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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest bigfatPANDA

When i was younger, we had my mom's friend's dad lived at our place.

He stayed in a room with me.

And whenever I watched tv, he would always sit next to me, and slide in hand down my pants.

He usually didn't do muhc, just touching my butt and feeling it..

I was so young, i didn't understand what was happening, so i took no action. Now that I"m older, I knew what he was doing.

I"m just glad he didn't go farther than that.

I don't remember much, so I don't know if he touched past my butt, but that's what he felt/groped msot often.

he would also take off his shirt sometime and try to show me, if was really weird.

I still haven't told my parents about it, but he's dead now, so i don't think it'll be important now.

Urghh, i just really dislike him, a lot. even though this story isn't that bad, i just still feel bad from taht experience. urgh.

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Guest ~neh~long~

not molested.. i just had something really nervewracking happen to me.. i was at Barnes today and i was looking at the shelves searching for this specific book... and the book i wanted was on the bottom, so i had to lean down ... there was this really strange man browsing behind me, but i didn't really pay much attention to him.. so i was leaning//squatting down and i started to become really self conscious because he was right behind me =_=;; he sat down and he was like... flipping through this book..... and you know how you flip through a book, you can feel the air the pages blow, i felt like he was flipping the pages so the air would blow on my back&arms. it was just really really very strange. and i was trying to calm down, maybe i was being paranoid. but he kept doing it O_O so i quickly grabbed my books and got out of that aisle to go find my mom... i found her browsing in the crafts section and we headed towards the register when i saw the guy following behind me. but he saw my mom and i think he just got scared off ... but wow was i freaking out.....

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i guess i'll share also... it feels sorta embarrassing just typing this on soompi but i haven't told anybody.

hm, i had to move into my relatives house, however university kids live in the basement of the house also.. and one night i woke up @ like 1:30 because somebody was stroking my breasts :/ i woke up and couldn't even see who it was. i was so freaked out i just lied there but i turned over so they would stop. and i was hoping they'd go away.. and they did like 5 minutes later. I told my uncle and he said if anything happened to like yell or something..

then another night i woke up again because this time somebody was stroking my butt :/ and i actually sat up this time and looked them right in the face.. and it was my uncle o_o (married my dad's sister, so not blood related if that makes a difference :S) but the first time it wasn't my uncle because the first person was skinnier and didn't look like my uncle.

but i wasnt really surprised he did that because sometimes he would come behind me and hug me and start feeling me :\

another time my uncle told me to go into his room and he sucked on my breast and asked if he could kiss me and i said NO. and got the HELL OUTTA THERE

and, yes i still live with him.... but i sleep downstairs with my brothers in their room and i always avoid being alone

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Guest crystallizedtear

well... after reading so much of your stories, I'm really appalled at the cruelty of men... especially family members?I have experienced something...I don't know if I can call it as 'molestation'.

I've told my best friends about it but not my parents...it's my uncle from my mom's side of the family... when he visited us (we live in Canada) I was in grade 7... and he'd always bring me...swimming. He had this HUGE interest in teaching me to swim. Man, I was so naive and innocent as a kid, I thought he was the greatest uncle ever, and I learned how to swim. I would always be weirded out how he wanted hugs every few minutes though... and he kept commenting on how I wasn't 'growing' but that I had these really nice legs...O_O When we were watching television, he made me sit on his lap and I could feel his ... you know... it was sooo nasty... the nastiest part was when I was being tutored by him (for math) and he was taking a nap and told me to sleep beside him. And I was like, ok sure. And I slept there, and he made me come closer, until my foot was touching his...er thing... and I wanted to move away cause it felt so awkward and wrong, but then he kept holding me closer... and then finally after awhile we both got up and he looked red and flustered...and said 'Nobody has made me feel that way except for you aunt, in a long time...' and I was creeped out... by that time I kinda knew what he was talking about and wanted desperately to avoid him. But we kept going swimming, and though my mom told him I was too old to sit in his lap or hug him, she didn't really notice much...he kept saying 'I love you so much...' and my mom and him actually discussed my puberty...like WTH???When I went back to China this summer I actually had to go through living with him again! He didn't do anything anymore (like hello, i'm so much older) but he kept criticizing how I looked. I got so mad... but I was glad he was more concerned over his stock market stuff and his wife (she wanted to leave him...I don't like her at all either... but I feel like he kinda deserves it sometimes...)

