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Guest wap72


who has the capacity to removed posts from a thread? we have  troll on our inhyun page...and the crazy b*****d has been posting lewd pics...we keep on flagging the post but he/she keeps posting more. HELP!!!

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@wap72 - I just posted in the help forum that we needed a moderator ASAP. I think we should stop posting until that person is gone too because he/she keeps quoting us so the pictures keep showing up over and over? I don't know. 
@pluie625 - Ah, I'm so sorry about your daughter. I hope she gets better soon so you can come spazz with us again! >:D<

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@wap72 - 
I think he's gone, I don't see that name logged into the main forum anymore. *dances* Thank GOD! That sure took a long time! I need to remember some mods names from now on so I know who to contact. I think the mod for the couple thread forum is happy go lucky? And there are several for this one. 
He's gone!  >:D<
The Mods for this thread are: rubie, apquaria, newyorkcitygirl, and Rebby. 

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Guest wap72


thankfully he's gone now. i was so shocked when i saw his first post, i thought somebody posted it by accident. but when he started quoting and posting several more, i got bit scared!

btw, i've read your INR 3-4 recap :D

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@pluie625I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter.... I hope she'll get better soon!
@wap72Thank god I haven't seen any of those pictures... when I woke up they had been deleted already...
@tessierooIf you were born in 1989 then I'm 1,5-2 years older than you - but how do you count your age? You wrote you're 25, but where I live I say I'm 25 too:D But when it comes to fangirling I bet I could beat all those teenagers... :D
BTW I finished ATK ep 32. So you say I should stop watching, right? I really doesn't want to see Woo Bin becoming a pathetic fool. So can you tell me how the story goes from ep 32? What happened to Woo Bin? He kept following her? And she kept refusing him? Did she get back with her ex-husband? And what about their birth mother? Did they forgive her?
@lyra_brillantezSeeing his previous kisses.... he has very distinctive way how to hold a girl  while kissing her :D

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@tessierooNo wonder you fell for him in Fly High... I've seen just few scenes (I'm downloading the movie right now) and I already like him there.... When I saw him in a that blue beanie.... my heart skipped a beat... sounds like a sad movie... so I'd better prepare box of tissue, right? :D

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@Aisling - 
Typo, I'm 23 - YOU'RE 25. (I was born in the US, we don't add a year at birth) I remembered you said you were 25 so I must have been thinking about that. Do you add a year? 
Hmm...ATK. Well, I kept thinking eventually WB would get back together with JY? Nope, never happens. His parents (his mom really) insists he marry that skanky ex girlfriend so he allows himself to be forced into becoming engaged to her. He allows himself to be lead around by his nose and never fights back. It's SO pathetic. At the very end, skanky ex-girlfriend finally realizes WB will never love her so SHE dumps HIM and leaves. He actually goes to her apartment and apologizes to her then he chases her down at the airport to say goodbye. I was so pissed off. In other words, SHE'S the one who broke it off which means WB would have gone through with it if she hadn't stopped it. HE WOULD HAVE MARRIED SKANKY EX-GIRLFRIEND. I was pissed off for weeks about that. WB finally flies off to America to "study" or something. 
JY doesn't get back with her ex, she quits her job at Luni and opens her own shoe store. The last 2 minutes of the show, WB walks up and they see each other through the window of her store. Yes, the 2 girls eventually forgive their real mom and they spend her last days together before she dies. Here, just watch the very last episode and you'll see what happens - 
Just talking about the end of ATK pisses me off all over again. >:PBut you'll miss all the stupid stuff and watching WB walk around in a fog, just letting everyone tell him what to do. WB shows up at 5:24 in the very end, you'll love it! Tight black jeans, his hair back to black...I died when he showed up at the airport. YUM! He's still wearing their engagement rings around his neck. Oh, and watch the bloopers at the end too. Ryu Jin is hilarious. 

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You never saw Fly High? Yep, I fell hard in the first 5 minutes. That GRIN when he follows her out of the bathroom! I mean OH MY GOD!  =)) 
Yea, it's kinda sad but I wasn't emotionally attached to the girl so it didn't bother me that much? (that sounds mean - LOL) I teared up a few times when I watched it a second and third time but only because JHW's character cries. 

