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Park Shi Hoo & Moon Chae Won @ WonHoo Couple


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We know that this ia a hard time to PSH, especially to start again his carrier so ..hope this one can encourage him and give him a brave to continue his carrier ..bless you.

Park Si Hoo′s ′I Am a Killer′ to Premiere in Japan

2013-05-23 21:00  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee, InKyung
Translation Credit : Erika Kim

Park Si Hoo will be aiming to take over Japan after overcoming his many difficulties, as his film is scheduled to premiere in the country.

I Am a Killer, his first film in a lead role, will be premiering in Shinjuku′s Cinema de Shinjuku on June 1.

Park Si Hoo especially proved his influence in the country recently as he became the no. 1 favorite hallyu star in recent polls on various portal sites.
I Am a Killer will premiere in Japan under the title Confession of Murder.

Japanese movie magazines have said about the filme, "Park Si Hoo, the prince of the small screen, transformed into a beautiful murderer. He showcased his first attempt at action with his first lead role as a serial killer."

The film will also put on display various props and stills from the film during the film′s screening in Japan.

An official said, "If Park Si Hoo hadn′t gotten involved in the recent incident, he would′ve won many rookie awards at such ceremonies as the Paeksang Arts Awards with the film. We hope to see a more mature side from him as a hallyu star now that the issues have been wrapped up."

Park Si Hoo is currently resting at his home.

credt http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=36887
source http://enews24.interest.me/news/article.asp?nsID=170978

cr to Jouji* from PSH thread
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hopefully psh is resting well at home, after going thru such a painful experience, ....he will never be able to wipe the experience from his mind........though over time the pain will decrease .....but it will never disappear.....
The best thing to do for him (as he might be doing now) ...is talk to someone about it, and i mean REALLY talk about it in depth, especially about his feelings .....cos talking to the right people, really does help (and without doubt his family and close friends will rally around him)......an alternative is hypnotherapy which has helped millions of people come to terms with the trauma they have experienced...

an article to understand the depth and effects of such an experience...

credit LINK...excerpt

can develop when a person has losses connected with the trauma or when a person avoids other people and becomes isolated.

Despair and hopelessness
can result when a person is afraid that he or she will never feel better again.

Survivors may lose
important beliefs
when a traumatic event makes them lose faith that the world is a good and safe place.

Aggressive behavior toward oneself or others
can result from frustration over the inability to control PTSD symptoms (feeling that PTSD symptoms run your life). People may also become aggressive when other things that happened at the time of trauma make the person angry (the unfairness of the situation). Some people are aggressive because they grew up with people who lashed out and they were never taught other ways to cope with angry feelings. Because angry feelings may keep others at a distance, they may stop a person from having positive connections and getting help. Anger and aggression can cause job problems, marital and relationship problems, and loss of friendships.

Self-blame, guilt, and shame
can arise when PTSD symptoms make it hard to fulfill current responsibilities. They can also occur when people fall into the common trap of second-guessing what they did or didn't do at the time of a trauma. Many people, in trying to make sense of their experience, blame themselves. This is usually completely unwarranted and fails to hold accountable those who may have actually been responsible for the event. Self-blame causes a lot of distress and can prevent a person from reaching out for help. Sometimes society also blames the victim of a trauma. Unfortunately, this may reinforce the survivor's hesitation to seek help.

People who have experienced traumas may have
problems in relationships with others
because they often have a hard time feeling close to people or trusting people. This is especially likely to happen when the trauma was caused or worsened by other people (as opposed to an accident or natural disaster).

Trauma survivors may
feel detached or disconnected from others
because they have difficulty feeling or expressing positive feelings. After traumas, people can become overwhelmed by their problems or become numb and stop putting energy into their relationships with friends and family.

Survivors may get into
arguments and fights with other people
because of the angry or aggressive feelings that are common after a trauma. Also, a person's constant avoidance of social situations (such as family gatherings) may create hurt feelings or animosity in the survivor's relationships.

