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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest bonjour tristesse.

WOW. Some of these stories are just .. O_O. I have no words for those who got molested, etc. before.

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Guest ohnoitsjanie^^

Ive been molested by my own uncle:[

i was like in the 3rd grade so i didnt know what he was doing.

each time i was alone in the kitchen or anywhere around the house

he would feel up around my private areas and stuff.it kept going for a long time.i use to tell him to

stop because it felt wrong.but he would tell me to *sssssshhh**

i never did tell anyone because idk what would happen

if i said anything:[ it still bothers me till this day.


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Guest Greenmeito

Neven been molested but theres some stories that are intresting.

When I was 11 or 12 I was playing Hide and Seek with my friend who was the same age as me and his brother which was 14 or 15. My friend was the one who had to find us so me and his brother were about to hide when he told me there was a good place to hide. I followed him into their parents room. Next to the bed he laid down on the floor and put me on top of him wrapping his hands around my waist. We were both facing the ceiling. I didn't understand it at first since you could see us straight away if you walked into the bedroom. We played again for a few more times and each time he took me to the same place and did it again. It was not until later when I realized what was going on. The next time we played I refused to go the same sport and hid in the closet he decided to follow me and hide next to me. After that I quit playing. I'm not being paranoid as he followed me and hid in the same obvious spot everytime.

Around when I was 11 I had this teacher I really hated. He was a male and in his 30s he did some immature horrible stuff to me because often I would glare at him since I just hated teachers in general. Really immature and disgusting. And I'm not exaggerating. Whenever the girls got changed for Gym we had to use this room that connects to another classroom. It was often that in the middle of changing he would open the door with no hesitation and stick his ugly giant face forward and look around at the girls. Even more disgusting was there was a mentally and physically disabled girl in our class and for some reason she was in the connecting classroom changing her clothes while the rest of the class was in the classroom. There was a big gap since the door hasn't been closed. We all noticed it and no doubt the teacher did too. We could see the girl in there but nobody closed it.

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when i was in 6th grade it was my mom's idea to join the wrestling time lol iw as kind of scrawny because i was sick for a long time before that. anyways i wasn't that good lol so i went to every practice. there were a lot of other boys on the team of all different sizes and everyone was better than me lol so my mom wa slate to picking me up one night because she was getting her hair and nails done so my coach (he was kind of scrawny and small like me so he understood) wanted to practice wrestling because we had a big competition coming up. it was just me and him there and we were rolling around on the mat and he started rubbing me down there in my shorts. i asked him what that had to do with wrestling and he replied to me nothing and then continued and wouldn't let me go. luckily my mom called my cellphone saying she was out front so he let me go and i haven't told anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LdyxSmiles

I think i was in 8th grade or so... i would always go to my neighbor house and play with her and her baby ... she was like ... in her 20s. One day her husband was home, and when she went to get her laundry down stairs, cause we used to live in an apartment. It was only me and her husband and the baby, i remember he would get on top of me and try to touched my front area. After that i was so traumatized, and luckily i moved about a year after. I never told anyone but my bestfriend.

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Guest maivabvaj

I hate old perverted men - young perverted ones too.

I was in middle school and there was a guy who was related to us because of my sister in law and well it was new year's and we have new year celebrations and it was the first time he came to our house. We also know him because my brother hangs out with him and his siblings to fix cars and such. But on new years we were playing monopoly and i was placed next to him. Anyways he kept on feeling my foot and me being me kept telling him to go away and i'd get yelled at because i was 'younger' and crap like that. But like he kept traveling upwards until he got to my thigh and i yelped and stood up, pointed and yelled at him and then i got yelled at by my brother so i quit the game and went to my sisters and told them what he did. They told me to stay with them until he left and i was so glad he left i went back to play monopoly. Every time i see him, i give him the death glare and walk away.

There was another night where i was sleeping and a guy (can't say who) came and felt me. I am sometimes a dead sleeper but when i feel something touching me i wake up and well when i opened my eyes, he was looking at my chest (which i had no boobs yet at that age but he still kept looking) and his hand were on my neck, rubbing me - which was what woke me up - and i knew him so i asked him what the heck he was doing to me and he just said that he was applying medicine to me. But like his niece was sleeping on the floor right beside me and he wasn't applying medicine to her when she was coughing so like i just told him i was fine and for him to go to bed and from that day i've been afraid of him and i told the person married to him that i didn't like how he did that to me and well being a kid and all that crap, they ignored me. But he never once tried to touch me when i sleep.

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Guest mentalfiction

Well I had a tutor when i was 8. Just one day he started feeling me up. And started rubbing my private areas

I can't explain any further 'cuz I'm still a bit traumatized from it all (and I've never told anyone)

I never felt like I had the capacity to hate anyone, but I can never hate anyone as much as I hate that b@stard.