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Well, I finished ep 32 of ATK and skipped to ep 50 :D So I saved myself from hating his character.And yeah.... oh my god... he was smoking hot at the airport... I had to replay that scene several times... why didn't he have that hairstyle from the start?
As I wrote in InHyun thread... what he wore in QIHM didn't really emphasize his long legs... he didn't wear such tight jeans in QIHM. But what he wore in ATK... my mouth was constantly opened =)) Even when he wore a simple jumper and simple jeans... he somehow made them look good on him. Why I appreciated his sexy back and shoulders in QIHM... I tend to stare at lower part of his body at ATK =)) OMG, I'm such a perv =))
@tessierooYeah, we count +1 year as Korean too :) 

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BTW... QIHM is the only drama where he doesn't sing and play guitar, right? =)) 
They made him sing and play guitar even it doesn't suit his character at all! Like Woo Bin... how the heck a national soccer player learnt to play guitar that well? 
LOL, I think the most difficult ATK scene for him to shoot was when he had to smashed his guitar =)) OMG.... that was hard to watch even more me!

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Yea, he sang, danced or played guitar in ALL of his dramas except for QIHM and Old Miss Diary. (the movie - I don't know if he did in the drama since it was 152 episodes long) I never saw all of the drama episodes. 
I also never saw Golden Apple? So I don't know about that one either. There's also a drama listed called "You Will Know" from 2004 which he starred in and I can only find this one clip:
He appears in the last 10 seconds of that clip wearing a "Perfect Man" t-shirt. =)) =)) =))
I can't find anything else about it and it's been making me insane! Here's the official website of that drama: (it was on KBS2) 

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I'm watching My precious you right now... and I'm already in love with player Sin Ho =)) OMG, his character is hilarious :D :D Is he going to be awesome for the whole drama? To bad he's not the main character so he doesn't have so much screen time... 
I totally LOLed at how he stared at her boobs and legs =)) =))

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He DOES have a lot of screen time though, it's pretty equal to the main couple. In fact, I think he had more screen time than Kim Sung Soo. I skipped almost all of the main couple but when I watched it the third time, I watched the whole thing. It's not bad at all. 
It's funny at the beginning I hated the island girl? And I liked his co-worker dentist. But towards the end, it shifted completely and I ended up cheering for the island girl:))
It's so odd to see him play this type of jerk character though! Totally opposite of JHW himself. :PAnd even more odd that I actually felt MORE sorry for him than I did the island girl! 

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Oh so he's involved in a love triangle? I thought I read somewhere he slept with someone and got her pregnant? :D :D So how can he be in a love triangle if he has a child?
I'm completely skipping main couple scenes for now :D But I like Song Joong Ki, he's damn cute! I like their bromance and how they hug each other :D

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He calls Song Joong-Ki "jagiya" and "yeobo" through the whole thing! It's hilarious.  =)) Yes, he's in a triangle because he's a jerk who refuses to marry island girl after he gets her pregnant. He's such a jerk to her, it's horrible. (I still found myself feeling more sorry for him than for her once he agrees to marry her) My JHW bias showed, I wanted him to run away.  :((

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HAHAHA! I found some pics and posters of Golden Apple and he has a guitar. So I guess that only leaves QIHM and Old Miss Diary as the only ones he didn't sing, dance or play guitar in.  =)) I still can't find any information on "You Will Know" from 2004!!  :-w

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Ahhh... he's really such a player??! Don't tell me the ending then :D That island girl has a funny accent :D I like this show much better than ATK so far.
But I'm glad to see him in different roles... at least we can see all sides of him.
Though... it kinda shocked me to see him in different roles at first. Because I was so attached to him as Boong Do... After QIHM I started to watch variety/music/talk shows. And I fell for real Ji Hyun Woo even more :D Well, his real self and Boong Do aren't that different... then I decided to watch ILKP and was pretty shocked to see his childish whining character :D I couldn't continue because I was just too shocked :D
I guess I needed more time... but I'm OK seeing him in different roles now. 
But I guess my love for Boong Do will be eternal :D My most favorite and beloved character was Yoon Ho from Unstoppable High Kick (and he wasn't even a leading man) before Boong Do came into my life. I didn't want to believe any male character could beat Yoon Ho... but Boong Do did. And the funny part was when I found out that both QIHM and UHK were written by the same writer :D Such a coincidence! 
Thank God he starred in so many dramas... at least I can rewatch them while waiting for him...

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