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♥ Ha Ji Won 하지원 ♥ 河智苑 ♥ ハジウォン♥ || Drama 2022: Curtain Call


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Definitely had to post this! She's so cute here! Gotta go to bed now!! Good night everyone!

youtube link

credit: KoreaSpotTv

This is a press conference for the 31st Blue Dragon Awards and present are the previous year's winners sitting left to right: Jin Goo, Kim Hae Suk, Kim Myung Min, Ha Ji Won and Park Bo Young.

BTW, KMM is happily married and 38 y/o and I believe Jin Goo is single and around 31 or so. (I don't really know much about him.)

The MC was asking HJW about when her marriage plans were, teasing her about getting the guy.

HJW: I don't have any (plans).

MC: Then you won't marry ever?

HJW: That I don't know. Whether it's marriage or love, it's not like I can choose or plan so I really don't know.

MC: Then who do you like between the voice of KMM or the voice of JG?

HJW: yes? (she didn't hear his question)

MC: Who do you like between the voice of KMM or JG?

HJW: The 2 of them?

MC: Between the 2 of them, who do you like for as a husband candidate or flower boy?

HJW: I like both of them. I like to hear both of their voices.

Awkward moment (pause)

MC: Then whose style do you like better?

HJW: Then I will choose Jin Goo shi since he is younger.

Everyone is in uproar esp. KMM

MC: How many years apart are you with JG? (asking KMM)

KMM: I thought our age was similiar.

MC to JG: Does that make you feel good?

JG: Yes

MC: "I am Jin goo, HJW's husband, Jin Goo"

JG then covers his face laughing!

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Since I cannot post any irrelevant things into this thread, I  posted some stuff at Secret Garden thread seperately, be sure to check that  thread out too.

@Chi Chi @kjkfan7 Thanks for bringing up good stuff onto the table! And all other 1023 :)

Entertainer Jo Yeong Gu interviewed Ha Ji Won back in 2007 Jan 31st.

You can download the clip and hardsub it if you like, I don't know how to hardsub. Enjoy :)

Video: [http://netv.sbs.co.k...cid=10000053223]

Video w/o subs : [http://v.youku.com/v...MyNzEyNzY=.html]

Video w/ Chinese subs: [http://v.youku.com/v...M2MDUyMDQ=.html]

Host: Recently an unbelievable rise of popularity is nonetheless this person!

Narrator: That’s right, this person is the ever so beautiful, Ha Ji Won!


(Sub: Hi everyone, I am Ha Ji Won)

Host: I waited for you for so long…

HJW: Haha

Host: Is it that hard to meet you and see you now?

HJW: It seems like a long while.

(Sub: Ha Ji Won, host for 2003 TV Show Performances)

Host: Of course! I missed you so much that I dialed and called so many numbers. I left a message for you, why didn’t you reply back to me?

HJW: Oh, really?

Host: Of course!

HJW: I never received it!

Host: (Mumbling to himself) Probably another lady…


Narrator: The housewife for the TV Show Performances 4 years ago, Ha Ji Won! This year, we have specially prepared a romantic theme for her.

(Left sub: The person Jo Yeong Gu met with / Right sub: A performer filled with warmth and honesty, Ha Ji Won)

Host: Ha Ji Won, do you like roasted red potato?

HJW: I really do…

Host: If you like them, eat as much as you want. Look, they are perfectly roasted…

HJW: I really love to eat roasted red potato.

Host: Really?

HJW: Whenever I’m hungry before going to bed, I would not eat dinner at all and eat roasted red potato instead. To keep with my body, I eat roasted red potato. Ah~ It’s so hot, it’s so hot!

Host: Is it hot?

HJW: Yes, please help me take one. (Laughs) Ah~ It’s quite hot!

Host: So it’s not hot when I grabbed them?


Narrator: Let’s sit at this romantic bench swing for a while…

(Sub question: How were you when you were awarded due to “Hwang Jin Yi”?)


Host: Ha Ji Won, how you felt when you received the popularity award in 2006 due to the drama “Hwang Jin Yi”?

