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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest copeland4vr

i know this must have been clarified pages ago (takes time to read through a thread) BUT:

POKY is NOT the mark of a "wasian"

yes, i know its originally from japan.

however, i've been eating that stuff since i was a kid (LONG before i even understood the concept countries like "US" or "JAPAN" etc) it's food like anything else.

and the kicker is its found just about anywhere.

when we get pocky its not like i'm going to an oriental market...

because THEY SELL IT AT WAL-MART and general grocery stores like HY-VEE.

yes, i said WAL-MART.

and they have for years. so it really isn't accurate to use it as a marker of "waisan"ness because its so widespread. if its being sold widespread at generic grocery stores, that means there's a demand (and i highly doubt its only coming from the 'asian community' of america)

PS. i apologize if i sound rude, it's just that "pocky" references keep coming up, and i really find it irrelevant. thanks~

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Guest goodnessgracious

I wonder what makes a person a Wannabe Asian? I enjoy watching Korean and Japanese dramas and I love eating in Chinese restaurants, however a thought of wanting to actually be an Asian never crossed my mind. I am planning to learn Korean and Japanese in order to be able to watch dramas without subtitles, but I am not going to major in "Asian studies/languages" in university, nor am I planning to move to Korea/Japan. I don't dress in so called "Asian style", i don't listen to "Asian music" ( I live some dramas' OST's though ) and I don't find "Asian men" a lot more attractive than Caucasian guys. I am not obsessed with Hello Kitty and i don't drool over Idol boys.

The actual term "Asian" is a big generalization. In UK, for example, Asian is more likely to be reffered to someone of Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi decend.

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Guest proFRESHional.

wannabe asian? that sounds kinda weird though. people should be happy with their own race and needa stop pretending to be something they are not. it kinda irritates me though because it kind of resembles to making fun of the race. T_T

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Guest yasmie

Some of them can be really annoying.

But I just take it as a compliment.

I mean HEY, they wanna be like us!

What's a better compliment than that? ;]

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all in all, people who want to learn about other cultures because they're actually interested and want to know more about them: i give props to you. those who are only interested in a culture so that they could show off: that's fine too, just don't go too overboard or too crazy if you don't get the recognition/admiration/acceptance you think you deserve. as for those who wanna be "asian" so that they can meet a s/o who's also asian: here's a tip for you, more often than not, that whole poser thing is just irritating if you go about it the wrong way.

Sorry to cut it off short, but I agree with this paragraph.

As I see it, let them be. It's fine to have your own opinions, but realise you, me , or other people can't really do much about it. It's fine to vent out how " annoying " the " Wasians" can be, but if they want to lead their life that way; let them. IMO, I think having other races being " Wasians " is better than those people who are racists towards Asians. Right?

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Guest Sanada Yukimura

On the contrary, plenty of Asians have great interest in western culture.....we're all speaking English aren't we?

It's rather interesting how you claim that anyone that speaks a certain language, according to the society they live in, means they have a great interest in the specific culture that comes attached with it.

If that's the case, then I suppose all western people that speak their native tongue have great interest in their culture?

For example, my username is taken from some samurai. Does that mean I'm interesting in japanese culture? No.

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Guest §ξЯ��̃ξňf

I don't meet alot of Wasians where I am, nor have I ever heard of the term before.

It doesn't get on my nerves when I do though. I take it as a compliment when someone

is interested in my culture (or ones similar to mine), and try to get involved with it.

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Guest illumine*

Gets annoying at some point but I most of the time, I take it as some kind of compliment. *shrugs* To each their own...

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Guest GeneralReku

I live in a really small hick town (3,754 according to last year's population chart) and I've never heard this term either. I'm surrounded by rednecks who can barely speak English; let alone another language. xD However, I've been to anime conventions (Dork face, much? I think so. x.x) and did get a little annoyed with some of them. For example: There was a girl in our group who argued with me that it was "Niko" for cat and not "Neko" (I speak Japanese. Joke's on her.)

I think it's also because people look for a better culture or maybe just a culture. I'm a mixture of French/English/German/Japanese/Cherokee (Apparently my ancestors were very friendly people xD). Us Americans, we're basically mutts. So, maybe they're adopting another culture because they feel their's is missing or just not exciting or interesting. I get confused sometimes which I should be proud off and what not. Neither of my parents really celebrated their cultures, so neither do I. I started learning Japanese (language and customs) first because of my mother's family and now I study German, French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Korean because I find them fascinating. I'm always up for trying to have a conversation even if I bomb, yo.

Though, if they aren't putting their time forward to understand a language and speak properly. Or just being idiots trying to look cool because they know so much about a different culture that they could pass off as whatever it is; then I say smack them. HARD.

