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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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i've only told 3 people about this, in my whoooole life.

when i was 5 i went over to my cousins house. my grandparents and uncle were there, and my older cousin was there who didnt live there. he took me to my grandparents room and then he got on top of me. i didnt really understand what was going on, but i was really scared. later on, he asked me to take of my underwear, and i said "no." it all happened a long time ago, so i dont really remember a lot. just afterwards we came out, and my uncle asked me where we were, because he was looking for us. my cousin said we were playing in my grandmas room. then his brother took out a gun later on, and pointed it to my head and laughed. his brother, who pointed a gun to my head, had also at one point in time, put his hands in my pants when i was sleeping, and touched me. they were both teenagers at the time. my uncle saw him point the gun at my head and they got in trouble. my mom came to pick me up later and i cried to her, my uncle said it was because of the gun.

i was really scared, and just cried every night. a couple of nights later i told my mom, and she was really shocked. i'm guessing she told my dad. i've always had thoughts about it over the years, and it was weird seeing my cousins from time to time. it hurt a lot. i told one friend about in 8th grade, when we were on the topic. she just hugged me and didnt know what to say.

but after all these years, now when i think of it, i dont feel anything anymore. it just all seems like it never happened. like it was a really bad dream. the cousin who did that to me is in jail now. my parents never said or did anything. he's in jail for fraud and identity theft. the cousin who pointed a gun to my head came out of jail and is living with my grandparents. it was awkward to see him at first as well, since he had been in jail for a loong time. but its a bit normal now. i kind of forgave him. he seems like he's a better person now, but i dont know. do people ever really change?

i've been meaning to tell my best friend about it. but the timing was never right. maybe if she reads this, it'll be easier. its not exactly easy to talk about this stuff. i'm even hesitant about posting it up.

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Guest som3body_somewh3r3

pachi A, why did he point a gun to your head.. O_O but yeah i was really touched by your story. family members can be really creepy =/

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yeah... it doesn't really help when people say "i'm so glad my parents were protective of me when i was younger" because it really isn't any of the victims' fault here. urgg. i'm too hesitant to post up my story because.. it is a forum... but i just want to say that i can relate but it's nothing life changing and it's nothing that will definitely ruin your life. it's just history. there's no point in renewing it over and over in your head because you can't really change the past, can you? it's probably easier to randomly tell a bunch of random forum people than any loved ones because that way, the ones you love won't completely pity you and see you differently. poor sick bastards corrupt the world. =(

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Guest Baybe Gyrl`

yeah... it doesn't really help when people say "i'm so glad my parents were protective of me when i was younger" because it really isn't any of the victims' fault here. urgg. i'm too hesitant to post up my story because.. it is a forum... but i just want to say that i can relate but it's nothing life changing and it's nothing that will definitely ruin your life. it's just history. there's no point in renewing it over and over in your head because you can't really change the past, can you? it's probably easier to randomly tell a bunch of random forum people than any loved ones because that way, the ones you love won't completely pity you and see you differently. poor sick bastards corrupt the world. =(

i know that what happened to me was 'just history', but it's not something that's easily forgotten for me. yes, i've reviewed it over and over in my head even though i clearly know that i can't change what's been done. i think about it less and less each passing year, but i know that i will never ever forget the damage that it did to me from the night that it first happened. to cut it short because i honestly don't really wanna give away any details of the two incidents in my life, it was life changing for me. it's been 12 years since the incident & i'm still trying to really heal, and i know that some things will never be the same for me.

it's not something you can just say to someone out of the blue. not for me anyways. i don't tell people because really, what can they say? and why would they need to know? whether or not they know, it won't change anything besides the fact that they now know too. & i really can't bear for anyone else to know in my life. talking about it makes me sad & empty. to me, i've handled it on my own & really, this experience made me stronger in terms of being a person. it's just sad that it had to be that to make me learn you know.

