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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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i think one of the reason why girls who got molested even after a long time never say it to anyone is coz of embarrassment, fear, and we just dont want to remember it anymore. and we dont want to cause any trouble to our love ones....

i was not "molested" but something like that happened to me when i was 14.

this is hard for me to type..but i'm gonna share.

when i was young we have a family maid, and their whole family lives in our house....i treat their children as my own siblings...we were very close coz i lived with them from childhood to highschoool.

the father who i consider as a big brother did something tho.

When i was taking a bath, i sorta glanced up by the window and saw him. i knew he was peeping.

it was scary, embarrassing and awkward.

so i immediately went out.

and after that we never talk about it...

its like nothing happened.

and i'm 19 now.

our relationship changed now though....after that incident i dont talk to him anymore coz i would always remember that day.

he just acts like nothing happened, but i know he knows the truth.

its just very difficult coz i lost my respect for him.

eventhough i treat him as my big brother coz he's also really close to my dad, i dont know how to treat him now.

i dont live in our house anymore coz we migrated...but i recently talk to him over the phone coz i called his daughther and his daughter thought i wanted to know how he's doing....i didn't speak awkwardly eventhough i feel uncomfortable.

i wish he hadn't done such thing to me, coz now how i view him became different.

and i dont like this awkward/embarrass feelings whenever his daughter (who is my childhood frend) would talk about him.

i wish i could bring back time and i wish that didnt happen.

Bcoz i treasure them...

and coz i dont want this kind of disgusted/awkward feeling for him...it makes me feel sick.

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Guest IaMsEo

My brother was on drugs or something and touched me down there when I was 9 years old. I told my mom, and my brother told her that he didn't remember touching me so she didn't do anything about it. <_<

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Guest kiss_bunny

lmao doesnt matter if saving face part of the culture or not. How could any parent not do anything when they find out their kids were molested? And its not as though the matter HAS to get out into the public.

A lot of people who molest are those the victims trust according to statistics. Saddness is not the only thing someone feels when they're molested, but also the feeling of betrayal if its someone you know who did those horrible things.

Luckily, the two times i was molested never traumatized me. Although once every few months, i get horrible dreams of rape or kidnapping >.>

I was molested twice -.-/ Well, one of them wasn't really that molest......but still....

The most recent time was like a few months ago. I was at my friend's party. It was at his dorm. lets call him A. And his best friend B, was his roommate. Now, i trust A a lot. He's my close friend. As the party ended, everyone was kinda drunk. B wasn't really because he wanted to make sure everyone was okay and didnt do anything stupid. I wasn't okay to drive. So B told me and another girl to sleep on his bed while he slept on the floor on a futon. A was fast asleep on his bed. While i was sleeping, i felt B's touching my hand and sliding up my arm. And i pushed his arm away. (he was reaching up to the bed from the floor). And then i felt his hand again, except now his hand went to my boob and squeezed it quickly. I pushed his arm away again. And i saw him lay back down really quick on the floor. I was confused and sleepy. So i wrapped the blankets really tightly around me but his hand like forced his way to my boobs again. i had enough and slept on my stomach so that he cant touch my boobs. you know what he did after??!!!! He started to feel my butt and then touch me down there!!!! LUCKILY i was wearing stockings or pantyhose or whatever!!! After that night, when i woke up after a sleepless night to go home and get ready for class, B walked me to my car. I pretended nothing happened. but the whole day, i was so so so upset. A was my bestfriend and i really really wanted to tell him. But i didnt want him to get mad at B cuz B was his bestfriend. I didnt want them to fight or anything. But i tell A everything! So between two classes, i had a long break and i told A i was feeling really bad. And then i told him that someone touched me. and he looked reall angry and kept asking me who did that? and i wouldnt tell him. Then he asked me if it was he himself who touched me. i said no. Then he said he would get really mad at me if i dont tell him who did it. i said i couldnt its embarrassing. Then he just got up and was like "I'm gonna be very angry with you then" and then walked away. At the end of the day i told him. He was so angry at his roommate. A thought B knew better than that. A wanted to bring the topic up with B but in the end i made A promise that he wouldnt bring it up. He told me he didnt think he can keep the promise so i said that im not going to talk to him again or something if he brings it up with his roommate. A said fine i wont bring it up but if it ever happens again he's going to do something about it.

Since then onwards, when they had another party, i slept next to A and B never touched me again.

The first time it happened was with the art teacher at school. Uniforms were mandatory at the school i was going to at the time. So the uniforn was a long dress that covered from our collar bone to our knees. And then under the dress, we had to wear these blueish pants. So we were pretty much covered from head to toe. (what an ugly uniform and traditional uniform. i hated wearing it). One time i was walking to a class, and my art teacher who happened to be walking the same way said hi to and blah blah blah. And i noticed that he was looking at my boobs a lot. (i was 10 or 11 back then, so i barely even had boobs. they like JUST started to grow AND i was wearing like those little girl training bras AND we were covered in the uniform). So i didnt think anything of it. Later in art class, it was more convenient for us to work on the floor due to the assignment we had. So i was sitting on the floor drawing or whatever, so was everyone else. and then the bell rang. The art teacher grabbed me from behind, except he grabbed across my chest, and lifted me up. (what kind of a teacher does that!!!). He got a good feel of my boobs. i was very confused. He did stuff like that a lot to other girls. In the end, when he did something like that, all the girls took out sharp safety pins and said if he comes near any of us, he's going to get hurt. After that, we complainined the this dean and the art teacher got fired. And got replaced by a really really nice and talented old man teacher.

