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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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Kind of bad news for the DVD .
To. International fans of The Heirs

Hello everyone. 
We, Korean fans, would like to let you guys know about current situation of making The Heirs DVD version. 
우라 한국팬들은 현재 제작상황을 전하고 싶어요

Today, the company opened the details of DVD to consumers. 
오늘 제작사가 디테일을 공개했습니다.

What we found is that a lot of contents of DVD are different with what they said before.
전에 말한부분이랑 많이 다르더라구요 

Making film and deleted scenes which were supposed to be included in DVD are too small in quantity. 
메이킹이랑 삭제씬이 너무 적어요 ㅜㅜ

What is worse, manufacturer added too much music video clips which were made by several fans. We think those don't have to be included in the DVD because we can easily find them on the Internet.
쓸데없는 팬뮤비도 많구요 ㅜㅜ

So, many Korean fans appeal to company to require additional contents but the company is unlikely to change anything of DVD. They don't listen to consumers.
한국팬들이 나서서 제작진에게 의사전달 하고있으나 헛소용 ㅜㅜ
들어쳐먹질 않네요 

This is not what we expected. 
우리가 기대한건 이게 아닙니다

Something is wrong. 
뭔가 잘못되었어요

So, a lot of Korean fans already canceled their preoreder and much more fans consider it.
한국팬들은 취소하거나 취소를 고려중 

Last meeting with the company will be held tomorrow and final notice will be uploaded tomorrow. 
내일 최종 공지가 있겠으나 

But not many things seem to be changed. 
별도 바뀔거같진 않아요

After that, we guess far more Korean fans will cancel their preorder. 
그 이후엔 더 많은 팬들이 구매 취소하리라 생각 

Whether buying or not definitely depends on you guys, but we think you guys should know the situation. 
사는 것은 모두 여러분들께 달렸겠지요.
하지만 알려드려야하고 아셔야 할것같아서요 

Thank you and so sorry for it
감사하구 또 이런소식 전하게 되어 유감 

From DC.

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Dear The Heirs International Fans,
This is the The Heirs DVD Specification offered by the DVD production company. 

The Heirs DVD Team(http://cafe.daum.net/theheirs) had several discussions with the DVD production company, but both sides couldn't make a satisfactory agreement of the DVD specification. Hence, The Heirs DVD Team would like to share the specification with all fans and to get your feedback.

** This is an English translation of the announcement by The Heirs DVD Team.

cdfa1e2762d0f7039e81f98f0afa513d2797c59fcredit : From DC

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The Heirs DVD Team was informed by the DVD production company as below for Actor/Actress' Interview running time:

Tan- 23 min, Eunsang- 26 min, Youngdo- 42min

It is unheard of that main actor/actress' interviews are shorter than supporting role's. The Heirs DVD Team is having a meeting how to respond. The team had complained strongly to the DVD production but hasn't got clear response yet on the interview running time.

The Team needs your support to correct the situation. We'll share further information asap.

** This is an English translation of the announcement #2 by The Heirs DVD Team.

Dear The Heirs International Fans,
The Heirs DVD Team delivered our fans' request on the DVD spec. to the DVD production company.

These are follow-ups:
1. For the unbalanced actor/actress' interview running time, we're still in negotiation with the DVD production company.
2. For the fan-made OST music videos, the DVD production company says that it's already decided firmly(it's a promise with viewers, the company insists) and the company is not willing to exclude them.
As an alternative, the DVD production company suggested to include the fan-made OST music videos as Easter-egg in DVD. So, you can choose to watch them or not.
3. For making films, as you can see, there's none from Episode 9~20 . And even for the making films offered in EP 1~8, the scenes are not exactly our fans want to see. So, The Heirs DVD Team requested to include making films from EP 9~10. We're working together with the DVD distribution company to push the DVD production company.

credit: From DC

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Dear The Heirs International Fans,
It's unfortunate that our fans are in situation to consider a boycott of the DVD and The Team feels really sorry for that.

The Team has delivered all the feedbacks you gave in the DVD cafe(http://cafe.daum.net/theheirs) to the DVD distribution company. The DVD distribution company is 100% aware of the situation and undertands the severity of current situation. And The Team and the DVD distribution company are stronglly requesting to the the DVD production company on what our fans want.

These are responses from the DVD production company (as of 11PM, Jan 24th):

1. The supporting role's interview running time will be adjusted to 22~23min, down from 46min.
2. The fan-made OST music videos will be included in the DVD as a form of Easter-eggs. And the fan-made OST music videos will not be counted as additional movies in terms of total additional movies running time originally proposed.
3. On making films, The Team requested to add at least 44min(The fan-made OST music videos running time) of making films and also to include making films from EP 9~20. However, the DVD production company insists 30min of making films(The Team keeps requesting at least 44min additional & more of making films).

The Team is delivering our fans requests to the DVD production company. In case our requests are not accepted properly, The Team will take an action in line with our fans. However, plz understand that The Team's role is to do the best effort rather than to boycott the DVD. The Team will do communicate strongly as far as it goes. 

The Team expects our final announcement could come out in the evening of Jan 25th. We appreciate your patience until then.