HJW: When they called out my name, I couldn’t believe my ears, I was so nervous that I was shaking, but when I returned home, I was feeling happy. However because we did not receive an award for “Hwang Jin Yi”, when I received this award, I felt that it represented me and my staffs for the drama “Hwang Jin Yi”, that is why… (HJW swallowed saliva while talking)

Host: Do you want to cry now? (Host saw HJW swallowed saliva while talking)

HJW: No, I just love roasted red potato. I can’t stop holding back my drools…


(Left sub: The person Jo Yeong Gu met with / Right sub: A performer filled with warmth and honesty, Ha Ji Won)

Narrator: How can she be so honest and modest? Ha Ji Won became even more dazzling because of the popularity award she received due to “Hwang Jin Yi”! A person like her never stopped herself from learning, the famous Ha Ji Won, a performer filled with warmth inside, doing her best to portray every role she gets. Because of movie filming, she practiced gymnastics for 6 months every single day. We also heard that she practiced over 1000 times in martial art performances. As well in the small screen, she mastered the walk on tightropes and did it all by herself, isn’t she great and amazing woman?

(Sub question: In the drama “Hwang Jin Yi”, isn’t it hard for you to perform walk on tightropes?)

Host: Walking on tightropes, isn’t that hard for you?

HJW: When the height of the ropes reached to a person’s chest, I did them all by myself thereon.

Host: So you walked by yourself at this high of a height?

HJW: Yes, I have to do it myself when it reaches that height, going from wherever to wherever.

Host: That’s walking on very thin tightropes! How many days did you practiced for?

(Sub question: How many days did you practiced for?)

HJW: I learned it for 2 days, and then I practiced it in my backyard at my house. At night when I couldn’t sleep, I would come out and practice some more. (Laughs)

Host: You need someone to watch out for you~ (Pretend to be HJW) Okay, so now you are doing a walk on tightropes performance! Spain is the best place for you to go!

(Sub question: In “Hwang Jin Yi”, did you really play Geomungo by yourself?) [Geomungo – Traditional Korean stringed instrument]

Host: So you played Geomungo, or did you pretend to play and someone was playing it for you in the background?

Narrator: Is it possible that Ha Ji Won knows how to play Geomungo? Today, we have prepared one for her.

(Sub: To make sure that she can play, we bought one here)

Host: So we bought a Geomungo here for you today. (Laughs)

HJW: Can this be played?

Host: Actually this is quite expensive and we can’t afford to buy one. So we borrowed anything that we cannot afford to buy.

HJW: Shouldn’t this be played inside a house?

Host: Ha Ji Won, show us how you were from before…

HJW: You are such a jerk! (Laughs)

Host: Let’s widen our eyes…

(HJW plays)


Host: It’s because the posture is not right… (HJW was sitting on a chair; you play the instrument while you are on the floor)

(Sub: Movie - Miracle on 1st Street)

Narrator: This time she learned quite an extraordinary exercise…

Lim Chang Jung: What exercise do you know?

Little Girl: Boxing.

Narrator: Very mighty fist, to star in a movie as a boxer contestant.

HJW: When I first know about boxing, it’s really hard.

(Sub question: Is it hard performing as a boxer?)


HJW: You cannot fake while doing boxing, I have to fight for real, get hit for real. That is why I practiced absorbing hits for a month.

Host: Was the hits overwhelming?

HJW: Yea…

Host: Really?

HJW: Yea, the coach said I was unbelievable… (Laughs)

Host: Did your eyes blinked when they punched you?

HJW: The first time, I did. I even shut my eyes, I dodged here and there and even trying to flee from the hits. But it was my first time…

Host: So what if I flash my fist at you, you won’t blink at all? Oh~ You really didn’t blink!

(Slow motion)

(Sub: Slow motion to make sure she didn’t blink)

Narrator: It’s true, her eyes didn’t blink at all. Normally, that isn’t the case.

HJW: I didn’t know… maybe it came to me as a habit now. (Laughs)

Host: But normally, eyes are blinked! (He tried it again) Wow~ so amazing! Very fun! Very interesting!

(Sub question: Did you really train yourself to be at the same level as other boxer?)

Host: You did things like jumping ropes, did you also do punching bag?

HJW: Yes I did, because I like to exercise, that is why I did a lot. But I felt like there are limits when I do them. I cannot breathe and felt like I was dying.

