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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Hmm I went through and read all this, but eh I don't think I will reply individually lol

I'm pretty sure that at first glance, a lot of you would consider ME a "Wannabe Asian" I mean c'mon..look at my username =P and I really can't count how many times I've heard the phrase "OMG haha you're more Asian than I am!!" from an Asian friend or acquaintance.

But the thing is, not everyone is born into a family and environment with a strong sense of culture and tradition they can just grow into over time. It becomes this child's decision later which cultural aspects they wish to take from the people around them, based on what is naturally appealing to them (or for the followers out there, what is appealing to their friends). I can't explain what draws me to Japanese or Korean pop culture more than to the valley girl prep or Hip Hop culture (I prefer not to call it "black" because it is so widespread now and anyone can do it). I can't explain why I eat with chopsticks, and why if I could eat a type of food for the rest of my life it would be Korean. I can't explain to you why I am learning Korean and Japanese on my own other than that it's fun for me to learn them AND have something in common with my favorite tv shows and singers. I can't explain why I love those stars in the first place. I definitely can't explain why when a group of guys walks by of all different colors my eyes lock on the Asian one. But it all has to be connected right? I don't think I should be punished for being who I am, and breaking the mold of what everyone thinks I should be. To be honest, I get annoyed by otakus all the time, and how they use what little phrases they know in the WRONG way but with such an arrogant and superior authority that you'd think they drank Asian juice with breakfast. That is not only turning away from common sense (really know your stuff if you're going to show off), but losing sight of what's important in life...having love for yourself as you are without caring what others say.

And..that's what I think ^_^

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most of the non asians I've met on soompi just admire parts of asian culture, but don't try

to be asian.

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First I do not want to be Asian. Nor any other Ethnic/Culture than what I am.

~But I see nothing wrong about enjoying the food and culture of other Ethnic groups. Exploring. It is what being American is all about. If we separate back into our respective 'ghettos': White, Brown, Black, Yellow, Red...?, what have we learned about our fellow Beings? But don't just as many Asians go very far into the "White/Black" and other [Western] cultures also? (see European Classical Music, Dress, Food--check out your 'Western' house design & furnishings, our clothes styles: Macys, Gap, Bloomingdales; McDonalds, Burger King, etc. "Black" Hip-Hop stuff, you-name-it. Cross culture play can be fun, so long as we do not lose ourselves too deeply into the 'other' cultures.

~btw, I have a very young, tall, slim, porcelean white skinned, natural blond--absolutely Beautiful friend, who does practically everything Asian. She has (in a serious manner) told a few of us that she is half Japanese. I just found out, while she is in Japan for the summer, her Step-Father is Japanese. She does not have a drop of Japanese blood. But I love being around her, because we both enjoy Asian Culture. Also a Chinese friend (who only dates Italian guys) loves everything about the Japanese culture, and is also spending a couple of weeks in Japan. [Please forgive us--anyone who thinks non-Asians should not enjoy Asian-stuff.]

~We don't calculate it intentionally, but just happen to have more Asian friends, and enjoy Asian culture more than any other 'patch-work-quilt / melting-pot' culture(s) within the United States. What's wrong with enjoying another's culture. So long as one remembers who they are. To repeat, I have no desire to BE Asian, at all.

~You will either love this, or hate it, Ha: But last September when no one else would volunteer to take up the post--not even our Chinese Exchange (Mandarin) Teacher from the Mainland, guess who got named head of our Pan-Asian Culture Society in New York City.

~Want to hear something else wierd, one of the students stated that when she recently Googled my full name--the Pan-Asian Culture Society was actually listed, with my name and lots of details about the School and the Club! /:-) I will have to check it out. Scary! \:-O

--Errrrr, 'quick edit': About 2-years ago I (stumbled) upon the International Channel and discovered Japanese Dramas, then Chinese Dramas, and Korean Dramas. I feel I just can not live without Korean Dramas especially. (I have lied to my instructors to leave serious writing groups to be home to catch them!) It is my only 'addiction', even the bad ones: like the present one on WMBC in NYC, "Thank You, Life"--too much medical scenes; and too much emotional & financial disasters. It is not the best little drama I have seen--but I can't help myself, I have to watch it. Most American Sitcoms, or Soap Operas, and Movies bore me, they are so predictable!

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i'm asian ..

i've seen those people who you all call wasians or something

i don't think there's nothing wrong with that ..

i think its kinda good that they admire our culture..

they see the beauty of our ethnicity ..

and just let them be .. we have our own hobbies and likes ...

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Guest vc1188

Wannabe anything is kind of sad. It's fine to be interested in other cultures, but pretending to be something you're not isn't cool

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Guest goodvibrations

I know these kids at school who would instantly favor something when it's made in Japan. Yeah. That, and I also see these non-Asians prance around imitating anime characters and crying out random Japanese gibberish.


There's this Chinese girl I know who claims to hate Japanophiles, while she herself would attempt to write emo phrases in Japanese in all the wrong context and conjugation. Worse than wannabes, are adamant hypocrites.

-hair thins from anger-

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Guest hibiscusdoll

really there are wannabe asians? lololol never met one b4..but yeah like ppl said its prolly this kids really into anime...lol

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really there are wannabe asians? lololol never met one b4..but yeah like ppl said its prolly this kids really into anime...lol

But that does not make you Wasian <_<

It just means you have appreciation for anime that's all.