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Guest wnelek

i know this is serious but pedo means fart in spanish.

other than that, i have had experience with being mole......sted....

it's not fun.

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Guest septembre

so I'm one of those girls who has been molested by her father, it never came to the "do", only some rubbing, kissing and touching. And until today I'm still living with him in a house and we are still like a family. Sometimes I really does feel the father-daughter relationship, but otherwise there are times where I'm afraid that the nightmare might happen again. I often feel bad because me family is doing the best to keep this family familyalike and I'm still cant move on from this. I even can't say that I hate him or my family, there were only situations where I thought "Why me?"

I often dream that my father comes in my room and the horror starts again. Everytime I wake up, I cant tell if this is dream or reality. This unsureness sometimes drives me crazy - so I cant easily believe someone, I'm nearly always sceptic.

I remember that I told the whole thing a teacher, and this teacher told the police, and the police catched my father long time ago. I felt so bad, I felt like I was ruining our family. I was put in a orphanage, my mother called me everyday and told me, that they werent angry and I should come home quickly. But somehow I felt save there.

And even today, the whole thing is like 5 years ago, there are still days where I am just paralized and totally down and depressed, its just like that the whole thing just happend yesterday. There are days that I cant fall asleep because I just cant really tell if it was a dream or reality. Sometimes I think I'm getting crazy, and I really feel so bad that I'm still sceptic.

Today is just another day where I feel really depressed, because I read an biography about a girl, who had been molested. Her situation was way more horrific than mine, but somehow the disgusting feelings come up again. I really start to wondering if I have got a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

I know its really strange to ask something in this thread, but do anyone also has the feeling that the incident is always following you like a shadow, and sometimes it takes the control of u? I dont really know how to describe this feeling, its just like from one second to another u feel all the pain, and suddenly u see the scenes like a movie in front of your eyes.

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Guest _xJASEY

when i was 9 or 10, me and my cousins were playing tag and i decided to

play with the pay phone, and these older kids were walking (i was still playing with the phone)

and one of the kids decided to go behind me and feel my chest .. and walked away.

i was so in shock .. that i just stared at their back frozen .. till my cousin asked me what was wrong.

i quickly ran home, and said that i wont EVER play outside again. Then i told my dad, thats when he started to let me go out rarely ... even to this day and i'm 16 ,i dont blame him tho.

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Guest ssn417

the things that molestation and rape can do to someone mentally.. is just horrible..

its like mentally murdering someone.

... if that makes sense o.O

><;; be bold! dont just keep it to yourself.. make them pay for what they did to you.

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Guest Leni1430265175

sad...this happens more often then we know.. but people are scared to speak up.. =[

when i was young my perverted uncles would come over and because we were still young they would touch our chests.. i was probably 8 or 9 at the time.. seriously.. i never thought of it as being molested .. they would pinch our chests and what not.. me and my sisters.. i hated it and would yell at them to stop.. and they would joke saying that we were getting bigger and what not.. disgusted bastards.. to this day i dont acknowledge them nor do i go to their houses for parties/ceremonies.. and i dont respect them.. i dont call them "uncle" ..

the other time something like this happened to me was just a few years ago.. i was a senior in highschool and this fob guy moved in with my cousins.. they brought him to this ceremony we were having for the new year at my uncle's house.. i was the only daughter in the house besides the young girls so i was doing chore and whatnot.. dishes, etc.. and the fob would always come over to me and make small talk and flirt.. it was disgusting but i try not to be rude towards elders so i just answered his questions.. they were drinking when i took a small break from dishes and headed downstairs to play with the kids.. they were playing tag in the dark lol.. and one of them ended up crying cuz he ran head first into the wall.. so i picked him up and rocked him so he wouldnt cry so much.. then suddenly the fob came downstairs all tipsy.. it was me, the kid, and the fob.. i was sitting down and he came and sat next to me... he started rubbing my back and pinching my thighs..suddenly he tried to slip his hand down my back towards my a** i was so disgusted that i moved away and slapped his hand away.. and told him not to do that to me.. he started laughing and said in my language "i know you like it" i glared at him and stood up to leave.. suddenly he said "all you girls here like that.." he was referring to girls born in the US.. he thought we were all sluts.. so i responded "NO! we dont... none of us are like that... only YOU people are like that.. you freaken disgust me.. dont come near me ever again.." and i headed up stairs.. i was almost in tears and when my mom asked me what was wrong i told her what he did.. and she yelled at me for not staying upstairs and doing chores .. she said it was my own fault.. and i hated her after that.. well not relaly hate but i was pretty pissed.. but after that.. the uncle of mine that the fob was living with kicked him out cuz my mom told them what he did to me.. he now lives miles and miles away... thank god.. he had made advances before but never actually physically did something to me and my cousin..

