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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest lovesicles

oh lol! I remember when i was 7 years old, there was this little boy who accidentally touched my breast! I was petrified!!!!!11!!!!!1

I thought i was being raped

does that count?

you were 7.

did you even have breasts? xD

and if it was really by accident, i don't think it would count.

:P but that's just me.

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Guest ohso~karen

oh my god.

1917 sex offenders in my area.

well, this is new york. :|

i'm so scared walking around my neighborhood since i live in the projects where all the hispanics are

they are all so perverted

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Guest blush

I feel like crying after I confessed this to soompi..ok...when I was nine or eight...I was


(by my far blooded cousin)..I kept the secret from everyone until last years when I was 17 yrs old.....I told my mom....until today my mom still accused me of seducing him....im still very hurt...when she says its my fault, and I want to get the person in jail for everything they did.....I felt like i wanted to commit suicide everytime i think abt it

for those who say its easy to tell...no it isnt....because u will always be reminded and ppl will think its ur fault

wtf? thats messed up

this is the VERY reason why i'm afraid to tell my mom

and its been 4-5 years since it happened.. its now a vague memory

but it keeps popping up.

a couple of ex-close friends i had told had blamed it on me.. said it happened because i let it..

i was raped too. and there was a point where i blamed it on myself too but then i really didnt want to

because i knew i didnt want it. :/

i was only about 10-11.. i really dont remember because he did it more than once

im glad i moved because i dont have to see him anymore

but since he's a family friend.. i'm really scared to see him this summer when we visit our family.

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Guest l3lo

omg these stories are making me so angry :fury: . why don't you take matters into your own hands? i mean call the cops, make a case so that he/she will be under investigation. because if you don't stop him/her then they will probably keep doing it or even doing it to other kids. these people wear masks and walking around like innocent people when they're really ugly. if no one sees it or believe you then show them the truth? i know its not easy but facing your fear and putting that bastard in prison will definitely show you're not scared no more.

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Guest z(-3-)z

i know my story cant even compare to most of these, but this school year, it was after a pep rally and i was in this huge crowd trying to break free(i think i was getting claustrophobic) when all of a sudden someone completely squeezes my butt,

so i turned around expecting it to be my one of my sisters playing a joke or some person saying that they were sorry and had the wrong person, but no one was there. i stopped and had people push and shove me, i stood out a little and looked to see if i knew anyone that might have done it, but soon the crowd just died away..im kinda glad i didnt see who did it though or i would feel extrememly awkward if i ever saw them again if they didnt apologize(which lets face it, not most of them do) i felt so violated and disgusted by the person

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Guest naoto

went through 12 pages, and I've had enough. cousins and grandpas, strangers walking up to you, oh man. I hope you all get through this. When I have kids they are totally not going anywhere alone until they are 16.

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Guest cutemee128

This story isn't really that bad but it was pretty scary and disgusting.....

Well it was like when i was 10-11...

My uncle from Minnesota came to visit my dad cuz he was into my dad's studio and he wanted to learn music...i mean this guy is

like freakin 45.....

so they sleep over...and me and my sisters were taught to be respectful to people....

and so that morning my uncle and his wife wakes up and me and my sisters were in the living room watching tv

and so i'm couch watching tv and my uncle comes to sit next to me

When he sits down he puts his arms around my waist and like starts rubbing my richard simmons

his wife was right next to him and she didn't even do anything

i didn't want to get up quickly cuz i thought that was considered rude

so i froze in my spot for 5 minutes....when the commercial came on i quickly walked away acting like i needed to do something

i told my sisters and we were all scared of him..

i mean he's a freakin molestor.... hopefully i never see him again....if he does it again i'll karate chop him in half

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^are you asian? cause sometimes my grandma, grandpa, and distant uncles/aunts do that to me but ya know...it seems to be common within asian families.

eh i remember one time in elementary school there was a guy in my grade 5 class and he was flamboyantly gay(i'm not sure if he was actually gay, but it was like his duty to announce to everyone that he liked boys). he tried to force himself on me a couple of times and every time during recess, i'd have to be hidden away from him with my friends.