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As I was reading your stories, I couldn't help but feel compassionate for all of you. It must have been hard feeling like that, especially being betrayed by your family members (mostly). As to of this day, my dad is still overprotective of me. My parents are divorced, but my dad won't even let me sleep over at my mom's house, and I'm in high school.

I applaud every single one of you who has been through a bad experience such as this and still be able to stay strong and move on.

Aish. The world needs to be a better place. -.-

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Guest nutella

My uncle who I'm related to by marriage. It's not as bad as other stories but he would whisper "I love you, you know I do right? More than your parents or anyone else." He would brush my hair back and this was when I was young like 4 or 5. I only thought he loved me like a father kind of way but he would just caress my shoulders and stuff. Then when I got older and I grew er a chest, he touched me there and I was just like "What the F***". My mom always told me to never let him touch me because he felt up my mom before and always called him the perverted uncle. I don't think he ever raped me unless I didn't know and I was sleeping? He would always tell me to spend the night cause of my cousin.

OH MY GOD :o . I too have an uncle related by marriage and Im not lying, he use to do and say the same exact thing. When i was 10-13 I'd always sleepover my aunt's house because im really close to her but everytime she would go into the kitchen or something he'd make me sit really close to him or on his lap and brush my bangs to the side and then say "Do you know how much I love you? I love you more than your mom or dad or anyone ever." I always thought he loved me as a father figure too so i always just kind of smiled and nodded but now i realize how disturbing it was. He use to always try to touch me and tickle me so he can 'accidently' brush against my private parts and when going to sleep he would constantly ask if I wanted to sleep in the same bed with him but I refused. I never told anyone ever about that because I didn't want to cause problems with my family because we were so close knit. It's so strange how our stories are so alike though.

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Guest TrainDriver

these stories are quite disturbing to me. i feel sorry for the ppl who have had to experience such things.

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Guest AKrazYAznGrl

i haven't really told many people 'cause the few that i've told barely find it believable. they think i'm too happy a person. but like, how else to hide your problems besides laughing all the time nd stuff, no? i hide a lot because i don't know who to turn to. it's not like i want everyone to feel sorry for me by telling them my life story. when people find things out about my family and my past (i used to be suicidal), they're shocked with how i'm able to handle things.

Yeah. I know. I'm like a really happy person too. Even though i've never told my friends but if i tell them they probably won't believe me because they think that i'm spoiled and i haven't been through anything. Even if they believe me i don't want them to pity me. I just smile and laugh and keep everything to myself. Being a happy person is basically just a cover up.

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Guest Colleen

Wow, I never actually thought so many people had to undergo these disturbing things. All I can say is that Im sorry you guys had to go through that, and try to not let the memory haunt you from going further with you life.

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Guest pucca1430262022

Well I've been touched and they were by my mom and aunts 'cause they said I had bigger boobs than them. So about four days ago I went swimming. My youngest aunt was standing next to me. I asked her what size her boobs were 'cause even after she gets a boob job, she complains to me about how mines are bigger. After she tells me she grabs my boob. I felt so violated. Then there was this time where I went to my aunt's house. Two of my aunt's were talking to my cousins and I and well out of no where one of my aunt grabbed my boob and after that the other one grabbed my boob. They chased me around the house. LOL. Then I came back and they smacked my butt. It's weird how this still feels awkward after like 8 years of touching by my mom and aunt. My mom wonders how I got a bigger boobs than her. :ph34r:

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Guest stellabella

I've never been molested, but I havea feeling my litle cousin has.

I know this will sound really weird, but it's just what I think. Well, my cousins granmother (not on my side, his other side) is super weird. I mean CREEPY weird. In case you're wondering, she's korean and you korean's know how weird OLD halmoni's here are with little kids. Well he's only 4 years old. Everytime I'm alone in the house with him and her, she's always..touching him. And he touches her too...but he doens't know better, ya know? It's what she's raised him on. Anyway, she always strips his clothes off as soon as his mom leaves the house, and sometimes she takes her shirt off and lets him....touch them. In front of me!!

