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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

the girl who!

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Big is not the best hong sisters' drama but it's not the worst drama ever. I hate people saying it's a worst drama, so Lie To Me and Mary Stayed out all night is better than this? OH, common! And I think, Big is really far far better than Secret Garden. - secret garden haters here *hide from sega lovers* - hahahaha :P
Comments on dramabeans are so annoying. I agree on the side that this is not the best hong sisters drama but it's not the worst.

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Guest longleggedmozzies

Funny that people are dropping the shows when it just gotten good.. oh well..... Their loss...

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Hello!!! BIG Korean Drama Followers

Does anyone know the preview for Episode 13? I'm dying to know what will happen next. It's getting more interesting each episode.

BIG DRAMA is an awesome one. FIGHTING!!!




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Guest samgirl

peace all, if you like it you like it, if you dont like where the story is going drop it, but i hope you dont rain on someone else's parade, if the criticisms are constructive we appreciate it but some write their opinions to influence and voice their personal frustrations about Hong Sister's writing , i think there is a more appropriate avenue to do that.. blog it like crazy.. that said .. this may not be the perfect drama but the OTP still does it for me .. so im still sailing that ship .. just enjoy the drama :)

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After reading so many negatives comments I was afraid that the route of this thread may change or many nice people would abandon the boat ... love to see you all here with positive comments  ^^ 
this drama deserve to be loved , because is a great and touching story ... not the typical plot ... seems like a lot of people want to watch more of the same ( again and again ) , but I'm really grateful towards Hong sisters because for the first time they change their typical scripts and made drama with a interesting and adorable story of love and grow that is driving me crazy xD 
I don't care anymore for this drama haters ( hey, I'm talking about the ones who are really bashing the show , no the ones who are bringing their constructive critiques ) ... since the very begining , this thread was a nice one ... let's continue supporting our amazing cast and our drama ^^ 
BIG ... fighting!!!

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Guest xopo17

This Thread really hot and lot of Flag.


like i said before on my posting before. I'm still watching this drama eventhough this story been mess up, but because Gong Yoo and the name of Hong Sisters, i'm always watching this untill end. anyway its not best drama but NOT the worst drama in korea, based my opinion.

i'm regreting some people in here that posting with statement : " stop writing negative comment", "they should just drop it and stop writing negative comments", why people are even bothering to post about how stupid this drama is or how the Hong sisters are screwing up on this and what not ", "why people feel the need to bring their negativity here with them", etc bla , bla.... Hey rilexxx, this is a forum, the purpose to using forum is to sharing each other opinion NOT to imposing your will/request and not to ordering someone to do they way like u wants, u'r not the owner of Soompi, our position is same in here and on Soompi Rules is really CLEAR thats in their rules its oke to comment as long RELATED to the thread. if you want to having some enjoyment then don't join to forum but join to spa and creambath at salon.

Forum is include from many person, means many heads, so it'll not be same one opinion to others. as long the negative opinion is on the track and not harmfull then what can we do its just respect it. and stop to ordering someone to do they way like u wants.

i've seen this thread from start, many of those who write negative is STILL based on the story of drama, its a common thing to have a Pro and Kontra, because human race is not vanished yet from earth, as long human race is still exist in world, so the pro and kontra will always been there. it's a democration, if someone wants to write the negative comment ABOUT THE DRAMA (like the charater, the story, the editing, the lighting), so let it be, just respect them. but if they comment that is not based or related to the drama/story then you can give him/her flag/bully them, just read soompi rules carefully.

like example, when @halima posting about DR cheating from YJ, i'm respecting Halima, eventhough i disagree with halima posting but i dont angry or bully & donT give flag to halima, because halima comment is still based and related to drama, that halima is discuss about the character on drama, which is in Soompi rules never prohibit member to give negative comment about character on drama.
i don't like other who just give flag like coward. i'm also defense halima because halima posting got so many flag which is i regreted it. eventhough i diagree, but i'm respecting it, that's a trully democration's meaning.
i would rather to give comment (whether is pro or kontra) than give flag like coward. because at forum is the only place that i could share my opinion about drama, becoz my husband dislike K-drama, i'll be crazy if i never pouring my opinion, i dislike to comment in front of TV, becoz my husband tought me i'm crazy person if i always do that, hahahahaha

be respect with each other comment (whether is positive or negative) as long its still  based or related to drama/thread. if u don't like then ignore it and don't bother it. like if someone in here talking bad that i disagree then i'm just simply ignore and read another posting,  and don't make your life more complicated, make it eazy.