Less interest or participation in things the person used to like to do
may result from depression following a trauma. When a person spends less time doing fun things and being with people, he or she has fewer chances to feel good and have pleasant interactions.

Social isolation
can happen because of social withdrawal and a lack of trust in others. This often leads to the loss of support, friendships, and intimacy, and it increases fears and worries.

Survivors may have
problems with identity
when PTSD symptoms change important aspects of a person's life such as relationships or whether the person can do his or her work well. A person may also question his or her identity because of the way he or she acted during a trauma. For instance, a person who thinks of himself as unselfish might think he acted selfishly by saving himself during a disaster. This might make him question whether he really is who he thought he was.

Feeling permanently damaged
can result when trauma symptoms don't go away and a person doesn't believe they will get better.

Survivors may develop
problems with self-esteem
because PTSD symptoms make it hard for a person to feel good about him- or herself. Sometimes, because of how they behaved at the time of the trauma, survivors feel that they are bad, worthless, stupid, incompetent, evil, etc.

Physical health symptoms and problems
can happen because of long periods of physical agitation or arousal from anxiety. Trauma survivors may also avoid medical care because it reminds them of their trauma and causes anxiety, and this may lead to poorer health. For example, a rape survivor may not visit a gynecologist and an injured motor vehicle accident survivor may avoid doctors because they remind him or her that a trauma occurred. Habits used to cope with posttraumatic stress, like alcohol use, can also cause health problems. In addition, other things that happened at the time of the trauma may cause health problems (for example, an injury).

Survivors may turn to
alcohol and drug abuse
when they want to avoid the bad feelings that come with PTSD symptoms. Many people use alcohol and drugs as a way to try to cope with upsetting trauma symptoms, but it actually leads to more problems.

, trou
from FREEONLINE dictionary
A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
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It isn't whether you get knocked down, It's whether you get back up!

article credit LINK

Saving sex for marriage will enhance your future marriage relationship.

  • You will have built your relationship on a solid foundation based on what you have in common mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually, instead of being distracted by the physical attraction.
  • You can have confidence that your spouse is committed to you 100%. If he/she had the strength to wait for you and demonstrate self control before marriage, how much more committed will your spouse be when you get married?
  • You have a special bond that connects you to your spouse knowing that sex is something shared only by the two of you.
  • You can focus on really getting to know each other while you date and when you do get married, sex is just the icing on the cake. Your relationship already will be strong, and you have the rest of your lives to explore and perfect sex together in a faithful, trusting, and committed relationship
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 article credit LINK....excerpt....understanding the korean culture...

KDaddict Says:
May 23rd, 2013 at 12:37 pm

From their feudal days, Confucian values percolate down to the present. The average person may not always be held to them, but somehow more is expected from some celebrities (not so much fr singer groups n rappers). Certainly those who r to get CF endorsements must have broad appeal to young as well as old and everyone in between, and a clean image, in order to sell products used in the household.

Actors’ main income comes from endorsements. Some might even say that they work in film and TV to get the exposure, so that they’d have a fan following, so that they can get the endorsements, where the real money is. W/o that possibility, film or tv work is moot. Also, it is a huge financial risk for the investor if the project casts sb who has an ‘image problem’. So there is no pt in having activities when he is a financial risk, instead of a box-office guarantee.

On top of that, fr the Confucian pt of view, he has brought shame or at least embarrassment not only on himself, but also on his family, on his hometown, so he has to apologize, to shut himself in, to reflect on his mistake, and basically to be seen to suffer, in hopes that one day, his misdeed would be forgotten, if not forgiven. That takes time.

敝門思過 is the standard practice, and that is what he is saying he is doing, i.e. to stay in and reflect on his mistakes, meaning not just this one, but to repent and be a better person.

This part of it is not for us to say is right or wrong. Every country has its own cultural values and practices. He has to adhere to those of his country. 

article credit LINK....reflecting moral lesson..

Choosing to not have sex while dating allows you to know that the person you are dating is with you for YOU. They are not just interested in having sex with you. They respect you and your choices. You will never feel used or exploited for choosing not to have sex.

