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Kim Woo Bin 김우빈 I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Everything Will Come True


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I love this pic...i just can't tell why <3


cr: ig

p/s thanks to heartkwbheart for the HD ...now i have my new profile pic...love you <3

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@KNWTBQ welcome back sweetheart!!! have missed you so much. ^_^

Thank you, sweetie. ​I missed you too. I was too busy to clean up all the messes i left behind from last weekend... I think i would die if i didn't come back to this thread. I missed you all and Woobin as well. Glad to be back... <3 

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OMGGG I think i'm insane now because of this gentleman :((




The 20th anniversary event for SIEG

cre: logo

Edited by KNWJBM
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I must say that this change is annoying...everything is messed up. I can't post pics from some URL without .jpg @heartkwbheart pls show me how, dear

​just right click and click on "copy image" and paste it on here. let me know if it works ^^

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​just right click and click on "copy image" and paste it on here. let me know if it works ^^

​Oh my dear, you help me a lot, it works...thank you so much...kiss you <3

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​yes, no subs yet tho. check your messages.

​Sweetheart, i don't see any message from you hic, pls send me again

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credit: 07160914

аноним спросил(а):

何东浩设计师:宇彬很谨慎稳重年龄比我小六岁但我跟他学到了很多。每天每天都很治愈得到能量。宇彬做的最好的就是懂得反省还有去计划准备以后的事情,这些都做的很踏实。几乎一两天就会联系也经常见面(Q:他也知道你做这个采访吗?)东浩:知道的,我说了。他说让我说的好一点儿(说点好话,何东浩设计师:宇彬就算是喝多了也不会表现出来醉了的类型。就算喝的再多他到最后也会努力保持清醒然后一到家就会吐,抓着马桶吐[doge]和想象中相比真的很能撒娇,搞笑的事情也经常做舞也经常跳的,但是怎么说也不会表现给外人看,这是和他关系好的朋友们的特权吧。[doge][doge][doge]每个料都是画面感 this is from J亲故乖巧又聪明o_O


Fashion Designer Ha Dong Ho said: Woobin is very prudent. He’s 6 years younger than me but I learnt a lot from him. Everyday is very healing and I get strength. The best thing about Woobin is that he knows how to reflect and prepare for future things, and he does them very practically. We contact each other every one to two days and we meet often. (

Q: Does he know you are doing this interview?)

Ha Dong Ho: Yes. I told him. He asked me to say good things.

Ha Dong Ho: Woobin is the type that even when he drinks too much, he wouldn’t show that he is drunk. Even if he drinks too much, he will try his best to remain sober, and when he gets home, he will hold on to the toilet bowl and puke. His aegyo is better than imagined, and he often does funny things and often dances, but he doesn’t really show this to other people. I guess this is a special privilege for his close friends.

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credit: 07160914

аноним спросил(а):

姜东俊设计师:宇彬呢...也可以叫贤中吧?我第一次见贤中是2008年首尔时装秀之前公开选秀的时候。200~300多名的模特中有一个模特很让人关注(很显眼)那个就是贤中。从和我一起合作首秀开始感觉就很特别也成为了当时的话题。从首秀开始就很叛逆的易密积非常努力。周围也很多人问那个模特到底是谁 何东浩设计师:第一个作品白圣那时还是和我一起生活的时候,真的非常努力准备了很多很多。剧本几乎都背下来的程度一点一点全都准备的很充分。第一部电影亲故2定下出演后,那天晚上回来完全开心的要飞起来了,但是要说庆尚道方言因为他不太会说方言所以我把台词改成庆尚道方言的形式然后一起练习。接前文→→练习的都差不多了,但是我是大邱的,剧本背景内容是釜山蔚山那边的方言,所以在现场又改过来。因为是主演的第一个电影,那时候真的准备了很多很多也聊了很多很多。pls help me trans this



Designer Kang Dong Jun: Woobin…I can also call him Hyunjoong right? I first saw Hyunjoong at an open audition before the Seoul Fashion Show in 2008. Out of the 200-300 models, there was one that stood out and that was Hyunjoong. From the first show we worked together, it felt really special and also became a topic during that time. From the first show, there was already a very rebellious image and he was also very hardworking. Everyone around asked who hat model was.

Designer Ha Dong Ho: During his first project White Christmas, he was still living with me, and he was really hardworking and did a lot of preparations. He memorized the script and prepared very well. When his casting for Friend 2 was confirmed, he was really happy when he came home that night, but because he had to speak the dialect and he didn’t really know how to speak dialect, I changed the lines into the dialect form and we practiced together. We practiced a lot, but because I was from Daegu and the movie is set in Busan and they used the Busan dialect, so we had to change it again on set. Because it is his first lead role in a movie, he prepared a lot and we also talked about it a lot.

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@KNWTBQ sweetheart, welcome back;) missed you so much <3

​Hug you, sweetie, missed you as well...so happy i can do spazzing with you all again <3

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