I feel as if I'm intruding when I ask Korean people about their culture and holidays that I wouldn't mind being a part of because I really like them. I feel they will judge me for doing so. Sometimes I mess up sentences or do something wrong, which cause me to feel bad because being a human I have a natural desire to fit in with the people around me.

This isn't the only cultural blunder out there. I think I could put up with "Wesians" more than I could the "Wiggas". In my opinion, white country boys should not try to act like black city men. x.x

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Guest hyeminnie

there are these guys in my school that are really into the japanese culture, but they're not like wasians. one of the guys loves pocky, but that doesn't classify him as a wannabe japanese guy. they just like the culture.

i was going to say something else, but i totally forgot. ><

damn short term memory.

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Guest SwtKrnChristy

yeah those people are really annoying....

no offense but this black kid who used to go to my high school a few years back went around saying he was japanese o.0?

i found that kind of annoying.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest tray songz!

my ex was wasian when I was with him

I don't think he's too much like that now

I think he finally started taking pride in his culture

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Guest ginger

yeah those people are really annoying....

no offense but this black kid who used to go to my high school a few years back went around saying he was japanese o.0?

i found that kind of annoying.

Did you ever think that maybe a parent was mixed Japanese or that a grandparent was Japanese or mixed? Did you...ask? And don't just say, "Oh, he looked black and didn't look Japanese at all" because I've seen some mixes where one ethnicity hasn't been very visible at all.

Anyway, I'm not even going to bother reading this whole thread because I'm sure it would richard simmons me off. Let people be who they want to be. If it's bothering YOU that much, you're the one who needs to get your head checked and who needs to find a hobby.


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Guest Vattenboll

If I said I'm not bothered by them, I would lie...

So yeah, I think they're a bit annoying sometimes. I mean it's ok to like Japan (or any other asian country). But some people are just going waaay overboard. Totally forgetting their origin and thinking they're japanese and pretending they are, and sometimes even lying to others that they are.

But then again I think some people can be a bit too judging too. It has come to the stage when you can't even like anime or eat sushi without being called "wapanese", "wannabe" etc. It's really sad. And it annoys me as well.

So yeah.. I don't think it's anything wrong with liking Japan, anime/manga, japanese food/candy. Everyone has the right to like whatever they want without being judged. But like I said, some people are just going WAY overboard.

I had a friend once who was totally into Japan. She wasn't japanese or anything, but she really though she was. She did everything japanese and as soon she saw an asian guy she would be like "OMFG!! LOOOK! He's asian!! SUGOOI! KAWAII~~". She always had at least 5 hair clips in her bangs with Hello Kitty, Monokuro Boo and other japanese characters. She always ate pockysticks and listened to j-rock/j-pop on her mp3. And she was reading manga too, of course. The funny thing is that after a while, her interest for Japan decreased, and she got other interests instead. So she only had like a period when she was into Japanese stuff.

I think a lot of people are like her, they have a period when they're totally obsessed with japanese stuff, but then after a while they aren't interested in Japan anymore. I'm not saying that everyone are, but a lot of people, especially teenagers who're trying to find themselves.

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Guest coconuttiez

Did you ever think that maybe a parent was mixed Japanese or that a grandparent was Japanese or mixed? Did you...ask? And don't just say, "Oh, he looked black and didn't look Japanese at all" because I've seen some mixes where one ethnicity hasn't been very visible at all.


And speaking of such... it annoys me when there are kids who are half or even less than that and they refuse to acknowledge anything but that particular percentage... like this one girl I know who is half Caucasian and half Hispanic, but she flat-out refuses to acknowledge her white side. As far as she's concerned, she is full Hispanic and will throw a tantrum if the fact that she's only half is ever brought into question. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in her Hispanic side, but she takes it a little too far.

Anyway, wannabe Asians tend to strike a nerve with me. Mainly because I have rarely had any sort of positive experiences with them.

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Guest lhuang

yeah, its a bit annoying.

one of my friends (ooh, just signed onto msn.)

thinks she's partly asian. (i know for a fact shes fully white. we were bffls before this.. fight)

she even keeps saying 'yo, im wasian now, okay, okay?!"

even though she hangs out with the group of friends (consisting of mostly asians)

she thinks she's us, and even tries chopsticks and such.

and she thinks that even her eyes were born slightly slanted to give it that "asian" look.

and she says she's my sister and the other asians' sister, just so she can be "asian"

its really annoying.

[edit] she even makes our other friends who are asian

to be "asian" too

for example, i have this black guy friend.

and he has to be "blasian"

thats how addicted she is -__-

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