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Out of these choices, which would you want?


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I chose cooking.

Not that I expect her to be making my meals, but it just seems to be a more useful skill/talent to have compared to the others that has a practical, daily application.

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Guest Xianie

Cooking! Musical talent is no doubt very attractive, as is knowing how to draw well. But the ability to cook me some good food is so practical! It'll save me from having to cook all the time too lol.

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Cooking. As charming as the other options may be, when I've had a long day and I come home to find someone else has made dinner... love! Otherwise, dancing. I dance, and it would be great if he did too.

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Guest DiscoSarah

I picked athleticism. A lot of those are things I do myself as well. Cooking would be a close second, but I didn't pick it because overall, I LOVE to cook and I'm a bit of a control freak in the kitchen. So cooking is nice like once a week but the rest of the time I'd rather do it and have help with dishes.

Athleticism won because I'm really big on hiking, cycling and stuff like that, and I'd love to be with someone who loves it as well. My BF does and it's great to have someone to hike with!

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Guest christelle-g

I voted cooking as #1 although I might get fat if he cooks really well :P but photography and athleticism are close behind.

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I picked guitar as a talent I want my bf to have so he can serenade me keke >w< Cooking and piano would be something I do or a hobby we could both take up and share <3 ^w^ Dancing, drawing, photography and athleticism would be his hobby or something built-in ahahs x]

~ Betty

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Dancing! :D

i love to dance (eventhough i'm not that good at it...lol)

and whenever i see guy kpop idols dance like crazyy i find it really amazing!

specially hiphop!

guys who dance very good is SOOO SEXXYYYYY :wub:

plus, it would be nice if my bf will perform a dance in front of me on my bday or something...that would be the perfect bday gift! hehe :D

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