Marriage is a mutually committed relationship with many benefits. A marriage allows for emotional stability, companionship, love and trust. A faithful marriage, wherein both partners are monogomus, alleviates the worry of sexually transmitted diseases and promotes a healthy sexual relationship. Studies show that married people live longer lives, are physically healthier and are wealthier.(1)

Remember, if your girlfriend or boyfriend does not respect your decision to abstain then they are disrespecting you, so why would you want to be with someone that does not respect you?

mv credit DnAEntertainment

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article credit LINK...excerpt ....understanding the teachings of Confucius part 1

Important Values/Ethics in Confucianism:
-Li: correct propriety, ritual and etiquette
-Yi: the halo of righteousness
-Hsiao: love among members of a family or society
-Xin: the power of trustworthiness and honesty
-Jen: inherent humaneness and benevolence
-Chung: loyalty to ruling authorities

Confucianism emphasizes the importance of avoiding conflict and having correct behaviour.

One is expected to live by a high ethical and moral code in order to achieve self improvement, which will lead to the improvement and well-being of society.

This can be done by following the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would want done to you. Good manners are very important, as they reflect outward actions and inward feelings of respect. 

Social relationships are also central in Confucianism. Virtues including courtesy, selflessness, obedience, respect, diligence, working for a common good, social harmony, and empathy are encouraged.

Also, Confucius was a strong believer in the theory of filial piety, or respect for one’s elders and ancestors. Although Confucianism does not recognize a God, it promotes worship of the ancestors and shows reverence toward Heaven/the ideal world.

These beliefs are based on Confucius’ view that by simply establishing rules and punishing those who do not follow them, people would have no sense of shame. But by setting a code of morality, people will have shame and avoid trouble at the same time.

pic and audio link dc inside tpm...credit LINK

video credit harvardmr40...about Confucius

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mv credit SecretPagoda

quotes from Confucius..part 2

-“For one to run state affairs well, he must first run his family in harmony.

To have a harmonious family, he must first behave himself well.

To behave himself, he must first set his heart right . . .” (Confucius, from The Great Learning).
Importance: emphasizes harmony/order of life and self-improvement leading to improvement of society

-“This equilibrium is the great root from which grow all the human actings in the world, and this harmony is the universal path which they all should pursue” (Confucius, from the Doctrine of the Mean)
Importance: emphasizes balance in life and the goal of self-perfection/harmony

-"To know your faults and be able to change is the greatest virtue” (Confucius)
Importance: emphasizes personal growth and knowledge

-"What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others” (Confucius)
Importance: emphasizes treating others well and having good manners

(picture: book of collection of Confucius texts)

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article credit LINK

by:  robotman  on  May 22, 2013 04:41 PM

Park Si Hoo will not be active for the rest of the year

A close friend revealed to the media, "Park Si Hoo isn't thinking of promoting this year at all. If he gets a change, he'll  probably be able to start a new project some time next year. He's going to quietly reflect on himself for now."

Previously, KBS made the decision not to formally ban Park Si Hoo, but had said, "Even if he's not banned, it's still up in the

air if he'll ever appear on broadcast again in the future."

Even though both Park Si Hoo and his accuser have decided to drop all charges against each other, Park Si Hoo's image has taken quite a hit from the entire situation.

credit LINK...excerpt

Eyagi Entertainment is Hit with Hardships Surrounding Park Si Hoo and Park Si Yeon

Park Si Hoo first signed his contract with Eyagi Entertainment in 2010, and has since been active under its exclusive care. He recently rose to stardom due to his gentle image shown in a variety of dramas and films.

He also built up his foundations as a hallyu star with the success of Iljimae and Household Ordeal in Japan. He even was able to hold an exclusive fanmeeting in the country.

With the recent set of charges, however, it seems he has hit a giant roadblock in his future career, regardless of whether the suspicions are true or not..............


