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What ethicnicity do ppl say you look like?


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Guest wingz_of_light

everyone seems to think i'm japanese for some reason @_@

chinese people think i'm japanese

even japanese people think i'm japanese o_O;;;;.

one of my friends, when i just met her, asked me what ethnicity and what language i speak.

and then she guessed just about every single other one but chinese/cantonese =___=;;; lol.

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Guest illumine*

they say i either look japanese (... i'm part), chinese (my family or relatives) or korean (strangers / newly met people / caucasian or south asian friends think so).

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Guest Joanne <3

Most of the time, people assume I'm Japanese or Korean. When I tell them they're wrong, they start guessing things like Chinese, etc. when really, I'm Vietnamese. :)

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Guest songdami

whenever i meet people the first thing they ask

are you chinese? ...hm i dont even consider myself looking like a chinese


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Guest kwakmiester

Even though I'm Korean...

I ALWAYS get mistaken for Chinese or Japanese. (Even by Chinese and Japanese people...)


I just look weird.

Uber tall and huuuge eyes.



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Guest HyeYeon

Can I ask something..? I've been wondering this for a while.. I know most european people don't see much of a difference at asian people, is the same for asian people - that they don't see much of a difference at european people??

I'm european, and I didn't see the difference before. I actually thought everyone was chinese.. :sweatingbullets: But I'm better to see the difference now.. ^^

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Guest orple3d

OMG...people always think that i'm japanese or korean....very few know that i'm 100% chinese.. -.-'

when i went to a korean town...my cousin wanted to buy chamisul (korean alcohol), soo....we asked for it and i found it...so i thought...AHA! HERE'S THE CHAMISUL!

suddenly...this guy comes up to me and takes it away...i knew he was saying NO NO NO in korean...but i couldn't tell what he was saying after that o.O

my parents then said that i wasn't korean.... ::sigh..:: oh well...the guy later said you should buy coke... -__-;

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Can I ask something..? I've been wondering this for a while.. I know most european people don't see much of a difference at asian people, is the same for asian people - that they don't see much of a difference at european people??

I'm european, and I didn't see the difference before. I actually thought everyone was chinese.. :sweatingbullets: But I'm better to see the difference now.. ^^

most asians definitely can't tell the difference between whites, especially the ones that live in asia. there could be two very different looking people standing next to each other and asians could tell that they look different but they most likely wouldn't know where they're from.

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Guest TakeThatBack!

I get asked if I'm

- asian and partly european

- philipino

- Fijian (that was once from this guy and I was like :huh: ??)

- South american

I'm Chinese/vietnamese (Mostly vietnamese)

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Guest sheila_r19

non asians always mistake me for japanese/chinese ... i'm actually more filipino than anything but my grandma was half chinese, my grandpa half spanish and my grandpa from my dad's side was half japanese :) so i'm a mutt and i don't really mind it one bit.

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