I don't know if this is supposed to be normal here or if she's just really sick in the head.

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Guest jjin36

Well I remember when I was little, at family parties, there was an "uncle" that always chased after me and my cousin to give us kisses. He smoked tho and he always caught us. Everyone thought it was funny, but I always got really scared when I saw him and no matter how much I protested, everyone thought it was funny. Including my parents.

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eeehk... these are some really horrifying stories..

but i think those who told their stories are really brave.

if i were to be molested, im not sure what i would have done. i could say i would have beat the crap out of that guy, but when it comes to this kinda stuff i could also become weak or feel helpless and lost?


i think everyone should feel a little better inside cause there are orginizations and such and such to stop those bad people and help the good people. =] right?

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Guest sungmasta

God sickosssssss and pedosssssssss these days. i wish they can all burnnn!!!!! makes me wanna become a police and beat the living f outa dem

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Guest WelcomeToDetroitCity

i had a friend long ago...

she was raped by this 21 yr. old guy when she was 14..

he was in a high position in a local gang..

about a week later he got stabbed and died.

i don't know where my friend is anymore she moved away...

last i heard she married some1 41 year old guy...

getting raped messed her up

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Guest c a t h e r s

I've never been molested, but I havea feeling my litle cousin has.

I know this will sound really weird, but it's just what I think. Well, my cousins granmother (not on my side, his other side) is super weird. I mean CREEPY weird. In case you're wondering, she's korean and you korean's know how weird OLD halmoni's here are with little kids. Well he's only 4 years old. Everytime I'm alone in the house with him and her, she's always..touching him. And he touches her too...but he doens't know better, ya know? It's what she's raised him on. Anyway, she always strips his clothes off as soon as his mom leaves the house, and sometimes she takes her shirt off and lets him....touch them. In front of me!!

I don't know if this is supposed to be normal here or if she's just really sick in the head.

O.M.G. that is SO disturbing!!!!!!!!!!1

i've never really been molseted or anything.....although i feel so bad for all the ppl in here that did :tears: the closest was that in my old house i was supposedly "too small" for these stone steps that led to the backyard so there was this uncle who carried me....but......in a very ACKWARD position. supposedly he might've touched my sister too....... :unsure:

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Guest Inconnu

<_< Reminds me of my story ...

This was back where I used to live in Vietnam when I was like ... 4-5 yrs old.

There was this neighborhood boy (I think he was about ... 16 yrs old) that was

really close friends with my brothers and they would always play together.

His mom tutors me sometimes so when I go over there, I would always be

around her but sometimes she goes out. Since she goes out, her son pushes

me into a room and start pulling down the neck area of my shirt down to

my shoulder... err--- so basically, my shoulders were bare and he

would touch me there all the time ...

I dont think its as serious as others but it was creepy ... TT-TT

I finally told my mom and she like ... stalked over there and screamed. xD

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i totalli agree, ppl like that deserve to die. in perth an 8 yr old girl was recently raped in a shopping centre toilet. she was found by her 14 yr old brother and police confirmed that she'd been strangled to death and both her arms and legs were broken. it was so horrible bcoz i only live 5 minutes away from that place. its disgusting and its times liek this that i wish australia had the death penalty.

i applaud all of the brave girls who have been molested or traumatized by a similar incident on this forum. stay strong and dont let stuff like this run ur life =)

I heard about this on the news. Reading about it almost made me cry.

Seriously, these bastards should be buried alive.

I remember back in 6th grade there was a perverted teacher who taught my friends class. He'd looked down girls shirts and touch them. From what I've heard, he died from cancer not long ago.

My parents are really protective of me and I'm so thankful :sweatingbullets: If I'm going to parties (which I rarely do cause they never let me go) they'd remind me to always hold my own cup and blah, blah :)

Always be aware of what happends around you. If something wrong does happen you MUST take action.

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