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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest eriKK

True, the main reason is that ladies are too insecure or scared to let somebody know or take initiative and do something.

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ugh. i feel really bad for all these people. :[

thankfully, this has never happened to me.

my parents are super protective of me and never let me sleep over my friend`s house,

unless they are VERY close with the parents.

i used to get mad, but i can see where she`s coming from.

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Guest oliviak712

I've never told anyone this...

When I was 5 or 6 years old, my parents sent me to YMCA day camp.

Now I knew the counselors who watched us at the camp because I went to the YMCA after school program during the school year.

I was playing with some of the older kids at the camp when I had a "accident".

This male camp counselor, who I was very close with, took me to the bathroom. (He was a middle age guy, while I was a little girl)

I remember him taking of my dress, than the bathing suit under my dress. He then, well, did it... he raped me.

We weren't even in the stall, I remember being pushed up against the bathroom wall.

I think he was fired the next year or he quit. I'm not really sure. (I hope he was fired)

I never told anyone because I didn't think anyone would believe me. Everyone loved him and though he was really cool, including me (before what he did to me). I also didn't want people to know....

Sometimes when I think back to that memory its like I'm watching it happen to someone else.

I really regret it now. I think if I had of told someone I wouldn't be as messed up as I am now. I have so many issues right now that are really hurting my family and it just sucks. But Its to late now...

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Guest yummylolly15


please tell someone.it'l make a huge difference to your life, trust me!

girls, please tell your mum or someone you can trust!

so i was molested when i was 8/9 years old.

my mum had to go on a business trip to england and since she was still single back then i had to stay at a her friend's place.

she had a son but he was only like 12/13 and my mum thought he was innocent and stuff...but she was way off.

and cuz i had to sleep on the same bad as him. he told me to move into the middle of the bed and i was really innocent and didn't know what was going on. and he started......

i didn't lose my virginity but i felt really dirty and disgusting afterwards.

i called my mum straight after the first night and told her to come back as soon as possible.

and i told her everything, i cried so bad~. :tears:

but i 'm glad i did cuz i would probably have some mental issues because i'm really sensitive.

so people, please , tell someone. i promised myself to not tell anyone but i had to tell mum. you''ll feel so much better.

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Guest Orangina

I haven't been molested, but I have been sexually harassed when i was little. Now I hate nearly all men except a few. Damn bastard, I won't be able to recognize him, but I anyone does that to me again, I'll chop off his floppy junk and smash it to bits.

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Guest thesavanahplains

one of my friends her life really sucks

my friend got raped by her mom's ex-boyfriend and she is still abused by her mom's current boyfriend and her father that she recently just found got killed in a car accident and her mom doesnt hav a job and her mom use to be like a prostitute (thats how she was born same goes for her lil sis)

her mom's ex-boyfriend would take he on "trips" to Canada and along the way he'd rape her on the car (she was like 12) and on my birthday this yr my friend tried to run away from home becuz she was just tired of it (being hit by her mom's boyfriend and her mom verbally abusing her) the social security even came and they were no help at all they made things worse they would say stuff like that she lies and never to believe her even tho she ad brusie marks on her face and legs and arms her mom threatened to sue me and my friends becuz we knew where she was and stuff (worse birthday of my life)

and before skool ended my friend started getting emails from the guy who raped her and he knows where she livs (she moved after her mom and the guy broke up) and he even knos where she goes to skool the creepiest thing is that my skool we had like this Medieval thing for like a skool proj (he even knew that!!! and that we hav to wear costumes and make projs!! its like he watches wat she does....stalkier) i go to a private skool so they dont giv info on stuff like this to just anybody

and the emails say stuff like "i miss ur hot body" "I will see u soon and we can be together again" "u look just like ur mother and ur new house is beautiful" :(

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Guest muffinx3


That's a horrible thing to read. :/

I hope that she'll be okay and grow up to something better than what she has now.

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Guest adieu.cloud

Whats wrong with these perverts these days !? & i cant believe it from family members o-o.

I'm pretty lucky becos , all my mom's friends sons, were innocent like hell.

