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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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I agree. The more you replay the Best Couple acceptance video, the more you feel like, wait, why would he brought up the issue of them dating yet did not even say anything to deny it and then thanking his ES for accepting him. I mean, who does that on stage on a live show broadcasted worldwide? Did he happen to read our thread since we've been asking them in here to give out hints? :-?
Then another thing that's bothering me. Why were they addressing each other in characters' names? Like LMH addressing PSH = ES on stage. Then PSH addressing him as Tan during the interview on her dress concept. Aigo these two, getting too suspicious now! /:) But still, thank you for giving us hope! 

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Guest RistanT

I think guys as shippers MINSHIN couple can we just kidnapped them and sent them to no man land ???

I already have feelings that they are in love .... even though I am only 19 years old but I can feel and see it ...

can they just try to be honest to themselves ...

If they believe in their feeling I think everything gonna be alright

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@OliveS you are so right! I can't remember PSH submitting herself so easily even with JGS during the time of YAB... I think, if from the way LMH's gestures and stares to PSH? Something is really meaningful is happening between the two...

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Maybe "Tan" and "Eun Sang" names are somehow an excuse for them so they will not have to say "Minho oppa" or "Shinhye yah" in public.

Because I swear to the highest of the gods, if you exchange their names with it, they are basically confirming the dating rumors in public. Lmao. Especially, "I thank Eun Sang for accepting me" line from LMH's speech with regards receiving the Best Couple Award. :))

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 Hello MinShin shippers 100%, finally I finished  reading all the post because lots of thing to do and Christmas is almost comes to end ,so busy me..Love all the post. @ pluie..Thank you for the video you posted in YT..From LA to Seoul..LOVE it so.For 7 years, I enjoyed K drama and few OTPs along the way, but this one is the most awesome ever.MinShin won award for best couple.I read a lot of negative views all over the net and almost all of us are affected by it..but we are strong.Dearest all of you.You know who you are,giving lots of tutorial for us, constant reminder how to vote..We did our part and they won best couple.It was shown on the live streaming..all the countries participate..and I know some of our shipper comes from the country's flag posted and how many voted..hahaha the power of Internet.@stucked @ pattituazon and others ( you know who you are) our talented fanfic writers .love all your fanfics some is so realistic and really convincing and I wished it is truly happen to our MinShin. I am happy to get to know each one of you at Soompi MinShin Thread..Every post written here is the most memorable.Our detectives work are so much appreciated because without you..we are so lost at times..you calm me ,make me laugh,make me think and it made me happy. The gif ,the pics and everything ..just love it all .. You are awesome friends..keep our thread alive ,checked ourselves if we do something is not right and correct ourselves if we do..do not bash anyone , love & respect everyone because we wouldn't want others do it to us.Last but not least..We shall pray for our MinShin so they will be enlighten to keep our OTP sailing to sea of reality...Thank you and LOVE you.

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Guest minandshin

faidaris said: @OliveS
I agree. The more you replay the Best Couple acceptance video, the more you feel like, wait, why would he brought up the issue of them dating yet did not even say anything to deny it and then thanking his ES for accepting him. I mean, who does that on stage on a live show broadcasted worldwide? Did he happen to read our thread since we've been asking them in here to give out hints? :-?
Then another thing that's bothering me. Why were they addressing each other in characters' names? Like LMH addressing PSH = ES on stage. Then PSH addressing him as Tan during the interview on her dress concept. Aigo these two, getting too suspicious now! /:) But still, thank you for giving us hope! 

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said: Hi Guys, so, people starts making assumptions that MinShins are mostly Shin Hye's fans? Lemme make it clear here, before Heirs I was not her or his fan, but today I am half Minoz and half Starlight (LOL what is the name of her fanbase?) and definitely a proud MinShin-ppers. :-*

I watched Heirs because of the genre. I love romantic comedy, and I watched it religiously. Sure I have watched BoF, Personal Taste and Heartstring, those are considered romcom, right? But it won't do wonder to me to be the fans of the actor. I am still having difficulty finishing City Hunter (not my genre) and Flower Boy Next Door (something with the plot just don't get me there, it was not the actors for sure), but I really enjoyed Faith and of course You're Beautiful. But those dramas were just drama for me. I know Lee Min Ho is hot and Park Shin Hye is cute, but that's all, I have no intention to look for more info about them. When those drama ended, I simply looked for another new romcom drama to watch.