** This is an English translation of the announcement #4 by The Heirs DVD Team.

From DC

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Hmmm. No episode 16 closet kiss bts video/making the film? that's what we are looking for the most =)) they better add more content in the dvd, bts should be from episode 1 to 20 so it will be worth our money. No wonder kfans are complaining.. Thanks chingu @minshinie for the info.

And why would they include the fan made heirs MVs? Wth? Haha we don't need them, we can watch it on youtube. Just give us more bts videos instead.

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Watch The Heirs just like watching a football game-------------------------------------------------







Okay good night! Thank you guys, you are awesome!Time to sleep now I-) I-) I-)

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Guest branwen

I feel so sorry for those who have preordered the DVD. An angry button should be here at moments like this. X( 


I hope they reach an agreement that is in favor of the fans. It's already so expensive, why are they being so stingy? Are they thinking of releasing another DVD version (of course they are X( ). This is really disappointing.

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Guest tropicalgirl

ravairie said: Hmmm. No episode 16 closet kiss bts video/making the film? that's what we are looking for the most =)) they better add morecontent in the dvd, bts should be from episode 1 to 20 so it will be worth our money. No wonder kfans are complaining.. Thanks chingu @minshinie for the info.

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Now i'm thinking of cancelling my preorder until they are able fix the issues. But i don't know how to cancel the preorder in yeasia? :-? Lets just hope they will add more content to satisfy the fans. We just want more bts videos. Why are they so stingy with bts? [-(

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No Kissing scene BTS? So fishy now. Why? Is it too sexual? Now make me thing they really have a REAL KISS. When i watch back, Min Ho really open his mouth, he really suck Shin Hye mouth & tongue. Same with Shin Hye lol.  I think MINSHIN KISS before cut like this >>>>>>
tumblr_msgihu9Dhn1qkbr8xo2_400.gif    tumblr_msgihu9Dhn1qkbr8xo3_400.gif    tumblr_msgihu9Dhn1qkbr8xo4_400.gif   tumblr_msgihu9Dhn1qkbr8xo5_400.gif

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Guest rjuliet

jjinjjaa...something strange going on...why no bts for episode 9-20, maybe bcoz there was an intense passionate bts goin on...like @dee89 posted...lol

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Guest branwen

I read hundred pages ago that the City Hunter BTS kiss was released a year after the drama ended. So it's going to be drought around here.


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Guest rjuliet

calm down chingu @dee89 , if no bts then whats behind the infamouse closet kiss is still left up to our own imagination rite, probably like u were posted indeed ;) ...its rob dior cf rite? too haawwttt ... 50 shade - ish

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re no BTS from Ep 9 - 20..... well, I guessed my hunch is right and also from some other Minshipers posts here pages back ago that the real not reel chemistry of our couple really took off starting Ep 9..... :x L-)

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Hello! Delurking again.. by the way I love all your gifs they make my day after a stressful day at work..

I am not sure if my delulu or not, but I have questions.. I am really confused..
Is it me, only me, that PSH shows a restrain on her emotions especially when she is in public with LMH.. It seems she is not her self like she is trying to hide something (her feelings).. Someone just mention there is lack of interaction when they are in public, why is that? Especially if you are doing a film you want to promote that you get along well with your co-star, so I find this really strange.. Also it seem that she did not care that much if the public saw the way she interacted with her other costars in her previous projects.. She was not restrained with her emotions/actions and quickly clarified how their relationship stand.

Lack bts scenes, lack of interviews, lack of interaction between them in public seems really suspicious.. Why is there the need to hide especially if there is nothing.. Why is there so much effort to avoid each other in public especially after a drama has ended? Where is the extensive promotion of the drama between the leads to the audience? I just find this really strange? Isn't the film industry mainly about making money? Why shortcut directors dvd for the heirs everyone else puts a lot of bts (I find this crazy, if they cut the bts i am not buying it)?

Personal thought I love both LMH and PSH acting, they both can act, but if they were not in the drama I would have not seen it.. I hate to say it but the plot was lacking in some areas.. and if was not for the actors that did a wonderful/excellent job portraying the characters it would have not been a hit.
So again why is there no high promotion between the leads for the drama because to my understanding their acting was superb but the plot wasn't so they still need to promote it in order for it to reach a bigger audience.

What has me more confused is the few interviews they have done lately, why if there is nothing between them why not just say it straight out? Especially PSH if she is so scared of antis why hasn't she clarified it like she did with her previous costars? She has made it clear how her other relationships stand whether they are friends, best friends, or like brother and sister. Why do both of them avoid the question and give a different answer?

So my conclusion, ( i might be delulu) But they are in a relationship, i feel that there agencies are aware and that is why they have made them not promote the drama. And the reason for not letting them promote together is because when they are together the way they feel for each other can be easily seen, their interactions give them away that they like/love each other.  BTW i am also really surprise their agencies are not trying to bank on them together, they are the hit couple at this moment shouldn't they be trying get as much cf's, interviews together?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Sorry for my rambling, but i feel they are already in a relationship, but they are just not letting us know :(

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