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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

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Hello everyone! I've been reading this thread for a few days now, and have gone crazy, too crazy that I had to get an account and sail along with my fellow shippers. I work in entertainment biz in one of Asian countries, so it's kinda weird for me to be a shipper :D I mean, I'm on the side where I know actors/actresses' personal stories, but now I'm also on the other side where I'm dying to know if LMH and PSH are actually dating...? If you guys know what I mean...hehehe
I don't watch many Korean drama series. I think I've seen less than 10 K-dramas in my life. But, I know about Korean stars because I have to keep up-to-date with what's going on in Asian entertainment world for my work. I know LMH from Boys over flowers, but didn't finish watching the drama though. I watched PSH in Goong S and You're beautiful. I think PSH is one of the prettiest Korean actresses I've ever seen. I love her look, so pure and natural. So, when I heard about the making of the Heirs in early Sep, I told myself that I had to watch the drama. But then, I forgot! I started to watch the series when it has already gone to Ep 7-8. I was addicted after the first episode. There's something special, which I couldn't pinpoint exactly. I know the script wasn't the perfect one, but everything in the drama seemed perfectly imperfect to me. The Heirs is now my fave Korean drama. I've watched it over and over and cannot get over the fact that it already ended T_T
The Heirs made me fall in love with LMH and PSH. I'm so into it, so much that I want them to be together in real life. My shipper's desire has gone super wild after watching SBS awards on Dec 31. It was a magical love-is-in-the-air night for me. I never thought I would see what I've seen. So, I started to search the web for materials to fulfill my desire, and I found this thread. It's like I've found my heaven...haha I love reading comments here. Your comments made me happy, so so so happy. I giggle like a crazy lady every time I come to this thread.
One thing that I'd like to share from my POV is about LMH's acceptance speech for Best Couple award. I was mesmerized by both LMH and PSY reactions towards each other. It was so real to me. And, when I found out what LMH said, I was like, whaaaaaaat? Did he just say that? From my experience, when we do the press con or any media interview, our actors/actresses would never ever bring up the dating topic first unless asked by the media. Actually, we normally tend to avoid. And, for the most famous star in our company, when there's a dating rumor, and he was asked in any interview, his answer would be, "We're just friends. I'm not dating anyone.". So, when LMH, one of the top global stars, with 11mil likes on FB, brought that dating rumor up on stage,...... I was pretty sure there was something, and I hope that something was real! I would be on cloud 9 if they're together.
Sorry for my first long post. Thanks for reading! Let's sail in happiness and joy together^^ Thanks everyone for wonderful posts. I LOVE THIS THREAD. 

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@amidara Hello Chingu, Welcome to our MinShin thread >:D<
I have to agree, there's something really going on between them. That's why I'm confuse if they are already dating or not yet? ;))Lets just hope to they take courage and be together, in the end I want them both to be happy. :x

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Guest tropicalgirl

Finally i can delurking again, @stucked i understand your feeling, i've been there so whenever you're ready please come back, i miss you, we miss you! we miss your funny, witty, and smart thought >:D<
From my POV uri OTP is not dating yet, their in time when they wanting to know each other, making sure that the feeling is genuine not because they just too involved with the character, and in what state they are(are we just close friend or more than that?) . They flirting and teasing to test others feeling (is he/she like me too?). But we have to understand too it's not that easy to knowing if a person like you or not.  I think as an outsider we are easier to see it. We can analyze from the outside their gesture, body language , ext and say "how both of them can't  realize that they fall for each other?"This is actually reminded me with my own relationship (sorry for off topic a bit),  i dont know in that time my boyfriend have a feeling for me, all i see is just a male friend who like to talk and jokes around with me, until my friends talk to me and said they can see clearly that he like me. It happens because sometimes we deliberately hide our feeling from the person we like until we really sure that she/he have a mutual feeling. I hope that LMH and PSH have someone like my friends to tell and give them an advice (like kim bum for LMH who must be know what it feels like being in LMH position) . I hope again (hope is the theme for this writing) after sbs award they found out that it is more than just a friend, its something that can called as love, a strong feeling. A feeling that worth enough to fight for.So all i can say is lets give uri OTP time, let them have a normal step by step process of falling in love. Like making a good soup, it takes time until all the delicious flavor comes out (means uri OTP in a long relationship and then get maried hahaha delulu).Of course in the end if they decided their just a friend then we have to accept it, we have to appreciate it (trust me my heart get hurt when i write this), the most important is what makes them happy. In the meanwhile this ship still sailing, lets spazzing and always support them.Sorry for the long and scattered post chingu :)

