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[Official] JYJ Park Yoo Chun - 박유천 (Singer, Songwriter, and Actor) Thread

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Some Translations of the Press Conference:

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Today was Jejung's, Yuchun's, and Junsu's first press conference in Japan as JYJ. #milestone 

 JYJ press conference has ended. They answered the questions in Japanese. They said it's fun having the press con with 3 people.

They will perform the new JP song and Back Seat JP version at the concert tomorrow!!! ^____^

JYJ kept telling everyone in the press con, "how thankful we are for everyone's support."

A lot of JP reporters are in the press con.

via Rubypurple_fan

Jae says the new #JYJ song has a bright and refreshing feel ^^ can't wait to hear it

via ohmyjunsu

JJ: Hi, I'm Jaejoong. we have press conference for a long time. I thank many reporters coming today.

JJ: we miss JP concert. we, 3 were waiting the stage, and we know many fans are too. so we are so happy we could cry

JYJ new single will have Back Seat JP ver and song composed by JP musician. JJ said it has cheerful(happy, good mood) and fresh melody.

Q.when did you feel 'Ichigo Ichie?' JJ: the moment we had concert at Nippon Budokan when we were TVXQ. we all cried.

Q.what's ur most fav JP? JJ: I like 'Sumimasen'. because it has many meanings. excuse me, sorry, thank you..etc. JP good culture.

(1)Q.what's ur fav food in JP? JJ: we like inexpensive food. Katu-don, ramen..yesterday I ate ramen with member. it was good.

(2)I love JP food(washoku). I had been saying I want to eat it, want to eat want to eat.. while being in Korea.

Q. how did u feel when u saw many fans waited u at AP? - surprised. there were many fans than usual. I thank them.

Q. what's ur memoried song? - we released JP songs b4, but never sing them after the con. I like 'Itudatte Kimini', the song I sang then.

Q. how you feel now? - 1st Dome tour. I'm nervous so much n expecting the stage. looking forward to meet fans waiting us for a long time

1) JJ: let's have fun tomorrow. you guys come tomorrow? eh? (reporter: I will) you will? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUzWRXXNvZU&feature=youtu.be 

2) I want to have the concert with impression, admiration, laughter and tears. I'll do my best

"the reason why they mentioned TVXQ.
they performed for only about 70 fans when they debuted in Japan.
at that time, they had many fans in Korean, but they had to perform as new-comer in Japan.
they couldn't understand even Japanese. I read some interviews they said they wanted to back Korea.
BUT they worked hard and finally they could stand on Nippon Budokan stage. the stage is longing for artists.
I can't explain by any words but you can image how awesome it is.
I think it is natural that they chose this is the memorized moment for them.

they were TVXQ. I'm proud of their working as TVXQ.
and now, MORE proud of their (and his) working as JYJ, and solo artist Kim Jaejoong.
he lives in the present and always see the future.

He is the one and only for me. it never change.
I'm really proud of KIM JAEJOONG so much" :) 

Mre videos:





via ayano_jyj

#JYJ answered to many questions in Japanese. They said 'it's just fun if 3 members stay together' 

JS: I'm too busy for speaking in Japanese at Japanese press conference after a long time.

YC: I think all 3 members have the same wish that we wanna perform in JP

JS: We didn't appear on JP TV and release albums&singles from about 5 yrs ago. but I think we're lucky bc we can stand on the stage even now

JS:The press con like this is for the 1st time, right?I got a hope bc I think our situation will maybe get better little by little frm today

via kaju0731


More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ Press Conference (November 17,2014) in Tokyo, ... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-press-conference-november-172014-in.html?spref=tw

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JYJ to release first single in Japan

Updated : November 18 2014  

Top K-pop group JYJ plans to release its first single in Japan -- probably during its concert tour there -- according its agency on Tuesday.

“JYJ will meet fans in Japan during its dome concert tour in Tokyo in November and December in Osaka,” CJeS Entertainment said. “Also, it is preparing for its first single release in Japan.”

The agency also said each member will exude unique charms with gorgeous performances in the concerts.

It will be JYJ’s third dome tour in Japan after its concerts in June 2010 and April 2013. With the concert tour, the group will start its activities in Japan in earnest, according to CJeS.

By Park Gyu-oh (q5park@heraldcorp.com)


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via  콤마☻ @oh_comma


Choo SangHoon Tweet...

j8BqDxyp_normal.jpeg 秋山 成勲 추 성훈 @akiyamayoshihir JYJ��



More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 11/17-11/23/14 (Will Update Conti... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1117-112314-will.html?spref=tw
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JYJ singing Begin as last encore song at Ichigo Ichie JYJ concert in Japan


Stephanie Sim

More fancams/videos...

Lion Heart

In Heaven
via mossydeep64

JYJ's new song "Wake Me Tonight"
via miki4jj

Wake Me Tonight
via mossydeep64

by mossydeep64

JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ in Japan Ichigo Ichie (Tokyo)...Night 1 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-in-japan-ichigo-ichie-tokyonight-1.html?spref=tw

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Jaejoong Twitter Update

ジュンスがソロ曲のリハーサルをやってる時、ユチョンとジェジュンは…やっちゃった… コインのイニシャルはすぐけされるんで… ユチョンとジェジュンのコインは別のとこに貼ってありますので探して見てください‼️
Crystal Moon@crystalmoon64
@bornfreeonekiss While JS practicing his solo, JJ and YC did this! Put initials on coins this AM. Look n find them. Separate places!

