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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest jiwoneex3

mine isn't as huge of a story, and not really considered molestation

but i was on the subway, going home from SAT class,

and so i sit listening to music, and this spanish man plops his fatass right next to me. he pretended on sleeping, but slowly started to bring his hand close to my thigh. he didn't actually touch it, just brush it slightly with his hand, till i started moving my legs, then he did it again,a bit closer, so i nudged my elbow at him hard, and he stopped

i felt so scared and disgusted. ): and there were people on the subway, no one said anything.

that's why i like taking the train home. a bit more expensive, but it's clean, doesn't smell, nor are there perverts like those on the train.

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Wow...I never knew that there were soo many victims to these sick incompetent disoriented pricks you can't even call humans in here...I'm seriously speechless after reading some of your stories...

I don't know how else to express how I feel after hearing such depressing news, so I'm going to dedicate this song to all of yall because this man IMHO sings it the best...

From the bottom of my heart


I'm sorry if this might not be an appropriate song to some of yall but this is the only song that comes to my mind...sorry if its not your taste in music...but I feel as if Pac explained it the best. Keep ya head up ladies!

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Guest baboxxyun

wow so many ppl were victims and couldnt tell anyone because of personal/ moral/ emotional reasons >.<

kinda makes you wanna relive the moment and sue the molester for every penny his already-pathetic life is worth

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Guest FyreSpaz

I have never told ANYONE my story. At all. But since you guys don't know me...

I was around 7 or 8 years old. I was home alone with my cousin, who is like 10 years older than me.

The thing is, I trusted him. He was one of my favorite cousins, and I didn't really understand anything.

So we would be playing an innocent little game. He usually would let me win, but at times he wouldn't.

Every time I lost, I would get a 'punishment'. Basically he'd pin me down on the bed and touch me down there.

I didn't know what he was doing. Now I look back and wonder at my stupidity. I didn't realize what he was doing until I learned about sex, molestation, and rape. Now I avoid him, which is easy since we're in different cities and he goes to college and all.

Last time I saw him, he had a black-eye. That's karma for you.

I don't think anyone would believe me if I said anything anyways.

I'm a happy happy person in school

and he's like the type of son every mother wants

the irony is, my parents are super-protective of me.

i've never been allowed to sleep over at a friend's house

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Guest shylilazngrl6

it wasnt physical or anything.

it happened 4yrs ago when i was in 7th grade [12 yrs old at that time], i went to the public library with my little sister and her friend, we were looking at the amine section, and i noticed a guy [spanish, maybe in his late 30's] sitting down on a chair or something, i didnt really care, but i notice when we were walking out of the amine section, he was following us. and i noticed my sister wearing a skirt, it wasnt that short or long. [note my sister was like 8yrs old at that time]. I wasnt sure if he was following my lilttle sister, but i remembered, i asked my sister friend, if i can use her phone, so we went outside, then for some reason i really wanted to look behind me and i did, and i saw the guy pretending to use his phone too and when he was talking on his phone, he was staring at my sister legs.I got sooo mad, that i walked up to the guy, and

said "HEY, STOP LOOKING AT MY SISTER LEGS", everybody stared [there were about 10+], then

old prevert:"What are you talking about?"

Me:"I know you are looking at my sister's legs!"

old prevert: "Your Crazy", i was so mad at that point.


he left after i was done yelling at him.

If i saw that guy again at the library, i would punch him in his freakin face.

sorry for my bad grammer.!

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Guest borninsins

ugh, i feel for you guys.

i was at las vegas, at night, with my family. and you know the hotels where they show... those kinds of shows? yeah, like infront of it, there are poeple passing out porn cards, and this guy younger than me was looking at the cards that were being handed to him by his dad... so i gave him a disgusted glare, and another guy who was passing out the cards, he whistled at me, and looked at my chest, and i almost kicked him in the crotch, but, my family was there,

Also, the same night, i was just sitting on the floor, waiting for my parents and my brother to finish shopping, and this drunk guy winked and whistled at me and said "hey baby" i was about to report him, but i bet it happened often.. so i just gave him a glare and i felt so disgusted, i know this is nothing, but i still feel gross. and unwanted.

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It happened to me when i was at my CHURCH. oh the fcuking irony.

It occurred to me tt I had forgotten that incident since I was like 5

until I finally knew what molest was all about.

It was one of those annual church gathering for a certain society that

my parents were in. And while the priest goes on with his speech,

all of us kids would just hang around the church. And that bastard

was one of the sound system crew, i dont know why he chose me, but

he began following me and talking to me and feeling me everywhere,

holding me close as if he was my dad or something.

The worst part was my parents just metres away yet they cant see

and in a room where the other kids play at the other end, that bastard

would touch me even more down there and attempt kissing me on the cheek

or something. I dont know I was so young so small so scared and confused i guess.

I never felt so helpless and confused.

And everytime I think about it i feel so DIRTY and disgusting I feel like a million showers

wont take away this feeling. And I never told anyone. And I wish i never remembered it.

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I wouldnt say I was really molested, just taken advantage of off my naive young self :mellow:

So back in my hometown, I had a neighbor; 3 boys, 2 were older than me and one younger.

