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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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wow...i understand the pain and scars left on these people...i've never told anyone about my story, i actually tried to before with my best friend.

she told me about hers and it was bad but i just couldnt do it...i hate this guy and i hope he dies pain! i mean the scar left by this effected me so much that when i realized what he did i couldnt show any skin at all. i felt so insecure about myself especially around boys and i always wore t-shirts and jeans. i felt disgusted at myself.

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Guest chuumwah

i've been molested by my own father. he started off by touching my vagina when i was little. but as years went by it had gotten worse. when i was about 10 he started fingering me, and soon when i was 12 he would secretly come into my bedroom and touch me. i was scared to tell anyone because i thought people would judge me like 'eww, that girl is gross', and 'she experienced sexual things already!'. instead of telling anyone, my mum found out one night when she heard noises in my room. she was full yelling at my dad and all. my dad reassured my mum that nothing happened and she believed him! im 17 years old and he still does it to me. every night he would come and grope, touch, finger me and worse. i cant wait until im 18 so i can get out of the house!

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Okay well...mine was a close call? Maybe more to rape than really molestation, though. I wrote this already in the "Invited over by a guy to his house" thread but I'll copy and paste..

Well when my ex invited me to his house (when he usually invites me over, we just cook together and watch tv) I was pretty stupid because he told me he got a new memory foam mattress (the one that molds to your body?) and I was like "OH COOL" and I sat on it. Then he sat next to me (he's really the innocent type! or so I thought..) and pushed me down and tried to lay on top of me.

I luckily fled from his house and I never told anyone; not my friends and especially not my current boyfriend (or at least, current at the time that happened.) Another instance is this random guy who I used to be friends with always put his hands on my thighs and like rubbed them...but it never got further than that, thankfully, because I always stopped him. He's done that to many of my friends and even recently I hear really bad things about him.

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Guest Tai-chan

One time at a party at my friends house we all got really wasted and there was this girl who really liked me at a party. Well i was lying on the ground n my friends told me to go in this room and so i did, and that chick was there with another girl friend of hers. The guys sat on the bed to watch while that chick proceeded to remove my belt and tried to take my pants off. I kinda snapped out of it and was like 'WTF U DOIN HOE?!' and ran out somewhere..next thing i knew i woke up under a computer table and everyone was like saying "OMG THERE U ARE CALVIN U BASTARD". Apparently, I ran out of the room and passed out there under the table where nobody could find me ;o The End

Lesson: Dont get drunk with ugly horny girls around ;o

LOL, one of my fav stories so far :lol:

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Guest alyssiiebearx3

i live in new york city.. and like i went to korean way and i bought those big lolipops. and me and my friends were walking... and i was like " HOWARD ! IT FINALLY FITS IN MY MOUTH !" and some random white guy [ he looked homeless ] was like "ooh yeah yu like that don't you?" and was saying some other stuff. scared the hell out of me. T__T. i think i kinda deserve it, cuz i said the whole lollipop thing outloud.. T___T'' .

i've been molested by my own father. he started off by touching my vagina when i was little. but as years went by it had gotten worse. when i was about 10 he started fingering me, and soon when i was 12 he would secretly come into my bedroom and touch me. i was scared to tell anyone because i thought people would judge me like 'eww, that girl is gross', and 'she experienced sexual things already!'. instead of telling anyone, my mum found out one night when she heard noises in my room. she was full yelling at my dad and all. my dad reassured my mum that nothing happened and she believed him! im 17 years old and he still does it to me. every night he would come and grope, touch, finger me and worse. i cant wait until im 18 so i can get out of the house!




anyone in school yu can tell ??

D: !!!!

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Guest lilazn

chuumwah : please tell someone about this...don't let it continue hurting you please! Call the police, an adult who you trust (and can help), or someone at school. This needs to be stopped. I know it's going to be hard, but you've got to do it for yourself. Don't let any more harm be inflicted upon you. You don't deserve this crap, nobody does.

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Guest Visvim

to the people out there that got molested.

please tell people that you trust asap, cuz it hurts them just as much if you dont speak up.

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to the people out there that got molested.

please tell people that you trust asap, cuz it hurts them just as much if you dont speak up.

I think that's bulls-hit. I've told someone I was close to, and you think you feel better, but it's actually the same. There's no sense of relief or anything. In fact, you start asking yourself more questions regarding the whole issue.

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Guest Frozy

I think that's bulls-hit. I've told someone I was close to, and you think you feel better, but it's actually the same. There's no sense of relief or anything. In fact, you start asking yourself more questions regarding the whole issue.

Not necessarily true. It does work for some people, as it provides closure to the past event, once they relieve themselves from it enough. When they can get over it, slowly, they can truly leave it behind them.

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i've never been molested but i've had a scary encounter.

i was walking in a park with my sister near my house.. i think i was like 13 at the time and my sister was 7 or 8.. & this black guy was walking down the street. & my sister was like "omg lets cross the street!" & iw as like "DONT BE RACIST" so we stayed on the street.

& then the black guy stopped me & was like heyyyyyy girl.. whats ur name? and kept asking me questions.. and i was like wtf? okay..

& then he started askingw eird questions like 'r u a virgin" .. "wanna have sex?" ' have u given head' things like that..

mind u my little sister who is 8 is standing next to me & is like "WHAT DOES VIRGIN MEAN?!" im like ajeflaefjs;ilaefjs.

& i didint really understand most of the things he was saying either.

yea we tried to walk away but he kept blocking me. & grinding himself one me.. i was so scared cuz the only thing i was thinking about was protecting my sister.

& he yeah he ketp following us & we coulndt go home cuz he would follow. we just kept running in circles around the park until he finally left. it was freakin scary. i thought he was going to rape me.