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"Big" 19-year-old Gong Yoo kisses Lee Min Jung
Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung found love for each other at last.
Kyeong-joon (Yoon-jae/ Gong Yoo) and Da-ran (Lee Min Jung) shared a romantic kiss.
Da-ran carved his initials on a watch for his birthday and waited for him with the ring he gave her off her finger. Se-yeong (Jang Hee-jin) suspected she was having an affair. She found Kyeong-joon and said that she saw Da-ran buy a gift for a man and the initials weren't Yoon-jae's.
She continued, "She took off her ring while waiting. My friend says that's a case of having an affair. She was so happy while waiting but so sad when she had to go back without meeting him. According to your mom she wished you were how you were before and she said she was having a tough time but I guess it's because she likes someone else".
At those words, Kyeong-joon realized it was him that she liked as he was using Yoon-jae's body. He went to see her and asked, "Hey were you so upset because you like somebody else? Are his initials KKJ for Kang Kyeong joon?"
He locked his fingers in hers and said, "You've crossed a sea you shouldn't have and what are you going to do now?" as he leaned in to kiss her but she didn't resist.
Source : Hancinema

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Ooo so I have some crazy ideas about the show YJ is actually dead. Like KJ's body is laying there fine but it's without a soul... and KJ goes back and forth between two bodies. I mean YJ you never see YJ come back to his own body at all when KJ is seen going back to his. Plus, YJ was sick as a kid, he was meant to die but his parents played god and made a baby to save him. After they finished using the baby they ditched it to the surrogate mom. It's only fitting that their selfish actions come back to bite them in the butt since the son they abandoned is living as the son they saved. I come up with crazy scenarios like these all the time. Hehehehe. <br />

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I feel like this may very well be what has happened.  That would explain why Yoon Jae's soul hasn't made a post-accident appearance as of yet.<br />

TOTALLY WILD THEORY TIME!!!  I like this Yoon-Jae-is-dead scenario because it means that Kyung Joon would have access to two bodies in the final episodes, which would certainly involve very compelling choices, risks, and conflicts. I think that the immense hurt Kyung Joon will feel when he realizes why he was created could be partially healed by him making a similar choice as his biological parents to allow his Kyung Joon body to die in order to provide the parts necessary for fixing Yoon Jae's body (in which he will go back to live out the rest of his days).  Switching between the bodies would be painful, enormously risky, and a bit crazy, but if Kyung Joon recognizes the act of allowing his young body to die as an adult sacrifice that's part of the pain of growing up, it would really fit with the theme of the show .<br />

Knowing that we're dealing with the Hong Sisters, the teenage body (Kyung Joon) and man body (Yoon Jae) must be metaphors for the sometimes painful and strange process of growing up.  In that case, Kyung Joon's idea that he and Yoon Jae would or might switch back could be a metaphor for the part-child-part-adult stage of life in which Kyung Joon seems to be.  More and more Kyung Joon has transitioned into full adulthood, and less and less he falls back on his earlier man-child behavior.  The thought of Kyung Joon willingly closing the door on his adolescence forever by allowing his teenage body to die in order to live as an adult twists my heart because it seems so true to the characters and the show: this is a show about growing up and becoming an adult even if it hurts.