Narrator: Actually, you just need a stunt double to help do the work, but Ha Ji Won’s dedication already made her transformed into an outstanding boxer. Because she wants the viewers to see her as the real boxer, she practiced the basics and strengths for 6 months nonstop. Really… She forced herself into dedicating her time into practices, and she looked beautiful even when she sweat. As you can in her filming atmosphere, she finished filming her boxing scenes for 10 hours every day for 3 days without a stunt double!

(Sub question: Did you injure your nose when you box?)

HJW: When I was boxing, my nose got hit by a punch, it was like this. (She showed the gesture) But at the moment, I heard a click sound from my nose, I then cried. My eyes started to blur and see stars, and then it started to hurt. But I continued on with filming. Because… if I NG then, I would have to re-take it. (Laughs)

Host: If it hurts, why continue?

HJW: Yea! But I want to finish the filming first, even though later on, it started to hurt and beginning to have headaches. The first time I got hit, I secretly cried alone after I returned home.

(Sub question: Why didn’t you get a stunt double to perform even the most challenging actions?)

Host: Most of the time, you need a stunt double for advanced moves, but why did you do them all by yourself?

HJW: Normally, you get a stunt double that help you “fly here and there” and the audiences will know me only by the faces the screen will show. But if I also use my sweat to perform every action that is normally not screened up front, the audiences will know that was me as well. And if I really couldn’t do it, then I will say I couldn’t do it, but I can do it that is why… I did it.

Narrator: To do anything that she herself could handle, once she accepted a role, Ha Ji Won can be so engaged in it even if she was in a dream. But what kind of a person is Ha Ji Won to her colleagues?

Kim Yeong Ae: She’s very honest. Her sense of responsibility made me felt that she must have been always like this in the past? She is just that honest.

Ju Hyeon: Ah~ She really does things well, not because she wanted to do it well, but because this is her habitual thing.

Lim Chang Jung: She’s an honest person. Yes, very honest. The type of honest that is “she can surprise you with a jump” (To HJW) Please go find yourself a boyfriend, and if you meet a good decent person, just marry him, and then go take some rest. Please, you are really tired, you work too much…

Host: Don’t you want to rest?

HJW: If I rest at my house for like 1 or 2 days, I would feel bored. (Laughs) Ah~ I should be resting for a month, I should be resting for half a year…” I will say this when I have become too tiring, but for now my body yearns for the work. I think my personality is that I like to go out to play and do things.

(Host's sub bubble: Do you like acting that much?)

Host: Do you like acting that much?

HJW: Yes, I really do. I am the type of person that forgets all the angers and sorrows whenever I film on screen.

Host: Ah~ who do you think will see you when you go to the studio?

HJW: Maybe…

Host: The one that can give you the energy…

HJW: Perhaps ghosts will come see me? (Laughs)

Younger HJW: Hi, I’m Ha Ji Won.

Narrator: Even if she looks like your typical girl and not that buzzing, but because she worked hard with every passion she have that climbed all the way to the top that is Ha Ji Won. But nobody acknowledged nor recognized her when she was just a newcomer.

HJW: I faced many auditions, but never got accepted.

Host: How many auditions?

HJW: I didn’t count, but it was really over 10 of them. I’m usually like this, whenever I audition, I would prepare for one whole day. I would straighten my hair; choose the right clothes to wear etc. I would decorate myself nicely before I go out for audition. Some judges (directors) saw me and was like “Oh, is that it?”, “Okay enough” the duration was only… 3 seconds? (They decided they don’t need Ha Ji Won) Then I would reflect to myself, thinking that they might saw my flaws or lack in some areas was the reason why they didn’t choose me. After that, I would work even harder.

Host: Oh, so it’s not like you were one time successfully got accepted…

HJW: Of course. If I were to live my life as Ha Ji Won, it would be dull, so that’s why I chose very interesting roles for others to see, that’s why the studio camera is very interesting to me. I don’t know if there would come a day when I start to hate performing, but… right now to me, acting and performing is very interesting.

Narrator: A 카멜레온 (color transforming dragon) lookalike that is Ha Ji Won, what kind of faces will she bring in the future?


(Sub: The never dying passion for performances that is Ha Ji Won)

Narrator: We are waiting anxiously for her limitless transformation!