I felt so betrayed when guy B did that since i trusted him.

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Guest kiss_bunny

i was reading over this and i suddenly remembered what had happened to me 5 years ago. So this was when i was in 5th grade. haha, if you guys are interested in knowing the story then keep on reading but if not then dont bother reading xD

I was overseas in vietnam at the time and it was a hot day so daddy decided to take me and my little cousin to the water theme park. My cousin and I decided to leave my dad and went to the kids section of the pool haha, they had fun little slides and such (: You guys know when you stack slide? Like, you go down the slide with another person behind you with their legs spread apart against your back? Yeah, this guy about 3-4 years older than me did that to me with his arms gripping me tighly and he roughly pushed me down the slide. I mouthed the word "crazy" to my cousin and he saw.. i really shouldnt have done that. I messed with the wrong group :( I guess he wanted to "teach" me a lesson. So I just didnt pay attention and kept on playing in the pool. Then I just keep on feeling him diving into the water against my legs? Like, to make me lose balance and fall over? I just thougth he was being a jerk and i ignored it but then it got serious. He grabbed me and with arms around my neck, he tried to drown me in the water and with his other free arm, he reached down for my.. v@gina.. he would keep on touching me in private areas and i felt like crying. I had nails so i pinched him hard in his arms so he let go. I tried to escape but his group of friends came and surrounded me, watching me getting perved and they were laughing and mocking at how hopeless i was. And the worst feeling is that many people saw but did nothing, like it didnt matter. I tried walking away but he would catch up and put his arms around my neck, asking me to meet him later, where do i live and such.

okay, maybe this isnt a big deal but as a 5th grader, this had scarred me a lot. I never dared to go back to that water theme park again and everytime i walk onto the vietnam pathways, i feel very insecure and i always make sure someone is walking with me.. I never told anyone but DAMN, letting this out feels GOOOD (:

omg what the heckk!!!! That is soooo sad. Thats why whenever i go back to my home country, i always stay with my parents and aunts or someone!!!!

But you know, even in USA, even if someone is getting raped and you call for help, people wont help or call 911 because i guess rape is a bad sight. So thats why they say, scream FIRE FIRE if something like rape happens. cuz fire concerns everyone and someone will call for help.

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Guest Shellsforyou

My cousin from Korea told me he wanted me to take all his clothes off and draw him.

I was disgusted, and I just left the room. I tried to avoid talking to him. And my parents yelled at me for being mean.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest thesplatman

 i never know how to respond to someone when they tell me they'd been molested as a child.
first time a friend told me, i wanted to hunt him down and tear him apart. she told me she didn't want to cause trouble. i told her "he might still be molesting kids". she told me "he isn't". i asked her "how do you know?". she said she just knows.
the second time i was just so burned out from the last time i just couldn't really bother.

i've resigned to just thinking everyone's been molested, to some degree .

some reason i need to share this with the thread.

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Guest moo_lah

I'm not going to go into detail, because I don't feel like I should when this is a public forum where everyone can read anything.

I will say however, that at the beginning of last year I finally told my mum about what happened, and now I'm going through legal action to get the man locked up because I found out he had been charged for sexual assault multiple times, but he was never really punished for what he did. After hearing that I really felt the need to speak up, because he was probably still doing it to other children in the 12 years after he did what he did to me, and it's disgusting and heart-breaking to think about.

2 years I went through that. 2 years I can't get back. But, if I can do this, then I can help others. It might only be one person, but if one person can do so much damage then I sure as hell won't let him get away with it.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest ThatGirlJae

I remember when is was 10, I was at a wedding when a guy a bit older than me pushed me into a corner and started kissing me, touching me. I started to panic and punched in all over. After that, I was blamed.

I was in kenya when a man came up to me and told me to follow him. I refused. He then grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. My cousin's friend found us. I was lucky.

Another one tried taking me to his house. Was tried persuading my by rubbing my shoulders and caressing my face. It was horrible. I managed to get away from him when my dad found us.

None of these guys were ever arressted.

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Guest iilysium

By my music teacher many years ago... never expected it, his young wife and his 1 year old kid was always in the house with us. He had his hand up my thigh and kept going up and up...I felt uncomfortable to go back and never told my parents, the way my dad is he'll find a way to make it my fault, I just told them that I wanted to quit learning the piano.

Another by a gym trainer, he took me into one of the trainer studios which was empty then because I think he was the only trainer there and was training me and started groping me.

I was at a coworker party once and I only had a few shots, there was no way I could've gotten so drunk from it that I couldn't remember anything that happened. I wonder if my drink was spiked. I woke up in bed with my boss and another person. I quit work shortly after.

Another by a random stranger with a knife, in a small pathway between two houses...Everytime I look down a really dark street or pathway I start breathing really hard and my chest feels tight.

My experiences left me with really bad trust issues of men... o.o Though I know not all are bad, it's just still there.

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Guest iilysium

The fact that there's 57 pages of this makes me sick to my stomach. The world is filled with disgusting people. :[

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