Full Translation by the_little_pear
[TRANS] @bornfreeonekiss: While Junsu was rehearsing for his solo song, Yoochun and Jaejoong have done this...
The initials on the coins can be erased right away...
Yoochun and Jaejoong attached the coins in different places, please try to find it!!






JYJ with JYJ Dancers...

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JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 11/17-11/23/14 (Will Update Continuously... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1117-112314-will.html?spref=tw

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JYJ in Japan (Tokyo Dome)
Ichigo Ichie


JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ in Japan Ichigo Ichie (Tokyo)...Night 1&2 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-in-japan-ichigo-ichie-tokyonight-1.html?spref=tw

Excerpts (Click on Link above for the complete compilation due to length)

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@Y_S_H_I: #JYJ #JYJ #JYJ  (Y)
B2zRV60CYAAxUZG.jpg   B2zRUyACQAA68Lu.jpg B2zRVU7CMAAEjC_.jpg
~End~ Bow~

More Ments...
Jae sobbing can't talk JJ is crying omyyyy #jyjjapandometour一期一会 ® 

OMG Yuchun too ,sobbing
かじゅ@kaju0731 Junsu are crying... he can't hide tears. and Yuchun is also crying because JS is doing RT @yuchun6003: ジュンス本泣きしてる つられてユチョンも。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
#JYJinJapan Jaejoong is very crying very badly now... He's wiping his tears while they say goodbye... Don't cry Joongie~~ T___T #Jaejoong (V)
YoochunRocksMyWorld@Y_S_H_I Our #JYJ...they're crying T_____T 

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Ruby ルビー@rubypurple_fan JJ said they'll be together forever as JYJ. #jyjjapandometour一期一会

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class="titleNews"JYJ Reveals Why It Chose TVXQ’s ‘Begin’ as Concert Ending Song
2014.11.20 10:28 CJ E&M enewsWorld Go Soo Jin Translation Credit : Yeawon Jung

JYJ expressed its excitement on the upcoming promotional activities  in Japan.
During press conference for 2014 JYJ Japan Dome Tour Ichigo Ichie in Tokyo, which took place on November 19 in Tokyo Dome, Kim Junsu responded to the question about choosing TVXQ’s Begin as the concert ending song saying, “I’ve really wanted to sing it during every concert until now but the situation didn’t allow it,” adding, “As the situation got better (by solving conflicts with Avex company), we prepared it as a gift for the fans.”

He continued, “The lyrics to the song represent what JYJ wants to convey to the fans. Also, the song contains a lot of memories from the time of TVXQ so we judged that it’s appropriate in many ways.”

JYJ Reveals Why It Chose TVXQ’s ‘Begin’ as Concert Ending Song

Kim Jae Joong revealed his thoughts on promotional activities in Japan, which became freer. He said, “Until now, Japanese media did not write a single line of news even when we held concerts. But the press within Japan showed a lot of interest and excitement for this concert. I’m actually very awkward with this situation but thanks to being introduced in many media outlets, even the fans who could not make it to the concert were able to hear about us, so I’m very happy.”

JYJ was involved in a legal battle with the Japanese company Avex for four years, from 2010 until January of this year. When Avex demanded exclusive rights to manage JYJ in Japan, the group received limits on its activities in terms of broadcast promotions and album release. When the two companies came to a mutual agreement in January, JYJ was able to receive legal guarantee on its future promotions in Japan.

Starting with the Tokyo concert on November 18, JYJ will be meeting the fans through 2014 JYJ Japan Dome Tour Ichigo Ichie in the major cities in Japan, including Osaka. The two-day Tokyo concert held on November 18 and 19 gathered a total of 100,000 fans.

Photo credit: C-JeS Entertainment


class="titleNews" JYJ’s Kim Junsu Feels Like Crying When He Sees His JYJ Members
2014.11.20 10:55 Newsen Hwang Hye Jin Translation Credit : Yeawon Jung 

JYJ’s Kim Junsu expressed his affection towards Kim Jae Joong and Park Yoo Chun.

The JYJ members launched a press conference prior to JYJ Japan Dome Tour Ichigo Ichie, which took place on November 19 in Tokyo Dome, and shared their thoughts about each other.

On top of promoting as a singing group, the JYJ members have been carrying out individual activities in various fields, such as dramas, films and musicals. About coming together as a group to perform on stage in a long time, Park Yoo Chun started, “It’s exciting. It’s been a lot of fun. Since I don’t have be chased by time and can act comfortably, that gives me more room to relax.”

Park Yoo Chun said, “When the three of us perform on stage together, I feel very grateful. During yesterday’s concert, we didn’t discuss what to do on stage and just said, ‘Let’s try to go for this feel for opening stage,’ but we naturally created an atmosphere where we talked to each other so I enjoyed it so much,” adding, “I felt like I was being comforted during yesterday’s concert, instead of having fun. Being together with the members itself is enjoyable.”

About the members who are always by his side, Park Yoo Chun said, “The moment I was the most thankful for the members is not something huge, but very personal. I feel thankful when they try to talk to me first when a problem comes up or when I need to talk to someone. I feel thankful when they are there for me when I really need someone to talk to.”

