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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest Airporte

It's such a tragedy that this kind of thing happens so often and at such a young age, but, unfortunately, I can't say that I'm surprised. While I wasn't raped or molested- thankfully- I believe that the person took some mild advantage of the situation and of my own obliviousness. I know many friends that have been molested by family, the ones supposed to be trusted. But, nauseatingly, that's what makes it all the easier for the more demented family members. I can only say-- while not trying to claim that I know what you've experienced- that it does create a darkness in your soul, not something to be easily relieved. Only time and trust could ease the pain, yet ironically enough, during those times of such vulnerability and victimization, trust is the last thing on one's mind, since it's the closest committing such acts. It's disillusioning to realize that this person, out of no right of their own, decided to poison the innocence of young girls and boys and sometimes transfigure the course of the victims lives. The thing that can be learned, I guess, is that no matter who or what it is-- if and when you are old enough-- don't allow anyone to ruin your opportunities for a healthy, normal life that every person deserves. The worst thing that anybody can do to themselves is let someone manipulate and negatively influence their life, to allow that person to think that he or she is in control.

But, then, what was the point of that exhausted paragraph? I didn't contribute much to this thread, except to reiterate what has already been said... a lot. 8/ Oh well. Just keep on fighting, I guess. 8D You guys seem to be doing that anyways, though, so your willpower is admired and appreciated.

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I don't have an experience of being molested or kidnapped but when I was at my Chinese school, one of the drivers who drove the kids home kissed my cheek. It was nasty as heck. I was like 13? and he was in his 50s I think. I never looked at him the same way...

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Guest 小甜密

That's why sometimes, I would rather be born a guy than a girl.

So much things that our gender couldn't avoid, such as this.

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Guest catsinheat

I don't have an experience of being molested or kidnapped but when I was at my Chinese school, one of the drivers who drove the kids home kissed my cheek. It was nasty as heck. I was like 13? and he was in his 50s I think. I never looked at him the same way...

poor thing.

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Guest eeemily

Oh my goodness.

These stories are so horrible.

I didn't know so many people on Soompi went through this.

And the fact that FAMILY members did the bulk of the gross things .. appalls me.

I'm so lucky to have never experienced a molestation or rape or anything.

But I do have a mini story? It's pretty weird .. it happened on the phone. Kinda freaky.

Sooo, I was in like kindergarten? 1st grade?

And my parents always worked so I was always home alone with my maid/babysitter. And I always answered the phone when it rang. And one day I answered and it was this weird guy. This is the convo:

"Hi are your parents home?"


"Is there an adult I can speak to?"

"Yeah, but she can't speak English."

"Oh. Okay. Can I ask you something?"

"Um.... okay"

"When is your birthday?"


"Oh, what do you want for your birthday?"

"i dont know..."

"How about some money? How much do you want?"

-- SO BY NOW I KNEW THIS GUY IS A FREAKO. And I wanna hang up but he won't stop talkking --

"I dont know.."

"How about $100?"

"Uhh.. Okay..."

"Do you ever play outside?"

"Yeah, in my backyard."

"How about in your frontyard?"


"Do you think you could come out on your frontyard some time so I could give you your present?"

"No, I dont think so."

-- BY NOW my babysitter is saying to hang up cuz she know something weird is going on--

"Oh. Well.. have you learned about Sex Education in school yet?"


Seriously. Idk WHY I didn't hang up earlier, but I was young and scared that he would call back angry or something -__-

If I was stupider/more naive, who KNOWS what could have happened.

I obviously immediately called & told my mom about it, she freaked out and said "Don't answer anymore phone calls"

But yeah .. that's my story.

Freaking weird gross pedos freaks out there.

Stay safe everyone.

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Guest starrie

Reading these seriously makes me feel so heartbroken. It's really an eye-opener to how often something like this occurs.