Due to the popularity from "Secret Garden", the female fashion trend Crocodilelady has successfully signed Ha Ji Won as their spokesperson for 3 years, replacing the previous spokesperson Song Yun Ah. Congrats Ha Ji Won! Even if the pictures have posted before, lets post it again to see and appreciate the elegant points from Ha Ji Won.








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Guest canityo

Hi guys!

I've been wanting to watch Hwang Jin Yi for a long time but I can't seem to find working torrents for Ep 1-6. If anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated~!


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thanks kjkfan7 and uxmod for posting old interviews of HJW...Just love reading everything about HJW....currently watching her in Damo...

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Hi guys..

I just finished doing the hardsubs for the 2 videos which kjkfan7 provided. I'm currently uploading them on YouTube and Mediafire now. However, I'm kinda having a hard time downloading the Youku vids from uxmod's post. I hope someone here will be kind enough to help re-upload the vids to fileserve or mediafire, or whichever you prefer. As soon as I get the whole thing, I'll start doing the hardsubs for that video as well. :)

Thanks! Will post the links of the first 2 vids later..

2009 Blue Dragon Awards - Best Actress - Ha Ji Won | Speech [Eng]


31st Blue Dragon Handprint Ceremony - Press Con - Ha Ji Won | [Eng]


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Hi guys!

I've been wanting to watch Hwang Jin Yi for a long time but I can't seem to find working torrents for Ep 1-6. If anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated~!


^ @canityo, Are you looking for the 720p version? :)


Episodes 1-6

Torrent: http://cl.ly/242o1F3J1S26390I3v44 - This one's working but the seeders aren't too many @_@

magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BVP5KDHVEIYI7RXMMURVD6GREHAUARMT

Episodes 7-12

Torrent: http://cl.ly/3F2E473T3e2Q420p1e1X

magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:UAPXZ6UKIO5SLOPXIBMAVBHK2G3ONMC4

Episodes 13-18

Torrent: http://cl.ly/2I1Q0e0r0p3g2L0a423G

magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:QQGB2WCYA33AYEAWNCVR7XIHLBEF4VVQ

Episodes 19-24

Torrent: http://cl.ly/0X3i0w421g3r203i1X23

magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:UQOA37M7DWIXNSNLAN7GWMRJ6FWTOXCS

If you can download from MU, then http://holden740.blogspot.com/ has Damo in 720p

Xvid - http://cl.ly/1f111R2F441Q0I3s2y05 - Complete series, just check the ones you need.

Xvid MU links can be found at AM-Addiction.com ; MyAsianCinema

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Guest gle_perry


SEGA family!! omo! our mighty Ra-Im's lil bro was caught up in some mess... check this out!:

Actor Jun Tae Soo booked for assaulting a taxi driver and two policemen


It was recently reported that actress Ha Ji Won's brother, actor Jun Tae Soo, was recently arrested and booked on physical assault charges.

According to the Seoul Mapo Police, Jun Tae Soo was returning home from having drinks nearHongdae at midnight on January 29th, when an argument stirred between him and his taxi driver. In his drunk state, the actor lifted his leg up onto the driver's arm-rest, and when the driver told him to move it away, Jun Tae Soo became violent and kicked the driver twice in the shoulder.

Not only this, Jun Tae Soo even acted violent towards two policemen who arrived at the scene. When they requested that he get out of the taxi, the actor cursed and kicked one of the policemen in the stomach and violently shoved him with his hand.

Jun Tae Soo was subsequently taken to the Mapo police station after the incident, and on the afternoon of the 30th, he was indicted without physical detention and was sent back home.

On January 30th, a representative of his sitcom, 'All My Love', stated, "It's a bit disconcerting talking about this right now. We will need to find out more information, but we are all very shocked. We haven't yet discussed about his withdrawal or his future shooting schedule, but we will make a decision after a conference."

Since he is the younger brother of Ha Ji Won, Jun Tae Soo has always had quite a bit of popularity, and he received love from fans through his drama casting for the successful 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal." He is currently shooting the SBS drama, 'It's Alright, Daddy's Daughter', and MBC's sitcom, 'All My Love'.