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Guest bittersweet ♥

OMG.. I feel so bad for you girls! I can't believe family members would do such things. :angry:

Stay strong! Like they say in all korean dramas, fightingg! :D

I don't think I have been molested before, but I did have a scary encounter before.

My friend and I were at a boba place and she stood up to order a snack. I was sitting alone sipping on my milk tea and this white guy who seemed like he was in his late 20's, early 30's started to talk to me. He was complimenting me.. saying I was beautiful and how he can "take care" of me. I was freaked out because he had a big build and seemed shady, so I gave him one word answers to stop the convo. I text my friend to quickly come back and she does. I tell her about how I was creeped out so we moved to a different table. 20 minutes later, the guy comes over and pulls a chair and sits right next to me. I eye my friend and move my eyes towards the door so she knew that I wanted to leave. As I get up, the guy grabs my lower waist to pull me in, but my friend pulled me away and we ran off and drove away. =/

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Guest Top Taeseung

I personally believe that all molesters should be executed under federal law, slowly and painfully of course. (humiliating would be nice too)

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Guest Gofishus

OMG.. I feel so bad for you girls! I can't believe family members would do such things. :angry:

Stay strong! Like they say in all korean dramas, fightingg! :D

I don't think I have been molested before, but I did have a scary encounter before.

My friend and I were at a boba place and she stood up to order a snack. I was sitting alone sipping on my milk tea and this white guy who seemed like he was in his late 20's, early 30's started to talk to me. He was complimenting me.. saying I was beautiful and how he can "take care" of me. I was freaked out because he had a big build and seemed shady, so I gave him one word answers to stop the convo. I text my friend to quickly come back and she does. I tell her about how I was creeped out so we moved to a different table. 20 minutes later, the guy comes over and pulls a chair and sits right next to me. I eye my friend and move my eyes towards the door so she knew that I wanted to leave. As I get up, the guy grabs my lower waist to pull me in, but my friend pulled me away and we ran off and drove away. =/

I think one unfortunate aspect of the media's slanted portrayal of asian women is that they are stereotyped as being exotic and submissive. The 'I won't hurt you' and 'they'll do what you want' aspect is a very negative outcome of that...

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Thankfully, I've never been molested or have gone through anything like that... and I think that everyone here is so strong to be able to share your stories, even if it's in a forum. It's a piece of yourself that you've kept hidden from the rest of the world, but it's the first step to recovering from these traumas...

I did have something happen to me though, when I was about 13. I was talking to this guy over AIM, and he kept asking me questions, which seemed pretty normal though, like where I'm from, my age, etc. I was so stupid to even talk to him, let alone KEEP talking to him with the way he was treating me.... even now, I just can't believe my stupidity! But I think he was asking these things and telling me about himself just to get my trust. Well he kept asking me for a picture of myself, and if I had a digital camera, and I told him I did but I didn't know where the cord was. I kept refusing to send him a picture, so he would call me a richard simmons and lots of nasty things, so I would curse back, and he would apologize. So I kept talking to him... I think this went on for a few hours, until I finally sent him a picture because he said he would send me one of him. Of course, he never did.

As soon as he got the picture, he turned just, so evil... he kept saying that he was going to edit the picture and post it all over the internet, unless I took pictures of myself putting things inside me... all I could do was cry and plead with him not to do it... I still remember what he wrote: "3...2...1...Say hello to the world!"

I couldn't believe what I was reading... I'm sure now that he was messing with me, but I just sat there and cried (my sister even walked by me and didn't say anything and went to bed.)

The only person I ever told this too was my boyfriend about 3 or 4 years later. I also never realized until I got into high school that, if I had saved that conversation, I could have taken it to my school or the police.... I was so angry at myself!

Sorry I wrote so much.... this was a big issue for me, even if it's no where near as bad as everyone else... >_<

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Guest blastoise

Thankfully, I've never been molested or have gone through anything like that... and I think that everyone here is so strong to be able to share your stories, even if it's in a forum. It's a piece of yourself that you've kept hidden from the rest of the world, but it's the first step to recovering from these traumas...

I did have something happen to me though, when I was about 13. I was talking to this guy over AIM, and he kept asking me questions, which seemed pretty normal though, like where I'm from, my age, etc. I was so stupid to even talk to him, let alone KEEP talking to him with the way he was treating me.... even now, I just can't believe my stupidity! But I think he was asking these things and telling me about himself just to get my trust. Well he kept asking me for a picture of myself, and if I had a digital camera, and I told him I did but I didn't know where the cord was. I kept refusing to send him a picture, so he would call me a richard simmons and lots of nasty things, so I would curse back, and he would apologize. So I kept talking to him... I think this went on for a few hours, until I finally sent him a picture because he said he would send me one of him. Of course, he never did.

As soon as he got the picture, he turned just, so evil... he kept saying that he was going to edit the picture and post it all over the internet, unless I took pictures of myself putting things inside me... all I could do was cry and plead with him not to do it... I still remember what he wrote: "3...2...1...Say hello to the world!"

I couldn't believe what I was reading... I'm sure now that he was messing with me, but I just sat there and cried (my sister even walked by me and didn't say anything and went to bed.)

The only person I ever told this too was my boyfriend about 3 or 4 years later. I also never realized until I got into high school that, if I had saved that conversation, I could have taken it to my school or the police.... I was so angry at myself!

Sorry I wrote so much.... this was a big issue for me, even if it's no where near as bad as everyone else... >_<

Ah noooo that is really horrible. Especially since you were so young then but at least you learnt a valuable life lesson that other teenagers don't learn until it's too late right?

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