^^ thats HORRIABLE!! she should call the police. who knows that man might actually come back!

i dont remember anything happening to me , but once my friend was on the train with her mom.

when she felt this man grabbing her butt, she thought it was probably an accident , but he did it AGIAN.

her mom saw it & started screaming at the man saying "YOU john teshER! DONT john teshING TOUCH MY DAUGHTER! YOU HEAR ME!? IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN, ILL john teshING BREAK YOUR BALLS!"

& her mom kept slapping him, but the man was like "it was an accident! the train keeps moving."

girls can be molesters o___o; one of the girl in my school is ... one ... ish ...

she told us the things she did to this young boy, thats verrrrry disturbing.

& she sounded pretty proud T____T; now, i dont even talk to her.

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Guest Agashi

Whats wrong with these perverts these days !? & i cant believe it from family members o-o.

I'm pretty lucky becos , all my mom's friends sons, were innocent like hell.

^^ thats HORRIABLE!! she should call the police. who knows that man might actually come back!

i dont remember anything happening to me , but once my friend was on the train with her mom.

when she felt this man grabbing her butt, she thought it was probably an accident , but he did it AGIAN.

her mom saw it & started screaming at the man saying "YOU john teshER! DONT john teshING TOUCH MY DAUGHTER! YOU HEAR ME!? IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN, ILL john teshING BREAK YOUR BALLS!"

& her mom kept slapping him, but the man was like "it was an accident! the train keeps moving."

girls can be molesters o___o; one of the girl in my school is ... one ... ish ...

she told us the things she did to this young boy, thats verrrrry disturbing.

& she sounded pretty proud T____T; now, i dont even talk to her.

You serious? A girl?

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Guest thesavanahplains


That's a horrible thing to read. :/

I hope that she'll be okay and grow up to something better than what she has now.

actually things have been going more smoothly for her (we deleted her email so the guy couldnt email her anymore) she has been living with her grandparents so she rarely sees her mom's boyfriend and yah we just hope the guy doesnt come to our skool and u kno try to approach her in the back parking lot (my skool is like an old fashion private skool so its in a pretty old neighborhood that lets say we've had cases where all the students had to be locked inside becuz there were people outside with guns and they were in a fite with the police so yah even if he came no 1 would even kno becuz we hav random people who just pass by on the property becuz our skool is part of this church so we cant exactly not allow people to come on the property becuz they could be attending the church and stuff

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Guest muffinx3

actually things have been going more smoothly for her (we deleted her email so the guy couldnt email her anymore) she has been living with her grandparents so she rarely sees her mom's boyfriend and yah we just hope the guy doesnt come to our skool and u kno try to approach her in the back parking lot (my skool is like an old fashion private skool so its in a pretty old neighborhood that lets say we've had cases where all the students had to be locked inside becuz there were people outside with guns and they were in a fite with the police so yah even if he came no 1 would even kno becuz we hav random people who just pass by on the property becuz our skool is part of this church so we cant exactly not allow people to come on the property becuz they could be attending the church and stuff

That's good to hear (the first part). You guys probably should have reported the emails to the school or police. :/

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Guest ` J e s s

i really don't get why people are sharing their friends' stories.

It's also possible that the story actually happened to them, but they're saying it happened to their "friend."

And for the sleepover thing, that's with me too. I was invited to a lot of sleepovers but I was never allowed to actually sleep over, my mom would always pick me up at around 10-ish. I'm not sure if it was that they were scared for me or if it was just the way that I worded things. The conversation basically went like this:

Me: Can I go over to my friend's house for a sleepover on Friday?

Mom: What's a sleepover?

Me: You just sleep with your friends.


Me: Why not? D:

Mom: BECAUSE I WON'T LET YOU. D:< I'll let you go over to her house, but I'm picking you up at night. D:<

But my parents did let me go to overnight Girl Scout events, I guess she trusted them more. Or maybe it was just the fact that everyone was a girl, so she assumed nothing bad could happen. But as someone earlier posted, girls can be molesters/rapists too. It just isn't as common.

