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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest Superjuniorislovex3

This thread really knows how to bring down my day. So many innocent people having their lives scarred for life. It's not fair. And what's scary is how so many people in soompi been through it. I wish i could do something to stop all of these perverts. I think i want to be a police now. Catch all the perverts and lock them up for good and let them know what they're doing is just pure selfishness.

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Guest pachia

you know males have it wrong too, not just females.

i've been molested, but i got through with it.

finding that others were molested too, they became my best friends.

i can only saw. you guys have to face your fears.

being alone in this pain will only damage you in the future.

be more opened to others opinions. it's hard, but try.

it took me years to finally get over it and now i'm feeling better each day.

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Guest acoustieSonia

Wow I didn't know this thread existed.

When I visited china recently (in a very big city) I was standing inside a crowded metro, I was wearing a short black dress that went down above my mid-thigh and was loose at the bottom. A middle aged man who was standing behind me started pressing up against me, at first I thought he wasn't doing anything on purpose because the train was so crowded that everyone was touching anyway. But then he started grinding against me really intensely.. I could feel how turned on he was. after that he basicallyhe groped and squeezed my richard simmons for a long time, he was tracing the outline of my panties through the thin fabric of my skirt, running his fingers up and down my ***crack, and tried to reach under my dress multiple times. I slapped his hands away and kept turning, and a few seconds later he would do it again. It was so frustrating because I stood in front of him and couldn't see him at all. I hate to say it but at first when he was just kind of grinding me I was less scared than curious about how he could dare to do something like that so obviously in a public place. I didn't even resist for like five minutes because I was frankly intrigued and kind of turned on. But he kept going farther and farther and thank god I only was on the train for a few stops..

Hmm. I never even got a good look at his face.

I can't believe so many Soompiers have been molested somehow o_o who knew how often mini cooper happens and girls keep it a secret.

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Guest krnbabi319

I've never been molested but one of my friends in 6th grade was walking home once when this guy drove up to her and parked in the nearest driveway and got out with his penis out. He grabbed her and pushed her against the wall and started jacking off behind her. But then, after she got over the initial shock, she turned and punched him in the face, close to his eyes. She was wearing those huge fake gem rings and hurt like mini cooper if you accidentally get scratched or hit by them. It seriously messed up his face. She told me that his face was bleeding and she had a suspicion that his eyesight in his left eye wasnt going to be the same. ^_^

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Guest SophiaSan

This thread really knows how to bring down my day. So many innocent people having their lives scarred for life. It's not fair. And what's scary is how so many people in soompi been through it. I wish i could do something to stop all of these perverts. I think i want to be a police now. Catch all the perverts and lock them up for good and let them know what they're doing is just pure selfishness.

aww no need for sadness!!

i'm very proud of our soompiers for being strong and brave to tell soompi their stories.

you guys are so strong

i hope you guys will get your justice!!

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these stories made me tear up . I cannot relate to this because I've never been molested before . But my friend was molested once ... by her cousin . I was at her house one day to study and her cousin was there because his mom had to go somewhere . I was down stair getting us some food . They were pretty close so I thought it was no big deal . But when I came up, the door was locked . And I tried so hard to open it. And when it finally opened, I saw my best friend on the bed, with her cousins hand in her pants and trying to take off her bra . I didn't know what to do then, but I knew I had do something . So I threw stuff at him until he'd stop . And when he did, he came at me. I was so scared , and I panicked, so I punched him and tried to keep him from getting up until my friend snapped out of it and called her 20 year old brother . Her cousin got in BIG trouble that night and as far as I know, she never saw him since . I heard the family moved because of embarrassment 2 years later . I'm proud of my friend because she finally got up the nerves to tell her parents about it . (: but even now ... she still can't trust guys except her dad and her brother . I wanted to literally kill the bastard then, but I stopped because I knew I would get in alot of troubles :sweatingbullets: I remember her crying so much that night . And me crying with her .... so we're pretty protective of each other until now .