JYJ’s Kim Junsu Feels Like Crying When He Sees His JYJ Members
Kim Jae Joong said, “There have been many moments recently when I felt grateful,” adding, “Since we are close, we don’t really contact each other very much. But now we have a group chat room where we talk to each other when we’re bored or send weird pictures and although it’s just a messenger, I feel supported just to have a place to lean on. I wasn’t like this before but now I lean on them when I struggle. They ask to meet up for a drink when they struggle. Even though that makes it harder the next day. I think those things energize me and make me courageous.”

Kim Junsu said, “I always feel grateful towards the members. I always think about it and feel it but the reason I was able to come this far is all thanks to the members. I would definitely have struggled and be exhausted if I came this far alone. I’m thankful and can depend on them just because they walked with me in the direction I wanted to head to.”

Kim Junsu revealed, “I felt it yesterday too. Actually instead of the moments when we do something big for each other, I get the urge to cry when I feel that we’ve spent the past ten years together when we sing together on stage or look at them next to me during a talk. You could say that I’m still young but since I’ve promoted for a long time, my mind got weaker with age. I think that’s why I feel the urge to cry more.”

Kim Junsu added, “In the past, I used to worry about how long we can be together but I’m not afraid of that anymore. Our meetings became natural. We used to be upset if we met each other after a long time but now, even if we meet each other after a month, it feels natural as if we just drank together the day before. Because of this naturalness, I’m looking forward to our 30’s.”

Meanwhile, this will be JYJ’s third dome concert, following Thanksgiving Live in Dome in 2010 and The Return of the JYJ last year. It adds meaning since the group will begin official promotions in Japan after having gone through the period of not being able to promote freely in Japan.

Following the Tokyo Dome concert on November 18 and 19, which gathered 100,000 fans, JYJ will continue the dome tour in Osaka Dome on December 13 and 14 and Fukuoka Yahoo Dome on December 23 and 24. Through the tour titled ‘Ichigo Ichie,’ which means ‘the meeting that comes once in a lifetime,’ JYJ will be presenting upgraded performance and steady live stages.

Photo credit: C-JeS Entertainment



class="entry-title" [TRANS] 141120 JYJ Talked About The Hallyu Slump [We Were Different From The Start] November 19, 2014 · Jen_BabyLove  
2014111917004584716_20141119171202_1.jpgKorean popular group [JYJ] talked about why they still receive unchanging love after debuting for 10 years.
JYJ held a press conference before their performance in Tokyo Dome in the afternoon on 19th. Questions were asked by reporters on the secret of them maintaining and boasting this unchanged popularity, despite the slump of Hallyu in Japan.
[JYJ] debut in 2005 as the group [Tohoshinki] in Japan officially, and will celebrate their 10th anniversary this year. Jaejoong said “We did not enter the Japan market riding on K-POP Hallyu book.  Our case was a start by capturing a base in the Japan system, and this seemed a little different from those Hallyu artists in the Japan market now. Because we started with music written in Japanese right from the beginning, the mass probably view us differently”.  After this, when asked to give some advice to those junior singers, he advised “I think it should be in a sequence where you start performing in a small space with fans, and then making it bigger gradually”.
[JYJ] performed in Tokyo Dome in 2010 and 2013, but Japan Dome Tour is a first this time. This is also the first time they performed in front of the Japanese media.
The Dome Tour and single release this time has a deep meaning being the start of full-scale Japanese activities of [JYJ], who could not conduct Japanese activities freely until now. [JYJ] held 2 performances in Tokyo Dome on 18th and 19th, attracting 100,000 audience. 50,000 people in 1 performance is the largest capacity Tokyo Dome can accomodate, and the sold-out concerts is proof of their unchanged popularity.
[JYJ] will continue their Dome Tour from November into December in major cities Osaka and Fukuoka, and has plan to release their first Japan single in December.
Source: WoW!Korea   Translated by: Jen_BabyLove of JYJ3   Shared by: JYJ3

More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 11/17-11/23/14 (Will Update Continuously... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1117-112314-will.html?spref=tw

Press Releases...
JYJ held Press con for the Japanese media and the Korean media right before Night 2 of the Tokyo concert...

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[Excerpt] JJ: For our previous performances, we don't even have a single line/mention in JP news articles. But yesterday,  many JP reporters attended. I was feeling awkward at first but very happy. Now our fans who can't come to the concerts can now access/read about us in JP news...

[Excerpt]Secret of why they are still loved by fans? JJ: "We wonder about it also since we haven't had any activity for a long time.  But we will give our best whenever we have activity.

[Excerpt] During the press con, JJ on entering the JP market "we are a bit different from other KR groups since we started from scratch. We followed the default local entertainment system instead of riding the hallyu wave.

[Excerpt] On Begin, JS: We want to give it us a gift to our fans ahead of our 10th year anniversary debut in Japan next year. This song is full of memories.

[Excerpt] JS: The last 10 years are filled with ups and downs. But I don't have any regrets. I am happy.

[Excerpt] YC: I feel comfortable going up on stage because it's a lot of fun with the 3 of us together.