We always hung out together, them 3, me and my younger brother. We played video games and such.

Then one day the oldest one, who was maybe 3 years older than me? took me under my bunk bed (there was a small space that you could crawl into) and said to me "suck my c***" I was like "why...?" But I did it anyways, omg I was so stupid! I dont know why I did it... I guess I just didnt want him to be angry at me or something =/

I was like 6 years old at that time :(

I remember it being SO NASTY, I just wanted to stop but he just said keep on sucking...

Oh and his brothers were there, the middle one, who was older than me by a year was blocking the scene from our younger brothers. I doubt they knew what was going on cause they were playing video games.

And then I puked and my mom came to clean me off and asked why I puked and the guy gave her some excuse, I forgot.

The later on I kinda forgot about it, and the guy who was older than me by a year, who I was close to I guess cause he liked girl stuff, dunno why :huh: I always thought he was gay or something

Well one day we were lying on my bed and he started touching my nipples LOL cause I obviously didnt have breasts then

and being my very stupid and naive self, I started touching his cause I thought it was fun? :mellow:

At one sleepover at my cousin's, they were trash talking about my neighboors, cause they didnt like them. And I kinda joined it and was like "yeah, they're weird. They wanted me to suck on their $*(# and touch their boobies" then they went silent. My cousins are older than me so they've probably learned about sex and stuff. They told my aunt who told my mom and then later that night she called them over along with their mom. So I told everything and their mom had like a wooden spoon and started spanking them right there, pretty funny cause they were crying haha... But they kept on denying it but they still got spanked :)

Then afterwards, the guys went home and our moms were talking for a REALLY long time, I didnt understand them though, they were speaking in Vietnamese. After that our families never spoke.

I saw the guys at school though, never talked to them. They were pisssseeedd at me. It's like dude, you were the one who took advantage of me... :angry:

haha, I remember one day I asked the gay guy to give me back my toys cause I let him borrow A LOT of stuff but he ignored me.

Then my family moved, I wonder what became of them...

Wow that long, but it was good to let it out, I've kept that in for over 7 years :(

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Guest angel_cutie

@______@ its sad especially when you're little

because you have no idea what the heck is going on

why are there so many bad people in the world T_____T

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I just remembered while browsing this thread...

When I was around 8 years old, I tagged along with my dad to someone's house where there were a lot of his colleagues. Some middle-aged guy asked me to come sit on his lap and talk to him, so I did. I didn't really think there was anything going on. Then he started touching my chest, saying "let me see if you've started growing here." It tickled and I felt weirded out so I squirmed away, but I didn't think anything of it until now.

Is this molestation...?

It is really hard to tell, if he was joking around or having sexual intentions. But I think it borders more on molestation because he stepped over the line of appropriateness. I mean who the heck does that?

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Guest LOOCiEE<3

omg! i get so mad when i read stories like these! how could people be so cruel? i'm glad this hasn't happened to me, but i think it might have if stayed longer:

i was 5 in chinatown & my mom & my aunt were in a grocery store & i was playing with those pop crack thingys ( those little white things filled with gunpowder & mini rocks that you throw on the floor that pop), i threw one & it didn't pop, so i went to go get it & it was near this man's foot, i was reaching for it & he steps on it & smiles at me for a long time. i was getting kinda scared & then like a minute later my aunt comes & gets me & the man sees her & his smile drops. & he leaves.

everybody's stories are way sadder than mine though. i hope everyone is okaaay (:

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Guest Pomegranate

I think that's bulls-hit. I've told someone I was close to, and you think you feel better, but it's actually the same. There's no sense of relief or anything. In fact, you start asking yourself more questions regarding the whole issue.

Agreed. Though I think timing plays a vital role in it as well. If you were just, well, recently molested, I think telling someone right away will actually close that wound a lot more quickly and nicely whereas if you leave it untreated, it will heal, but will leave you with traumatic effects (not wanting to go outside, not talking to people, depression, bi-polar etc..) (Not saying that you won't have these if you tell someone, it's just more likely and more intense).

However, most of these stories are childhood stories. If these are actually STILL happening to you, STOP IT. Tell someone. Do yourself, and the general society a favor and get these people away from other little girls and boys.

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Guest ribbonxx

wow guys..

I never knew about these things. how can they do that to innocent girls??

they should seriously be arrested.

But have faith guys. You guys are all special and stay strong!

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  • 3 months later...

my experience did have some sort of affect on me in the past but now it all comes in faint fragments now...my memories must have been repressed but it's probably better off that way. I just wanted to let all of you know that it is possible to live a normal life and start anew again...you just have to be strong and stand your ground...

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Guest misspiggybank

Yeah, when I was about 10, my mom, my grandma and I were standing around right outside of a subway station in Chinatown. I already don't like crowded places so when I felt someone touch me on the tush I told my mom and urged her to go somewhere else but she was like "honey it's your imagination, it's probably an accident". Well, the guy who touched me came around two more times and...yeahhh, I wish my mom wasn't so dense all the time.

I never knew there were so many pedos in the world...and because of that incident I really feel awkward whenever I see guys in sunglasses. -_-

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