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Guest xxiaoMEI

i can relate too you. one day when i was around 5-6 years old, i was home alone with my dad. i was upstairs and my dad was downstairs watching tv then he called me down. i came down and all of a sudden, my dad was like "come sit next to me" and i did. at first, i thought he was just gonna talk to me about something, but instead, he grabbed me and put me on top of him. i tried getting away, but he wouldn't let me go. then, he stuck his hands in my underwear and moved his hands around. he was gonna take off my clothes, but then he heard my mom unlocking the door, so he took his hands out and let me go. i ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

that was the first and last time that happened. but there were other times when he'd try to get to me again. sometimes, when i took my daily showers, my dad would barge into the washroom and try molesting me again. but i always screamed or threw things at him. back then, i never had a lock on the bathroom door. i have one now ever since last year.

ever since the first incident, everytime my dad saw me, he would smack my bum and grab me there.

i've never told anyone about those incidents cause i was scared that they would treat me different and i was scared of what they might say about me. and because i haven't told anyone, i'm scared that it'll happen again and i'll be defenseless. since the molesting incident, i've learned not to trust anyone. not even my boyfriend, family or friends cause i've always had that feeling that they're gonna turn their backs on me. i mean, out of all people, it just happens to be that my own dad that molested me. i thought he was one of the few people that i could trust, but i thought wrong.

omgosh, how old were you ?? when these events happened...

this is freaking me out.

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Guest WildSevenGirl


>_> Just looking at this topic makes me want to kill every molester and rapist in this world.

And it brings back this one WTF'd memory.

It was in 4th grade and there was this kid that I always hung out with. We were cool and stuff, but I noticed he liked to stare at me a lot and I'm like. o_O.

And then we were in the auditorium, and they made us sit every other seat (so, between two people there's always one empty seat there). At first I was like Why do they do that? D: And back then I was OBSESSED with pokemon. And we were both like MY POKEMON OWNS YOURS. And then I was like, Psh. My Charizard can totally fry your little Squirtle turtle.

And he goes, "YOU KNOW WAHT?!" *puts hand on throat and pushes me back to the seat* *uses other hand to touch down there*

And I'm just like ..... Wtf just happened? (In elementary school I had no idea what stuff like this was.)

In fifth grade, I'm with my best friend Jin, and we're just chilling out at my house. And at that point I knew a lot of things. And then I remember 4th grade and THAT. And I'm like. Oh. and I crushed my drink (it was those hard plastic cups). And Jin was all AFLKJOmgwtfhappened? And I just forced a smile and told him nothing was wrong. I seizured. >>;.

And with that guy (let's call him X) for the rest of elementary and middle school I just grilled at him. When he talked to me, I told him to gtfo. And he never stopped staring and I'd flip him off. Then high school. And I don't see him for a year and almost forget about it.

Then, I'm in Bayside with some friends and we're at the park, and I see HIM sitting there and staring at me. And I just suddenly wanna go AFKLSFJF and kill. >_> Good thing we decided to go back home right then. And when I was going to the train station, I saw him walking down opposite of me and he was like O_O Kathy? And I'm like Psh, do I know you? and I kept walking.

I was REALLY close to just exploding on him.

And this is part of the reason why I carry a combo knife with me whenever I go out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest insanelyCRAZY

when i was really young..elementary school?

i would sleep over at my cousin's house a lot..

my uncle, he's not blood-related, he married my aunt

would tell my cousin (his daughter) to go play in the livingroom

because he was going to show me something..i was an obediant, and oblivious child..

i gave him head and a bl_w j_b on his bed.

i remember being naked

another time happened when i was showering too..

i remember practically choking once..

horrible experience..

i feel so ASHAMED..i've only told my exbf, best friend and my current bf.

my dad too, like..couple months ago..and dad got hella p_ssed.

but dad also gave me a choice to either report to the police or have only me suffer these thoughts.

i chose not to tell anybody, because if my uncle went to jail..well, lets just say i put my cousins and aunt before me


i love my family..but really now, if i could have told somebody BEFORE..

my family would never have to see that b_stard again! nobody likes him..grr..thats a different story..

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Guest bebietdibibi

when i was really young..elementary school?

i would sleep over at my cousin's house a lot..

my uncle, he's not blood-related, he married my aunt

would tell my cousin (his daughter) to go play in the livingroom

because he was going to show me something..i was an obediant, and oblivious child..

i gave him head and a bl_w j_b on his bed.

i remember being naked

another time happened when i was showering too..

i remember practically choking once..

horrible experience..

i feel so ASHAMED..i've only told my exbf, best friend and my current bf.

my dad too, like..couple months ago..and dad got hella p_ssed.

but dad also gave me a choice to either report to the police or have only me suffer these thoughts.

i chose not to tell anybody, because if my uncle went to jail..well, lets just say i put my cousins and aunt before me


i love my family..but really now, if i could have told somebody BEFORE..

my family would never have to see that b_stard again! nobody likes him..grr..thats a different story..

im sorry ...........

i had been like this too, my mom's assistance, my mom opened a hair salon before, so he was her assistance, he took me in the bathroom and ___ . only my cousin knew this because if i tell my parents and my sister, they would be like omg and :-s ...