My friend, i just thought like what you thought after watched episode 12.. YJ needs KJ again, maybe YJ already knew about his disease before. So YJ's soul thought that he has died.. IT"S ONLY MY OPINION...But I keep one question in my mind. Why KJ's soul back to his body while his parents, YJ's dad and mom, was at hospital to seek KJ's body?? The one and only answer in my mind >> YJ's soul knew that he almost died, so he need his little brother, so KJ can be with mom and dad after YJ die... Ahhhh, actually all, are pure in my mind, my opinion. How about you, gals..Truthly i wanna Monday come faster.. I need episode 13.. Please...

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'Big' Dinner Time, Gong Yoo-Lee Min Jung Look Like a Real Couple
A picture of staff members and actors of "Big" having a dinner was revealed.
In recent online community, the meal time picture of KBS drama "Big" members was posted.
The picture was from Choi Ran's twitter from May 24, and back then, Choi Ran tweeted, "Chinese restaurant in Jinchun, 'Big' filming team having dinner. My husband is buying."
Choi Ran also said, "Lee Min Jung sitting in front of me asked, 'How do you two live so happily for so long?' I endure for this happiness. My husband says he endures more. You're right. Both the husband and the wife have to understand and endure."
In the picture, the actors and staff members of "Big" are sitting in a Chinese restaurant, eating noodles. Baek Sung Hyun, Lee Min Jung, and Gong Yoo are sitting next to each other, but only Gong Yoo is wearing a red apron.
Source : Kpopstarz 
‘Big’ Production Outing, Coke Instead Of Alcohol ‘Lee Min Jung – Gong Yoo Joined At The Hip’
The pictures of ‘Big’ production outing was uploaded.
The drama team of ‘Big’ showed a very family like dinner outing in the picture and the public has been commenting “‘Big’ team you guys look so happy.” , “Drama is fun, the actors are close in real life, so cute.” , “Yup even if you guys are busy, you guys should have an outing! It’s necessary!” , ” Suzy should’ve been there.” , “It doesn’t look like they are eating something big and fancy” , “They probably are having a hard time due to filming, they should eat a lot of meat!” , “These days outings that don’t involve alcohol are being praised!”
The public also commented on the side, “Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung are like joined by the hip!” , “If Gong Yoo wears an apron, it becomes a fashion.” , “The cup hides half of Baek Sung Hyun’s face.” , “Wonder where Suzy is…”
Recently on the online community, this picture was uploaded with the title ‘Big Production Outing.’
In the released picture, it shows the ‘Big’ production staff tired and wary but having a good time all together having dinner.
Source : Korea Portal

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I will start by saying I don't believe that YJ is dead, KJ stated in the first episode that YJ soul pushed him out of his body that is why he went into YJ body. KJ had lived his whole life not knowing why he was born or that he had family. His father clearly loves him but went along with his wife choice to abandon him. We also know that somehow YJ found out about him and was looking for him
The comment the teacher made last week about a child saving a child but there would have to be a sacrifice. I think DR will be the sacrifice. If they both survive how could the pick DR over the brother and family they have just found? If YJ dies and KJ is back in his own body could he look at DR the same way. I personally don't like DR, she is to fickle in her love for my taste, first she was in love with YJ, she knew about the switch from the start but did she try to stay by YJ, care for him, look out for him No. As long as she had KJ looking like YJ she was as happy as a pig in slop, didn't have a passing thought for the real YJ. The moment she came to the conclusion that YJ had cheated on her she dumped him, thus no longer having a use for KJ, leaving him to fend for his self.
A year later KJ returns more comfortable in YJ's body, and in a few weeks or months she is in love with KJ. Still being as thoughtless as ever she has watched the pain KJ is in after the soul switch but not once thought that maybe he should have a check up, to see if his body was being harmed in any way. DR's love is a little to shallow and thoughtless for me.
KJ's empty bag said it all.
These brothers need each other and not just to save each other's life in a physical sense. They emotionally need each other. The absences of one from the other has stunted them both.

