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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest twist&fall-

three of my guy friends said out loud, how my eyes are small and make fun of it. it's not one person but THREE.

okay i admit i squint my eyes alot, i refuse to wear glasses but only when i need them. ( my fault. shall get contact lens soon and show them! ergh >< ) thing is, i don't need people to constantly remind me of how small my eye looks - -" it's an insult to me.

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Guest heavyblade

Y'know, I've been reading through the thread, and it shocked me on how people could be that mean. I mean, most of what I've read contain borderline abuse. Seriously. Is this limited to east asians living in US or just asians in general? I mean, my mom was Chinese, but the only thing she was was supportive regardless of my looks. Also never met such comments in any of my high schools, and I've been to three schools in three different countries: Aussie, Malaysia and Indonesia. None of the people in there are the least bit abusive, to me or to anyone else. Reading this thread still shocks me :(

But going on topic, I'm also no stranger to insults. But they're all so humorous I ended up ROFLing instead.

- Dad took a look at me and exclaimed, "Hey, your butt disappeared!"

- Friend: "FLAT SCREEN TV!" (I told this to my friend and we had a good laughed together. I don't have the slightest care about my chest, lol)



-Gangster looking

They're all good though. I find humor in the strangest things :P

But one thing I don't like is when someone says I'm fat. Urgh. Only two people have said that in the past 3 years, both my best guy friends. Gah!

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Guest xohprecious

I never had any problems with my face until 5 years ago, one of my closest friends told me that I should get a nose job when I'm older because my nose is too big. Now, I am so self-conscious about my nose. I HATE HATE HATE it. I really DO want a nose job in the next few years because I think it's huge and ugly :(

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^^ fu*k what they say!

some ahole said i put on too much eyeliner & i look like a dog x(. who is he to say that, he's not good looking either.

thank god i dont see him anymore, every time i see him smirk i wanna sock him in the face.

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Guest paulinaaa
"What are you looking at, chinky eyes?"

Uh, what? I have bigger eyes than you, you racist pinkberry.

similar thing almost happened to me; i was walking around where there is mostly chinese people are and lived

and these hispanics girls were making fun of chinese people's eyes, saying how small it was and they were laughing.

If they said it to me, I would have been like, "Excuse you, your eyes isn't that big."

I have big eyes for an asian

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Guest yi_jae_soo

"Why do you look so old for a 13 year old??"

I know this sounds stupid,but now that people had told me that,I FEEL old :(

"You're lucky you're not as pretty as me. You wouldn't have to deal with complicated stuff like boys."

I am confused about this one because my friend told me I was lucky,yet she told me I was ugly o__o

"Stupid Asian!"

During 4th-6th grade,I used to get bad grades (D's and F's) on my report card due to the distraction of anime/manga,but now (8th grade) I am getting A's,B's,and C's and I don't watch anime that much anymore lol. Now that I look back,I was really depressed during that time,but now I'm pretty much over it. Now I have study problems....*procrastinator*

Ever notice how people treat you like crap when you're ugly and then they treat you differently when you change (as in becoming pretty lol).Society sucks.

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These jerks once yelled at me that Kids Kids Kids (a sort of preschooling class) was over. I was a sophomore, and I ended up crying on the bus home. I've also gotten "you're so short!" and "you look so young!" It might seem weird that I hate being told the latter, but I seriously feel like people are disrespecting me when they say they assumed I was younger because of how I look. JUDGE ME FOR WHO I AM. Actually, don't even judge me at all, thanks.

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Guest _unnie_24_
^ Yeah, I guess my parents are kinda like that. I never really got any negative criticism from my parents based on how I look, other than the typical, "OMG your dress is too short. Your shirt's too low-cut, wear a tank top underneath." Or something like that. But they were right about those kinds of things usually. ._.

Agreed. That's exactly what my mum is like. My dad doesn't comment on anything lol

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Guest lovesicles


"your make up is cakey " from a guy -_-

i feel like this is actually helpful.

at least he's being honest.

and maybe you should cake on your makeup as much.


but some other ones are really mean. >;[

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Guest goodnessgracious

I am really pale so sometimes random people tell me that I need a tan. I can't get a tan, so whenever someone mentions my skin-colour I get really pissed of.

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I'm been called fat countless amounts of time -_-; its not even worth explaining them but every single one was insulting and pissed me off like crazy.

the other day my friend was telling me how she slouches, so I was asking her how she slouched and tried to copy what she meant and shes like "its not my fault I have short friends" I don't get what that has to do with anything! -___-; F****

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Guest spiral_flare

Some boy called my ugly back in the 6th grade.

Again in 6th grade, 2 people told me my nose looks like someone punched me there.

And my "friend" (I don't really like her) was making fun of the way I sat yesterday.

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Guest ~bluepetal~

My brother always tease me for being fat..

Well, he thinks I'm fat..

I guess I'm not, but I have baby fats though..=P

And he calls me Pig for not exercising..

Wit till he see!!

And I also hated how I smile..

when I do, it doesn't only shows my teeth but also

my freakin gums!


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Yup, just recently too.

I was walking to class and this chick stopped me and said, "if your friends called you fat what would you say?' I was confused so I just walked away and didn't think much of it until a few minutes later when one of my friend's comes up to another and says, "my cousin just asked a fat girl, if your friends called you fat what would you say?" I didn't have the guts to tell them that they were talking about me.

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Guest lovesicles

Yup, just recently too.

I was walking to class and this chick stopped me and said, "if your friends called you fat what would you say?' I was confused so I just walked away and didn't think much of it until a few minutes later when one of my friend's comes up to another and says, "my cousin just asked a fat girl, if your friends called you fat what would you say?" I didn't have the guts to tell them that they were talking about me.

you should've said, "well, your cousin can suck it."

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My 2 cousins were comparing me with my other cousin. D;

"No offense but we both think that _____ is prettier than you, you aren't that pretty compared to her."

I was told that when I was born, everyone that saw me said i was the ugliest baby ever. T_T My grandma even called the baby-me a cow.

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Guest Burberry

Oh my god... reading this thread makes me want to cry. People can be so mean sometimes.

I haven't been told such horrible things but the one thing that people still say that I really HATE is "You would be so GORGEOUS... if you lost a few pounds." I'm 5'6" and 140lbs. I'm not stick-skinny but I'm NOT overweight and I have CURVES. I think I look fine the way I am, and I've dealt with a lot of weight issues in the past-- these people just make that worse.

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