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Guest FrozenWaterMelon

Wow, these stories are really sad :(

well i don't know if it counts as molesting, but when i was in junior high like 6th grade, this 8th grader, during drama class, when the teacher was on stage coaching the other students and him and I were alone, he would touch my butt randomly t-t and like one time, he took me to the dressing room and started hugging me, really freaky.

i told my bestfriend and she was like OMG and stuff.

so like when my guy friends try touching me, i always try to aim for their balls and they stop.

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Oh my goodness.

These stories are so horrible.

I didn't know so many people on Soompi went through this.

And the fact that FAMILY members did the bulk of the gross things .. appalls me.

I'm so lucky to have never experienced a molestation or rape or anything.

But I do have a mini story? It's pretty weird .. it happened on the phone. Kinda freaky.

Sooo, I was in like kindergarten? 1st grade?

And my parents always worked so I was always home alone with my maid/babysitter. And I always answered the phone when it rang. And one day I answered and it was this weird guy. This is the convo:

"Hi are your parents home?"


"Is there an adult I can speak to?"

"Yeah, but she can't speak English."

"Oh. Okay. Can I ask you something?"

"Um.... okay"

"When is your birthday?"


"Oh, what do you want for your birthday?"

"i dont know..."

"How about some money? How much do you want?"

-- SO BY NOW I KNEW THIS GUY IS A FREAKO. And I wanna hang up but he won't stop talkking --

"I dont know.."

"How about $100?"

"Uhh.. Okay..."

"Do you ever play outside?"

"Yeah, in my backyard."

"How about in your frontyard?"


"Do you think you could come out on your frontyard some time so I could give you your present?"

"No, I dont think so."

-- BY NOW my babysitter is saying to hang up cuz she know something weird is going on--

"Oh. Well.. have you learned about Sex Education in school yet?"


Seriously. Idk WHY I didn't hang up earlier, but I was young and scared that he would call back angry or something -__-

If I was stupider/more naive, who KNOWS what could have happened.

I obviously immediately called & told my mom about it, she freaked out and said "Don't answer anymore phone calls"

But yeah .. that's my story.

Freaking weird gross pedos freaks out there.

Stay safe everyone.

Similar thing happened to me...

So I was 12y.o, it was autumn break and my family and I recently just got home from interstate but we unfortunately had a car accident (hit a kangaroo) and so our car was at the crash repairs. So my dad was at work and my mum went to the repairs to get the temporary car.

I've been home alone plenty of times, ever since I was maybe even 3-4y.o so I was pretty use to it. I would think I was a smart kid but I guess sometimes my stupidity gets the best of me and even when I was home alone I'd always pick up the phone and answer the door.

Home alone as per usual, then the phone rings and I pick it up, there's a man on the other line and he asks for "Mrs xxxxxx (which is my mum)".

Me: "she's not home right now but did you want to leave a message?"

Him: "nah it's ok but what's your name?"

Me: "xxxxx"

Him: "oh, well it's actually you who I'm looking for"

And he explained that my parents had actually entered me into a modeling competition at our local shopping center and so he had to ask me some questions about me. At this point I was thinking WTF cause my parents would NEVER enter me into any competition but I still didn't hang up.

At first he asked where I lived near and if I could meet him at the local shopping center so he could ask me some questions. But I said I couldn't go and so he just asked me over the phone instead.

So he started with normal basic questions like, how old am I, what school I go to etc etc.

Then he started asking weird questions like, what do I look like, how long's my hair, do I have body hair and what clothes I'd wear. Still I didn't hang up.

Then it got even more weird like, do I have hair down there and what kind of undies do I like to wear.

Him: "do you want to win this competition?"

Me: "I guess? What would I win and what would I be in?"

Him: "You'll be in newspapers. You'll win a new car, money and a vacation to...where do your parents come from?"

Me: "xxxxxxx?"

Him: "Yeah you and your parents win a trip to go to xxxxxxx. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Me: "Ah yeah!"

Him: "Well you have to do something"

Me: "Like what? Draw a picture? Write an essay?"

...and then...

Him: "No. Can you put my xxxx in your mouth?"