Source: Kyunghang Newspaper via Daum Media (1), Daum Media (2)

credits to allkpop.com


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thanks kjkfan7 and uxmod for posting old interviews of HJW...Just love reading everything about HJW....currently watching her in Damo...

whoaaaa prepare yourself for a heartache that will lasted for days... erm.. weeks... no, months....., oh OK, years....... I still haven't recovered.

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Guest bashful

@Chi Chi, uxmod and kjkfan7 thanks for the link and translating.... :w00t:

@shera_xxx Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pics on HJW. :)

@gle_perry Thanks for the article on HJW's brother...hummmmm HJW must be worried. -_-

@ Eja thanks for the link may I also ask this drama if you might know where to find it. I am trying to look for Ireland (MBC, 2004) starring HB and Lee Na Young. I would like HQ 700 mb eps 9 -16. I been having a hard time finding it anywhere in megaupload. If you or anyone here could help me I would greatly appreciate it. I have been in a HJW and HB mood lately because of SG..

@ps3hl thanks a millions for hard subbing HJW clips. Thank you for your time and effort :)

Hi guys..

I just finished doing the hardsubs for the 2 videos which kjkfan7 provided. I'm currently uploading them on YouTube and Mediafire now. However, I'm kinda having a hard time downloading the Youku vids from uxmod's post. I hope someone here will be kind enough to help re-upload the vids to fileserve or mediafire, or whichever you prefer. As soon as I get the whole thing, I'll start doing the hardsubs for that video as well. :)

Thanks! Will post the links of the first 2 vids later..

2009 Blue Dragon Awards - Best Actress - Ha Ji Won | Speech [Eng]


31st Blue Dragon Handprint Ceremony - Press Con - Ha Ji Won | [Eng]


I have dled it and is it okay if I upload it in megaupload for you?


it's in FLV file I hope it's okay.

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Actor Jun Tae Soo booked for assaulting a taxi driver and two policemen

*quoted image*

It was recently reported that actress Ha Ji Won's brother, actor Jun Tae Soo, was recently arrested and booked on physical assault charges.




credits to allkpop.com

Things like this really disappoints me that a person like HJW shouldn't deserve this kind of attention. To think that they are real siblings yet they don't resemble each other at all, an older sister who are well disciplined and a younger brother who doesn't know mini cooper at following the roles of his older siblings, thinking he can do whatever he pleases.

Yea, people can say drinking is common in Korea and a drunk personality is not surprising. Those are total BS excuses, especially when you are not the common typical people in your country. Do you see HJW goes off like a drunktard hitting and cursing? People, and especially notable people like him should clearly know their limits, no matter the circumstances, they should be aware of their ill side yet manage to control it from surfacing out. That's how a person becomes a righteous one, like Ha Ji Won herself, we have never seen a ridiculous side of her. Jun Tae Soo should really be well discipline this time, because obviously, it affected his family and his sister's reputation. I feel like he's taking everything for granted because he's off now in a good family, he should smarten up if he ever want to survive in the entertainment industry. Shame on him, his sister must be very disappointed in him. Nonetheless, he should be loved by his family but be taught strictly.

@SaraDonna @ps3hi @Eja @bashful and all other 1023 :) thanks for providing links and pictures, this thread should be kept alive at all times.

I wanted to take something out from the Secret Garden thread about HJW's interview as I forgot to quote it here yesterday...

하지원 "파티키스가 최고였죠"(인터뷰②)

Ha Ji Won: Party Kiss is my favorite. (Part 2 Interview to my previous post in this thread)


SBS 주말드라마 `시크릿가든`은 몇 차례 키스신도 큰 화제를 모았다.

길 라임(하지원 분)의 입술에 카푸치노 거품이 묻은 것을 김주원(현빈 분)이 입술로 닦아냈던 `거품키스`, 길라임과 김주원의 영혼이  뒤바뀐 상태에서 나눴던 `벤치키스`, 길라임이 김주원의 파티에 여성스러운 모습으로 등장해 열정적으로 나눴던 `파티키스`까지  모두가 명장면이었다. 하지원은 이중 `파티키스`를 가장 기억에 남았던 키스로 꼽았다.

"다 조금씩 느낌이 달라서 전부 기억에 남아요. 그 중에서도 파티키스가 가장 애틋했던 것 같아요. 서로에 대해 마음의 문을 연 후에 한 키스니까요. 더 애틋하고 로맨틱했던 느낌이에요."