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amidara said: Hello everyone! I've been reading this thread for a few days now, and have gone crazy, too crazy that I had to get an account and sail along with my fellow shippers. I work in entertainment biz in one of Asian countries, so it's kinda weird for me to be a shipper :D I mean, I'm on the side where I know actors/actresses' personal stories, but now I'm also on the other side where I'm dying to know if LMH and PSH are actually dating...? If you guys know what I mean...hehehe
I don't watch many Korean drama series. I think I've seen less than 10 K-dramas in my life. But, I know about Korean stars because I have to keep up-to-date with what's going on in Asian entertainment world for my work. I know LMH from Boys over flowers, but didn't finish watching the drama though. I watched PSH in Goong S and You're beautiful. I think PSH is one of the prettiest Korean actresses I've ever seen. I love her look, so pure and natural. So, when I heard about the making of the Heirs in early Sep, I told myself that I had to watch the drama. But then, I forgot! I started to watch the series when it has already gone to Ep 7-8. I was addicted after the first episode. There's something special, which I couldn't pinpoint exactly. I know the script wasn't the perfect one, but everything in the drama seemed perfectly imperfect to me. The Heirs is now my fave Korean drama. I've watched it over and over and cannot get over the fact that it already ended T_T
The Heirs made me fall in love with LMH and PSH. I'm so into it, so much that I want them to be together in real life. My shipper's desire has gone super wild after watching SBS awards on Dec 31. It was a magical love-is-in-the-air night for me. I never thought I would see what I've seen. So, I started to search the web for materials to fulfill my desire, and I found this thread. It's like I've found my heaven...haha I love reading comments here. Your comments made me happy, so so so happy. I giggle like a crazy lady every time I come to this thread.
One thing that I'd like to share from my POV is about LMH's acceptance speech for Best Couple award. I was mesmerized by both LMH and PSY reactions towards each other. It was so real to me. And, when I found out what LMH said, I was like, whaaaaaaat? Did he just say that? From my experience, when we do the press con or any media interview, our actors/actresses would never ever bring up the dating topic first unless asked by the media. Actually, we normally tend to avoid. And, for the most famous star in our company, when there's a dating rumor, and he was asked in any interview, his answer would be, "We're just friends. I'm not dating anyone.". So, when LMH, one of the top global stars, with 11mil likes on FB, brought that dating rumor up on stage,...... I was pretty sure there was something, and I hope that something was real! I would be on cloud 9 if they're together.
Sorry for my first long post. Thanks for reading! Let's sail in happiness and joy together^^ Thanks everyone for wonderful posts. I LOVE THIS THREAD. 