Him: "Can I lick your xxxxx?"

Me: "No...(voice starting to shake a lil')"

Him: "Can I put my xxxx in your xxxxx?"

Me: "No..." (long pause) and then he hung up and I just dropped the phone and burst into tears.


I know it was just a phone call. But you don't understand.

I was so freaked out. There's a man out there living in the same city as me who knows my phone number, possibly even where I live, cause obviously he would have gotten my number out of the phone book! He knows my name, what school I went to, what I kind of vividly looked like etc etc. It impacted me so much because I felt he was out there to get me and I didn't leave my house for the next 3 months. Going to school was even hard for me because I feared he'll come and ask the school office for me or that he'll be at my school waiting for me. I then never answered the door or answered the phone (diverted it to answering machine) and I just couldn't function properly. But really we all know there wasn't much I could do considering it was just a phone call.

I know some of you have had direct contact with your molesters and I can't imagine how much it must of hurt and violated you. If this phone call that happened to me when I was 12 has impacted me in this way and still scars me til this day then it'll be a million times more worse for you guys.

After all that's happened...you can't trust anyone (especially men for all the girls that have been violated). It look me awhile for me to be comfortable again and I've learned not every male is like that so that's comforting for me. I just would never want anything like that to happen to anyone...

I keep sometimes thinking, I am kind of lucky, because what if I had actually met him. He'd rape me and probably murder me and that would purely be the reason why I'd be in the newspapers and the magazines...not for modeling...but for far worst circumstances. Even though what I wrote up there was kind of a vivid explanation and not every single detail that may have happened, I'd say we were talking for a relatively long time. He basically got to know me during that time and it's been so long for me to remember...over 7 years now.

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I'm only up to two pages, but have read so much stories already.

It's so sad how things are going out of hand. The stories are heartbreaking, they're horrible.

Plus the fact that most of the stories happened during childhood, like as young as 5? Unbelievable.

Heartbreaking. It angers me to see that some of those offenders are family! I shake my head at them. I hate it. I hate how things are going like this. That's why I've always thought how better it would be if I was just born a guy. But then again, that's being a coward. But with stories like this, I think I'm better off being a coward, than having to go through something like rape or molestation.

Sick, stupid, perverts! LIFE RUINERS! BLEH

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Guest MangoStar

he is my real father :S

i tried telling my bestfriend about this one time when i was sexually harassed by this nurse when i was going into the hospital for surgery (cause i had a chalazion on my eyelids). after i told her, she just laughed at me >=| i got so mad at her cause she didn't take me seriously. i thought she would understand, but i guess i was wrong. i thought if she didn't understand, no one would understand.

I understand you 100%. My mother's boyfriend has tried to get me to have sexual intercourse with him. He'll ask me to strip down to my underwear and put on some stilletos. I've caught him watching me in the shower, he's even joked around about touching me in sleep. I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, because of all the other nonsense he's done. He's even made me watch him masturbate. It's gotten to the point where I don't want any male touching me. I've tried to tell my mother, but she's so happy with him and I would destroy it. She wouldn't believe me.

I also tried to tell my closest friends, but they laughed it off and joked about it. I was soooo furious that I felt like punching them in the face. I feel trapped, because no matter who I turn to no one can help. They all say, "I'm sorry" or "Deal with it". It doesn't help that my mother is abusive both physically and verbally. I've been severely depressed for the past five years. It just feels like it'll never end.

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Guest Joisushi

I also tried to tell my closest friends, but they laughed it off and joked about it.

Wow...what kinda of friends are those? <_<

I really hope things turns out better for you...=/

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Guest Gofishus

I understand you 100%. My mother's boyfriend has tried to get me to have sexual intercourse with him. He'll ask me to strip down to my underwear and put on some stilletos. I've caught him watching me in the shower, he's even joked around about touching me in sleep. I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, because of all the other nonsense he's done. He's even made me watch him masturbate. It's gotten to the point where I don't want any male touching me. I've tried to tell my mother, but she's so happy with him and I would destroy it. She wouldn't believe me.

I also tried to tell my closest friends, but they laughed it off and joked about it. I was soooo furious that I felt like punching them in the face. I feel trapped, because no matter who I turn to no one can help. They all say, "I'm sorry" or "Deal with it". It doesn't help that my mother is abusive both physically and verbally. I've been severely depressed for the past five years. It just feels like it'll never end.

wow thats scary you should call the police on that guy

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