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Ji Hyun Woo 지현우


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We'll have plenty to do while he's gone. *hee* Organizing just his pics has taken me over 7 months and I'm STILL not done.  :-O Plus finding a good copy of his movies and/or dramas and downloading them...I still can't figure out where to upload them at since I can't use Box.net. We could just past a link for now to that Good Drama site? (to watch them online) All the links there seem to be working. 
He's so adorkable.  :x I could look at his grin and talk about him all day long. :))



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Oh, is it a picspam time now? :D

2008040419344838672_2.jpg 50580201.jpg
For me he looks the best with a guitar :D I wonder how many guitars does he have? He seems to have different guitar every time...
Does anybody know if there are big differences between a normal and electric guitar? He seems to rock both of them :D
Btw... does anybody know this song by Damien Rice? I've love this song since I saw Closer about 5 years ago. I think it'd fit him perfectly if he sang it... only a guitar... just like he likes it :)

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I'll bet her does have quite the guitar collection. I have some old pics of him playing an electric guitar. YES, that song by Daniel Rice would be PERFECT for him to perform! (I love that song too) 
I can also picture him doing "Swans" by Unkle Bob (it's from Grey's Anatomy) Simple, quiet guitar cords without the violins at the end: 
Someone even used it for a clip from "My Princess"   :)) :)

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I see the same names lurking in here everyday.... why don't you come out from lurking mode to spazz with us? :)
@tessierooNow I get it what you meant you were JHW biased in MPY :D I feel more sorry for him too! I know he's a jerk, but I feel so sorry for him... more than for her =)) She's kind of annoying right now... yeah.. I'm a woman and I say this about a pregnant girl. Shame on me :D
BTW that island girl - I checked her profile, she's younger than JHW :D The only co-star who was younger than him?

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Let's see - the girl who played the island girl was 19 and both JHW and the girl who plays his co-worker dentist were 24. I also think one of the girls in Over The Rainbow was younger but I don't remember which one. So he's had a couple of co-stars who were younger than him but the majority of his roles, the women were older. Do you feel any chemistry at all with him and either the island girl or the dentist? I didn't! ROFL! And in Over The Rainbow, he only had chemistry with Kim Ok Bin but not the other girl. He had amazing chemistry with Choi Kang Hee, Yi Ji Won and Seo Young Hee. 
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way! I really disliked island girl! And then I felt horrible because she's so naive and trusting. *sigh* But very annoying. And yea - I felt bad saying that about a pregnant girl too! 

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Out to Spazz! Love JHW to bits, and I used to love only Gong Yoo. But JHW as Boong Do is tooooooooooooo perfect. you and @tessieroo are great in posting so many great pics for us to enjoy and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. And yes now I am obsessively watching all his old movies and dramas - finished Old Ms Diary, Fly High and Mr Idol in 3 days. Eyes are swollen.


Ok back to lurking mode.... :D

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Anyong! anyong!  :-h
@Tessieroo And why are you spamming this thread with gorgeous pictures? You're making me all giddy again...It's just like rain after a long drought  :x and I'm  =P~  :)) Those whole body shots showing off his long legs wow! And I love the last pic (he's holding unto a bar) wearing black jeans and jacket....that is just plain gorgeous! his smile, his perfect profile, chiseled jawlines, even his neck.... my throat is dry now from staring that picture... I need H2O  hahaha
@aisling those gifs whoa! Isn't he a good kisser on screen? Just imagine how good he would be off screen ahem ahem... rated PG hahaha. And so you're now watching MPY too? Such a player, right? hitting on every woman, and he never imagined that hitting a naive girl will be his downfall being a player hahaha. It's nice to see him play roles like that, I just hope I won't see him wear sweat pants anymore, it looks good on him but it's just a bit :\"> I need  B-) to cover my eyes  :D
@lyra_brillantez those fly high gifs are cool! thanks and I like that movie too, such a loyal and awesome boyfriend. The ending was beautiful though sad...and they got to see the Northern Lights, I haven't seen that yet and to think I live in Vancouver hehehe.
@wap72 I was backreading in Inhyun couple thread and I saw the posts and they're talking about that indecent troll, maybe that one is insane and have nothing to do with his life. Anyways, there's been a lot going on these past few days with our lovely couple, I can't open the Youtube link though, it's private so I didn't see the whole clip of them dating. But I got to see the gif from baidu. 
@tehlimau hello dear, you should come out more often and spazz with us. :-)
Oh BTW, JHW did play a guitar in OMD, brief but he stilll played one. here's the link...and he's really a guitar genius!