after that night, i took the hottest shower of my life.. i felt disgusting and dirty and for months after it felt like the heat from his hands would never wash off..i scratched my skin so hard that it started to bleed once..

although these might seem like minor things.. it really affects a girl.. or guy.. seriously.. after these things happened.. i was scared to be alone with a guy for years afterwards.. im still scared.. and i hate Hmong men.. i hate them.. i will not marry one.. although men are men... not all bad and not all are good.. but still.. i hate hmong men.. people say one day ill find one and relaly like him.. NO.. they're wrong.. these will always be in the back of my mind.. as long as i live...

I know its really strange to ask something in this thread, but do anyone also has the feeling that the incident is always following you like a shadow, and sometimes it takes the control of u? I dont really know how to describe this feeling, its just like from one second to another u feel all the pain, and suddenly u see the scenes like a movie in front of your eyes.

yes, i do feel like this .. now, since its been so long... its kept in the back of my mind but it still affects what i do around people.. my actions.. and theirs.. and i just dont trust people anymore

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I am not absolutely sure but when I went to Wild Rivers which is a water park. Me and my cousins were in the lazy water pool and I felt someone grope me as in grab my john teshing non-existant asian richard simmons and I assumed it was my cousin. I felt it again and I whipped my head back and said "what the john tesh???!!"" My cousin was like on the other side and there was this suspicious looking guy next to me. My cousin was like "that guy was bumping into me and other people too" and in my mind I was like "john tesh he groped you too?" But I didn't say anything cause I wasn't sure if it was him or not. Or maybe my cousin was playing mind games with me. The next time this happens to me I am gonna john teshing unleash hell on him.

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Uhh yeah...

I was sexually harassed on the bus in 7th grade..

I couldn't find a seat so I had to sit in the way back. Some really ugly 8th grader starting grabbing my richard simmons and I couldn't say anything [Which I HIGHLY regret]. When I sat down he started touching it and I kept shooting him dirty looks and then he was like "I like Asian women" and "will you go out with me?" [Of course I said NO to that.] I kept squirming in my seat and was soo uncomfortable. Luckily, his stop was the first one. When he got off I quickly went to my friend to sit next to her.. Who had an empty seat that I wasn't even AWARE of.

Gosh... I was way too scared to say anything about it.. It seriously scarred me and now I hate when my bus is crowded... Also, I hate looking at the 8th grade section of the yearbook of that year... I think I only told one of my cousins and her best friend... Haven't EVER told anyone else... I'm afraid to..

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Guest arfisama

omg ><

when i was 6 or 7

i went to LA to visit my bro

then me and my mom went to wal mart or whtever

i was walking around the toy section, and then a white guy ask me to get something for him.

and the item was in the top shelf, he lifted me up and i felt he was touching my legs and stuff.

i don't know wht to do because i was small 0__0

then after he put me down i walk away.

and i am too afraid to tell anyone TT ^ TT

and also

when i still in Hong Kong for studying

i was wearing my skool uniform.

the train is really packed because it is morning .

i felt someone is touching my richard simmons and legs.

i was so scare 0_0 i ran away when the train arrived at my school stop.



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Guest ilovethatpanda

my teacher touched me before.

he would tell me to stay after class for some stupid reason, he'd sit next to me, and lay his hand on my thighs.

i was too scared to move because he might lie and call my parents saying i did stupid mini cooper.

then i'd be the one getting in trouble.

so i just had to pretend that i didn't care.

but then, to him, he thought i was enjoying that he was touching me.

so he went a little too far and put his hands down the back of my pants.

he squirmed his hands around a little here and there.

and there we have it. he stuck his finger up me.

and then i screamed and the dean of my school came running in.

my teacher was slow that he didn't have the time to take his hands out.

i just broke down there.

and our teacher got fired.

i don't know where he is now.

i hope he's locked up or something.

ugh. i hate people like him so much.

the thought always stays with you.

it haunts you. it bothers me a lot.

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Guest krngirl26

ugh. pervs.

when i was a lot younger i remember getting lost in a shopping mall in korea and i started crying and then a man comforted me and picked me up...except when i was him his arms he started stroking my butt under my skirt. and then i screamed, jumped down and ran yelling around the mall but i couldn't tell my mom because i was too scared :(

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Guest xoSushi

My mother's ex-boyfriend once felt me up and kissed me. It was really scary but I never told my mom about it. She dumped him after he lied to her about something.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest love.disease!


like lol. he touched my chest area when I was sleeping, HE DID IT TOO TO MY sister when she was little.


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