The Heirs is more than a beautiful drama, it also introduced me to two beautiful souls with pretty faces, named Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye. I am in love with them now.. I just hope that destiny will play a part and on our side with these two, make them a real couple in the future.

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jysab said: Maybe "Tan" and "Eun Sang" names are somehow an excuse for them so they will not have to say "Minho oppa" or "Shinhye yah" in public. Because I swear to the highest of the gods, if you exchange their names with it, they are basically confirming the dating rumors in public. Lmao. Especially, "I thank Eun Sang for accepting me" line from LMH's speech with regards receiving the Best Couple Award. :))

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Hey beautiful MinShin shippers :) How are you all doing today? I am still giggling and re-watching all the SBS drama awards moments, I still can't believe we got to see such sweet and cute moments between them, both of them were so honest, cute and sweet, it was just like seeing two young people in love and them being shy and super cute in front of all of us :) you can't help but love them, together and individually.
 @pluie Thank you so much for the beautiful video you shared with us, would you believe me if I say I teared up watching it? It's just so beautifully done, the song fits them perfectly and the fact that you chose to do the video with real life moments makes it even better. How I ask myself, how and why do I feel so strongly about them? I don't deny that I even was angry at myself for caring so much, but I just can't help myself,  like @faidaris said, it's like we fell in love with their relationship and chemistry and we can't let it go because we see there's something special. Like LMH said, a mysterious emotion, a strange, deep feeling appears every time I see them together, they transcend  pure love and admiration for each other. I've said this before and I'm saying it again, it's not an easy going, simple thing what happens with them, even though they are playful, all smiles and jokes with each other when they look into each others eyes you can see how deep their feelings are. The eyes are the mirror of the soul so.... Oh well, I know I am being too emotional with this deep description about them but bear with me, I don't know why today I'm feeling a bit sensitive. 
I agree with you, I also wish that from now on the media and both of their fandoms leave them alone and at peace for a little while, us and everyone else needs to respect their privacy, they need to settle themselves and come into terms of what they feel and will they do anything about it. Because if media and us push them and frequently ask them questions like "is there anything between you two?", "are you two dating?", they will certainly deny it and will make an effort to stay away from each other in order to not be suspicious so that won't be good for us and for them also. I am fine with them being close friends and call each other oppa/donseng, you have to start from somewhere right? and actually thinking about it I think I find it cute that they call each other like that, in Korea as I noticed age is an important factor to determine how they are going to refer to you, so it's normal cause LMH is older than her and she's younger than him. For me I know that their behavior is not that of a brother/sister relationship, they do like each other very much and have feelings for each other, to me that's a fact, what I saw in the awards show is enough for me, now will they do anything about it, I don't know, I hope they will have the courage and be brave and honest to themselves and their feelings and not be in denial trying to convince themselves that nothing is happening. That is what I fear the most, for them to just let it fade away. I know it's hard and they have to sacrifice a lot of things but if the feeling is true I think it's worth it, both of them are bearing the crown of fame but I hope they consider to bear the crown of love also!!! 
Whatever happens, I know I will still support them, I love them together and wish and pray for them to be a couple and get married and have lots of children (can you imagine how cute their children would be?) but that is it, my influence ends there, if they decide to pursue their feeling I'll be happy for them but if they choose someone else as their life partner I will respect that too, it's their life and their choices, I will be hurt but I will think of it as something that just wasn't meant to be and move on.
Since I see some of you are putting percentages of how much of a fan are you of LMH and PSH, I am writing my opinion too. I won't state the percentages but I will try to explain why and how I love both of them. I've always considered myself more of a PSH fan, I am relatively knew to the Korean dramas and K-music and all that stuff but since I discovered this amazing world I saw PSH first and fell in love with her. I love everything about her, she's talented, down to earth, good at everything she sets her mind to, like singing, dancing, cooking, sports etc, but most of all what I like about her is her pureness, yes her being pure cause I haven't come across of people being in this business that remained to stay humble and pure. She's so honest and true, you can feel her sincerity and passion for what she does, she works hard and always tries to improve herself. I think the best way to describe her would be with this quote that I love of the author Nick Lake "It's like she had a soul that was much too big for her, it filled her to the brim till there was no more space, so it flowed out through her eyes" . This description fits her so perfectly, cause just by looking to her eyes you can see her beautiful soul. As for LMH, I didn't watch any of his dramas before, I am glad I didn't cause I got to know and love him in Heirs, beside my PSH, I wanted to watch him before but wasn't able to, it was fate to watch him first in Heirs. He's such an amazing actor, besides his looks what fascinated me the most about him was his ability as an actor, I always thought of him as a good looking guy who fangirls make a huge deal of, but I was wrong and pre-judged him, he's so talented, I've seen only a few actor who can transmit so many emotions and feelings with just a look or with a face expression. He's so very handsome but there's something special to him, he's more than just handsome, he's cute and cheeky, his smiles make me melt and he has such a positive attitude, always in a good mood and smiling. He also looks mature enough and a family oriented person but also someone fun enough with whom you can have a lot of fun, he's the combination of both. So yes, both of them are great in their own ways and that's why I think they would be such an amazing couple. 
Sorry for the supper long post my chingus, I guess I had a lot in my mind I needed to share with you :)  Stay happy and keep on sailing!

