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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest parkie871

hmm...my parents have commented on my looks since i was like a kid. my dad said i have wide hips, my mom told me i needed double eyelid surgery and that i was fat. This lasted from when i was....ever since i could remember to when i was 15/16 and stopped when i developed anorexia which lasted until i was 22 (am 23 now).

Summer when i was 22, i went back to Korea. My dad saw me at the airport and the first thing he says is "why is your face so asymmetrical?" he even had one of his friends come over one night (friend was a doctor) and asked him for surgery options.I also had a dental visit while i was there. the dentist told me that i should get botox so i could look "cuter". Also i visited my grandma at the hospital. The nurse who was taking care of her told me that i needed to get a nose job because i had a hook nose. She said that i wouldn't get married and would live along for the rest of my life if i didn't get the surgery. I think i went to the car and bawled for about two hours.

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Guest misspiggybank

One of my friends in high school told me that he'd do me...only if I wore a paper bag over my head.

Lol, I laughed it off that time, but come to think of it, that's pretty bad.

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Guest yoshi_please

~my dad told me that I had acne..I knew it was true but I couldn't believe he said that <_<

~two of my friends came up to me & were like "WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A MAKEOVER FOR PROM!"

in my head I was wondering "I'm I that ugly?" Then my guy friend who was there responded "ha. You say that

like she needs a makeover" So that diss turned into a compliment ^^

hey is there like this but with only compliments people gave you?

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Guest starskipper

i have always been really tall and skinny..ppl thought i was anorexic.

when i was young guys called me "skeleton"

then when i was 16,we were doing projects n this one guy stored my phone number in his hp n then after typing he started iggling with his bunch of wussies friends.I wanted to find out what was so funny so i asked,and one of the wussies busted out "He stored...hahaha..sto...storrr..stored ur name under STICK INSECT!BUAHAHAH"

F**k them..

and when i was 17 i got an outbreak,my face was covered with acne.And this bunch of guys in my class pair me out with another dude in class n said we r a match make in heaven cos we all have pimples face n said"Thank god for bringing the pair together because no guys/girls will be so unlucky to marry them".

seriously i wanted to punch their freaking face...but i was a bloody coward person who don't even dare stand up for myself.

Now i meet some of them in university n when they try to act like "All is fine n we r still friends" n talk to me when we meet in cafeteria or lectures i always nvr fail to ask them "shut the f**k up' n shoved my hand right in front of their face.

so just a friendly reminder to everyone dun just quietly take whatever insults people throw at you,throw the insults back at their face!You feel better defending yourself then accepting them silently.

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the most hurtful one was..my crush said he only find 1 girl beautiful... (and it wasnt me).


my mum always calls me granny... it sometimes botthers me, but then i do loook grannish... the way i dress and style myself...like a 'mum' when im young. i need to look my age :P

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Guest Snowfall

I remember.... I cried a lot because of that...

Ever since I was in first grade, there was always people who was saying "Ewwww" and then, they would bring their friends and they would all throw insults at me, like "What an ugly little thing" or "So that's the ugliest person in school" things like that.

Every year it happened, but it stopped when I changed school. Even though I kind of punched all of them, it made me really sad =[

It's been only a few years, so right now, I have really low self-esteem D=

Hope that there are no other persons like me =D

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though i would never admit in real life........... but wth ill post here.

the girl that i liked in 7th grade said "youre ugly"

though i laughed it off........i cried a little in the inside

ever since then all i keep hearing from people is "youre ugly" even from my mom.

now, i get made fun off for the way i walk "kool-aidget"

i just brush it off now. though it still get in your head.

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i think i posted in here a long time ago?? but i don't really remember...maybe i didnt

people used to tell me my eyes were the smallest things they've ever seen... ._. which hurt a lot because at that time i was very sensitive about my eyes. i don't care anymore, i've gotten comments like those way too often by now lol

when i was younger, i had a really bad acne problem...and my brother used to make fun of me until i cried. my dad always pointed it out in public places saying like, "what is that? why do you have that?" and poke it or something. and i'd just have to reply every single time "it's acne, and i'm trying my best already." <_<

lol when my mom and i were kind of arguing because she doesn't like when i wear skinny jeans and somewhere she said "well i think i have better fashion sense than you." maybe it wasn't supposed to mean much but it hit me hard when she said that and i felt extremely offended for some reason lol

i have kind of big hips, and i hate it so much. i think my friend knows this too. and one time she told me that she asked her boyfriend that if he looked at just her butt, my butt, or another friend's butt, would he know which is hers? and she told me he said "i'd know jennifer's because her hips are really big." and my friend laughed lol. i'm sure she didn't mean it but i was hurt. T_T

my friend's dad is mean. he's so far called me a nerd and a loser behind my back.

on facebook a long time ago, there was this on app where people can anonymously put words or phrases that describe you. one day it was spammed with insults, some repeated over and over again too. they were insults like: "oily skin" "tiny boobs" "flat-chested" "ugly" "pinkberry" "jerk" "pimples" and just stuff like that repeated a lot. ://

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Guest farcus

ex told me i was gonna lose my practicing license, hell i dont even have it yet not for another 3 years. but we were joking around. Still hurt lol

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Guest kuroimisa

Though it was unintentional, I got a comment from someone who I knew for a few years on one of my photos commenting that I "gained some". Note that this person has never seen me in real life before (he lives in another country) and it was the first time I took a photo in years. I sort of have a moon face, I'm in a healthy BMI range, and I'm definitely not overweight. It hurt me somewhat because I then got really self conscious about myself - face shape, body/ weight. It made me angry because he had no right to judge me since he's never seen me in person. I'm quite a different person in person and on photos >_>

I also got a comment from someone else that I'd be "hotter if I was slimmer". That disappointed me too, because people should ideally accept people for what they are. I'm just going to accept myself because I'm pretty sure I'm in a healther weight range, meaning I get less sick these days and it's just better for me overall.