...yeah...that's my story about perverted family member...I really shouldn't have been so dumb...I feel lucky it wasn't as bad as some of yours...omg I felt like crying reading a lot of these...T_T

I've had old perverted men stare at me or try to strike up a conversation... you really have to be careful out there...

one of my friends was asked for a one night stand and another time someone grabbed her hand...


but i wasnt really surprised he did that because sometimes he would come behind me and hug me and start feeling me :\another time my uncle told me to go into his room and he sucked on my breast and asked if he could kiss me and i said NO. and got the HELL OUTTA THEREand, yes i still live with him.... but i sleep downstairs with my brothers in their room and i always avoid being alone
OMG you should be careful!!! Still living with him? that would be a nightmare O__O
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Guest AppleLove

Holy cows O.O""What is the world coming to.>_> I hope they will soon.. get a taste of their own medicine and get molested! lol!Well.. I've been chased out of a house.. with a penis.. T_T" Literally.The boy (not very sane) flopped out his doodle.. and i ran, and he ran after me. I think i ran a block or two =.='This other time..

When i was 8ish.. a family friend of mine came over .. drunk.It was only my friend and i home. His hand was under her shirt (there wasn't really much to feel xD).. and he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I remember washing my mouth out with ice cream later ^.^"I now.. am not afraid to defend myself.. and go low XD*Pats everyone*We will all avenge these horrible memories! They will get molested by robots!HAHAH!.Yes.. *pats*

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Guest Meaningless

When I was only in grade 1, when we would have to go to bathroom we would have partners. You didn't get to pick your partner’s the teachers would chose 1 person who would go to the bathroom for the whole month with you. Our class was a mix of grade 1/2/3. For that 1 month I had a grade 3 girl partner, every time when we would get down to the basement she would stand outside. I would go in, just when I would go take a pee. Just would rush in and touch my down there. She did that 3 times. I was still young, I didn't know if I should tell the teacher or my parents I was scared. I got really afraid to go to the bathroom, so I decide to wait it out when I have to go or mini cooper and pee in my pants. My parents got confused; since like almost every day I would pee in my pants. They actually went to let me see a psychologist because of this problem. But damn that was the most difficult situation in my life. I have never told anyone but my brother. I still see that girl she lives like 10 blocks from me, I try to avoid her all the time to try not to remember the moments. I don't if this is considered molesting. But ya I just wanted to tell my story to get it over with.

But I know, they will get whats coming to them. What is meant to be will alway find away.

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Guest joonieballoonie

I've never told anybody this, and hopefully nobody I know recognizes me here :vicx: I'm shivering writing this...bad memories, I guess.

Three years ago, I had a huge crush on this guy one year older than me, and we hung out and talked all the time. I was really falling in love with him, and he knew it. (I was told later that he liked me back a lot, but it doesn't matter now, anyways.) One day he came over to my house, and we were hanging out - my mom was at work, and it was the weekend, so we were completely alone. We were just hanging out in my room (him at the computer and me writing something on my bed) when he pinned me down on the bed from behind. I didn't really take him seriously because he often gave me long hugs, and it didn't seem any different to me this time. He started stroking my private parts, and I was really uncomfortable so I tried to get him off, but he held me really tight and wouldn't let me go. He got the pen I was writing with and tried to stick it inside of me. Then he flipped me over and held down my arms and started...fondling my breasts...with his mouth.

I was crying the whole time (and I was terrified that he was going to rape me), and when he finally left (after about an hour), I took a bath for hours - I felt really violated. I think it hurt so much because I was so in love with him, and even after it happened I couldn't really process it. It's not half as bad as what some of you soompiers have had to endure, though.