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minandshin said:@faidaris  I think They call each other as Tan and ES because the drama just anded, and they used to it, and still could not seperate themself from the drama (because they like this drama, and memorable) or they like to use the character's name...It's ok! win-win situation...:D:D

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(This is the revised edition. Posted before I managed to finish it.) My sincere apologies.Hello fellow MinShin-pers!
Thank you to those who read my posts and agreed with my sentiments!  <3 :D@vala87 @kjkfan7 @almontel @wallfloweer Thank you again.
@giselle_tw and @huihuitang the part about Shin Hye is only about that. He was talking about when he met Shin Hye 4 years ago so they have been friends for quite sometime already. While the other casts members he met for the first time. Note: If I am not mistaken with my minimum capacity for Korean Language.
@zaizai_f4_only the pic with the child actress from Cell No. 7. (dayum that movie made me cry for the last 30 minutes..still sobbing while the credits rolled) That pic would be perfect if Min Ho was beside them. What a beautiful looking family it would be. LOL!
I noticed a very cute scene besides the obvious during the SBS DRAMA AWARDS for the best couple.I thought I should share it with all of you. Because I only realized this after I finished marathoning Heirs. (Reference to episode 19 of Heirs)

Eun Sang: Kim Tan! You placed last again?

Eun Sang to running Kim Tan: You said you would always be behind me!

Kim Tan: Go in front of me.

The cute scene is at the last 2 seconds of the video. @6.15


He is really behind her whenever she turn around. 

Isn't he different as compared to how he was previously? He will usually walk off first. But now he is beside her at close proximity, behind her or just basically standing face to face. Even sitting opposite each other at the Drama Awards they've been observed to stealing glances at each other or obvious gazing. (Side note: His MORE THAN EAGER face to hold her hands by stretching his hands out first.)

As compared to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9d5CzXB8p4

Note: Look at how awkward he was about having to hug her @1.28 (and now look at him giving away free hugs to Shin Hye without being asked or told) and quickly walking away.

& this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNPFUQ1QDac

Note: You can see in the earlier episodes the look in his eyes is not as intense as compared to the later episodes. Even though this is the very first supposed obvious intense stare as compared to 

this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2x0J-NmgW8 and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJSxBowd8io (includes the hand warming scene too) where his eyes are more relaxed yet it is communicating. 

It was all awkward at first then bam! This interview 

There's only a narrow gap in between compared to all their other interviews. The funny thing is that there's more space on Min Ho's right hand side of the couch compared to Shin Hye's left hand side of the couch. Look carefully.. it is just that his coat is not making it obvious.

Something extra: It is nice of him to keep holding that prop which happens to be Shin Hye's bag all the way through even when they are not filming. 

It's all the little things that makes things obvious of how much they adore each other. This comparison is done because Shin Hye wears her emotion on her sleeves (easier to tell when she is flustered and etc.) while Min Ho is more poker face. But no matter how poker face he is, he is NOW definitely not the same Min Ho I've watched few years back. 

In an interview Min Ho said what? That he is now not in love? Who is he trying to deceive? His own heart or his own eyes? Or his own naughty hands? LOL! He is practically wiping all of his DNA on Shin Hye. Oppa and donsaeng? Yup yup~~.. Most korean relationships always starts with Oppa and donsaeng / Noona and donsaeng. My suggestion to Min Ho is to view his camcorder all over again and he can validate himself. 