From Rubypurple_fan 

#김재중 “‘Triangle' was definitely an excellent experience for my future acting career." http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=015&aid=0003198932 

#김재중 "I put on muscles and shed muscles repeatedly during hiatus, laughter!!! http://m.asiae.co.kr/view.htm?no=2014111922200070852   

JYJ #김재중 wanted to sing Cho Yongpil's song, contacted him directly. Cho's response? 'Daebak!' http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=022&aid=0002742010  

JYJ #김재중 "Japanese media has been indifferent about our activities. Things are different now." http://m.media.daum.net/m/entertain/newsview/20141120080316226  

JYJ talks about 10 years since debut. "Was a bumpy ride, but have no regret."http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?oid=057&aid=0000508638&sid1=106&mode=LSD&fromRelation=1   

JYJ "Unforgettable past 10 years, experienced a lot and gained invaluable life lessons." http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=109&aid=0002934125&sid1=001& 

JYJ Japan Dome Tour #김재중 feeling great in front of 50,000 roaring fans at Tokyo Dome! http://m.media.daum.net/m/entertain/newsview/20141120084111141   

Via crystalmoon64

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Wake Me Tonight

With English subs from Angel Wing

Fancams from Ichigo Ichie Night 2

Be The One


Wake Me Tonight


Begin...then last Ment...Jaejoong unable to hold back his tears...

by ayajae11

Let Me See

Ment (Before Lion Heart)...Talking about age...JJ saying he like 40 y/o woman's body XD

Lion Heart

JYJ Ment (YC talking like a baby)


Last Ment...Jaejoong's tears...JYJ's tears...JYJ Forever
From teddy0205A

#jyjjapandometour一期一会 Jaejoong: "Standing on Tokyo Dome stage reminds me of many things, but it's not of the old days. I just remember how much I missed today's (live) stage and I hope it will stay in our memories.."
Via: @JJ_Naaa

#jyjjapandometour一期一会 short FA: Jaejoong tried many times to talk but his tears stopped him. Junsu nodded, nodded, "right, right," and waited for him. Every time Jaejoong's tears flew, Junsu patted on his shoulder and told him "It's alright." Yoochun said, "Told you not to cry," then turned his back to the audience and silently wiped his own tears. While Jaejoong was talking, Junsu kept sobbing and staring at Jaejoong with gentle expression. Yoochun, he only quietly listened to Jaejoong. But when they were going back to center stage, he ran to Jaejoong who was walking ahead of him, patted on Jaejoong's shoulder and put his arm around Jaejoong's shoulder.


from the_little_pear

More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ in Japan Ichigo Ichie (Tokyo)...Night 1&2 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-in-japan-ichigo-ichie-tokyonight-1.html?spref=tw

class="titleNews" JYJ Members Share Their Hopes for Life in Their 30s 2014.11.20 14:30 Newsen Hwang Hye Jin Translation Credit : Yeawon Jung
The JYJ members shared their hopes and dreams for life in their 30s.
The JYJ members held a press conference prior to JYJ Japan Dome Tour Ichigo Ichie, which was held on November 19 in Tokyo Dome, and brought up JYJ’s future.

Park Yoo Chun started, “I hope I can eat well in my 30s. I hope I can be healthy. I hope I can continue to be healthy so I can see you often in a healthy condition.”

Kim Jae Joong said, “This is something I told Kim Junsu in the waiting room a moment ago. We will be 30 soon. We’ve lived our 20s and no matter how much we struggled and enjoyed until now, I’m honestly worried about what our 30s will be like.”

Kim Jae Joong shared, “I don’t know why I began to have this anxiety about the future. Although I laugh about it now, I’ve gone through some extraordinary times in my 20s, so I wonder how extraordinary my 30s will be and whether I will be able to spend good, extraordinary times.”

He added, “I hope I can be healthy and not be sick. I received a health check up two years ago and the doctor said, ‘You must not drink or smoke. It’s all clean.’ I can never know what’s going to happen so I hope I can spend a healthier 30s and become JYJ where the three of us can overcome any obstacle.”

Kim Junsu said, “From ten years ago until now, I never really looked far into the future. I’ve been living by think about what to do right at the moment or what to do the next day. Now that I’m about to enter my 30s, I began to look further into the future. I began to imagine how we would be like when we’re 35 or 40.”

Kim Junsu continued, “I’m not just saying this with empty words, but I think health is the most important. Because as celebrities, happiness doesn’t just come from being able to continue promoting. I thought about until when we can continue promoting individually or as JYJ. Whether we continue our activities as celebrities or not, I hope that the three of us can always gather to eat or drink coffee as we share conversations. And I want to be happy like that until the day I die.”

JYJ Members Share Their Hopes for Life in Their 30s
JYJ also reflected on its activities this year and shared goals for the future.

Kim Junsu said, “I worked on two musicals this year. I performed in December until March and performed 30 times for Dracula for about two months until July. I think I was very happy and did well in Dracula.”

Kim Junsu said, “I’ve heard that Dracula was not an anticipated piece until it began. Numerous cast members, including me, and production team worked together to make the show. Although it was a licensed performance, a lot of work went into the script work, to the point where it could be called an original piece. We changed a lot of things, including the stage set up, to the point where people wonder if it’s the same musical as the ones performed in other countries, but I think the results came out great so I’m happy. I’m glad that I could add a good project like Dracula to my filmography as a musical actor.”

About starring in MBC’s Triangle, Kim Jae Joong said, “I had fun. The drama was extended so it was long but I had more fun as it went towards the end to the point where I wanted to extend it more. It was a drama where I took the first lead role, giving me good experience to begin acting alongside Kim Junsu,” adding, “It was a drama that made me feel like I acted out two different roles. I would like to act out a new character that I did not show on Triangle in my next project. If it’s a good project I would like to challenge myself with a new project anytime to show a good side of me.”