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Guest HumanError

one of my friends her life really sucks

my friend got raped by her mom's ex-boyfriend and she is still abused by her mom's current boyfriend and her father that she recently just found got killed in a car accident and her mom doesnt hav a job and her mom use to be like a prostitute (thats how she was born same goes for her lil sis)

her mom's ex-boyfriend would take he on "trips" to Canada and along the way he'd rape her on the car (she was like 12) and on my birthday this yr my friend tried to run away from home becuz she was just tired of it (being hit by her mom's boyfriend and her mom verbally abusing her) the social security even came and they were no help at all they made things worse they would say stuff like that she lies and never to believe her even tho she ad brusie marks on her face and legs and arms her mom threatened to sue me and my friends becuz we knew where she was and stuff (worse birthday of my life)

and before skool ended my friend started getting emails from the guy who raped her and he knows where she livs (she moved after her mom and the guy broke up) and he even knos where she goes to skool the creepiest thing is that my skool we had like this Medieval thing for like a skool proj (he even knew that!!! and that we hav to wear costumes and make projs!! its like he watches wat she does....stalkier) i go to a private skool so they dont giv info on stuff like this to just anybody

and the emails say stuff like "i miss ur hot body" "I will see u soon and we can be together again" "u look just like ur mother and ur new house is beautiful" :(

oh my gosh...is this happening now? While i was reading this, it's comforting to hear that she has you by her side. I really hope you can look after her. Maybe you can visit her often daily, be her friend or maybe a sister, and bring a pepper spray, a cellphone, and some martial art if that b@stard comes by.

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Guest brownman90561495

I wouldn't really consider this as rape or molestation, but once me and my friend were at a korean sauna place, and we were just chillin in the warm water. And all of a sudden a guy came up behind my friend and pinched his butt. So we got out of the water, but while we were heading out, he started splashing water at us. LOL, it was really awkward...

splashing water at you? is he gay? hahahahahaha :P

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Guest 1heaven

This happened to me very recently. ..

Its like his voice is in my mind constantly.

Whats shocking the most was that he was my bf's best friend.

They do everything together! Everything! ..

I never expect him to do that either.

... ... ...

My bf's family decided to have a night out drinking. (we dont do this often if not at all)

It was a special occasion because his sis-in-laws came to visit. The motel room was packed.

So we were drinking at the mo and me being so ignorant, i started playing cards with my bf's best friend;

I also drank a few cups from him too and since everyone was trashing the place and writing on everyone,

i let him write on me and stuff .. . I really didnt mind though b/c i thought he was also my friend.

And besides everyone was writing on each other too ..

At the end of the night; we were sleeping everywhere. My bf was sleeping in the middle. Me towards the left;

His best friend towards the right .. soon after the lights were turn off. .. he started touching me(the best friend).

At first he was filling me up and i was shocked. Then when he grabbed my boob i knew it was real.

He did that the whole night. He also tried to touch me down there also. .. I was awake the whole time and so scared.

He was touching my stomache, my boobs, and trying to unbuttom my pant so he could touch me.

Once it got to a point that he tried to come to my side but i got up and pretend that i just woke up.

I asked him whats wrong. I was so scared. (and stupid)! He told me he like me alot. That my bf doesnt deserve me.

I was in total shock. i pretend that i was still drunk and told him to go back to sleep. ..

He started everything all over agian except that he took my hand and feel his crotch. twice!

The next morning he acted like nothing happened. ..

I didnt want to tell my bf b/c i knew he would be devastated; as me, i knew him the same time i knew my bf.

Later on, i found out that one of the bro-in-laws saw what happened but he didnt know how to stop it either.

And my bf's sis-in-law heard some noices but didnt think much of it..

When my bf's bro-in-law didnt know what to do and i didnt want to confront what was happening. ..

(i was shocked, scared, embarrased, dissappointed, and ashamed)

I endure it the whole night.

I never thought it would happen to me, esp someone my bf and i trusted so much.

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Guest pinkplasticgun

1heaven, I think you should at least tell your BF although it never really helps the situation.

It usually happens with the person that you trust the most, even for me.

I never told my parents until maybe 3-4 years later when it finally sunk in what had happened.

They just assumed I was lying (was at a rebellious stage at the point of my life) and never believed me.

Even until now, they still just think that I'm a bad kid, trying to make up excuses.

The only reason why I told them was because that richard simmons was still teaching both my younger sister and brother and she was at that same age when it happened to me.

