that seemed very skinny, G-dragon looks even more slim recently.

To the comment, "You seemed to have lost weight," G-dragon responded, "I lost a lot of weight. I don't sleep well because after we return from our daily activities, I work on making songs for our new album at night. The secret to my diet is composing."

Big Bang's representative gave a small comment about G-dragon's body: "G-dragon lost weight and is now 55kg. It's worrying how much weight he lost."

The reason behind Big Bang's mini-album 'Always' title song 'Lie' topping music shows, online, and offline charts is purely their "effort."

Credits to melodygreenleaf.

The secret to Big Bang's success, the entire album is title songs!

(*although 'Lie' is the title song, the article is saying that all the songs are popular enough to be considered title songs)

Big Bang's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd singles, album, and mini-album all rank within the top 60 of the Hanto annual sale chart.

On Cyworld, every song on the mini-album except their intro ranks within the top 100.

"Melon" - three songs within top 100 for two months straight.

"The Lunchbox" - two songs within top 100 for two months straight.

Especially surprising is TOP's solo. Despite the song having been performed only once at a radio, it ranked within the top 20 on Cyworld for two months straight.

Although the mini-album was released a while ago, it is still selling about 500 copies a day.

Translated and paraphrased by melodygreenleaf.

^Thanks for the article translations Melody!!! and i was wondering if you can please also include credit to original source (link/site) with your articles you post?^^; (in case people would like to share the article elsewhere and need to post all sources..>.<;..or for those just wondering where the article is originally from~) thanks again! appreciate your updates!^_^

And man, GD is sooooo skinny. Yikes. @_@;


finally exam over, and now i can come to see about BIGBANG for everyday,

can i briefly about the TOP birthday project card?

what was that? can someone tell me what should we do,

so that we can sent to them,

and what card they mean?

what is the size of the card?

haha, i'm so sorry for asking so many question

but because TOP is my favourite BOY,

i was thinking if i can help in anything(:

^Hello there~ We're gonna send TOP B-day cards! Please read here for more info: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=7372885

Daesung on the Nemo MV set


credit; orange@popcornfor2

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Guest trangtwo

thanks everyone for all the updates!

yes dae sung and that deep sexy voice of his is perfect for those types of ballads :w00t:

yay im glad they're performing the remix now, because i'm lovin' it <3

ok and random thought. GD is def a stylish trendsetter, but i dont ever see that squirrel tail catching on :lol:

ahh so many things i cant remember to comment on.

Oh I saw some of their upcoming schedule. Sorry if it's been posted.

12 October 07 - AM 00.00 - MBC TV Special

13 October 07 - PM 12.10 - SBS Radio WaWa Show (10/05 On Air)

PM 03.30 - MBC Show! Music Core

PM 04.40 - MBC Happy Share ManWon [seungRi]

PM 05.00 - SBS 허수경의 가요풍경

PM 06.30 - ( Concert ) UN의날 "나눔과 평화콘서트" (Rec.)

15 October 07 - PM 07.00 - ( Concert ) MBC Every 1 Song Show

PM 11.00 - MBC UN의날 "나눔과 평화콘서트" (10/13 On Air)

16 October 07 - AM 00.00 - ( Concert ) Ciara Japan Tour Concert (Opening)

19 October 07 - PM 08.00 - ( Concert ) Ciara Japan Tour Concert

credits: Big Bang Thailand

GD cap from the countdown:


and more G-Ri love! ;) (not my work)



credits: bestiz

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Guest hasaki7

Just thought you guys might me interested in some mixes of Big Bang's songs!

It was a bit difficult to make them, as all I have are freeware programs and practically no equipment <_<

But what I do have, please enjoy! :P


These are YouTube links to the videos I have made with the songs.

Please leave feedback by comments on them! :]

And if you would like to download, I have links on my MySpace as well.

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I'm glad I get a break from studying this weekend.. I'm definitely going to dedicate my weekend to BB! lol.

Thanks x100 to all those who have posted new pictures, news and video clips ^_^

I love the Lie Remix! Especially their freezes on "More more", All of them doing TOP's signature finger move, and Seung-ri's + YB's dance solo. I kept replaying it because it's that dope. haha.

That MV w/ Nemo and DaeSung was too cute. The song is really pretty! I'm so glad he got to do something like that ^^ Go Daesung!

Thanks for posting about TOP's bday, Jerilyn! I've started on my banner/bday card a few weeks ago, but I'm still working on it. I can't wait to see everyone's ideas =)

Wow. GD is so skinny! We need to buy this boy some meat, PRONTO! w/ a lot of riceeee. He needs to take care of his body, actually, they ALL need to. Stop making us worry, pls! >< Thanks for translating, Melody!

Thanks for posting Seung-ri's message, Mon ^^ It's so long, I can't wait till someone translates it! I'm thinking he'll mention upcoming events like their new album and the concert in December? Wild guess. hahah.

Thanks for posting their schedule, trangtwo! I haven't seen any of their recent radio shows and I'm really excited to see Seung-ri's Manwon! They were all so cute in the first episode. Tour of their new place? That I have to see. And I know everyone is hoping to see TOPs pink room, lol.

What video clip is this from? I'm not sure if anyone posted it yet, but I thought it was cute. lol. LOL @ GD's facial expression. I don't think Seung-ri's was working? haha. YB is just too cute and TOP is wearing glassesss! Aww ^^ Now, where is Daesung??


CREDIT: naver/BB-flow.com

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