About winning Best New Actor award from The 34th Korean Association of Film Critics Awards for the film Sea Fog, Park Yoo Chun said, “Actually it was my first film so I don’t think I knew the exact meaning or value of Korean Association of Film Critics Awards until now. I ate with Choi Min Sik sunbaenim after the ceremony and as I listened to many things, I realized that it is a very important and meaningful award ceremony. It was meaningful to receive the Best New Actor award from the ceremony. I really enjoyed filming the movie. I fell too deep into the movie. I had fun filming,” and added, “I would like to have a good relationship with all the actors in the future. I would like to have a good relationship with the members, of course, but also with everyone at the company as well as CEO Baek Chang Joo.”

Meanwhile, this will be JYJ’s third dome concert, following Thanksgiving Live in Dome in 2010 and The Return of the JYJ last year. It adds meaning since the group will begin official promotions in Japan after having gone through the period of not being able to promote freely in Japan.

Following the Tokyo Dome concert on November 18 and 19, which gathered 100,000 fans, JYJ will continue the dome tour in Osaka Dome on December 13 and 14 and Fukuoka Yahoo Dome on December 23 and 24. Through the tour titled ‘Ichigo Ichie,’ which means ‘the meeting that comes once in a lifetime,’ JYJ will be presenting upgraded performance and steady live stages.

Photo credit: C-JeS Entertainment


JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 11/17-11/23/14 (Will Update Conti... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1117-112314-will.html?spref=tw

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class="entry-title" [TRANS] 141120 JYJ, 2-day Tokyo Dome’s Roaring Success! Message they want to bring to fans…… Singing Tohoshinki’s [begin] Again November 20, 2014 · Jen_BabyLove   r.580x0
C-JeS Entertainment [its alright to cry when you want to cry, no need to force youself. when you tears dry your smile will open-up]
Tohoshinki’s [begin] resounded in Tokyo Dome. There is a special meaing in the song [begin] flowing with JYJ’s voices.
The concert, first performance of JYJ’s [2014 JYJ Japan Dome Tour ~ Ichigo Ichie~] in Tokyo Dome, was held on 18th and 19th. This is the first time that members used JYJ’s name for a Dome Tour.

To meet JYJ, 100,000 people filled-up the audience seats with 50,000 per day in Tokyo Dome, and they were waving penlights with the words [ichigo Ichie]. The tour title [ichigo Ichie] means [once in a lifetime encounter], and it includes how members feel towards their fans.
The performance showcased hit songs released under the name JYJ like [back Seat] and [be The One] as well as members’ solo songs, and also included Jaejoong’s performance of singer Cho Yong Pil’s Japanese version of [i want to walk], drama [sungKyungKwan Scandal] OST [Found You] etc. They unveiled these special moments without rest. There was also members talk in-between stages, and talked naturally in front of Japanese fans whom they have not met for some time.


JYJ’s to-be-released Japanese single [Wake Me Tonight] was also revealed during the second half of the concert, performing it for the first time before its December release. The 50,000 audience who filled-up Tokyo Dome was responding to the happy melody of [Wake Me Tonight] actively.
Highlight of the concert was the performance of [begin] during encore. More glamorous then anyone and yet with so many twists and turns in their 20s, the lyrics and melody of [begin] when they sing it again was a look-back at the 10 years of their activities which brought pain to the hearts of fans watching.


At the press conference before this concert, Jaejoong revealed “not only that song [begin], the other songs are all our songs too and we wanted to sing them in concerts. Until now the circumstances did not allow for so, but we wanted to prepare and choose even just 1 song as a present. The message in [begin] is best able to convey the message we wanted to convey to fans so we chose it. There are many memories in this song” as the reason of choice.
He looked back and said “this year is our 10th anniversary. These 10 years probably hold more twists and turns than anyone….. Our 20-something is not the normal life of a 20-something. I think it was glamorous and with many twists and turns. Even when we turn 50 or 60-something, these 10 years will really be unforgettable times I think. I look forward to becoming a 30-something, but without having gone through our 20s, we won’t have our 30s….. Most of these inevitably became life lessons. I want say that the 10 years are with no regret”.
The Dome Tour of JYJ started off on 18th and 19th at Tokyo Dome, and will be held at Osaka and Fukuoka next. r.580x0
Source:  Kstyle
Translated by: Jen_BabyLove of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3

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Recent reviews from LA!!! JYJ CAFFEINE: YuChun's Sea Fog (HaeMoo) Reviews (Updated) http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/07/yuchun-sea-fog-haemoo.html?spref=tw


AFI Fest 2014: Ripped from the Headlines

by Jana Monji November 19, 2014   |  
A lot of time at AFI Fest is spent waiting in line. Even holding a press pass doesn't mean I get to trot into certain screenings. Tuesday night, I wondered if it was possible to wait in two lines for back-to-back events at the Egyptian Theater. No Indiana Jones archeologists came forward with a secret passage between the beginning of one line and the beginning of the next so I passed up the promise of the first 30-minutes "Selma" and Oprah Winfrey in order to attend a secret screening of Clint Eastwood's "American Sniper."
"American Sniper" was one of the three movies inspired by true events that I saw at this year's AFI Fest. The other two films were "Foxcatcher" and the Korean film "Haemoo." "Foxcatcher" was the AFI Festival closing gala movie. The backers of all three movies hope to generate Oscar buzz.

