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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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Guest lightforyou

goodnight! everyone sleep well and have sweet dreams of our minshin in malaysia passing their holidays together.........I SHOULD STOP BEING DELULU
EDIT: only fwe more hours and they will wake up so i should say good morning everyone have fun shipping because i'll be sleeping

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Guest summer24

Hi guys! Delurking! I just want to say that as much as We support Minshin, we should never forget to be fair to the both of them. I love them both and I've always been a fan of these two people and seeing some people commenting about Lee Min Ho's past relationships is quite frustrating. Dont get me wrong, I love them equally but some of the post about him are getting out of hand. I just want some of you to respect both of them equally. That's all. ;;)

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Guest itybittykitty

@ravaire...I know right...we gotta use tough love with this boy...he is beautiful! @bains...I am not used to having so many people at this time

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Guest Alina Lacramioara Condrat

I find you guys sometimes are not being fair to

Lee Min-ho, and as his fan who is not a shipper, some of the stuff written here are quite disappointing to read. Some comments are not accurate, completely off-base or just false.

First, let's start with the premise that no one here in this thread knows him personally. Most of you here were not even his fans until a few months ago. Even his so-called fans who usually post here don't often have accurate information about him. Take the whole military thing which I had to clarify, the whole 19+ freakout which again I had to clarify, etc...

Second, most of the info you got is from English sources. Not in Korean. So there's already an information gap on that. On top of that, some info seem to be based on so and so said it, so it must be true. Take his relationship with PMY. I bet you only know about 1% of what happened between them. Even as a long time fan, I'm not even sure what really happened. So I'm not sure how people can use flimsy information to build on their expectation. Just an aside: he's always been friendly with his co-stars. No exception. 

Third, he's a private person. You rarely find any information on his personal life, especially after he rose to stardom. He doesn't do a lot of interviews written, tv, or radio. He doesn't do varieties. The only few occasions you hear from him is before or after his dramas. That's it. His fan-meetings are designed for his fans, and they include an array of topics, but rarely does he go into his personal life. And he doesn't have to. His "fans" understand that. His Korean fans are super protective of him. Same with his very dedicated Chinese and Japanese fans. Most of the time, it's international fans who don't often get a chance to meet him or enough information on him that seem so starve of every little things about him. 

I'm not disputing what he said on his vision of love. But for all we know, he might have followed that step already, but doesn't publicize. And it's his business. 

Just because you ship him with your favorite, doesn't mean he has to fulfill every single thing you wish here. And why is there so much blame on him? 

About Heirs clip used for his encore. Maybe you're reading a lot into it. Honestly, it's nothing special. He's always done that with his successful dramas. After BoF aired in Korea, he promoted it extensively with his co-stars. Even sang the Korean version of Meteor Garden's theme song. My Everything song was part of BOF F4 soundtracks actually. Same with City Hunter. He promoted extensively after it ended. He did a special called City Hunter in Tokyo for Fuji TV. His fan meetings in China had City Hunter theme. The whole Happy Camp appearance was based on City Hunter. 

Don't be disappointed in him for not fulfilling your fantasy. Blame yourself for setting way too unrealistic standards. You can wish and ship all you want, I don't care. But when people start making assumptions and accusations on his character, that is when I have issues. 

I don't know anything about PSH asides from watching her in You're Beautiful and Heirs. And I certainly won't start going around making grossly stated assumptions about her because it's not fair to her, and it will probably irk a lot her fans who have followed her for years and may have a better understanding of who she is. And I really wish you would do the same for Lee Min-ho and his fans who have followed him

for a long time, and may know a lot about him, but they don't like to share anything personal out of respect for his privacy. 

THANK YOU @guadi !!!!

It felt so good to read your post,really spot on .

=D> .people should just stop about the character of someone they don't even know.

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Guest sheila88

I don't get why people say that LMH & SH look alike I think those two look alike
park-shin-hye-kim-woo-bin-win-popularitycredit to owner

They look like Ken & barby lol 

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Guest Enonane1 .

just from my POV.....@LorenHaze - I like your calmness in the face of people who try to inflict wounds among our MinShin ers and cause MinShin shippers to doubt.....
it seems there are a few who have "infiltrated" our thread and using ambiguous statements to try and turn Min Ho fans against Shin Hye fans......we have to ignore this sort of thing b/c when we take the bait it makes them feel powerful....like they have accomplished their goals....sometimes some people think they are more crafty and smart than they really are.........
I, for one, do not under any circumstances think Min Ho has ever been wishy washy or indecisive about women...... we do not know that he has ever had a relationship other than one time and how serious that was is all in the minds and eyes of the fans for that ship.....so anyone anywhere saying that it was anything definite is all their opinion.....unless they can show me a direct quote from MinHo himself and I have searched and it doesn't exist.......
and just because he did like (1) one person he worked with in the past does not warrant him being labeled as having a fault....or being the type to fall for his co-stars.....seems so slanderous to say that sort of thing..there has never been anything wrong with his past relationship......he seems sincere and downright shy to me and does not come across as a lady-killer type of guy.....I think those wishing to make waves here should just pull out and go elsewhere.....MinShin really scares them you know? makes me even more sure that I have the right ship!!!!!! heh heh heh........
what is wrong with him falling in love with Shin Hye?  just because he hasn't come out and shouted it to the news media does not mean he isn't capable of loving her or taking care of her - why would anyone even think that way? what has he done to make anyone say or think this way?
the naysayers and other shippers who wish to cause trouble here are saying that he is incapable of loving Shin Hye? that he should just rack this up to experience and maybe just maybe the next time around he will get it right? the next time being with your preferred actress/idol whoever...... my thoughts toward you are go somewhere else and sell your snake oil b/c I am not buying it.......biggest bunch of bull whacky I have ever heard.....Min Ho has done or said nothing to make me think he is not able to have a good and lasting relationship with Shin Hye.....or whomever he chooses.....such crap people like to try to spread......
and why does he have to come out and "claim" her or "make a statement" ? why? these are 2 very capable and grown adults who may have already decided how they will handle their relationship....it seems that both have stated time and again that they will keep any relationship secret and on the down low ..... so why are we expecting anything else?  why does he have to "act" on his feelings of love for our benefit? ( ok as a shipper I want confirmation but really I just want these 2 people to be together and happy).......
I really think those that come here and sort of give or try to give the impression they are Shin Hye supporters and then lamb blast hurtful statements about Min Ho are doing it for the sole purpose of trying to bring a rift between the 2 stars fans.....so I for one am still shipping however delusional I may be....I am a fan of Min Ho and Shin Hye that has nothing to do with being a MinShin shipper....I am that too...but my sense of right and wrong gets slammed head on when those who wish to cause trouble say such hurtful things about Min Ho....
so when you - the infiltrators who pretend with pretty words to be supporters of our ship - very slyly say things to start a war or try to start a war - you fool no one and you really sound and act stupid ....
go away b/c you are making me fall behind on catching up with my true intent of reading legit posts about our MinShin couple......there are too many videos I have to watch and listen too...too many translated interviews I have to read....too many gifs I need to enjoy and laugh about.....too many posts to laugh at or just enjoy....I don't want to waste valuable time reading your nonsense......go away and let me get on with the real fun........

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