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Guest sapphire_dreams

amidara said: Hello everyone! I've been reading this thread for a few days now, and have gone crazy, too crazy that I had to get an account and sail along with my fellow shippers. I work in entertainment biz in one of Asian countries, so it's kinda weird for me to be a shipper :D I mean, I'm on the side where I know actors/actresses' personal stories, but now I'm also on the other side where I'm dying to know if LMH and PSH are actually dating...? If you guys know what I mean...hehehe
I don't watch many Korean drama series. I think I've seen less than 10 K-dramas in my life. But, I know about Korean stars because I have to keep up-to-date with what's going on in Asian entertainment world for my work. I know LMH from Boys over flowers, but didn't finish watching the drama though. I watched PSH in Goong S and You're beautiful. I think PSH is one of the prettiest Korean actresses I've ever seen. I love her look, so pure and natural. So, when I heard about the making of the Heirs in early Sep, I told myself that I had to watch the drama. But then, I forgot! I started to watch the series when it has already gone to Ep 7-8. I was addicted after the first episode. There's something special, which I couldn't pinpoint exactly. I know the script wasn't the perfect one, but everything in the drama seemed perfectly imperfect to me. The Heirs is now my fave Korean drama. I've watched it over and over and cannot get over the fact that it already ended T_T
The Heirs made me fall in love with LMH and PSH. I'm so into it, so much that I want them to be together in real life. My shipper's desire has gone super wild after watching SBS awards on Dec 31. It was a magical love-is-in-the-air night for me. I never thought I would see what I've seen. So, I started to search the web for materials to fulfill my desire, and I found this thread. It's like I've found my heaven...haha I love reading comments here. Your comments made me happy, so so so happy. I giggle like a crazy lady every time I come to this thread.
One thing that I'd like to share from my POV is about LMH's acceptance speech for Best Couple award. I was mesmerized by both LMH and PSY reactions towards each other. It was so real to me. And, when I found out what LMH said, I was like, whaaaaaaat? Did he just say that? From my experience, when we do the press con or any media interview, our actors/actresses would never ever bring up the dating topic first unless asked by the media. Actually, we normally tend to avoid. And, for the most famous star in our company, when there's a dating rumor, and he was asked in any interview, his answer would be, "We're just friends. I'm not dating anyone.". So, when LMH, one of the top global stars, with 11mil likes on FB, brought that dating rumor up on stage,...... I was pretty sure there was something, and I hope that something was real! I would be on cloud 9 if they're together.
Sorry for my first long post. Thanks for reading! Let's sail in happiness and joy together^^ Thanks everyone for wonderful posts. I LOVE THIS THREAD. 

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I am never going to get sick of saying how much I love you all chingus here, you brighten up my mood and always cheer me up with your comments even though I am with the flu today and was feeling a bit down just by coming here I felt better :) Also thank you so much to all of you who wished me to get well soon, I really appreciate it.

Now, back to the topic you’re all discussing. I really don’t know how I feel about this whole issue if they’re dating or not. Sometimes when I analyze things, their interactions, the sparks and especially all what happened on SBS awards I go to the thinking that maybe they have started dating, that’s why they were so happy and cute during the awards night, it looked like they couldn’t contain their happiness. Just like @lela6130 said, LMH was being bold that night, with all the teasing and with all those words he was saying, you would think he should contain himself and not be so obvious in order to not create confusion before all of those people, celebrities, fans, media, but no, he was showing all of his feelings and his happiness that night. It’s like they already settled their relationship and are dating now and that’s why all those cute moments took place. I mean when I still think about it, I still am left at confusion as to why would he even bring up dating to the stage and to his speech, WHY? Was he trying to underline something or was it just a gut, spontaneous, caught in the moment thing to say for him? The way he said thank you to her was so sweet, like he was thanking her for accepting him for who he is and for letting him lead her OR maybe for accepting him as her boyfriend (that if they already started dating). Also the way PSH answered, yes, she gave a more politically correct answer than him there but also when she said at the end “gumawo oppa” with her sweet little voice and I noticed that her voiced softened right after he turns and looks into her eyes, like you know the feeling when that special one looks into your eyes and you just loose the track of what you were saying and get all shy and sweet. So based on what we saw that night a part me thinks and wants to believe that it was all because they already started dating and that’s why they were so happy and laughing ALL the time.

BUT, there’s also the other part of me that has a different opinion, that they are still not dating but in the progress of getting to know each other and come into terms of the nature of their relationship. This part of me thinks that what we saw in the SBS awards night was indeed very special and exceeded any expectation I and most of us ever had but maybe they were so happy because they were together after being separate for weeks and they were getting acknowledged for their hard work, maybe they were trying to enjoy to the max every single second they are together that night and being next to each other. I have no doubt that the reason why they were so happy and acted like they did was because of each other and the feelings they have for each other but are they dating already? I cannot be sure. I hope they are, I so so hope for it to be true but I want to still keep my foot on the ground and not make myself believe in that so I don’t get hurt. For example it really served for me to not get my hopes high for the SBS night and when I saw all those moments I was like flying on the seventh sky of happiness.

