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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest thina

Seeing Young Bae ACTUALLY WEARING GINA'S SHIRT has distracted me from being happy about those new 'Always' pics! haha. in my perspective its the most exciting news of August thus far surpassing the album stuffs..haha. Cause its maybe the FIRST time we see Big Bang with an International VIP's gift! It's waaay too exciting!

awwww that is so freakin' sweet of you to say jerilyn~! ^_^ you brought up an even better point, that this IS the first time we see one of the boys wear a gift personally handed from an "I-VIP" hahah- yalls' replies are so funny and cute. hopefully one day yall get to see big bang with yalls' stuff too!

and thanks even more for the new pictures girl!!! gosh, i love them all...


^the face of perfection... IMO :P


^DAAAMN sport that sexy tongue, you sexy richard simmons~!


^they look alike in this picture, a bit! gosh GD, i still love that bun... :lol:

btw, yalls' cards are sooo creative~! :) great job on them. i didn't have time to make one (due to spending all my time to make them anniversary cards :lol:) so i sent him a musical card. the front says "on your birthday, be bad" with a skeleton head on it, then when you open it, it says "very bad" and it plays that 'bad to the bone' tune hahahaha~ i thought it would be cute for GD, since he IS indeed a badass. B)

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Guest juhjuh

Tiffany I'm downloading those School Attack files now. Thank you so much for the links!

Jerilyn those MNET Japan photos are so shiny! Like literally xD

Daesung's little gun thing on his belt is so cute.

Those Sakun pants... uh, you can't blame me for focusing on that part of their body!

Our boys our so confident lmao xD

I really like Seungri's little mohawk thing. Well he's had it for a while but why fix a good thing right?

That silver chain GD's wearing... lololololololol.

It looks so heavy compared to the ones worn by TOP.

I guess he's trynna prove that his neck is strong or something rofl.

What I like the most about these pictures ---> YB'S SUPER MUSCLES!

Okay, maybe they're not super yet, but he's totally flaunting them baby!

Anyone else feel like dying?

These few days have been exploding with so much BIG BANG BOOM!

And it hasn't even begun!

And Thina I'm really happy for you and Gina too :)

I've read your HB story before and I remember the tee!

It's just awesome that YB likes it and even wears it T_T (those are tears of happiness xD)

It is officially the first I-VIP gift we've seen on them YAY!


v thank you so much orangebubbles for translating!

i suddenly thought of my fans so i'm writing...

awww seungri baby is so sweet!

now all of YG is shining because of big bang^^

haha not very modest. but it's true!

i believe in my nunas and keep going

boy he has a way with words - sure knows how to keep us noonas happy!

to those who fight with their husbands because they say they're gonna see us...my aunt fans...


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those pics are AMAZING!

thanks for sharing!

those little presents and card for BigBang are too cute

how are you sending it to them?

anyways, i'll try translating seungri's message :)

안녕하세요~승리입니다 ^^

hello~ it's seungri^^

빅뱅 싱글4집 준비를 한참 준비하고 있는 도중 비가 갑자기 너무나 내리 길래

it suddenly started raining while we were preparing for our fourth single

팬 분들 생각에 이렇게 갑자기 글을 씁니다...

i suddenly thought of my fans so i'm writing...

빅뱅 정규1집이 나오고 꽤나 오랜 공백 기간이 있었죠?^^

since our first album, it's been a long wait?^^

뭐 길어도 6개월 정도지만.. 빅뱅이나 팬 분들에게 길게 느껴진 것 같아요

more or less 6 months.. it's been just as long to us as it was to you fans

요즘은 형들도 방송이 너무하고 싶다고들 하더군요.. 그립다고 하면서..

these days, everyone(bb hyungs) wants to do tv shows.. as they say they miss us

작년 너무나 많은 사랑을 받은 빅뱅이라 2007년도 활동이 부담이 다들 되나 봐요.

last year, we received so much love, in year 2007 we are all burdened with busy work

그래서 다들 더 열심히 하는 것 같아서

that's why we need to work harder

저 역시나... 지지 않으려.. 눈에 불을 키고 열심히 하고 있답니다.^^ 홧팅!!!

i'm really trying hard to win (?) i keep the light on my eyes and work hard^^ fighting!!!