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credit LINK

CF is the most commercial of the various pop culture media.  Each company pays a very high price to borrow the image of the model, because the image plays a decisive role in the product sales.  In such a context, it is a matter of fact that no company will appoint Park Si Hoo in a CF.  All stars involved in unsavory scandals (no matter how “innocent”) are excluded from CF because of the obvious negative factor, even if they are big stars like Jang Dong Gun, Won Bin, or Jo In Sung.

Although Park Si Hoo is still the same, it would be a burden writing a drama or movie for him.  As for all contents, performance has top priority where it is not a very special art film.  But there is probably not a producer or director who is willing to “steamroller” [ED: overcome with superior force] the current forces as Park Si Hoo’s image declines even if he succeeds in his performance.

Sexual intercourse is the most natural of human relationships, and it is beautiful and normal when it is consensual.  It is not so beautiful in this case when a Hallyu star goes to bed with an aspiring actress he meets for the first time and there is cry of rape afterwards.  Park Si Hoo claims it is a sharing of hearts (交心) between the couple.  By the way, if love could start so early and earnest feelings are felt as soon as you meet someone and it is so easy, then the system of marriage will be unnecessary in this world, and sex-crimes rate will fall remarkably.

article credit LINK...excerpt

Can You Fall In Love On Your First Date?

So yes you can fall in love on your first date if

  • The person is already known to you to some extent on the first date
  • You know something about his character/traits, likes and dislikes and so on
  • If you really like him not on that occasion alone but either since sometime before or after your date
  • If you feel like falling in love when you are not drunk


  • Don’t be ready to make commitments
  • Don’t get too intimate right on the first date

In short, ‘Look before you leap’ still applies. This is just a quick thought.

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mv credit pshfans

boys love at what they put girls through but they wont be laughing when they are wiping tears off their daughters' face for the same reason...quote from will smith....

attributes of a man...credit LINK...excerpt

Attributes of a Man The Attributes of a man are lived out, not thought of, or just discussed.....

  1. Do you treat women with respect? Honoring the fact that she is someone's daughter, someone's future wife, and God's beloved?
  2. Do speak only what you know is true, keeping in mind that there are eternal consequences for every word you speak (both good and bad)?
  3. Does your emotions control you? Do you exercise self-control?
  4. Does any of your actions, choices, belongings, or anything else in your life violate your conscience?
  5. Are you pure in thought and deed (Abstaining from pre-marital sex,.......)?
  6. Are you a good steward with your money, time, and other resources?
  7. Do you treat older men with reverence and understanding? Speaking to them how you would speak to your father? Same for older women?
  8. Do you treat your mother and father with respect?
  9. Do you listen to accusations or gossip from secondary sources about other human beings, and then make assumptions?
  10. Do you work hard at your job to the best of your ability, serving and respecting your employer and supervisor?
  11. Do you argue about meaningless things that only distracts you and others from the truth?
  12. Above all of these, do you love others more than yourself?
  13. Above everything! Do you love God with all your heart, mind and soul?
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cfs in the korean entertainment scene

When Koreans say "CF" they mean "Commercial Film" meaning what we call "commercials," those advertisements that you see on TV.

wondering why in

his LINK there is no endorsement info except this...

Personal life [edit]

Park's father used to be a fashion and commercial model, and his younger brother Park Wu-ho is a former baseball player for the Hyundai Unicorns.[26][27]

On February 18, 2013, Park was accused of allegedly raping a 22-year-old aspiring actress. The woman said that after drinking heavily at a bar in the trendy Gangnam District, she and Park went to his apartment in Cheongdam-dong at around 2 a.m. on February 15, where she lost consciousness and realized she had been raped when she woke up. In a statement released through his management agency, Park denied the allegation; he admitted that he had sex with the woman but claimed it was consensual.[

credit LINK mcw's profile....