Healthy is the new slim.

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Guest bunnywink

Back in middle school, my best friend asked the guy I liked if he liked me on the bus. I was sitting right besider her when she asked this. And he said, and I quote "Ewww, no! She's ugly!" LOL! I laugh about it now because I am far from the awkward kid I used to be, but it really hurt at the time.

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Guest fizzl3

After going to the pools, my sister said my hair reminded her of Yoko Ono. This is quite funny but at the same time pulled some hurtful strings haha.

In high school, my flat chested-ness was always brought up for some reason. But now that I'm older I like it so the comments don't matter.

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Wow I'm so sorry for all you guys and girls :\. Stop hanging around mean people x_x. I think the worst I have heard is that I am too skinny and my eyebrows look like caterpillars but whatever.

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Guest shinhdeplol

the worst i have ever heard of is: stop your height from growing or else no one will get married to you

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Guest XOXOgurL0.5

** one of my classmates told my friend that shes so beautiful and told me that im so ugly..

** someone told me that i was so ugly and no ones gonna like me ever

** my frend told me that i was so skinny and on one blow and im gonna fly

and told me that i look like a lizard..,,

thats all i remember lol ..but they're kinda hurtful

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Guest lucyheu

like the topic says, whats the most stressful and hurtful thing you've heard?

i have a lot of them.

my friends mom called me really fat right in front of my moms face w/o knowing i was her daughter.

my guy friend saw my teeth before braces and was like, u need to fix ur disgusting teeth.

^that guy friend told his gf to stop eating or she'll end up looking like me.

^ that guy friend told me to get out of his car cuz i was weighing it down.

this kid in 7th grade held up a made in china ball and said, hey did ur mom make this?


edit* i remembered more

*my friend in 6th grade said everytime i walk i make an earthquake but he apologized at my friends party cuz he had a crush on her =/

*my little cousin asked, why are u so fat? but i still like u =[

*this wasn't really insulting but this stupid girl asked if i could see everything cuz my eyes are so chinky. and she was dead serious too.

yeah....those were pretty hurtful =[

what about u guys?

wow...those must have really left a mark on you since you still remember every little thing. Its not good to hold onto hurtful things like that. trust me. i know from experience. holding onto memories like that is like poisoning yourself. what people say to you does NOT define who you are. A mirror can never hold the the real and true beauty that is within yourself. remember you are beautiful.

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Guest low3131

people told me that i look 25 when i am actually 18..lolz... it hurts.. whenever people tell me that i look old, i'll put on a fake smile and curse them inside... :lol: its not like that they are damn hot or gorgeous or anything near that... :P

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I've had many experiences wherein people pointed out my upper lip hair :/ it's really embarrassing when they do that. my classmate even called me a monkey the other day. gad I wanted to punch her :/

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Guest hugsNkisses722

back during primary sch, i always got teased because of my skin colour and yes i still remember those hurtful nicknames they made:

black hole, black chicken etc etc

one of my classmate (a girl btw) said i would be very pretty if i'm fairer =-= what the? and she did not mentioned that only once, but several times =-=

idk about others, but i feel insulted whenever people asked me : are you wearing makeup?

shiz wtf is wrong with wearing makeups?

when i first wore foundation, a girl friend of mine said: ohh why is your face that white?

p/s: in front of a bunch of friends, including my bf and her bf and other friends bf =-=

went to a friend's hse with my bf once, then her dad started calling us the couple where the gf (which is me obviously) who looks like his ELDER SISTER *WTF*

oh and they even dug up this issue and laughed their butts off in my face

went to a shop with my bf where of the sales assistant knew him, she asked : is her your ELDER SISTER? i was only 15 or 16 by that time *WTF again*

p/s: i'm TWO years younger than my bf btw

i was 16 when i gained interest in beauty stuff. so one day, i was discussing about facial masks with my friend, and then she went: why didn't your skin show any sign of improvements? *still covered with pimples and bumps etc*

this way 2 months ago, i went to hang out with my bff after i finished my finals, she said my foundation is very cakey *wtf i only had tinted sunblock and concealer for my under eye hello?* but i kept quite though..

this bff came to visit me two weeks ago, and i was suffering from menstrual pain.

when i went out to greet her, she said: you looked dead, and your pimples are popping out

not that sarcastic but seriously, wtf?

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Guest cookiebot

Despite being under BMI standard, I still get called fat by my family. Afterwards, when I try to shed a little extra pounds, they complain about me not eating their super-oily whatever "beneficial" food. HYPOCRITICAL.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not pretty enough and my family still comments on everything. To top it off, I don't even want to begin on how my classmates comment on me.

Hmm, family. Yeah right. Can't wait to move out.

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