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Guest addickshun

molesters sicken me,

i wanna spit it their faces and slap them back to the ming dysnasty.

luckily i haven't come across one in my life and wish i would not ever meet one.

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Guest strawberry_yum

KARMA will hit them so BAD!! Here are some info that i've been researching about Profile of a Pedophile

Pedophiles Can Be Anyone: Pedophiles can be anyone -- old or young, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, non-professional or professional, and of any race. However, pedophiles often demonstrate similar characteristics, but these are merely indicators and it should not be assumed that individuals with these characteristics are pedophiles. But knowledge of these characteristics coupled with questionable behavior can be used as an alert that someone may be a pedophile.

Characteristics of a Pedophile :

* Often the pedophile is male and over 30 years of age.

* Single or with few friends in his age group.

* If married, the relationship is more "companion" based with no sexual relations.

* He is often vague about time gaps in employment which may indicate a loss in employment for questionable reasons or possible past incarceration.

Pedophiles Like Child-like Activities:

* He is often fascinated with children and child activities appearing to prefer those activities to adult oriented activities.

* He will often refer to children in pure or angelic terms using descriptives like innocent, heavenly, divine, pure, and other words that describe children but seem inappropriate and exaggerated.

* He has hobbies that are child-like such as collecting popular expensive toys, keeping reptiles or exotic pets, or building plane and car models.

Pedophiles Often Prefer Children Close to Puberty:

* Pedophiles often have a specific age of child they target. Some prefer younger children, some older.

* Often his environment or a special room will be decorated in child-like decor and will appeal to the age and sex of the child he is trying to entice.

* Many pedophiles often prefer children close to puberty who are sexually inexperienced, but curious about sex.

Pedophiles Work Around Children: The pedophile will often be employed in a position that involves daily contact with children. If not employed, he will put himself in a position to do volunteer work with children, often in a supervisory capacity such as sports coaching, contact sport instruction, unsupervised tutoring or a position where he has the opportunity to spend unsupervised time with a child.

The Target Child: The pedophile often seeks out shy, handicapped, and withdrawn children, or those who come from troubled homes or under privileged homes. He then showers them with attention, gifts, taunting them with trips to desirable places like amusement parks, zoo's, concerts, the beach and other such places.

Manipulation of the Innocent: Pedophiles work to master their manipulative skills and often unleash them on troubled children by first becoming their friend, building the the child's self esteem. They may refer to the child as special or mature, appealing to their need to be heard and understood then entice them with adult type activities that are often sexual in content such as x-rated movies or pictures. They offer them alcohol or drugs to hamper their ability to resist activities or recall events that occurred.

Stockholm Syndrome : It is not unusual for the child to develop feelings for the predator and desire their approval and continued acceptance. They will compromise their innate ability to decipher good and bad behavior, ultimately justifying the criminal's bad behavior out of sympathy and concern for the adults welfare. This is often compared to Stockholm Syndrome - when victims become attached emotionally to their captors.

The Single Parent: Many times pedophiles will develop a close relationship with a single parent in order to get close to their children. Once inside the home, they have many opportunities to manipulate the children -- using guilt, fear, and love to confuse the child. If the child's parent works, it offers the pedophile the private time needed to abuse the child.

Fighting Back: Pedophiles work hard at stalking their targets and will patiently work to develop relationships with them. It is not uncommon for them to be developing a long list of potential victims at any one time. Many of them believe that what they are doing is not wrong and that having sex with a child is actually "healthy" for the child.

Almost all pedophiles have a collection of pronography, which they protect at all costs. Many of them also collect "souvenirs" from their victims. They rarely discard either their porn or collections for any reason.

One factor that works against the pedophile is that eventually the children will grow up and recall the events that occurred. Often pedophiles are not brought to justice until such time occurs and victims are angered by being victimized and want to protect other children from the same consequences.

credits to google.