"Haemoo" is based on a 2007 play about an incident in 2001 in which 25 illegal immigrants died while being smuggled into South Korea. Directed by Shim Sung-bo, the movie is South Korea's entry for the Best Foreign Language Film for the 87th Academy Awards.
On 7 October 2001, the vessel Taechangho dumped into the ocean the bodies of immigrants who had suffocated while being hidden in the fish storage tank. According to a BBC reportthe boat had taken on 60 Chinese and ethnic Korean Chinese but threw the bodies of the dead overboard southwest of the port Yeosu. The majority of the illegal immigrants were from the Fujian Province and South Korea made an official apology to China about the incident. The South Korean police arrested the captain Lee Pan-keun and seven crew members. I could not find more information online in English about what happened to these men.

The movie "Haemoo" (Sea Fog) takes place on the fishing ship Jeonjinho and becomes a love storythe Captain Cheol-joo (Kim Yoon-seok) for his ship and young Dong-sik (Park Yoochun) for a young female immigrant Hong-mae (Han Ye-ri). When his crew fails to catch enough fish to pay his debt, Cheol-joo decides to smuggle thirty illegal immigrants.
A few things begin to go wrong. First the fog obscures their rendezvous and creates an eery setting. The immigrants must jump over the abyss of black water and into the gray unknown. One woman, Hong-mae, falls into the water and is rescued by Dong-sik.
Hong-mae is one of two women in the group. A woman on the ship is bad luck; two are double trouble and that might not just be superstition. One crew member Chan-wook is willing to allow a woman into the warm engine room in return for sex. Even sex with a grimy stranger is better than being exposed to the cold or being hidden in the stinky, stuffy refrigerated hold meant for the day's catch.

Poverty and desperation pollute every aspect of these people's lives. What would one do to survive, especially when things go seriously wrong. A visit from the sea patrol lasts a little too long, although the captain's bluff rings false yet ever so theatrical, worse things are to come.

When desperation leads to death in large numbers, it may make the news. In 2008, 58 Burmese illegals on their way to Thailand suffocated in a seafood lorry when the air-conditioning failed. There were 67 survivors. In 2000, 58 Chinese illegals died in a tomato freight container as they crossed the English Channel to Dover. In 2003, a truck driver abandoned a trailer in South TexasThat milk trailer contained 60 illegal aliens. Of that number, 15 died, including a 5-year-old boy. While Southwestern U.S. human traffickers are called coyotes, in Asia, these people are called snakeheads. I don't think it is a mistake that when the captain in "Haemoo" makes the deal to smuggle humans that we see eel-like fish swimming around in a large aquarium.

"Haemoo" won the Best Narrative feature at the Hawaii International Film Festival and the Korean Association of Film Critics awarded Park Yoochun a Best New Actor award. Park Yoochun is a K-pop star transitioning into acting. The movie has been nominated for five Grand Bell Awards (Motion Pictures Association of Korea).

(Parts about the other movies , mentioned above are omitted here...click on link below to read the full article)

Of the three movies, "Haemoo," definitely exploits the gore of murder or at least the aftermath where one must get rid of the bodies. That's fair because "American Sniper" and "Foxcatcher" are about a particular character, a real person, who is somehow involved. "Haemoo" has a better developed female character in Hang-mae although none of these movies has a happy ending. All the movies take a real incident, adapt and interpret it and give us something to think about after we've forgotten the headlines.


class="entry-title" Movie Review: “Haemoo” Screening at AFI FEST Presented By Audi Posted on November 19, 2014 by Billy Bennight   Haemoo

“Haemoo” is well written, a carefully crafted drama and character study in human nature of various personality types when they are placed under exceptional and stressful circumstances. The story starts with the fishing boat fresh out at sea with a crew of mostly familiar faces who are expecting to catch fish, but unbeknownst to them that Captain Kang Chul-joo, played by Kim Yoon-seok, has made different arrangement for this expedition for fast cash to save his boat he fears will be taken away from him. Shortly after they are out to sea the crew becomes aware of a clandestine rendezvous that had been previously arranged by Kang to pick up ethnic Koreans from China who are illegally migrating to Korea. This activity is a high risk and illegal endeavor put all 5 crew members on the boat at in great jeopardy with prison as an obvious outcome. The saga of Haemoo, which translates “Sea Fog”, is a story that details the maddening downward spiral that goes strangely askew when the most unexpected situation befalls the illegal migrants that test the crew and the boat’s Captain.

Nested in the horrifying story line is the romance that becomes the emotional core to this story. Dong-sik, played by Park Yu-chun, the youngest and newest member of the crew who rescued Hong-mae, played by Han Ye-ri, after she fell into open rough seas during the clandestine transference of these illegal immigrants from boat to boat, while being buried in the dark night’s fog. Once Dong-sik successfully rescues Hong-mae, he falls into the role of nurturer: eventually, he becomes her lover and provider. In his efforts to win her over he found a special place for her in the engine room, outside of his official domain, where she dries out. After a certain amount time and Dong-sik efforts to please her Hong-mae put away her misgivings. She discovers Dong-sik offers earnest security form the other members of the crew, who seek opportunities to exploit the situation to their advantage. The Captain Kang tries to manage the ever disintegration of morale of his crew, while the crew fragment into self-interest and bickering competitiveness. Dong-sik stands alone as the high moral figure in the movie and Kang holds sway over the ever-increasing disintegrating of civility among the crew.