I don't think you can really classify my situation as molestation and it's nothing compared to some of the stories here, but when I think about it... I feel uneasy to this day. It was around grade two or so, I had a girl in my class who would constantly grab my butt for no apparent reason. It wasn't just like a one time thing either, it was very often. Whenever we stood in line (to go somewhere like gym), she would consistently stand behind me to uh, do her thing. She would make these really bizarre comments too and I can vividly remember and hear her voice.

I was so confused and scared because I knew what she was doing was wrong... but I couldn't understand why she was doing it. I remember my mother always told me that if any guy were to ever touch your private parts it was wrong, but since it was a girl... I don't know. I just had no idea what to do and handle the situation. Yeah, I was really freaked out about school and I ended up avoiding her as much as possible.

I haven't told anyone because I always thought it was something stupid to worry over (after all she was a kid too, right?)... but I can't help but feel this uneasiness whenever I remember the incidents.

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Guest lilyl1127

I was molested when I was in 2nd grade by the landlord of the apartment building I live in. It was gross. He was in his 50s and he was supervising the bathroom renovation in the apartment. When I went to the kitchen to get something to eat, he just stuck his hands down my pants. I don't even want to get into details, all I know was that I did not know what the hell was going on. And the landlord has always been a pervert..he was really touchy with me and my sisters, as well as the other girls in the building. I never saw him again after I moved to NJ.

Then, last semester, I was walking to the subway station when this weirdo tourist-looking guy grabbed my butt. It wasn't even just a tap...he groped it! I was talking on the phone and I just felt someone grabbing my butt, so I turned around and I was like, "WTF?!" Then the guy walked away really fast. It was in the middle of the day too. The street didn't have a lot of people, but there were some. I can't believe this dude had the nerve to grab someone's butt! I was so pissed. I could've called the police, but I had a busy day in front of me, so I didn't.

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Guest omnipresentdmat

I've told my best friend, but no one else. When I was twelve I was molested by a boy who I thought liked me at a sleepover. I thought people would think I was slutty or just not care or make fun of me, so I didn't tell anyone. I was also sexually assaulted by my first cousin when I was fourteen. It was horrible because we were best friends as children and I think it was way worse than if it were a stranger. My brother's best friend tried when I was eighteen, but I got away. It's had a bit of a negative effect on me, honestly. I'll get really panicky and start shrieking at people if they're too touchy (unless I initiate it), and the first time I had consensual sex was really rough. I ended up in the shower for hours afterward and bled a lot. I'm kind of afraid of sex now, honestly.

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Guest babyxshh


these men are such b*stards.

they deserve to rot in hell.

its so sad. how much a woman a mistreated and thought of as a sex object rather than a living breathing human being.

everyone who talked about their experiences is so brave.

i wish i was as strong as you guys.

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Guest larojiblanca

I hate hearing all these stories. They're all so heartbreaking.

When I was 3, I was taking a nap. All of a sudden, my cousin, who was around 13 years old at the time, jumped onto the bed and grabbed my face and started kissing me. He told me to keep my lips pressed to his, while he reached into my underwear and felt my private. Then, he told me to feel his butt and even told me to look at it his private. I was stupid at that time; I felt so traumatised and I didn't know what to do. After 30 mins or so, told me to go back to (or pretend to) sleep and ordered me to tell no one. I didn't because I thought that it would be just too embarrassing. I get teary thinking about it, and never did tell anyone until now. And, my parents still think that he's a good kid.

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Guest tinatran_

i can relate too you. one day when i was around 5-6 years old, i was home alone with my dad. i was upstairs and my dad was downstairs watching tv then he called me down. i came down and all of a sudden, my dad was like "come sit next to me" and i did. at first, i thought he was just gonna talk to me about something, but instead, he grabbed me and put me on top of him. i tried getting away, but he wouldn't let me go. then, he stuck his hands in my underwear and moved his hands around. he was gonna take off my clothes, but then he heard my mom unlocking the door, so he took his hands out and let me go. i ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

that was the first and last time that happened. but there were other times when he'd try to get to me again. sometimes, when i took my daily showers, my dad would barge into the washroom and try molesting me again. but i always screamed or threw things at him. back then, i never had a lock on the bathroom door. i have one now ever since last year.