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Guest cheerfulsohnie

After reading so many negatives comments I was afraid that the route of this thread may change or many nice people would abandon the boat ... love to see you all here with positive comments  ^^ 
this drama deserve to be loved , because is a great and touching story ... not the typical plot ... seems like a lot of people want to watch more of the same ( again and again ) , but I'm really grateful towards Hong sisters because for the first time they change their typical scripts and made drama with a interesting and adorable story of love and grow that is driving me crazy xD 
I don't care anymore for this drama haters ( hey, I'm talking about the ones who are really bashing the show , no the ones who are bringing their constructive critiques ) ... since the very begining , this thread was a nice one ... let's continue supporting our amazing cast and our drama ^^ 

BIG ... fighting!!!
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Guest xopo17

class="ks_article_title"Suzy Participates In ‘Big’ OST


Group miss A member Suzy supports her drama 'Big' by taking part in the original soundtrack.

In addition to acting in KBS's Monday-Tuesday drama, Suzy will sing for the drama's OST as well. On the 9th, 'Big' recorded its highest viewer rating, reflecting the drama's heightening popularity.

To audience's surprise, Suzy's decision to participate in the drama's OST was made abruptly. The song Suzy will sing is based on her character Jang Mari's emotions. The song is currently in the tuning stage and its release date has not been confirmed.

Suzy's previous drama OSTs, including 'Winter Child' of KBS's 'Dream High' and 'Too Much Tears' of MBC's 'Me Too, Flower' have gained much popularity.

According to a representative of OST production, "Suzy, who is currently receiving love for her impressive acting, will show her flexibility as she participates in the drama's OST. The song will serve as lingering imagery as it expresses Jang Mari's true feelings."

'Big' is the romantic comedy of an exciting romance between a successful, engaged man with a teenager's soul and female shoolteacher, starring Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung.

The release date for Suzy's song will be revealed at a later date.

credit: korea.com

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Guest darkstar257

"Big" 19-year-old Gong Yoo kisses Lee Min Jung

Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung found love for each other at last.
Kyeong-joon (Yoon-jae/ Gong Yoo) and Da-ran (Lee Min Jung) shared a romantic kiss.
Da-ran carved his initials on a watch for his birthday and waited for him with the ring he gave her off her finger. Se-yeong (Jang Hee-jin) suspected she was having an affair. She found Kyeong-joon and said that she saw Da-ran buy a gift for a man and the initials weren't Yoon-jae's.
She continued, "She took off her ring while waiting. My friend says that's a case of having an affair. She was so happy while waiting but so sad when she had to go back without meeting him. According to your mom she wished you were how you were before and she said she was having a tough time but I guess it's because she likes someone else".
At those words, Kyeong-joon realized it was him that she liked as he was using Yoon-jae's body. He went to see her and asked, "Hey were you so upset because you like somebody else? Are his initials KKJ for Kang Kyeong joon?"
He locked his fingers in hers and said, "You've crossed a sea you shouldn't have and what are you going to do now?" as he leaned in to kiss her but she didn't resist.
Source : Hancinema
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Guest altinneen

Hmm. I find it humorous that people are funding this drama unpredictable. Thus far it has played out exactly like any I drama would.

1. The initial love relationship is switched. (DR falls out of love with her near perfect bf to fall for a rude prick)

2. Teacher falls for student

3. Competing lovers turn out to be long lost brothers.

You could guess ask these outcomes after like the second episode.

Da Ran is a disloyal and unfaithful wench who abandons her fiancé when he is in a coma and then plans to abandon him again when he wakes up. Disgusting

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Hello i am new here :)
I started this drama yesterday and i reached ep. 12. it's so addictive!
I am pretty positive that nothing bad will happen to KJ and he ll be together with DR in the end
Do you think KJ will return to his body or stay in YJ's ??I desperately want him to return to his own body...While reading previous posts there were mentions of how it will not be socially accepted in Koreaand he will most probably stay in YJ's body in the end.But dont you think KJ deserves to live on his own body they make a cuter couple ... plus it feels ... RIGHThaving a constant reminder of your ex... isn't it awkward?

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