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@tehlimauThank you for coming out from a lurking mode and say hi to us :) I'm glad you're watching his old dramas too! :) BTW nice avatar... hahaha....=))
@pluie625Hope your daughter's got better!Ad yeah.... those sweatpants in MPY... I thought I was only imagining THINGS... but apparently you saw that too =)) =))
OMG, this scenes just cracked me up =)) 
pl2.jpg@tessierooI'm watching ep 16 now... Well, the island girl Bori became less annoying and the dentist girl Sera is quite likeable at this moment. I love he she played him.She played a player =)) I'm curious if he fell into her trap :D :D

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@tehlimauThank you for coming out from a lurking mode and say hi to us


I'm glad you're watching his old dramas too!


BTW nice avatar... hahaha....=))

@pluie625Hope your daughter's got better!Ad yeah.... those sweatpants in MPY... I thought I was only imagining THINGS... but apparently you saw that too =)) =))

OMG, this scenes just cracked me up =)) 

@tessierooI'm watching ep 16 now... Well, the island girl Bori became less annoying and the dentist girl Sera is quite likeable at this moment. I love he she played him.She played a player =)) I'm curious if he fell into her trap



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@tehlimau - *waves* Hi! Glad you came out of lurking mode even if it's only for a few minutes.  =)) Now the trick is to get you to do it more often! You watched those 3 older movies/dramas? Since everyone seems to be watching "My Precious You" right now, I recommend that one. He plays a dentist who dates *coughsleepswithcough* a lot of women. It's pretty good. I fast forwarded through all the parts that didn't have to do with JHW. Here'a  link if you decide to watch it:

@pluie625 - Glad your daughter is better! Ahhhh...his legs. They're just gorgeous. (LOL) I'll see if I can find some more full body pics. :x Thanks for that clip of OMD. I know in the movie he didn't play the guitar or sing so that clip must be from the 152 episode drama. I sure wish I could find ALL the episodes for that someplace, I really wanna see the drama! (I heard it was better than the movie) 
@Aisling - I'm trying to remember, was it @JulieSean, @Bambiina or @SSK1 who wanted to see him play a doctor or cop? Here he's a dentist - no doctor or cop roles yet. (YET) *heehee* If I put their names like this, they'll have to come to this thread=)) =))
Long legs. THAT GRIN. =P~
Here's "Oppa knows what you're thinking about" again: 

=)) :)) =)) :)) =))

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@Tessieroo. me too I want to see the whole OMD drama but I can't find any link with the whole series, only bits of it and mostly uploaded by the guests' fans. 
hahaha that picture of your oppa thinking..."Noona waeh tu?" hahahaha
Bian Hyun Wooya.... It's just that this noona here got 20/20 vision in some things hahahahaha

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Yea, that picture of him in pink? He's even striking a girly type pose. (kinda) I like guys with longer hair. I hate it when he cuts it short. This is the gif @Aisling made for me, it's my absolute favorite pictures of him. THAT GRIN! OMG, he definitely knows his powers over women. =P~
ALL CREDIT TO @AISLING FOR THIS ADORABLE GIF. I love his hair in this one. 

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@tessieroo .. I am here heheheh...I want to see him act as a coast gaurd ... you know.. ala BAYWATCH... Imagine this in slowmotion - Him running/floating clutching the red float (whatever you call that) in speedo :P . Not oly we can see the legs, we can see the chest and shoulder oso .... 
As usual I am a pervert, :D

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@tessieroo, thanks for the recommendation. Will go watch MPY and yes only watch the JHW parts. Very difficult to get over the disease known as QIHM. :P or YINM. Hehe Omo, those lips! They kill me so, besides those legs. The singular reason why he's such a fab kisser, when he starts nibbling. Kill my now!!!! And I notice he like to caress those lips in many pictures, JHW - natural born player. =))

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MPY is getting better and better. I actually enjoy watching it... compared to ATK where I forced myself to watch another episode :-D I was telling myself "you can do it! do it for JHW!" :D
BTW he can play piano too? He seems to be a decent piano player....

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Guest heaven85


Those are tooo too adorable. Love those GIFS.

I'm going through his dramas and trying to watch as many as possible lol.

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Is anyone able to register at KBS? If so, I think you can watch his 2004 drama "You Will Know" online there. I tried to register but as an American, it can take up to 2 weeks and I have to fax a copy of my Social Security card. (LOL) I can't find this drama online anywhere else! 
Here's the main page:
@tehlimau - I think you'll enjoy My Precious You, he plays a totally different character. And WHY did you have to mention lips and nibbling? :\">
@Aisling - those gifs are so cute! :))

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