And the actors/actresses watching them during their Romeo & Juliet moment, I am a fan of So Ji Sub. One of the finest method actor in Korea. Ji Sub reminds me of Johnny Depp so… that's how I became Ji Sub's fan. Ji Sub known to be a man with few expressions if he is not acting, him smiling is a BIG THING!

With Min Ho winning the best dressed? Nothing is wrong with that. Plus many others including myself were already voting for him even before his SHADOW arrived at the red carpet. I also voted for Shin Hye & Woo Bin before they arrive too. Even Yoochun! LOL~~ So how can he not win?!?! =))

Winning awards there's always Ups and Downs. To say it is not fair. What is? It's such a subjective and grey area. I watched the other contending dramas as well. No doubt Ji Sub's acting is good even Jong Suk's but in this case, Kim Tan's character connects more with people because his character is the MOST NORMAL (though still exaggerated-it's a drama for goodness sake!) compared to a drama centralized to a person with special abilities that is to be able to see ghosts and able to hear other people's thoughts (how many can relate to that?). If Heirs could have someone with that special ability I think Won & Tan's father & step-mother would have been dead by then. Woo Bin will not be so angry and Shin Hye would have been a real "NEW MONEY". So my point is why even start comparing when it is a different genre altogether. It's like asking me to compare who is a better actor; Heath Ledger (as Joker) and Adam Sandler (in Big Daddy).

I have been wanting them both Min Ho & Shin Hye to take on a more mature role. More risqué in order to build their portfolio. But if the image that the agency is trying to sell is wholesome, I doubt it would go that way that is until his fans got mature too. Maybe mature in terms of the level of violence. But in terms of other aspects (like Ji Hyo & In Sung in Frozen Flower, Ye Jin in A Moment to Remember, Ji Sub in Always and Hyo Jin in Love Fiction/A Bizzare Love Triangle) I highly doubt so. 

Oops! I have made another long entry. I just RANT again. My apologies. Can't help it when peeps are not being rational.

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:x Love is in the Air. LOL Can't take his eyes off SH? :P

credit as tagged
I'm a fan of both LMH and PSH fan so seeing them in a drama together is a dream come true. :D I started being active here soompi only since Heirs because I only lurk sometimes in this forum before.Since I love them both, I tried to avoid going to thread/blog that will bash one of them.. =))That's why I love this thread because full of MinShin love :x

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Guest minandshin

faidaris said: minandshin said:@faidaris  I think They call each other as Tan and ES because the drama just anded, and they used to it, and still could not seperate themself from the drama (because they like this drama, and memorable) or they like to use the character's name...It's ok! win-win situation...:D:D

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Hey beautiful MinShin shippers


How are you all doing today? I am still giggling and re-watching all the SBS drama awards moments, I still can't believe we got to see such sweet and cute moments between them, both of them were so honest, cute and sweet, it was just like seeing two young people in love and them being shy and super cute in front of all of us


you can't help but love them, together and individually.

 @pluie Thank you so much for the beautiful video you shared with us, would you believe me if I say I teared up watching it? It's just so beautifully done, the song fits them perfectly and the fact that you chose to do the video with real life moments makes it even better. How I ask myself, how and why do I feel so strongly about them? I don't deny that I even was angry at myself for caring so much, but I just can't help myself,  like @faidaris said, it's like we fell in love with their relationship and chemistry and we can't let it go because we see there's something special. Like LMH said, a mysterious emotion, a strange, deep feeling appears every time I see them together, they transcend  pure love and admiration for each other. I've said this before and I'm saying it again, it's not an easy going, simple thing what happens with them, even though they are playful, all smiles and jokes with each other when they look into each others eyes you can see how deep their feelings are. The eyes are the mirror of the soul so.... Oh well, I know I am being too emotional with this deep description about them but bear with me, I don't know why today I'm feeling a bit sensitive. 

I agree with you, I also wish that from now on the media and both of their fandoms leave them alone and at peace for a little while, us and everyone else needs to respect their privacy, they need to settle themselves and come into terms of what they feel and will they do anything about it. Because if media and us push them and frequently ask them questions like "is there anything between you two?", "are you two dating?", they will certainly deny it and will make an effort to stay away from each other in order to not be suspicious so that won't be good for us and for them also. I am fine with them being close friends and call each other oppa/donseng, you have to start from somewhere right? and actually thinking about it I think I find it cute that they call each other like that, in Korea as I noticed age is an important factor to determine how they are going to refer to you, so it's normal cause LMH is older than her and she's younger than him. For me I know that their behavior is not that of a brother/sister relationship, they do like each other very much and have feelings for each other, to me that's a fact, what I saw in the awards show is enough for me, now will they do anything about it, I don't know, I hope they will have the courage and be brave and honest to themselves and their feelings and not be in denial trying to convince themselves that nothing is happening. That is what I fear the most, for them to just let it fade away. I know it's hard and they have to sacrifice a lot of things but if the feeling is true I think it's worth it, both of them are bearing the crown of fame but I hope they consider to bear the crown of love also!!! 