So in conclusion, whatever their current situation is, I hope they at least are still keeping in touch and contacting each other, I hope they’ll promote Heirs abroad together, do some kind of photo-shoot, I just want them to still be in each others life and not let it fade away cause even if not now, maybe they will have the courage and be together later after they achieve the goals they have set themselves to, not that they cannot do that if they’re dating, it could very well be that their love can give them more strength and motivation but it can also be that it pressures them and makes them distant. Just like precious @stucked used to say, dating is for kids, and for them I want them to get married, Shin Hye is not a girl who you date just to have fun, she’s a keeper, I’m sure LMH noticed that so if for now the best for them is not to date I’ll accept that and pray and wish for it to happen later but they should still keep in touch and be in each other’s life. Oh well, if it’s meant to be it will be chingus so don’t worry. If it happens they will have and have a lot of peoples blessings, even the people around them that night were giggling with their cuteness, I am sure most of them said “aigoo these kids, so sweet” :). After hearing their own self confessing that a lot of people asked them if they’re dating proves that we’re not delusional, just think about it, we think they feel so strongly and maybe even have fallen for each other just by limited BTS interactions we were able to see and by the dramas scene, now imagine what the crew and cast members who were with them all the time and got to see even so much more than us told and asked the same thing, why do you think that happened if there’s nothing going on? Just imagine how much more than us they saw, they know more than us and they think the same, so there is no doubt something is going on. I just hope the two of them also know and have acknowledged their feelings, I hope they can be true to themselves and take the courage :)  

@amidara Welcome dear friend to our family, we are very happy you decided to join us. I love your comment and agree with you totally. As I said above, to me too it was strange that he felt the need to bring out the dating there. I also love them so much, let’s see what time will show us. I love that you work in the entertainment industry so you can enlighten us on these topics as we may not know much. Please keep on sharing and commenting. Hugs 

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Guest ziooom92

I can't believe that I speak her
Hi I ReeM and I am an Arab, I really do not know EnglishAnd translate you're comments in Google my Cases of bad and crazy because LMH & PSH 8-XI loved your comments about the series, but suddenly stopped comments on the series and I was very sadI discovered this place now, damn with 500 pages gosh I want to read the comments  but difficult because I do not know English  #:-SI love your comments about the best couple ever :\"> :\"> I want to i say i watch kdrama of 7 years and addict themBut  never love did like the couple before they're the best couple ever Without exaggeration I'd say for me 
They really love each Even if you love them you shill saying they do not like each other, but this is very clear and I'm sure
I for the first time that the Larry Lee Min ho and Shin Hye like thisAs for the awards SBS This a long story   It is the first time that I see representatives their actions so in front of the screen or in concert @-) @-)I see and ashamed of their actions and it really clear 
>>>>>>>>>>> I really really crazy this couple , I want to speak about them every day and all the timeI didn't even see any series after heirs , what should I do?!As Said Kim Tan:Do I love them?Did I miss them? :):):))
I wish I wrote correctly
Because I don't know English at all :-/
They continueMinSHin for ever :x hahaha