Once the harrowing incident happens during the negotiation or more precisely the payoff between Kang and a Commander of what is the equivalent of the Coast Guard all hell breaks loose in the most unexpected manner. The un-ideal situation descends into pure madness that would be equal to the sobering moments of anything Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy could have delivered. This becomes the most engaging moments in the film that is instinctual and base as any predator could devise and exact. All member of the crew including Kang are faced with a grave moral dilemma that exacts a toll mentally and emotionally to survive this catastrophe that end in great human depravity. The only sanity that prevails the ever-growing love affair between Dong-sik and Hong-mae.

The decent into the madness of Haemoo’s is palpable at times that are cringe worthy, while the direction remains relatively dispassionate for the viewer only adds to the chilling reality this movie brings to the creating a believable and harrowing narrative. Haemoo is beautifully shot film and every detail is attended to sustaining believability of the unimaginably horrifying situation. These actors that inhabit the darkness and desperation of these characters deliver stunning performances that speaks to the grim elements and noblest behaviors that human’s are capable of being. Heamoo is a powerful statement of inhumanity and humanity, when men are placed in the most desperate of situations. Haemoo rings true as a fascinating tale portrayed in a stunning manner that is well worth the watch.
The Los Angeles Beat

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JYJ on Facebook

JYJ Official shared a link.
safe_image.php?d=AQAhZHbCKos3z6IZ&w=484& JYJ 도쿄 공연에 10만 명…한류 불씨 되살렸다! news.kbs.co.kr <앵커 멘트> 일본 도쿄에서 열렸던 그룹 JYJ 공연이 성황리에 끝났습니다. 가수 이승철 씨 입국 거부 등으로 꺼져가는 듯했던 일본내 한류 불씨를 되살렸다는 평가도 나오고 있습니다. 대중문화 소식, 국현호 기자...
KBS News


class="entry-title" [TRANS] 141120 JYJ First Japan Dome Tour = “Really Happy” November 20, 2014 · Jen_BabyLove   203852_148377_1221.jpg~original[Tokyo Yonhap News]  Korea’s popular group JYJ held a press conference on 19th before their performance and expressed with joy that “those issues before have been resolved amicably and we are really happy about being able to hold a press conference with Japanese media”. After the temporary injunction of exclusive contract with ex-agency SM Entertainment, JYJ signed a management contract with Avex to manage their activities in Japan via new agency C-JeS Entertainment. However, opinions of both sides clashed on the range of acitvities so Avex one-sidedly terminated the management contract in September 2010. JYJ had to hold their Japan activities independently and this affected and limited the contents of their acitivities.
In February this year, C-JeS Entertainment and Avex agreed to end their legal dispute. This resulted in holding this Dome Tour in 3 big Japanese cities and the release of JYJ’s first Japanese single next month.
Although until now there was no report on JYJ by the Japanese media before but on the 17th, a press conference was held with Japanese media. Jaejoong said “even when we held concerts, there was not even 1 line written on it by the Japanese media”, and “we are very happy that our activities can be introduced to many people and even to those that don’t come to the concerts via the media from now on.”
The Tokyo Dome performance this time is the first Japan Dome Tour of JYJ, and after Tokyo Dome on 18th and 19th, concerts will be held in Osaka Kyocera Dome on 13th ~ 14th December and Fukuoka Yahoo Auction Dome on 23th ~ 24th. This is their 3rd time performing in Tokyo Dome.
Yuchun expressed his gratitude with “(before the performance on 18th) I was so nervous that my hands shook and the food I ate wasn’t digested”, and that “I’m thankful that although we couldn’t meet Japanese fans that much, they waited for us”. Jaejoong and Junsu also commented that “being with everyone who supported us for so long felt like being in a warm place with family members”.
They drew attention by performing [begin] on the 18th, a song they sang during Tohoshinki times. Junsu exxplained that “we chose this song because the lyrics of [begin] includes emotions that we wanted to convey to fans and also a song full of memories for us”. On welcoming their 10th anniversary this year in Korea and 10th anniversary next year in Japan, Junsu emphasized that “the 10 years are filled with different emotions, glittering while also with many twists and turns. I don’t think this is an ordinary life for someone in their 20s. But this was also a period where we gain many types of experience, so even when I turn 50 or 60, I think my 20s will be a period which is most unforgettable in my life. I can’t have my 30s without going through my 20s so I want to be able to say later that the 10 years have been a happy one with no regrets”.
When asked the secret of maintaining their popularity amidst views that Hallyu in Japan is fading now, Jaejoong smiled and replied “we also want to know the reason why so many people support us”. Source: Chosun Online
Translated by:
Jen_BabyLove of JYJ3

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Park Yuchun at the 51st Daejong Film Festival

Yuchun- Nominee for Best New Actor 
Daejong Film Festival (11/21/14)

Red Carpet Arrival
Press Pics


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More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: Park Yuchun at the 51st Daejong Film Festival http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/park-yuchun-at-51st-daejong-film.html?spref=tw

Update from JYJ LINE
Yuchun with the Uber talented CJeS family of Actors
(including Choi Min Sik and Lee Jung Jae)

[JYJ LINE] 대종상 남우신인상 후보 박유천! 대기실에서 선배님들과 한 컷! 많은 응원 부탁드려요!!^^

[LINE] Daejong Newcomer Award nominee Park Yoochun! A shot with sunbaenims in the waiting room. Please support him!^^ 
via ohmyjunsu

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Congratulations Park Yuchun!!!
Best New Actor at the 51st Daejong Film Fest for his role as DongShik in HaeMoo

More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: Park Yuchun at the 51st Daejong Film Festival http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/park-yuchun-at-51st-daejong-film.html?spref=tw

via KBSEntertain

YC's speech: I really didn't know. Thank you so much. I acted in my first film through Haemoo, I want to thank the sunbaes that filmed with me. This is the last year of my 20s, although I don't appear like it, haha. I'm thankful for receiving a huge award like this.
I will work hard in the future.