but compared to some of your stories..i dont even think mine would count as molestation. =/

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i was molested

i was 6 or 7 at the time and my mother got this new boyfriend and he ended up living with us along with his two sons

one of the sons liked me even though he was 15 or 16 at the time

being naive, i let him touch me and kiss me because he would buy me stuff

later on, his brother and dad found out and thretend to tell my mom i was letting him do stuff to me if i didnt let them

touch me or sleep with me when my mom was at work. all three of them made me give them orals and if i didnt, they would hit me

i was so stupid! i just kept on letting them do things to me until my mother broke up with him.

im so traumatized by this that im afraid to have a boyfriend. ive only had one boyfriend and i bbroke up with him cus i freaked out when he held my hand and kissed me

im so ashamed and embaressed that i havent even told my mother and its been 10 years

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to tellyou the truth, I still don't have the nerves to tell you this even though there are ppl I know here::

anyways, I remembered when I was five I was still living in HK. I went to my cousin's house and then we were playing. My mom and grandmother left, so it was only the maid, me and my other older cousin. We got bored, so then I started watching T.V. After awhile, my cousin called me to his room, so I did. He asked me if I wanted to play doctor and I was like sure. He closed the door and locked it and told me to unzip my pants which I did (except for my undies part). He took a pencil and almost touched my private part until the maid knocked on the door. By that time, my grandma had come home, my cousin quickly stopped what he was doing and hid the pencil. I put back my pants and pretended that nothing happened. I remembered at that time, when my grandma was pounding on the door really loudly (I guess she knew what happened).

I told my mom about it three years later we moved here in Canada. At first, she got really pissed asking why I didn't tell her earlier and that she was saying, I"m such a gullible and naive person, I should never believe in ppl"

So I went back to HK in grade seven and it felt weird that we're living in the same house. But I think he forgot what really happened.

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Guest Miyavi

wow....ehhh i have my own friend molest me... -.-" she's also a girl but...she's bisexual or lesbian i'm not sure...but she's always touching me...and like ehh X=

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Guest chubar

i was molested twice. i don't want to say anymore then that.

i'll say that it was my first love and my now ex-stepdad.

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Guest watch.the.sky

There was one time in seventh grade where I was in Chinatown waiting for the bus and a guy that looked to be in his 30s suddenly came up to me and kept rubbing my richard simmons. It took me a second to realize what was happening and I pulled away from him when I did. A minute later, that john teshing bubble gum came back and did it again and his penis was hanging out of his pants. It was disgusting. I wanted to cry but I didn't. I wish I had the guts to scream at him or something instead of standing there like an idiot not knowing what to do. Thinking back on it... I really want to kill that guy. I don't know if anyone would think it's harsh for me to say this, but, sometimes... I wish that all the pedophiles and molesters in the world would die a slow, gruesome and incredibly painful death.

Then years before that, when I was four or five five, my cousin, I suppose, took advantage of me since I was young and didn't know anything. He was only a few years older but I'm sure he was old enough to know exactly how wrong and inappropriate that was. It's the most I've ever said about that to anyone, including myself. I think I'll keep it this way for now.

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Guest soyunee

first of all, im so sorry for all of you who had to go through such a horrible experience like this!

ive never been molested but my best friend has..

when she was like 5 and living in korea, her tutor (who was like 20 at the time) would touch her and i think she was raped too :tears: she still has a hard time like explaining details but i know she often wonders if she's still considered a virgin.. so idk.. maybe she was raped? but i know because of that incident, she had to get help and go to therapy and move to america and now she has panic attacks that started from that gross guy touching her. she said that like 3 years ago, he was released from jail and her parents let him and his parents visit them in america! WTF?! i thought that was kinda messed up but at least he didnt touch her this time -_-


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Guest mr. lovely

oh wow.

my heart goes out to all of you.

i think that if this ever happened to me, i'd be scared beyond words.

i'd be afraid to do anything because i'd think he'd force himself harder if i try.

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Guest Greene

my own biological dad.

I have never told this to anyone except two people, my mom and my brother who both deny what's happened (happening)

when I was 12 years old [age of development of body parts], I once woke up on the couch to my dad literally groping my

butt and laughing to the t.v screen. I slapped his hand but he kept on doing it until I got

up from the couch and went to my room to sleep.