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Guest lightforyou

ziooom92 said: OMG OMG OMG 
I can't believe that I speak her
Hi I ReeM and I am an Arab, I really do not know EnglishAnd translate you're comments in Google my Cases of bad and crazy because LMH & PSH 8-XI loved your comments about the series, but suddenly stopped comments on the series and I was very sadI discovered this place now, damn with 500 pages gosh I want to read the comments  but difficult because I do not know English  #:-SI love your comments about the best couple ever :\"> :\"> I want to i say i watch kdrama of 7 years and addict themBut  never love did like the couple before they're the best couple ever Without exaggeration I'd say for me 
They really love each Even if you love them you shill saying they do not like each other, but this is very clear and I'm sure
I for the first time that the Larry Lee Min ho and Shin Hye like thisAs for the awards SBS This a long story   It is the first time that I see representatives their actions so in front of the screen or in concert @-) @-)I see and ashamed of their actions and it really clear 
>>>>>>>>>>> I really really crazy this couple , I want to speak about them every day and all the timeI didn't even see any series after heirs , what should I do?!As Said Kim Tan:Do I love them?Did I miss them? :):):))
I wish I wrote correctly
Because I don't know English at all :-/
They continueMinSHin for ever :x hahaha

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I've finally caught up....whew! why do i feel like catching up in this forum is like a p/t job? LOL.

@minshin2046 - Chingu...that multiple answer question you've posed regarding uri OTP..man, i'm having such a hard time choosing an answer. i think it's because we've only been given a glimpse of their "story" here and there.  there's so many gaps in between....so many unseen "behind the scenes" action, that i'm going a little crazy trying to provide the most reasonable answer. i know...why am i tripping right? it's just a question....there's really no right or wrong answers at this point; it's all speculation. i must be going mad.......der. lol. 

@amidara - first of all, welcome aboard to this wonderful and hilarious family of MinShinners. :-) secondly, thank you so much for your inside info. it's a relief when someone from the inner circle of celebrities share their perspectives, especially regarding their personal lives. cause let's face it, enquiring minds want to know....:)) any additional info on the mechanics of damage control etc. would be greatly appreciated. what does the agency or management team do when a celebrity is adamant in revealing a relationship, but it's obviously not a good career move? do they help the celebrities by setting up secret rendezvous? and have everyone involved sworn to secrecy? my questions may sound foolish, but these are things i really want to know. i'm virgin to all of this....LOL. thanks in advance :-)

welcome to you too @ziooom92 - glad you made your way here..... >:D<

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           IN THE DRAMA             
In this scene, it was supposed that he was dazzled to see ES in that beautiful red dress. So, the way he holds her hand we can interpreted it like a man in love. Look! how sweetly, he waits for her hand and then he caresses her hand with his thumb. 


           OUT OF THE DRAMA             

And now, look how sweetly he holds her hand AGAIN, in the exactly same way!. This man has a huge crush on her! He only needed to hold her hand, because the MC wanted to check if their clothing was like Romeo and Juliet. 


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myhepyending said:
i also think they are already dating secretly...but not so sure for how long already....that award show really prove it really vividly i think....i somehow feel contented after watching their interactions/gestures in SBS drama award....i really believe that they really are in relationship now....especially after seeing lmh hug and holding psh hand....it somehow shows that lmh wanted to tell the world that this girl (psh) is mine....

sorry to cut your post chingu but i have to say i agree with your oppinion.i think aftre the drama ended they were in connect with each other  through  the phone calls,net or... not in public and beforehand they planned and have been agreed  about how behave in drama award. because i think if PSH wansnt in love she never let LMH to hold her hand or bring or make some rumors or trouble for themselfe. i think this was an indirect hint and the first step for starting their relationship.
sorry for my poor english.

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Guest kesara

Hi! Everyone my theory maybe they experiment on dating but eventually became real. What else is a logical explanation. LMH is very smart about interview he's acting shock come on now. Which is cute. They really did an awesome job on acting. Just like Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie on Mr and Mrs Smith. They say they were not dating, but you can tell in the acting it's deep. Later on they are together!!! MinShin I will wait on this ship definitely sailing away!!!

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Hello minshiners! I'm from Russia~ Finally i write here. Every day I check all of your posts and it's really enjoyable for me and now I want to join to your Minshin family :x I'm PSH fan since 2011 and I really love her. I can talk about her a lot of hours :D Also I like Min Ho. He is handsome and great actor. Their chemistry is fantastic and I really want to hear that they really dating :P

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