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choose one love you or you love?

Guest lilyhan17

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We're taught to go after what we want, as life is all about taking risks, yet we're also afraid and yearn for that safety net and security so we don't backlash one ourselves as well..

If I had to pick, I wouldn't pick either option at all.  Stay solo!  I would not go after a guy that doesn't love me, even though I love him and I wouldn't stay with someone I didn't love just because he loves me. 

I would rather wait it out and be with the person I love who will also return the love that I need and want.  That's the best of both worlds.

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Guest Ryuzaki101

i love,to me choosing the one who loves me more.is wrong.

because i don't feel anything for them.wasting someones time is not alright in my book.

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Guest lilyhan17

Ideally, I would want to choose the one that loves me more: I was taught since little to choose the person that loves you more. However, speaking from the heart it would be rather difficult to do so because my eyes would always be on the one that I love more.

yes...i have the same feeling with you, i will pay more attention to the one i love...really so complicated....:unsure:

i love,to me choosing the one who loves me more.is wrong.

because i don't feel anything for them.wasting someones time is not alright in my book.

but when the one loves you cares about you, protects you, chreish you.... you will not be moved? turn a blind eye?

if in terms of me, i will feel so sorry for him...:blink:

We're taught to go after what we want, as life is all about taking risks, yet we're also afraid and yearn for that safety net and security so we don't backlash one ourselves as well..

If I had to pick, I wouldn't pick either option at all.  Stay solo!  I would not go after a guy that doesn't love me, even though I love him and I wouldn't stay with someone I didn't love just because he loves me. 

I would rather wait it out and be with the person I love who will also return the love that I need and want.  That's the best of both worlds.

:w00t:  wise choice.........but you really need endure the pain of missing...

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Guest lilyhan17

I think if you're looking for something long-term, it's better to go with the person who loves you more than you love him/her. That person is more willing to sacrifice and accomodate to you, more willing to dote on you, more willing to do anything for you. That person will try doubly hard to make sure you feel loved, hoping that one day you will realise how much you love him/her as well. Loving someone is tiring and depressing at times, surely you want to be the one who's happier most of the time. A lifetime's a long time, why not choose someone who can at least guarantee your short-term happiness?

i really appreciate the answer...:wub:

i think the answer is 'Nicholas Sparks' :) read his books you will really know what really love is and you'll know the answer of this question..lol

--but i think for me i choose the one who loves me because if you choose a person who doesn't love you it's useless the person might just be playing on you..but if i choose the one i love i might give everything to her/him and after all of it he/she doesn't love me and there is a possibility that...that person might be gone and it really hurts more to loose the one you love..than the person who loves you.. haha!! :):):) this is my opinion -BOW-

thank you for your recommendation...:rolleyes:  

hmm I think both options actually have the same outcome. If you chose the first one there might be a chance of loving him/her back given the right time. It's good if it ends that way but if not you'll just hurt the other person and you'll feel guilty of not giving him the love he deserves. If you chose the second, well it's also hard to make someone love you in return of the love you give him/her. and like the first one there's a chance that he/she might but if not then you'll also both be hurt. 

so choosing the one you love and he/she also loves you is the best choice...lol....:D

Mother always say, girls need alot of love, not that men dont need of course they need love, But if i  were to choose i'd rather be with someone who loves me. I been in past relationship with the guys i like or so called love and it never worked out because they didnt pay much attention to me and they know that i love them alot and i will do anything to make them happy, but in the other hand i wasn't happy being with him, because pleasing and making him happy was tiring especially when your not getting the same feelings back. But now im in a relationship and the guy im with loves me, he found me, he's super romantic, nowadays can't find those romantic guys around. kekeke. Anyways, its better to find someone who loves you because you will balance out each other in the relationship and you'll learn to grow deeper into the love. Its less arguments. I been with my man for over a year now and so far were getting stronger and stronger. :) My parents always tell me to find someone who loves you more, even if hes not that great you can work it out and slowly change him from inside out. Like a frog who turn to a prince. hehehe.... story of my life. my bf was like that, i didnt find him attractive at all... just looked at him as a friend. But slowly getting to know him i see how beautiful, and genuine he was and then his looks became attractive to me and then he ask me to be his gf. hehehehe..... :) Just saying.sorry i didnt mean to brag about my bf. :P


oh, my god...how happy the girl is!!!    haha....Bless you, you made the right choice!!    :wub:

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The one who loves me more. I'm someone who, once I get into a relationship, will love the guy with all my heart. So, even if he loves me more, that's okay - it just means we'll both love each other a lot, while I can get the extra security that I need knowing that he loves me more and will never leave me. :)

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:w00t:  wise choice.........but you really need endure the pain of missing...

Why would anyone have to endure the pain of 'missing' when they choose to be alone?  If those two options were the ONLY options in life, how sad that would really be. 

Many people choose to settle because they're scared to face what could be or what may happen.  To be smart, to be safe, to 'endure the actual pain' would be to refuse either rather than picking one or the other and end up hurting yourself AND the other party.  This is just all my opinion, lol.

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Guest coconutch

Hmm, hard question. If I were being selfish, I would choose the person that loves me more (as long as there is a little bit of attraction). But I wouldn't want to hurt them. I would STILL be selfish if I were to choose the one I love (but he/she doesn't love me back)... I wouldn't want to get hurt by him. I dunno.

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Guest lilyhan17

Hmm, hard question. If I were being selfish, I would choose the person that loves me more (as long as there is a little bit of attraction). But I wouldn't want to hurt them. I would STILL be selfish if I were to choose the one I love (but he/she doesn't love me back)... I wouldn't want to get hurt by him. I dunno.

yes....so how complicated thing love is!!!!  :unsure:

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Guest saf-safx

It depends, if the guy who loves me more had everything (personality wise) that I was looking for in a man, then I would choose him. Because I know he'll make me happy and I know that I will end up falling in love with him.

Looks to me, doesn't mean as much as it used to.

As long as he looks human and he's tall, hard working & christian...he is good to go ;)

Every guy i've ever liked...i've liked them more thsn they have liked me and its painful. And also because they were good looking, I didn't matter much to them because they knew that they are capable of getting other girls. Mind you this is all in secondary school and sixth form.

When I go to uni in september..hopefully things will be different :)

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Guest ilmilione

I'd choose the one that loves me more, because, if this is a logical situation, the one that loves me more treats me better and I find that attractive/can grow to love that, whereas if someone doesn't love me back, i'll just grow to dislike/resent them.

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I believe in an eye for an eye. So if she really loves me that much I will do the same even if I don't like her at first I'm sure I will eventually fall for her. If I'm showing love to someone and that person isn't showing anything I think I'd be pretty pissed.

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Guest KeroKai

If I were forced to choose... I'd get into a relationship with the person I love, and then end it. At least it's then my decision to end things and stay away, even if I desperately wanted to be with them. Getting into a relationship with someone my heart isn't into? That's just way too cruel for my liking. You're effectively hurting someone you care about. The ideal option would be to have neither scenarios.

Anyhow... a lot of people have chosen the second option: have someone love you more since it's possible with a caring individual, you will grow to love them more. But, if that were the case, wouldn't the opposite also be true? You can get into a relationship with someone you love, and over time they will start loving you more. Maybe you'll be happier in the long run with this option?

Maybe there's different people in the world. Some who feel more love when expressing love, and others who feel more when receiving love.

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