ever since the first incident, everytime my dad saw me, he would smack my bum and grab me there.

i've never told anyone about those incidents cause i was scared that they would treat me different and i was scared of what they might say about me. and because i haven't told anyone, i'm scared that it'll happen again and i'll be defenseless. since the molesting incident, i've learned not to trust anyone. not even my boyfriend, family or friends cause i've always had that feeling that they're gonna turn their backs on me. i mean, out of all people, it just happens to be that my own dad that molested me. i thought he was one of the few people that i could trust, but i thought wrong.

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Guest ShadowMax76

you must release the truth to others

what's worst is when they don't believe you.

you have to say how much it has affected you

how scare you are

as a guy, i can only guess why they do it.

For the pleasure of having power over someone,

to deviate from what's accepted and do what's illegal, which leads to 'excitement' of the act

. characteristics are that they are impulsive and don't think things through,

that they don't realise how much they would hate it if someone they loved had been forced upon, and that they'd live a life burned by it.

. low self-control. and can't restrain from being tempted.

_ I advise all who are affected by the incidents to get some form of therapy. Psychiatrist, hypnotherapy, etc.

They need more research into this kind of thing.. how to help people deal with the damage.

All of us need to make others aware that the people a lot of people trust had done something wrong to you, and you are hurting.

. the one who posted that some guy did that to her and her mum still thinks he's good... UGH.. not the john teshing best way to react to when your daughter had been molested.

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Guest najoong

That's why sometimes, I would rather be born a guy than a girl.

So much things that our gender couldn't avoid, such as this.

^I agree.

I've heard stories from my friends that have been violated in the wrong places.

It's really sad.

I hate the men that cause this pain and abuse. They should just all die painfully. UGH. They sicken me. :tongue2:

And for you girls that posted up your own things on here....I've gotta say. You're super brave.

Your stories really break my heart. I really hope these kinds of things would just STOP.

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i can relate too you. one day when i was around 5-6 years old, i was home alone with my dad. i was upstairs and my dad was downstairs watching tv then he called me down. i came down and all of a sudden, my dad was like "come sit next to me" and i did. at first, i thought he was just gonna talk to me about something, but instead, he grabbed me and put me on top of him. i tried getting away, but he wouldn't let me go. then, he stuck his hands in my underwear and moved his hands around. he was gonna take off my clothes, but then he heard my mom unlocking the door, so he took his hands out and let me go. i ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

that was the first and last time that happened. but there were other times when he'd try to get to me again. sometimes, when i took my daily showers, my dad would barge into the washroom and try molesting me again. but i always screamed or threw things at him. back then, i never had a lock on the bathroom door. i have one now ever since last year.

ever since the first incident, everytime my dad saw me, he would smack my bum and grab me there.

i've never told anyone about those incidents cause i was scared that they would treat me different and i was scared of what they might say about me. and because i haven't told anyone, i'm scared that it'll happen again and i'll be defenseless. since the molesting incident, i've learned not to trust anyone. not even my boyfriend, family or friends cause i've always had that feeling that they're gonna turn their backs on me. i mean, out of all people, it just happens to be that my own dad that molested me. i thought he was one of the few people that i could trust, but i thought wrong.

is that ur real father or step-father???

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Guest x_terr

some of these are so heartbreaking, and to think what these girls had to go through.

i haven't been molested before, but my dad sometimes makes sexual connotations towards me and it makes me feel uncomfortable. he'll also make gestures sometimes. he does it in a "joking manner" but they still make me super uncomfortable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tinatran_

is that ur real father or step-father???

he is my real father :S

i tried telling my bestfriend about this one time when i was sexually harassed by this nurse when i was going into the hospital for surgery (cause i had a chalazion on my eyelids). after i told her, she just laughed at me >=| i got so mad at her cause she didn't take me seriously. i thought she would understand, but i guess i was wrong. i thought if she didn't understand, no one would understand.

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