Via ohmyjunsu


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Junsu Congratulating Yuchun^^

H8y4K5eg_normal.jpeg 김준수 @1215thexiahtic 유천아~진심 자랑스럽다!!!!^^축하한다! 짝짝짝
[Trans] Yuchun-ah~ I am so proud of you!!!!^^Congratulatuons! (Clap hands) 
RT @1215thexiahtic: 유천아~진심 자랑스럽다!!!!^^축하한다! 짝짝짝
via rubypurple_fan


Park Yoo-chun wins best new male award

Updated : November 21 2014

Singer and actor Park Yoo-chun captured the best new male actor crown for his film, “Sea Fog,” at the 51st Grand Bell Awards on Friday.

Park contested with actors Yim Si-wan, An Jae-hong, Yeo Jin-gu and Choi Jin-hyuk.

“The film ‘Sea Fog’ was the first film I shot this year. I want to thank filmmaker Shim Sung-bo and other colleagues who worked with me,” Park said. “It’s hard to believe I’m approaching the last heydays of my 20s this year. I am sincerely humbled by the award,” he quipped.

Actress Lim Ji-yeon won the best new female award for film, “Obsessed.”

“I am overwhelmed by the decision. I felt blissful filming. It was like a dream,” Lim said with tears welling her eyes. “I will strive to be a better performer.”


Actor Choi Min-sik and actress Son Ye-jin won awards for the best actor and actress for “The Admiral: Roaring Currents” and “The Pirates,” respectively.

Full Article here: kpopherald.com/view.php?ud=201411212311552940985_2 

More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 11/17-11/23/14 (Will Update Conti... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1117-112314-will.html?spref=tw

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Updated: JYJ CAFFEINE: Park Yuchun at the 51st Daejong Film Festival http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/park-yuchun-at-51st-daejong-film.html?spref=tw

Check out '[ENGSUB] 141121 51st Daejong Film Awards - Yoochun wins Best New Male Actor Award'
by @tarwennie on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/112501206 #Vimeo

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Yuchun 'selfie' at the Daejong awards...


원하시면올려드립니다�� #박유천 #마지막뿅

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Yuchun's friend shares pictures from last July...




JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 11/17-11/23/14 (Will Update Conti... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1117-112314-will.html?spref=tw

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JYJ at Big Match movie VIP premiere
Starring (their very own CJeS hyungnim Lee JungJae)

Big Match (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Match_(film)
Starring CJeS actor Lee Jung Jae
Co star- Ra MiRan (CJeS actress)

[JYJ LINE] 안녕하세요 오늘 영화 <빅매치> VIP 시사회에 JYJ 김재중 박유천 김준수 전 멤버 모두 참석 합니다. 일신상의 이유로 스케줄이 정정 되어서 라인을 통해 팬 여러분에게 재공지 드립니다. 감사합니다.

JYJ LINE just said that all of JYJ, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu will attend <Big Match> VIP screening (via ohmyjunsu)
 C-JeS has updated the schedule. JYJ will attend the Big Man VIP premiere tonight.(via rubypurple_fan)

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JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News: Week of 11/24-11/30/2014 (Will Update Co... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1124-11302014-will.html?spref=tw

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JYJ Calendar teaser

2015 JYJ Calendar http://www.cjesstore.com/UploadFile/mainimg/MT_1428321545.jpg  http://www.cjesstore.com/goodImg/M_good/M_02001428316429.jpg 

2015 #JYJ Calendar Update on CJES Website!
via spica4865

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via jjstar

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[OTHER INSTAGRAM] @elbowyeish shared a Tokyo Dome backstage photo with Yoochun http://instagram.com/p/vzrDu6GFQc/ 

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#JYJ held an after-party celebration after their concert at Azabu-Juban on 19 November. Each of them ordered 2-hour drinks course (¥3480). Jaejoong and Yoochun toasted with draft beer, and Junsu with Oolong Tea. They made their speech in Korean first, and later thanks 50 over staff individually, telling each and every one that they have worked hard. The celebration was about 3 hours, they basically didn’t eat anything.
via Vichellelicious

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JYJ gives off chic vibe in urban look

Updated : November 25 2014

K-pop group JYJ gave off a chic vibe in an urban look at a preview event Monday for the upcoming film “Big Match.”


Yoochun donned a simple all-black dress inside and wore a dark green-toned coat.


Jaejoong boasted a gentle look with a dark colored checkered outer.


Junsu also preferred an all-black outfit inside while wearing a gray-toned coat.

The action-thriller film “Big Match” depicts a genius game programmer who designs a game for the rich, and a martial artist who is forced to fight in the game to save his older brother from the villain.

It will hit theaters on Thursday.


JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News: Week of 11/24-11/30/2014 (Will Update Co... http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2014/11/jyj-news-week-of-1124-11302014-will.html?spref=tw
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