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When Did You Start Wearing Make-Up?

Guest Eun_neptune_Him

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Guest lanachan

I started wearing makeup my first year of college.  Usually its just mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss.  I'm too lazy to do full face >.<

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Guest jdrewprx

used bb cream when I was 14-15...tried under eyeliner once or twice...started using JUST fake eye lashes when I was 15...o_OWhen into a crazy TOO much make-up stage at 16...Started being crazy eyeliner in 17....Then now...18-19 normal amount of make-up. Haha. :P I love make uppppp. :\">

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Guest funky dealer

Well in terms of commitment, I'd say at the age of 17. I started wearing BB cream, concealer, eye shadow, eyeliner and A LOT of bold coloured lipsticks.
Now I rarely ever wear lipstick unless if its close to a nude shade. 

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Guest tinatran_

I think I started off wearing white eyeliner on my waterline when I was 13 years old. It was just a trial & error kind of thing and I eventually gave up with putting it on every morning. When I was 18, I was into the whole makeup process, starting off with eyeliner for the first 2-3 months to applying a full face of makeup a few months later. Once I turned 19, I went back to the simple eyeliner and mascara look because I get too lazy to put on foundation.  :P

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Guest .x..snowflake..x.

I ventured into makeup at 13, mostly lip gloss and eyeliner. By 14 i was obsessed with eyebrow pencil and smokey eyeshadow and i remember going to school everyday with so much eyeshadow i probably looked like i had a black eye :D It took me a fair few years to realise how to perfect wearing tons of product without making it look like you've caked it on haha.

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Guest dankyung

I started using make up at 20; it's so hard but i mean when i really take my time it can turn out pretty great! i only do eye make up like top lid eyeliner and mascara but i don't use eye shadow or like that eye primer stuff cause i have no idea how to even do that with single eyelid haha but putting make up on is fun only when you have time haha

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Guest tijana93

in high school...started off with just mascara, then eye liner, eye shadow, foundation, a bit of bronzer for the shading, and every time sth new...i think it was last year when i really started wearing makeup with all those stuff and basicly trying out a different look every day...i kind of got fed up with it tho...so now im not wearing it anymore...well maybesome  light foundation cuz it has spf in it...and my skin looks so much better...yeah makeup free face ftw! hahhahahahhaoh and im turning 19 this year:P

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Probably in my junior year of high school. I just started wearing the basic eyeliner+mascara+foundation (and sometimes a cheap concealer and eyelash curler). Three years later and I'm still hovering around the same tools...lol xD Heck, most of the time I don't even bother anymore. Tinted moisturizer, some powder, and hey-ho, we're set to go. College just did that to me for some reason. I just feel like, I'm not going anywhere special and it makes my face feel nasty sometimes so whatever. 

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Guest jjin36

I think I started wearing minimal makeup around 6th grade and started wearing more when I started college.

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Guest rurutia

I started wearing makeup seriously when I met my boyfriend, haha. I used to swear I'll never wear it, but now I'm pretty dependent on it. =x

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I started seriously putting on make up as a high schooler. I think around the end of junior year. I wasn't very good at it even though at the time I totally thought I was. 
I used to wear dark kohl eyeliner all the way around my eyes and wore foundation and powder that was too light from my complexion. Not my best years while wearing makeup, lol. 

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Guest pixieoncrack

starts at 15 stop at 17
why stop? because i realized makeup is pointless if u use it everyday. i could go on for days explaining this but yea. makeup is used to help you look pretty, so if u look pretty all the time and on occasion when u want to look extra pretty.. u cant. 

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Guest papiroflexia

Mm Sophomore year: I started filling my eyebrows with powder. That's all for makeup for the rest of my HS career.

Unless you count sunscreen and lipbalm. Oh and I curled my lashes but no mascara.
I thought circle lens did a good job of "enhancing" already and since my lashes are pretty long I just needed to curl them. Sunscreen for protection, and lip balm for moisture. 

Now when I go out, I apply makeup. I'm not fully committed to any makeup routine BUT for me, eyebrows are importante! They clean up the face nicely and frame it well, so I don't think anything else is that necessary. 

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Guest nana544

I first wore makeup when I was 14 years old. It was just the eyeshadow and some lip gloss, and some blush. It was fun, but I did it for my graduation so that was it. I did not truly like makeup or wear it until college because my face was so pale, so I wear makeup to cover up my paleness. Anyways, I love make-up too and it makes me more presentable.

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Guest Nah It's K

I never wore makeup up until this year, so ~10th grade (15-16).
I started at the beginning of the year with tinted moisturizer/sunscreen, mascara, and eyeliner, and within the course of a few months I've gone completely full face haha xD I feel like it's not good for my skin, doing full face so young, but I've just gotten so addicted to it LOL
So now I do BB cream, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, eyebrows, concealer, lip stick, and blush.

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Guest imsosorrybutiloveyou

i started when i was 17, but only eyeliner and mascara. but my eyeliner was very thin cause i have semi oily eyelids so i couldnt make it think even if i wanted to (not that thick eye liner looks nice on me though..HAHA) 
even to this day, i dont wear exactly that much. only eyeliner, ive invested in eye primer and eyeshadow. and if im not lazy mascara. 
the only thing i wear to cover my face is sunblock. and it has to be the an oil free one cause i HATE that sticky feeling afterwards. i cant handle having products on my face so stuff like foundation and yeah is out of the picture. hahaa
i still dont wear makeup everyday though. if im lazy or dont really care, ill go with just sunblock on. hehehe 

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I started when I was 13. At the time I thought it was cool to wear makeup, I didnt wear anything else but black liner.I wore it every single day through most of high school, and then one day in grade 12 I was in a rush in the morning and forgot the eyeliner at home and my day was ruined. I cried because I felt ugly. After that day I realized it needed to stop because that was ridiculous, that little black eyeliner become my everything, I felt I was nothing if I didn't have it on and I'm looking back now and I didn't even put it on properly lol.That was about 4-5 years ago. Since then I don't wear makeup, unless I'm going out. 

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Guest Rebecca1430282223

I was in 7th grade, I began with eyeliner (yeahh sadly I went through the whole "dark rocker" stage") then it slowly progressed to

me wearing mascara in high school. Later in my junior year, I became extremely stressed with school & everything, that I began to

break out so that is when I slowly began to use foundation and concealer. Now my acne is pretty mild compared to how it was so I

just try to use concealer if I have a blemish and usually I fill in my brows and occasionally I wear eyeliner & mascara. That's about


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Guest ddcee

BB cream = 16 ? LOL,Actual use of make-up: 17 (concealer, bb cream, eyeliner)
just reaally light, i don't like caking my face 

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