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Guest emc123

i've never been molested/raped except the occasional creepy look and hug (which would be for a really uncomfortably long time)from my dad's friend

but anyway my mom told me something really disturbing a month ago. she said that when i was born my mom was really tired one day and my dad was at work so she asked her sister to look after me for an hour while she got some sleep. my mom went to bed adn that's when my uncle-in-law came in and asked my aunt if he could look at me down there. my aunt said no but he kept on asking like he REALLY wanted to look.

i told my mom to stop talking because up to there i was too shocked to say anything. my mom just sort of started this convo out of nowhere. i don't know if he did see but it's just wierd. i was less than a year old so i obviously don't remember but it really creeped me out and i never want to know.

it's nothing like the things people writing here has endured. i feel so sorry and if i could get a hold of those perverts i'll hurt them

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Guest MrsBrianJoo

i had this boyfriend when i was 21 an he was 31. i remember i was in his van and we were in the back sit makeing out just kissing and he knew i was a virgin and i told him i belive in getting married and haveing sex with my husband only. when we were in his van makeing out he put his fingers down there and i told him to stop and he would not stop he keep doing it. and he unziped his pants and tryed to put his penis in me. i started to cry and i open the door and jumped out of the van. and he ran after me and got on top of me. i yelled and screamed and i stab him with my pocket knife to get away from him. i ran to my home and and called the police on my boyfriend and i told my best friend she was at my house. my folks were out of town at the time. i never told my folks about this. i only told my best friend. my friend felt so bad cause she hooked me up with this guy and did not know he was like that.

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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)

awww man, why does the world have to have psychotic people :( Personally I never have been molested. But when I was around 10-11, I went to Vietnam & our neighbor lady came over to our house to chat & she was playing with my nephew, he was probably like 2 or 3 years old. She was grabbing his privates & massaging it. (At this time, I was till pretty innocent, so I didn't know much about sexual stuff or molestation. I thought you had sex by just rubbing naked bodies together. :P) Anywho I just gave her a "WTF" face. & she said children like it when you do that to them. But now that I think back on it, maybe it was molestation, or maybe the culture in Vietnam is just very nasty.

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Guest Awkward Smile

Wow, this thread is scarying the crap outta me. So many girls getting molested/raped. Omg. not even funny.

it's more common than people think.

the satistic is 1 out of 3 kids.

parents should teach their kid what "bad touching" is.

i wished i was more aware.

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I was molested when I was around..freshman - sophomore..

I was so old compared to most of you at the that time, but believe me, I was still rather.. "innocent"

I knew such things would happen, i just didnt think it'd happen to me.

Btw - i look a lot younger than my age, maybe around 12-14. so...yeah.

Now, The guy was like over 30, on a reallly realllly crowded bus, and i was grabbing onto the top

railing thing while the bus driver's driving like a maniac. at first he was behind me and edged closer

and closer.

I didnt think too much of it cause hell, the thing was overcrowded as it was. then his hand like passed

over a time or two over my richard simmons x hips x thighs

I kinda tried to edge away, but it didnt help too much x.x; then all of a sudden, his hand grabbed me "down there"

I shoved him away, but I feel so angry at myself that that was all that I did. it just felt so degrading and humiliating.

i felt like such an object and i was even more horrified that I really didnt DO anything

I know a bunch of girls would be like 'how could you not do anything?" but its so different when you're actually IN such

a situation. Ive gotten over it since then, but im more wary, and im more protective over like my dongsengs when it comes

to guys and stuff. I DONT want them to go through the mini cooper I did and I'd feel worse if they ever did go through it.

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this thread is so scary.... its so sad when its your family member thats doing this to you. its so not right.

i used to not understand why my mom never let me stay alone with my uncles unless my aunts were there too. but yeah.. i totally get why now. better paranoid then sorry.

do you guys ever wonder,

what makes the molesters do this?

is it like a fetish to them or something?

we've been learning about sexual assaults and molesters in health class and they say that usually molesters molest cuz they've been molested or abused themselves... so they do it as a way to get remorse for themseleves. or.. something like that o_O

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