They never took me seriously, I really hope that nothing bad happened to my sister that I don't know about.

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Guest aznxmushu

nothing serious really happnes to me... maybe in like junior high for about 2 years i had a history teacher who has a rep for looking down girl's shirt. so i always wore a sweater to class...

but about a few years ago, my cousin's ex-girlfriend was raped and murdered... he was really trumatized by the whole situation. kinda is now...

cause i hang out with all my guy cousins and they play like rough sports. for example tackle football.. and when that cousin of mine tackle me. He'd accidentally hit me in wierd places... (which i'm fine with... it was an accident) in my nature i'd scream out... "OW MY BOOBS" and he's freak out... apologizing and such making sure if i was ok... he's like 20 now... and he's very edgy towards girl now. =T i feel really bad for him.

all thoes people out there, whoes been through all of this... I personally give my hearts out all to the brave one, who stood up for what it right!


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Guest ceiji

Wow 49 pages of stories yikes ]:

First off I'm sorry to everyone who got molested/raped.

It's hard and painful :/

Well I never told anyone but here it goes,

I was about 6 or 7, not sure, and after my bro,

who is 3 years older, and I went swimming and

took a shower he would come in my room and

close the door. Then he would touch me down there

and start rubbing up there... Yeaahh. I wanted

to cry out, but I was scared to death. So he took off

his pants and showed me his penis and would make

me touch it. I really didn't know what was going

on because I was still so young of course. So he forced

me down on my bed and tried to stick his penis inside.

Thankfully the hymen I think, didn't break so I

didn't loose my virginity. After that happened he would

show me porn, but I was grossed out by it. Obviously.

I never told anyone well because I'm scared I guess

since he's my brother. Nowadays it's sad

because I don't like to talk to him much.

I have another bro who is 20 and he's awesome, so thankfully I

have one good brother.

Wish I could tell my mom and dad.

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Guest tokki

I really feel horrible for all of you who posted your stories. :(

I did have a scare one time. I was at a park with my friend just talking (we were on a playground set), and this park is like along back roads so not too many people around. My friend noticed the same truck drive by twice, but I wasn't paying attention so I just brushed it off. Then this truck pulls into the parking lot, and there's no one else around. Now, I guess I look younger than I am (I'm 20) especially since I was on the playground... but he gets out of his car and just hangs around the pavilion area (oh yeah, this park is REALLY small...everything is so close to each other). He looks kind of mentally disabled? And just really creepy standing doing nothing. My friend is really nervous, but I'm still whatever about it ... until ... he walks towards. Now I'm scared, but I was frozen... now this is a middle aged creepy richard simmons guy (like the ones you see on Catch a Predator series) and says hi. I said hi back (I'm soo dumb). The first thing he asks is "what's your name?". That just screams CHILD MOLESTOR. So my friend was like 'uhh we gotta go' and we walked so fast but not to my car cause he parked next to me. We were ready to call 911 then he left. I never had an encounter like that, and when I have kids, I know for sure I am not letting them ever go to a park alone even with friends. Omg. -______-

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Guest jaejoongiefied

For everyone who's been through all this, I'm sorry you guys had to .

Nobody deserves to be treated like that, no matter who they are .

These kinds of things leaves scars on people for the rest of their life .

I just have to say that I hope everyone who's experienced it, never experiences it again .

If anyone has and never told their parents, I recommend you do .

And, I can't believe people's own family members would do such a thing .

WHY would you even try to do something like that .

Such perverted, nasty people in this world .

Also, I want to share a story .

This isn't considered as molestation, but I was really grossed out .

This really good friend of mine, not really a friend anymore, asked me a really nasty question .

It used to be me, him, two other guys, and my friend (girl) .

I didn't want to eat lunch and he didn't either, so we decided to ditch together .

When we were like near the field, he told me this really immature story .

It was something about his afterschool teacher always pinching their nipples for seconds ?

And then, he asked me if he could pinched mine .

At that moment, I was seriously like "W T F" .

Of course, I replied with a no .

But, he said something like,"Come on . Just a few seconds ."

I was really grossed out, and changed the subject .

It was really nasty .

Especially when he was one of my good friends .

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