I don't get it, just because someone uses the term "Kawaii" or "Sugoi" or "Oppa Saranghae"

people automatically assume that they are wasian

Well what about 1tym? or Se7en? they always sayin "Word Up" "Yo" "Everybody say hhoooooooo" and use hip hop beats in there songs does that make them wannabe black?? No it doesnt they just have appreciation for black culture, sure Hip Hop is now universal but it originates from black people and it's a huge part of our culture.

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Guest dreams_fulfilled

lol I've been called a wannabe korean,

since I'm reaaaaally into k-movies/dramas/songs =T

but whatever =)

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Guest 정유미

Wasians. lol.

well i don't think i've ever encountered one, and if i ever do i don't think i would be so annoyed.

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I hate it when some of them random say one or two words in some asian language out of the blue. It's like "stop trying to act like you speak the language when you really don't."

I don't really mind people who understand the culture and takes the time to learn the real culture vs someone who's pretending to someone they're not because of what they see in Anime movies.

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I can never seem to get a straight answer to this question--but maybe you can explain it to me? How does a Caucasian dress? How does an Asian dress (minus traditional clothing)? And how does a Caucasian dress like an Asian?... .


"...I don't think every 'Westerner' interested in some part or parts of certain Asian cultures necessarily wants to be Asian. I have Irish blood and find a lot of similarities in Korean culture--traditional music included--as strange as it might sound... ."

"As long as someone treats whatever other culture--with respect (and doesn't act like an expert when they aren't)--I don't really understand what the problem is.


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Thank you, 'MythnoonA' for making your statements very clear and concise. sorry, I mistakenly typed-over your space above, and did not know how to fix it! So I just abbriviated your remarks into two of your paragraphs.

~~But I think this is a very important discussion--even it it seems to be degenerating into name-calling instead of remembering how interesting or how wonderful it is that non-Asians enjoy cultures not exclusively their 'own'.

I wonder how many Asians outside -- or inside their exclusive cultures, (for that matter) have really looked around their houses, at their food, at their items-of-entertainment; the music and TV they Really do enjoy...Clasical European Music. Hip-hop, St. Patricks Day, saying 'Jewish' things, etc.

~~Might not they be said to have a (kind of) addiction or perusuasian(sp) to the Western or Occidental style of living? Life is fun--ENJOY, for Goodness Sake. Re(friggn')Lax!!!!

ps: Oh, btw, I have a Korean GodDaughter, and her family and friends treat me as if I am absolutely no different from them. (believe me it puzzles me too.) But for some reason I am the only person Helen has ever really listened to. She has run away from home a couple of times--and only I could talk her into coming back. When we are not in touch with each other for too long, we both freak until we can get the other on a cell phone. But it is not about Asian-NonAsian; rather it is just: Love of another person. Organically, who can explain it; somehow we seemed to have been born: really Attached, somehow. I think this is true re certain persons who honestly just love Asian culture.

Being serious, and looking around--how many of your Asian friends and relatives are wearing exclusive Asian clothing, eating exclusively Asian food and doing only what a pre 20th century Asian might be doing. America is a 'mixed' cultural society, and the world is rapidly becomming one too. Does anybody stay Only to themselves anymore?

I will admit after all I've said, I do worry that each Culture might be wiping out its 'special' characteristic, by getting too far away from its own classic roots. Will there have to remain just one or two little ole ladies and gentlemen, in some museum fiercely protecting the very last strand of our Basic, Cultural throw-backs? It is frightening to some people when they think their red haired son is going to marry a raven haired chinese girl--and there goes the last of the pale skinned Scots with their particular attributes. Or maybe an Asian might feel the same way when they know a 'different' kind of Peruvian girl is about to marry their

'familiar' Korean son.

~~The world is certainly not the same as it was in the 1930's! I don't know what the answer is, but somehow it seems that just being kind to each other, and 'listening' to our different experiences might be worth a start. Many of us nonAsians enjoy crossCultural stuff. Many Asians enjoy 'Western' variety stuff also.

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Guest sky.xo

Haha wasians.

That's pretty funny.

I don;t have a problem with people interested in Asian culture, or liking Asian music.. etc.

But when they try to be Asian? That's just pathetic.

I've never met anyone like that ..

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Guest _xp0lished

Honestly, they are annoying. There was this caucasion girl, she started learning hindu from her friend which is great but she kept saying things to me in hindu -_-... lol she started fasting too 0.o

--er didn't notice that you mentioned specifically asian wanna bee's. my bad ;_;

rofl... ermm HINDU is a religion. HINDI is the language. sorry, just kinda cracked me up XD.

yeah.. sometimes when they go overboard. trying to dress and act like one of those anime characters really pisses me off .

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Guest KDramaFreak

i find it annoying too.. >__> i have a guyfrewnd hoo's mexican and he keeps on saying i want to be azn.. why cant i be azn?? i mean wth?? doode shut up. >__> the only reason why he wanted to b azn was cuz of azn grls. he hits on them but get none. why? cuz most azn grls like azn guys then come american and so on.. then evenutally mex. but man is he annoying.

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