지금 YG 전체가 빅뱅 때문에 한참 불이 붙어있는데요 ^^

now all of YG is shining because of big bang^^

이번 빅뱅 미니앨범.. 정말 좋은 곡들 좋은 가사들 그리고 좋은 안무, 좋은 의상등등

this minialbum..has alot of good songs and good lyrics, dance moves, and clothes

여러분들 원하시는 거대한 떡밥생성으로.. 무지 바쁜 나날들을 보내고 있답니다.

to make the big creation that you all wanted...our days are really busy

지금 팬 분들은.. 6개월이란 공백 기간 때문에.. 빅뱅을 잊어버리신 건 아닌지..

right now, you fans...6 months have been blank...you guys haven't forgotten us right?

애정이 식은 건 아닌지.. 아니면.. 각자의 꿈을 위해 나날들을 보내시는지....

hopefully your love didnt dry up...or...or spending your days on your own dreams

이것저것 혼자 걱정을 하네요, 아직... 어린놈인데.. ㅜㅠ ;; 누나들만 믿고 달리라는

i'm worrying about random things, i'm still a young boy..ㅜㅠ,, i believe in my nunas and keep going

누님들은.... 잘계시는지....

all you nunas...hope you're doing well...

평생 서포터즈 해주신다던 우리 팬 분들...

you fans said you'd be our supporters for ever...

누나들만 좋아하지 말고 동생들도 챙겨달라던 우리 동생 팬분들.....

i shouldn't just like my nunas, i should like younger fans too...

남편이랑 싸워가면서 빅뱅 보러온다던 우리... 이모 팬 분들....

to those who fight with their husbands because they say they're gonna see us...my aunt fans...

다 잘 지내고계시나요???^^

are you all doing well???^^

빅뱅은 always 항상 그리고 언제나 좋은 모습위해 노력하고 있어요

bigbang is always working hard to show everyone good impressions

기대 져버리지 마시고 ^^ 응원 많이 아주 많이 해주세요 !!

please dont throw away your excitement^^ please cheer alot for us!!

많이 해주신 만큼 더 열심히 한답니다.

the more you do, the more diligent we are

8월19 잠실 실내체육관에서 열리는 빅뱅 MiNi 앨범 always 쇼케이스 + 팬미팅

the show case and fan meeting for the mini album always is august 19th at the JamShil ShilNehChaeYookGwan

PM 3:00시부터 시작인거 알고 계시죠~!!

keep in mind that it starts at 3:00 pm

절대 놓치지 마세요 후회 합니다

please dont forget, you'll regret it



if there's any mistakes, please correct me!

i dont wanna be misleading >.<

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Guest noubie

aww....thanks for the trans!!

before i freak out about the new "always" pictures, i'm gonna freak out about the clip monica just posted...


i'm happy to see that 1) he likes it and wears it hahah and 2) it fits him perfectly! we kept trying to decide what size would be suitable on him. AHHH and he looks so hot with it on too!!! gina literally screamed when we saw him wearing it... so did my sister and i :lol:

http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/8020/ybsk1.jpg http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8316/gi...shirttw0ev7.jpg

^cap of him in it, and her holding the shirt before we left to LA for HB 2007~

anyways, GOSH THEIR NEW PICTURES KEEP GETTING HOTTER BY THE LOAD! i agree, it IS a 'comeback' of the G-RI. and i LOVE it-


^hahaha they almost look couple'y here


OHHHHHHHHH MY GOODNESS. why is even a BIT of wifebeater showing on mangnae so SEXY~?!!!

we're all on a big bang high now, and it feels sooo good... thanks monica for ALLLLLLLLLL the new stuff~!

OMG!!! that is so freaken kool!! i'm so jealous!! my cousins and i try so hard to find them..but we couldn't cause we didn't know where to start..which sucks!!! what size shirt is that?? and where did you guys see him at??

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Guest ImSmiley

thanks for the translation.

to those who fight with their husbands because they say they're gonna see us...my aunt fans...

lol, seungri just cracks me up! for a moment, i forgot i'm his nuna too.

his message was really sweet and cute.

