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Why do Nonasians make such a big deal out of Pocky?

Guest dreamy21

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Guest prisonerzero

People like it because it's Japanese and the commercials are pretty cute. A lot of celebrities endorsed it i think so they might want to be like them. It's probably also used in anime and manga...

I thought I liked it because the chocolate flavour tastes good...

Crap, I've been fooled.

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LOL what? I'm Asian, have a Asian super market right next door that sells pocky, but hell I get so excited when I see pocky!!!!!!!! I can eat three boxes in one go (strawberry and chocolate please) I love it.

I also make big deals out of sushi, fries, chips, any food really.

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Guest ccconstant_x3

I have no idea why anyone makes a big deal out of pocky because I don't find it to be the tastiest snack, but I do find more around my area that asians are more chill when they're eating it. Probably because asians are more used to it and nonasians are just finding out about it? I prefer YanYan and HelloPanda

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Guest d0rkstar

Maybe to some people it is the most mouth watering delicious thing in the world!

I have a non-asian friend who loves Pocky but isn't into Kawaii/Japanese Culture.

Its each person's peference imo.

Also going to college made me realize how hard it is to find pocky if you aren't near an asian community or have an asian supermarket nearby :'(

I always stock up on Pocky whenever I visit home and bring it back to my dorm xD

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Guest rawrrawrr

I'm asian and I never liked pocky that much. Its ok but I'd rather pretz.

I think non asian people like it because its one of the more well known asian snacks, and it seems exotic

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I admit, when I was in China and we went to buy some snacks I always had to check wether they had Pockey too and when I spotted a new flavour I bought it. But I was not like OMG!! *jumping up and down* etc. They only sell the choclate way over priced pocky here which I don't really like coz the choclate they use tastes weird. So when I was there I just wanted to try all kinds of flavours and take a bunch home so I could enjoy it at home too.

When I was in London (China Town) I was like let's buy some Pocky again untill I saw the prices.... Sometimes even 10 times more expensive.. no way I buy it then.

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Guest heartkiller

i love pocky but i dont make a huge deal out of it. you can find it in the wal marts over here.

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Well, for me... I spent a good deal of my childhood in Japan. So Pocky, Hello Panda and such was a regular treat for me until I came back to the states. At that time, pocky was no where to be found stateside. And if you did find it, it was expensive. So it was a nostalgic and rare treat worth getting excited over. But now that its everywhere, it has gone back to being just nostalgic groceries. I do still get excited over finding the less common flavors (same goes for the funky flavored kitkats). Out here the only flavors for Pocky I have found are chocolate, strawberry, gourmet strawberry and crushed almond.

Some people DO get excited over big macs. I know some friends that have gone over-seas and get really excited to see a familiar restaurant in a place they didn't expect it, because its something familiar where most things are unfamiliar.

And its not just the non-asians with Pocky. According to a Korean friend, Koreans have a social holiday called Pocky/Pepero day that is similar to Valentines day???

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Guest mininamie

It's funny that you bring pocky up because as a teenager I was incredibly obsessed with it myself :crazy: lol

But when I began to notice average grocery stores stocking it, it seemed so lackluster.

What made it even worst is that they only carried the same flavor strawberry,UGH.

Living in the South sux, we don't get any cool asian stuff :P

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Guest AiMango

Yeah many asians make a big deal out of Pocky. I mean if you live near a supermarket that sells it, then theres nothing to be excited about I guess. It's a lot more accessible now, too, since T&T is now part of Loblaws (Canada).

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Guest wolfberry

Aah, they're just excited over something they're not used to getting :) When McDonalds opened up in other countries like Japan, there were lines for blocks for it! In general, anime nerds can be pretty...you know...nerdy and embarrassing :/ Pocky is so-so....but I'd be explosively happy if you get me the jumbo ones (novelty item kinda..) that are individually wrapped cuz they're soooo big, or "Pocky for Men"....because the dark chocolate one is for some reason more rare and expensive than the regular and the strawberry kind, and I loooove dark chocolate. I could buy it myself but I don't because its like 30 cents more... ^^;

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Guest MC_Lee

Um because it tastes good ?? lol.

Plus the fact that it is unique and not something you eat everyday.

especially if you live in the states.

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Guest Vagabond.

Uhmm.. probably because it's one of the most common asian snacks and it's good?

This reminds me of a person I knew who isn't asian, but gets excited anything Asian related (admits to be a wannabe-asian). It's annoying that she squeals about asian "hair, food, music, etc.. etc.." <_<

Sounds like a weeaboo.

I don't like Pocky that much. However, Pepero on the other hand...


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