The next few days after that happened, I kept catching my Dad staring at my chest and literally

spacing off into space.

I cried and told my older brother who told me I was being stupid and that my dad would never do that.

then I told my mom whom denied everything and told me that I was being stupid as well.

After I turned 13, I constantly caught my dad staring at my chest especially at meal times and then

I'd glare at him and he'd snap and be like "oh, eat, eat!"

and I'd just be like wtf.

freaking 3 years later, I'm 16 and he STILL does the same richard simmons to me. [always freaking stares at my chest]

gosh, I don't even feel safe alone with him in the house and I hate him and I don't feel like he's even my dad. I refuse

to tell anyone else or my family members because they'll just ignore it.

He's disgusting, and I hate him, and I can't wait till I get out of this house.

I'm so sick of it and I think he feels bad after he stares at me that way because

after he does it he's so nice to me and goes like, oh do you want me to buy you something?

and I'm just like inside, "NO! I want you to stop freaking staring at me."

Sometimes I feel like crying, but what's the point. gosh.

I can totally relate. I've never been violated by a stranger, but by my dad. He constantly leers at my body and my face ever since I hit puberty. I can't even walk past him in the house without him turning his head and staring at my behind or my chest or basically everywhere. I'm not curvy, so what the hell is there to stare at??! It's one thing to call your daughter pretty and look at her as she's growing into a woman, but to do it lustfully and shamelessly is completely wrong.

So..that's my story. That felt good to spill, although I'll probably regret it later on. I guess I should be thankful I don't have it so bad as others, but at the same time, just because someone doesn't have it worse doesn't mean he/she doesn't deserve better...you know? you know what I mean? Lovely: I really feel your pain. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always PM me.

I'm sorry that had to happen to you and that your mom is like that. My biological father also sexually molested when I was 11 years old. He made me take a shower with him once and he wouldn't let me turn around or get out of the shower until he was "done." So I just stood there and I would feel something pressing on my back. Then he picked me up, I don't know what he was trying to do, but then he dropped me and my face ended up getting bruised, and all he could do was laugh. He would make me look at his dirty magazines and ask me what I thought about it. He forced me to sleep with him, saying that he was renting my room out to one of his friends. So I had to sleep in his bed and I guess he thought I was sleeping, and then he started touching me "down there". I didn't know what to do, if I should wake up, but I just laid there an pretended I was sleeping because he was also physically abusive, and I was afraid he might have hit me if I tried to get away. At the time, my mom was moved out of the house to get away from my dad so I couldn't tell her. In the morning, I went straight to school and I told someone about it. Then the police took me to the police department and I had to tell them about it, and then make a screened call to my dad. It turned out that someone saw me leave school in a police car and told my dad about it, so he ended up cursing me on the phone in front of the police. So they told me to hang up and told me that I was "very brave". I had to go to court and testify against him but I didn't want to, the judge was telling me that it wasn't like the courtrooms you see on television, it would be in private. My dad ended up pleading guilty so I didn't have to testify. He's in prison now and that's where people like that belong.


At first, I thought "who would want to put this kind of information up for everyone to see?" but now that I think about it, it's really bad to keep it bottled inside so I think this thread is a good idea.

I feel your anguish and feelings of betrayal, and I just want to let you guys know that I'm glad you posted your stories because to know that I'm not alone in this is easing years of feeling alone and helpless. Feel free to PM me too, if you need someone to listen.

I know my own experiences are not as bad as some people's here but dealing with the fact that its my own father doing this to me really SCREWS ME UP INSIDE. Ever since I started going through puberty I have been catching my father making glances at me. When I was 16, we were taking a group photo and I felt his hand feeling my butt. I dread coming down to dinner because then I have to deal with him looking at me, or whenever he's in the room, basically whenever I'm in his sight. I have to position myself in the car in a way that he can't see me through the rearview mirror when he's driving. I purposely avoid the seat opposite to his seat whenever we go out to dinner. There was one time I finally broke down and cried in front of the family and told them that it's because he keeps looking at me. Of course, my mum defended my dad. She said that I have to get used to guys looking at me because that's what happens in life. Did she forget the detail that this person happens to be my own FATHER? If there was one point in my life that I felt so utterly and completely alone, it would be that moment right there. Since then I have basically dealt with it by denying it's happening.