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Guest thina

AHHHH thanks for the translation orangebubbles~! GAAAH, mangnae mangnae mangnae, you drive me crazy...

right now, you fans...6 months have been blank...you guys haven't forgotten us right?

hopefully your love didnt dry up...or...or spending your days on your own dreams

^no baby, your fans' love for yall is FARRRRRRR away from 'dried up' ;)

i'm worrying about random things, i'm still a young boy..ㅜㅠ,, i believe in my nunas and keep going

all you nunas...hope you're doing well...

you fans said you'd be our supporters for ever...

i shouldn't just like my nunas, i should like younger fans too...

to those who fight with their husbands because they say they're gonna see us...my aunt fans...

are you all doing well???^^

^HAHAHAH noona this noona that~! :lol: i think it's sweet how he mentioned his younger fans too this time. but i wonder if he realized that he went RIGHT back to talking about noona fans again hahah- fighting with husbands for big bang~?!! that's HIGHlarious! but i bet if i was married now, i'd be in that situation ;) that boy just GETS me.

i uploaded their latest MTV school attack show on my youtube for yall to watch! ^_^ enjoy:

school attack 08/09/07 pt I

school attack 08/09/07 pt II

school attack 08/09/07 pt III

school attack 08/09/07 pt IV

*if the video is still processing, just check back a little later, i just uploaded it-

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Guest la.la.la

wahh everyone's cards are the coolest & cutest i've ever seen

i'm debating whether to put my pics up. they're all now intimidated

but to anyone who's @ ygbb, i already put it there --> here

they looked so good in japan!!

i love the crossbone pants i must say!! i wish i had a pair!

i want to steal seung ri's backpack!! and the seung ri wearing it!

thanks for the message translation orangebubbles!!!

seung ri is the most adorable human being ever

T.T too bad he likes his noonas more than his younger fans *I LOVE YOU TOO SEUNG RI*

& thanks for the school attack tiffany & thank you thina for uploading it on youtube!!

i'ma gonna watch it right now

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New "Always" pictures!

BB at the park in ALL WHITE :)

with a little cute story.




credit: popcornfor2


Thank you orangebubbles for translating.

Everyone wants to do a TV show? HELL YEAH. I would love to see all of them acting.


That was cute when he thanked all his nunas & the younger fans.

We haven't forgotten about you guys! NEVER!

And of course he plugs in the fan meeting lol...

Thanks Thina for the School Attack links!

I've been waiting for those to go on youtube forever.

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Guest 5ecret

Big Bang - 20070809 Show case & Fan meeting 'Always' [Daesung]


Credit: gomtv&popcornfor2

Anyway, SR's message was really so nice to read! ^^ Thanks orangebubbles for translating!

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Guest KuYA II

wow this thread is going by fast!! first of all thanks everyone for uploading pictures, videos, screen caps and translating seungri's message!!! ^^

i can't wait to watch their m countdown in japan performance. They are extremely lucky to see big bang perform ESPECIALLY FT ISLAND AND SHINHWA!!!! ^_________^.

thanks again everyone!! ^^

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Guest mon5482

^^ i was just about to post them, ive been busy at work (very rare LOL) thanks girls for posting!

5ecret - file sharing is not allowed.


btw, yalls' cards are sooo creative~! :) great job on them. i didn't have time to make one (due to spending all my time to make them anniversary cards :lol:) so i sent him a musical card. the front says "on your birthday, be bad" with a skeleton head on it, then when you open it, it says "very bad" and it plays that 'bad to the bone' tune hahahaha~ i thought it would be cute for GD, since he IS indeed a badass. B)

omg! i saw that card and was gonna get it for him too!!! i bought a musical one for the anniversary one...the one that plays 'all stars' coz they're ROCK STARS NOW!!!


omo~~~ thanks for translating Seungri's message...that boy is too cute!!!

이것저것 혼자 걱정을 하네요, 아직... 어린놈인데.. ㅜㅠ ;; 누나들만 믿고 달리라는

i'm worrying about random things, i'm still a young boy..ㅜㅠ,, i believe in my nunas and keep going

누님들은.... 잘계시는지....

all you nunas...hope you're doing well...

평생 서포터즈 해주신다던 우리 팬 분들...

you fans said you'd be our supporters for ever...

누나들만 좋아하지 말고 동생들도 챙겨달라던 우리 동생 팬분들.....

i shouldn't just like my nunas, i should like younger fans too...

남편이랑 싸워가면서 빅뱅 보러온다던 우리... 이모 팬 분들....

to those who fight with their husbands because they say they're gonna see us...my aunt fans...다 잘 지내고계시나요???^^

are you all doing well???^^

^too cute and funny!!!



[CLIP] (09082007) MNET Japan - BIG BANG - Intro/La La La

[CLIP] (09082007) MNET Japan - BIG BANG - Shake It

coming up....i'll edit when its up

[CLIP] (09082007) MNET Japan - End of show (BIG BANG)




coming up....i'll edit when its up




another ALWAYS message!