하지원은 아울러 이 장면의 뒷이야기도 전했다. 하지원과 현빈은 이 키스신을 촬영한 뒤 함박웃음 짓는 사진이 공개되며 시선을 모았다.

"그 키스신 촬영 때 정말 웃긴 일이 있었어요. 저랑 현빈씨가 키스를 하는데 보조출연자 한 분이 입을 벌리시고, 정말 침을 흘릴듯한 표정으로 저희를 보셨어요. 현장에 있던 모든 스태프와 연기자들이 `빵` 터졌죠.(웃음)"

현빈이 촬영 이후 "한 번 더 (키스신 촬영을) 가야한다는데?"라고 농담을 던지자 "야~됐어~"라고 애교(?)를 부리는 하지원의 모습도 화제였다. 이 모습이 연예 프로그램을 통해 방영되면서 두 사람의 친밀한 관계도 알려졌다.

" 애교요? 저는 애교인지 모르겠는데…. 평소에는 더 심해요.(웃음) 그런데 현빈씨가 제가 그러면 이상한 표정으로  쳐다보더라고요.(하지원은 김주원이 월세 30만원짜리 방을 본 뒤 지었던 표정을 지어보였다.) 왜 저런 행동을? 이런  표정이에요.(웃음)"

혹시 현빈과 애정신을 연기하면서 애로사항은 없었을까. 현빈은 동료배우 송혜교와 공식적으로 열애를 하고 있는 상황, 혹 부담감이 없었는지 물었다.

"연기자가 그런 것까지 신경쓰진 않죠. 진짜가 아니라 김주원이고 길라임이잖아요. 그런 것까지 계산하면서 연기하시는 분이 있을까 싶어요."

The kisses in SBS weekend drama “Secret Garden” have attracted numerous discussions.

The cappuccino foam that was on Gil Ra Im’s lip, and the lip of Kim Ju Won that helped to wipe it clean – the bubble scent of kiss. As well as the bench kiss they shared, just after both of their souls was switched. At Kim Ju Won’s party, where Gil Ra Im transformed herself as a very delicate and feminine lady appeared in front of him and created the passionate “Party Kiss”. These are the classic scenes of “Secret Garden”. But Ha Ji Won said “Party Kiss” was her most classical kiss scene.

“Because every time I filmed that scene, I always have different feelings which was very memorable and deep. But the “Party Kiss” really made me saddening/heartaches. It was the kiss where both of the characters really opened their hearts to each other, which is why it was very romantic and very saddening/heartache.”

Ha Ji Won then explained to us about the hidden highlights behind the scene. Because of the released photos of Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin’s laughter right after their “Party Kiss” shooting, it has attracted numerous views on the net.

“When we were filming that particular kiss scene, something really funny and interesting thing happened. There was a staff member who looked at us with his mouth wide open as if he was about to drool when we were kissing. Every staff members at that moment began to burst into laughter.” (Laughs)

When both of them finished that scene, Hyun Bin came up to Ha Ji Won and jokingly said, “The director want us to re-take that scene.” Ha Ji Won charmingly replied, “Hey, that’s enough!” This clip has generated numerous discussions. Through a certain entertainment reporter who released the photos, we can see the stars’ close relationship to each other

“Was it charming? I don’t think so. Usually, I would be really serious (Laughs) But Hyun Bin gave me the weird gaze. (Ha Ji Won personate Hyun Bin’s expression. It was the expression that Kim Ju Won made when he first saw Gil Ra Im’s home) He gave me the “Why are you pretending to be feminine?’ type of expression.” (Laughs)

Did you feel any pressure when filming the kiss with Hyun Bin? Since Hyun Bin is currently in a relationship with an actress Song Hye Gyo, was there any big burden?

“Performers shouldn’t be distracted from things like this, why would they? We are Gil Ra Im and Kim Ju Won, not Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin in reality. If these kinds of things were put into the mind, I don’t think anyone would be able to act well nor act by itself.”