Whatever happens, I know I will still support them, I love them together and wish and pray for them to be a couple and get married and have lots of children (can you imagine how cute their children would be?) but that is it, my influence ends there, if they decide to pursue their feeling I'll be happy for them but if they choose someone else as their life partner I will respect that too, it's their life and their choices, I will be hurt but I will think of it as something that just wasn't meant to be and move on.

Since I see some of you are putting percentages of how much of a fan are you of LMH and PSH, I am writing my opinion too. I won't state the percentages but I will try to explain why and how I love both of them. I've always considered myself more of a PSH fan, I am relatively knew to the Korean dramas and K-music and all that stuff but since I discovered this amazing world I saw PSH first and fell in love with her. I love everything about her, she's talented, down to earth, good at everything she sets her mind to, like singing, dancing, cooking, sports etc, but most of all what I like about her is her pureness, yes her being pure cause I haven't come across of people being in this business that remained to stay humble and pure. She's so honest and true, you can feel her sincerity and passion for what she does, she works hard and always tries to improve herself. I think the best way to describe her would be with this quote that I love of the author Nick Lake "It's like she had a soul that was much too big for her, it filled her to the brim till there was no more space, so it flowed out through her eyes" . This description fits her so perfectly, cause just by looking to her eyes you can see her beautiful soul. As for LMH, I didn't watch any of his dramas before, I am glad I didn't cause I got to know and love him in Heirs, beside my PSH, I wanted to watch him before but wasn't able to, it was fate to watch him first in Heirs. He's such an amazing actor, besides his looks what fascinated me the most about him was his ability as an actor, I always thought of him as a good looking guy who fangirls make a huge deal of, but I was wrong and pre-judged him, he's so talented, I've seen only a few actor who can transmit so many emotions and feelings with just a look or with a face expression. He's so very handsome but there's something special to him, he's more than just handsome, he's cute and cheeky, his smiles make me melt and he has such a positive attitude, always in a good mood and smiling. He also looks mature enough and a family oriented person but also someone fun enough with whom you can have a lot of fun, he's the combination of both. So yes, both of them are great in their own ways and that's why I think they would be such an amazing couple. 

Sorry for the supper long post my chingus, I guess I had a lot in my mind I needed to share with you :)  Stay happy and keep on sailing!


Can I just give you a virtual hug right there??? It's such a fabulous message.

The folks on this thread never fail to amaze me!

Let's all pray for their love and all negativity to be trumped by the pure ness of their hearts.

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WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD WITH WORDS? I think I am falling in love with you for real now, chingu! >:D< THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing that lovely, LOVELY opinion of yours. I am so touched by your honest words. Really touched. The way you described your opinion was lovely beyond words! I wish they allow unlimited click on the Awesome button so that I can click like a thousand times!
I can feel your sincerity when you praised uri OTP. I have the same opinion too but I am so not good with words considering my personal background being this straightforward. I think also because both LMH and PSH are two good people, perhaps that's another reason why I find so many of you including you @vala87 are so well-mannered, so kind, level-headed, well-grounded shippers. Good people attract good people, right? :)
Thank you again, chingu and REALLY hope to read more from you again. I seriously do not mind reading repeated points like the reasons why we love uri OTP so much as I REALLY love reading sincere opinions a lot and will never get enough of it! :) 

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Guest lightforyou

faidaris said: @OliveS
I agree. The more you replay the Best Couple acceptance video, the more you feel like, wait, why would he brought up the issue of them dating yet did not even say anything to deny it and then thanking his ES for accepting him. I mean, who does that on stage on a live show broadcasted worldwide? Did he happen to read our thread since we've been asking them in here to give out hints? :-?
Then another thing that's bothering me. Why were they addressing each other in characters' names? Like LMH addressing PSH = ES on stage. Then PSH addressing him as Tan during the interview on her dress concept. Aigo these two, getting too suspicious now! /:) But still, thank you for giving us hope! 

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