[CLIP] (09082007) ALWAYS Fanmeeting & Showcase Daesung Message

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Guest t. yama

Oh man, so many updates!! I love it. Thanks for ALLL of those beautiful Japan MNET pictures Jerilyn! <33

(Yay for having good internet connection! haha) I'm gonna save every one of them. Gahh, I wanna see their

performance so badly. Looking at these pictures makes me miss them so much. I know their mini album will be

out soon with new performances...but these pictures...though I love them to death..are killing me! haha.

orangebubbles, thank you so much for translating Seungri's message! Aww, he's always so thoughtful.

SO CUTE how he talks about the noonas! (and the younger fans too..hehe). We haven't forgotten about

you Seungri! :] We know you guys have been working really hard :)

Thanks for all the youtube clips Mon and Thina. ^^

Yayyy, I love how in just a matter of days...our computers will be loaded with Big Bang!!

What will come next?

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Guest juhjuh

So I was watching the new School Attack clips and was excited at the sight of TOP wearing short sleeves!

I played it a few times lol cos I couldn't quite believe my eyes.

His arms look very skinny too!

But you could tell he wasn't comfortable being exposed like that LOL.

And Daesung's Always clip cracked me up lmao.

He was so silly xDDDDD

I didn't understand a thing but I had a good laugh, I really did!

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Guest Jasmine<3


so first off

i watched the i am sam top cut epi 2.. gots to say.. HE LOOKS SO FINE. i LOVE the bad boy look! and that ghey plant is so funny hahahahahahahah the wig! LOL

he's doing a good job =] the girl's pretty too. lucky butt haha . i wish it was translated thoguh =[ the drama itself seems really fun !

second note,


now that, my friends, is BALLLLA =D haha finally, satisfactory =] yay i vips !! ^^ show them the love

dude.. those always yaht pics are intense. i love them! i stole one of them for my background haha =]]] yayyayayay they are so hot!! the white and the blue make them look irresistable! haha the boys have def grown up! <3 i love all their new looks. except, GD"s ghey bun must go -_- although he rocks it with confidence, i think he should cut it off. but ohj well, it's always that way, GD the individual talented music maker yo!

THis month is intenseee!! i can't believe the new album is coming out soo soon! the cards for GD's bday is soo cute too. you guys are mad talented =]]

anyways, i wont be here for the nextweek or so.. im going to LA ^^ i hope i can find more bigbang goodies in koreatown hahaha im excited. bigbang is sooo cooool hahaa

anyways, i'll be back later. thanks so much for the updates. =]!


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Guest lilswtazndevil

aww....thankx for the translation....hes so cute...

and the "always" pictures....they look so HOT!!!

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BIG BANG IN WHITE is a major plus.

i think seungri needs a pair of sunglasses like top.

he been shielding his eyes alot.

-or even better, top gives his to seungri, so we can see top's beautiful eyes

he's been hiding lately. ^^

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thanks orangebubbles for the translations!!!

Seungri is so cute when he talked about the nunas!

i loved how he was talking about his aunt fans XD

thanks gmae for those new pics!!

is it me or in most pic GD is always the silly one haha..

the first pics he has his shoes off

and in the second one he's looking somewhere else while everyones all serious ^^ so cute

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hm i dont know if these have been posted. sry if they were

pictures of TOP in his drama~




hahah he looks like a dork :)

hm i wonder why he looks like that. its the complete opposite of his character

I have a friend who has this hair style and heeee isss cute like TOP. I hope TOP make it a great drama!

so far it's okay.

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Guest sungieluv

haha Seung Ris message was so cute. sweet for him to mention his nuna fans :) *ME ME* that was fun to read. that mangnae is so funny

&& Daesungs message. "understand?" that boy is always so full of energyyy :D omo 0:48 his voice is so cute. i like his hair that way, but i still miss his poni tail ><

i swear me && DS could be bestfriends LOL.

gahh im excited for the new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GD has a thing for not wearing shoes :P OR wearing shoes without socks ;)

TOP ! *dies* thoes shades look so sexi on u. but i wanna see ur beautiful eyes~

YB always dresses no neatly :rolleyes: i find that very attractive LOL

everyone looks awesome as ever

gosh i love these 5

thanks for the Always picss!!!!!! HawT!

keeping us updatedd! much appriciated!

*gasp* i have been watching I am Sam lately. omo TOP is so hot.

*waiting for Big Bang stufffZ to come*

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