Credit: [http://news.nate.com.../20110125n05981]

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@bashful: Thank you! I was able to download half of the video earlier but your link was a huge help. I'm almost done so, I'll be posting the hard subbed version later on. :)

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Jang Dong Gun, Ha Ji Won and Kim Jaejoong may come together for new drama

Jang Dong Gun, Ha Ji Won and JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong will most likely unite to star in an upcoming drama called “Peninsula.”

This drama is going to be a big production; it is already reported to have a budget of 10,000,000,000 WON, which equates to nearly $9 million dollars. The drama will feature a united Korea (no separation between South and North), the united nation’s president, and his National Intelligence Director.

The president’s role is most likely going to go to Jang Dong Gun and Ha Ji Won is slated to be the female lead. Jaejoong is supposed to be play the Director.

Jang Dong Gun has revealed recently that he is interested in starring in this drama. Additionally, Ha Ji Won has expressed that she would like to join this production as soon as filming for her new movie ends.

One reps for the drama said, “Jang Dong Gun, Ha Ji Won, and Jaejoong are all 90% confirmed.”

The filming will begin in June and July and it will start airing in October.

Source: Sports Korea


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Guest shera_xxx

OMG,I hope its true, :wub: :wub:

(NEWS) Newspaper article about JaeJoong’s new drama


(exclusive report) Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won, Hero JaeJoong came together in a ’10 billion Won drama’

Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won and Hero JaeJoong are expected to work together in a new drama Korean Peninsula.

HBD is set in Korea after the two Koreas’ reunification.

HBD’s production costs are over 10 billion won. The lead roles are;

The first president of unified Korea – Jang, Dong Gun

President’s love and rival – Ha, Ji Won

Team leader (Director) of NIS (National Intelligence Services) that make Jang, Dong Gun the first president – Hero JaeJoong from JYJ

They’ll star as proud Koreans who defend unified Korea from foreign powers who secretly fight over resources.

If their appearances are confirmed, the drama will have dream casts of three ‘one top’ lead roles.

Jang, Dong Gun has been deliverating over taking the role since it’s a large-scale drama, and his role seems excellent. He informed the production company that he’d take the role as long as the details of his appearnce worked out.

Ha, Ji Won has also expressed her intentino to join [the cast] as soon as she finished filming <7 kwang koo>

Hero JaeJoong has put tremendous amount of effort into appearing in this drama since it’s his first time to show his acting skills in a Korean drama after he starred in and in Japan.

Astronomical production costs were invested into HBD as it’d be filled with great scenes including computer generated images, battle scenes and action scenes.

Many top stars has contacted the production company for a role in the drama. The production company has contacted other top stars on top of Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won and Hero JaeJoong.

HBD’s production company Raemong Raein has produced shows highly claimed for both their quality and popularity, such as . Raemong Raein has spent past three years preparing for this drama with the resolution that they’d produce a great drama that would go down the history of Korean dramas.

An official said “casts of Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won and Hero JaeJoong and so on are about 90% confirmed. The planning of this drama is so solid that cable networks as well as broadcasting companies are contacting the production company (wanting to air the show).

HDB will start shooting in June, July and will be aired sometime in October this year.


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Wow.. I hope this new drama pushes through.. After reading and watching Ha Ji Won talk about how she chooses her projects, I'm even more excited to see what she'll do next. :)

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whoaaa... JDG and HJW in a project???!!!! (and JJ as well! YAY!!)

I sincerely pray this will come true. who wouldn't want to see them in one screen??????

and as much as I hate idols in dramas (except for Hongki in YAB and Eunjung in Coffee House :D), I'm actually OK with JJ. He was not bad in Suninare (or maybe I'm just biased).

But JJ aside, it's JDG and HJW!!!!!!! I pray as much for these two to have a project together as for the reunification of Korea.


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Guest bashful

@bashful: Thank you! I was able to download half of the video earlier but your link was a huge help. I'm almost done so, I'll be posting the hard subbed version later on. :)

Anytime. I was glad I was able to help out. :lol:

@shera_xxx thanks for this article. ...Has it been confirm by HJW I wondered. A new drama with Jang, Dong Gun. hummmmm I much prefer her with Won Bin or Rain....... :huh:

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Guest gle_perry

ha ji won, it's good drama will play again, so do not wait long to see ha ji won in action in the drama penisula with JDG and Kim jaejong

hopefully come true :w00t: :D

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