Endorsements [edit]

  • Samyang Ramen
  • Natuur Ice Cream
  • Lacvert Skin Care
  • Levi Strauss Signature Jeans
  • Natuur Ice Cream
  • Dr. Jart Skin Care
  • Selly Women's Fashion Wear
  • Style Innerve (SI) Women's Fashion Wear
  • Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
  • Jinro Chamisul Soju, with Yoo Ah In
  • Vincis Bench - Women's Fashion Goods (Bags, Wallets and Shoes)
  • Bang Bang Fashion Wear
  • Allvit Herbal Skin Care
  • Pocari Sweat
  • LG Household & Health Care Soft Body Fit
  • LG Household & Health Care Sooryehan, Herbal Cosmetic
  • Style Innerve (SI) Women's Fashion Wear
  • Vincis Bench - Women's Fashion Goods (Bags, Wallets and Shoes)
  • LG Household & Health Care Soft Body Fit
  • LG Household & Health Care Sooryehan, Herbal Cosmetic
  • Millet with Ha Jung-woo
  • LG Household & Health Care ReEn Shampoo
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credit LINK...news on mcw's possible new role


photo credit LINK

hope to see mcw in a drama soon..

article credit LINK

Korea Ranked Near Bottom in Quality of Life

Australia has the best quality of life in the OECD, a survey suggests. The Wall Street Journal on Monday reported that the OECD's Better Life index puts Australia on top for the third year running.

The index awards points in 11 categories like housing, income, jobs, education and health. Although the OECD does not announce the overall rankings, the WSJ said, "If each of the 11 categories in the survey is given equal weight, Australia's cumulative ranks rises to No. 1."

Even as advanced countries suffered economic slumps, Australia's economy has managed to grow steadily.

Second was Sweden, followed by Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the U.S., Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland and the U.K.

Korea ranked near the bottom in all categories except education and public safety. In the area of work-life balance, it ranked fourth from the bottom after Turkey, Mexico and Japan. That means Koreans work too much and rest too little.

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credit LINK...excerpt from article

Why are stars so guarded about their relationships? There are a few reasons.

The first reason is privacy. It's hard enough to develop a relationship with another person if the whole world is not watching your every move. If the public suspects you are a couple, they will scrutinize and possibly criticize everything you do together.

Being a couple can be hard work for any two people but the punishing schedules that actors and entertainers have make it even more likely a relationship will fail. That's what happened with Song Hye Kyo and Hyun Bin who starred together in "Worlds Within." They dated for a couple of years but found that being in the same business did not help their relationship. So, it's risky to even date a fellow actor. And if it doesn't work out, fans may criticize you for not trying hard enough.

Sometimes actors and actresses fall in love while playing a couple but then find they are not actually those people. Not sure if that is what happened with Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young when they played lovers in "City Hunter" but they didn't date for long after.

Also, actors and entertainers may worry about the negative reactions their girlfriend or boyfriend may suffer from obsessed saesang fans. Younger actresses may worry that dating ruins their innocent image.

Whatever the reason, stars are entitled to their privacy. As much as fans may be curious to learn more about kdrama couples, especially those that result from being a couple in a kdrama, the actors should be able to decide when to reveal details about their relationship.

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Confession of  Murder,” which stars Park Shi Hoo and Jung Jae Young, is set to premier in Japan.

“Confession of Murder,” originally titled in Korea as “I am a Killer,” will open in Japan June 1.

According to an Enews24 report, a Japanese film magazine wrote about the movie, “TV prince Park Shi Hoo transformed into a murderer. He challenged intense action scenes with his first leading role as a serial killer.”

There will also be a special promotional event in Japan during the screening of the movie which will showcase props and still cuts from the movie.

A source from the movie industry commented, “If Park Shi Hoo was not caught up in the recent controversy, he would have won the “Best Newcomer” award at Baeksang Arts Award for ‘I am a Killer.’ It’s regretful but since the controversy has been settled, we hope he will show a more mature image as a future Hallyu star.”

Park Shi Hoo was accused of sexual assault on February 18 and after much controversy, the charge was dropped on May 9. Recently, a representative of Park Shi Hoo stated that the actor has no plans to promote or take on any projects for the rest of this year.

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