Most of the time I deny that it's actually happening that my mind's come to accept that it's just a part of life, or simply forgets how screwed up it is. :(

(I'm going under a diff username because I know my sis comes to this site, but if she reads this I hope she will realise it's me and come to talk to me about it)

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Guest xMoix

I can't say that it was exactly molestation for me but something along that line. I don't remember much just that it was my cousin. I'm gald I don't remember much but I hope he goes to hell.

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Guest fading x dreams

i'm so scared walking around my neighborhood since i live in the projects where all the hispanics are

they are all so perverted

i live in newyorkcity

and im hispanic/korean

and not all hispanics are perverted

you should really re-phrase that because

i find it very offensive ><

anyways, i guess you could say i've been molested before

i feel scared so say it =x

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Guest cutemee128

^are you asian? cause sometimes my grandma, grandpa, and distant uncles/aunts do that to me but ya know...it seems to be common within asian families.

eh i remember one time in elementary school there was a guy in my grade 5 class and he was flamboyantly gay(i'm not sure if he was actually gay, but it was like his duty to announce to everyone that he liked boys). he tried to force himself on me a couple of times and every time during recess, i'd have to be hidden away from him with my friends.

but compared to some of your stories..i dont even think mine would count as molestation. =/

probably you're right....and yes i am asian....

it's just that it's freaky

hopefully i never encounter him cuz out of all my relatives who came over to visit, he's the only one who acts that way

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Guest Amanda Plz

I feel your anguish and feelings of betrayal, and I just want to let you guys know that I'm glad you posted your stories because to know that I'm not alone in this is easing years of feeling alone and helpless. Feel free to PM me too, if you need someone to listen.

I know my own experiences are not as bad as some people's here but dealing with the fact that its my own father doing this to me really SCREWS ME UP INSIDE. Ever since I started going through puberty I have been catching my father making glances at me. When I was 16, we were taking a group photo and I felt his hand feeling my butt. I dread coming down to dinner because then I have to deal with him looking at me, or whenever he's in the room, basically whenever I'm in his sight. I have to position myself in the car in a way that he can't see me through the rearview mirror when he's driving. I purposely avoid the seat opposite to his seat whenever we go out to dinner. There was one time I finally broke down and cried in front of the family and told them that it's because he keeps looking at me. Of course, my mum defended my dad. She said that I have to get used to guys looking at me because that's what happens in life. Did she forget the detail that this person happens to be my own FATHER? If there was one point in my life that I felt so utterly and completely alone, it would be that moment right there. Since then I have basically dealt with it by denying it's happening.

Most of the time I deny that it's actually happening that my mind's come to accept that it's just a part of life, or simply forgets how screwed up it is. :(

(I'm going under a diff username because I know my sis comes to this site, but if she reads this I hope she will realise it's me and come to talk to me about it)

Holy crap. The same thing is happening to me now :(. I know what you mean about how it's screwing you up in the inside. It's doing that to me now. My dad works a lot so I don't see him a lot but when I do? I ignore him. I hide in my room. Hell, I don't even talk to him.

Ever since I was 13 he's been staring at me in such a way but I usually told myself that I'm imagining it. Ha. Yeah. Me running around the house playing with my sisters with my father staring at my bouncing chest. I'm completely imagining it. It's gotten worse though. My mom told me that they were having marital problems (he wants sex, but she doesn't feel comfortable doing it in this apartment where EVERYONE can hear them) and he took that as a sign to start staring at me more.

He touched my butt the other day when we were shopping and carressed my face when my mom wanted him to help her adjust my glasses. I hate him. I hate him so much. I can't wait to move and just get away from it all. It's getting so intense now though that I think my mom is catching the looks he's been giving me. I try not to be alone with him EVER, so I think that helps too.

But honestly...I don't know what to do. I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm so sorry that it's happening to you as well though.

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