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Park Han Byul

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Guest siumeimei1023

i dunno... its hard to really tell... but she always look plasticy to me... but at least if she did surgery she looks stunning now

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i don't think she did.

she just looks younger/chubbier.

if you look at other pictures of her back then, she looks the same except a little chubby.

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Guest LovexPoison

Does weight loss change your nose shape? I dunno, I think she lost weight and that's all.. but then, looking at her nose shape... it changed so o_o;; Who knows~ ^^

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Guest yumi-chan

Probably weight loss, and her skin looks a lot smoother now. I don't think it's plastic surgery. Maybe you should use a more candid picture for the after shot.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest msh.l.on

The after photo is really photoshopped... it's not really a fair comparison photo.

I don't know if she admitted to surgery or not, but I think she just lost weight...

And she already had double eyelids, right? Or... Because that before picture does.

she admitted to eyelid and nose surgery.

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Guest _ijusswannabeme_

Just because she didn't have double eyelids doesn't mean that she did surgery before you know, and especially knowing the fact that she lost weight... It could be that se had double eyelids before but that, when she started gaining weight, it wasn't very visible before and stuff. Now that she lost weight, it could have been that the double eyelid started to appear..

Becuase that's what happened to me.. I used to have double eyelids, but then i started gaining weight, and it was gone, and now that I lost some weight or I grew or something, the double eyelid is visible... and I didn't have plastic surgery.

But knowing that she admitted to plastic surgery... My case might not apply to her, but you never know, it might apply to some other stars out there that are accused of plastic surgery, when all they really did was to lose weight.

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Guest userfriendly

no shocker.

but i don't think pictures can actually prove whether a celeb has had surgery or not.. cuhs i come out TOTALLY different in my pics every year and if someone told you that i had surgery (which i didn't) you'd prolly believe it cuhs the changes are pretty dramatic. the point is everyone's looks can change depending on how they style themselves. and even things like noses and face structure change throughout the years.... at least it did for me. and even the simplest things as changing the shape of your eyebrows can make a huge difference.

i'm not in doubt that she got stuff done tho, i'm just saying pictures can't prove everything.........

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Guest tuttyfruit

whether she had surgery, lots of surgery or not... shes really pretty now and thats all that matters for me... besides its not that unusual in korea...

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