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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Since this hasn't been translated amidst the tweeting frenzy:

주원 (@Moonjunwon)

8/5/13 10:58 PM

오늘 "미나문방구" 시사회 다녀왔습니다^^

소소한 재미와 감동! 사랑스러운 아이들~^^ 그리고 좋은 강짱 연기!

재밌게 봤습니다^^ 강짱 퐈이팅!

Today I went for the premiere of 'Mina's Stationery Shop' ^^ It was a little fun and touching! The children are lovable~^^ And Gangjjang's acting was good! A fun watch^^ Gangjjang Fighting!

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daydreamsindecember said: Since this hasn't been translated amidst the tweeting frenzy:

주원 (@Moonjunwon)
8/5/13 10:58 PM
오늘 "미나문방구" 시사회 다녀왔습니다^^
소소한 재미와 감동! 사랑스러운 아이들~^^ 그리고 좋은 강짱 연기!
재밌게 봤습니다^^ 강짱 퐈이팅!

Today I went for the premiere of 'Mina's Stationery Shop' ^^ It was a little fun and touching! The children are lovable~^^ And Gangjjang's acting was good! A fun watch^^ Gangjjang Fighting!

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I had a closer look at this video which almost caused my beloved ice cream cones to melt into goo.

First, I must say I am totally impressed with Joo Won's politeness. He didn't just bow but look at the angle which he is doing it. It reminds me of what Softy wrote prevously when I posed her this question of Joo Won's habit of lapsing into banmal when he speaks to his hyungs on film set or in 1N2D. Softy said that Joo Won is not just ordinary polite but extremely so. You can see it not just using honorifics but in his behaviour. Koreans are known to be respectful of their elders and many celebrities are polite and often you see them bowing. But it's the way Joo Won does it that it just more so. I can't see the others he was bowing to except the man who was facing the camera. That man don't look that much older than Joo Won.

Now, about that lady whom Joo Won held hands with, I can't be sure but she looks quite a lot older. I don't think it's his relative, I am guessing it's a production crew that Joo Won has worked with before. A writer? PD? Costumer? Talking which I think if I didn't remember wrongly, the person in charge of costumes in Bridal Mask was a middle aged woman. She tweet "My poor beautiful children" or something like that during the finale of Bridal Mask. I must say she has great taste in suiting up Kangto. Or maybe it's an actress? Joo Won seems to have that knack of getting on infamously with actress much older than him.
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Guest Caecilia_12

Thank you master @coolreborn! You're posts of the HD pictures always make me happy and giggling at the same time.Also your moaty pictures, never fail to make me laughed! =))
Thank you @mrdimples, your translations on the articles are always awesome! >:D<It made me fell deeper for Cutie because I can see that he is indeed a humane actor and a great person!
I also want to say hi to @latteholic and @bobsavero who are from the same country as mine!  >:D:D

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Caecilia_12 said: Thank you master @coolreborn! You're posts of the HD pictures always make me happy and giggling at the same time.Also your moaty pictures, never fail to make me laughed! =))
Thank you @mrdimples, your translations on the articles are always awesome! >:D<It made me fell deeper for Cutie because I can see that he is indeed a humane actor and a great person!
I also want to say hi to @latteholic and @bobsavero who are from the same country as mine!  >:D:D

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coolreborn said:
daydreamsindecember said: Since this hasn't been translated amidst the tweeting frenzy:

주원 (@Moonjunwon)
8/5/13 10:58 PM
오늘 "미나문방구" 시사회 다녀왔습니다^^
소소한 재미와 감동! 사랑스러운 아이들~^^ 그리고 좋은 강짱 연기!
재밌게 봤습니다^^ 강짱 퐈이팅!

Today I went for the premiere of 'Mina's Stationery Shop' ^^ It was a little fun and touching! The children are lovable~^^ And Gangjjang's acting was good! A fun watch^^ Gangjjang Fighting!

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Guest keaiduo


said: I had a closer look at this video which almost caused my beloved ice cream cones to melt into goo.

First, I must say I am totally impressed with Joo Won's politeness. He didn't just bow but look at the angle which he is doing it. It reminds me of what Softy wrote prevously when I posed her this question of Joo Won's habit of lapsing into banmal when he speaks to his hyungs on film set or in 1N2D. Softy said that Joo Won is not just ordinary polite but extremely so. You can see it not just using honorifics but in his behaviour. Koreans are known to be respectful of their elders and many celebrities are polite and often you see them bowing. But it's the way Joo Won does it that it just more so. I can't see the others he was bowing to except the man who was facing the camera. That man don't look that much older than Joo Won.

Now, about that lady whom Joo Won held hands with, I can't be sure but she looks quite a lot older. I don't think it's his relative, I am guessing it's a production crew that Joo Won has worked with before. A writer? PD? Costumer? Talking which I think if I didn't remember wrongly, the person in charge of costumes in Bridal Mask was a middle aged woman. She tweet "My poor beautiful children" or something like that during the finale of Bridal Mask. I must say she has great taste in suiting up Kangto. Or maybe it's an actress? Joo Won seems to have that knack of getting on infamously with actress much older than him.

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Guest mei8805

Girls, sorry, i have some work so i've send mass tweet for today just now... sorry can't do the mass tweet on the appointment time... keep 화이팅!^^ for our cutie...^^ 

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Just google translated an article about Paeksang and took this part:
The article : http://isplus.joinsmsn.com/article/713/11466713.html?cloc

google translated a portion:

Baek Sang Arts Awards watching D-DAY point three exciting

..... blah... blah ... blah and then this....

Showcase a variety of systems, ... ▶ 3MC-style progress

The Baek Sang Arts Awards introduction of the the 3MC system in seven years the still images Shin Dong · Announcer yunhyeonjin, announcer since the former 42nd proceed. 46th after the first MC picked spiral for four consecutive years as the host of the Whites 'Goddess' Oh, Sang - Jin Kim Ah Samora This is co-MC naseonda. Oh, Sang - Jin Baek Sang Arts Awards has chosen as the first program in progress, after the declaration of pre-retirement just before the awards ceremony on MBC resulted in many topics. Oh, Sang - Jin is expected to be the center of gravity of the power of a neat progression. The Entertainer 'macho' Samora activity is expected It seems to be to emit the meals did not see the line in the movie, drama and musical actor Joo.

Compelling enough to cast a brilliant MC and their unique style in progress. From this ceremony, the MC while eliminating the seats of the three MC plans to introduce a dynamic progression. This is going to keep breathing in a place as close as possible to the audience and the actors and forth riding in the auditorium and stage. MC of the progress style showing the Awards and differentiation in the meantime, point, "said Kim Hyung PD" The different existing awards was stiff and formal forget. Whites will create a new framework for the awards ceremony, "he said.

...yeah we know Cutie is a macho man, kekeke. But then it mention something about White... is the dress code color in White. Wow!!! Cutie will really look good in it. Yummy Cutie in White.... =P~

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Oh!!! Cutie Tweeted!!!

주원 @Moonjunwon 23m

제가 재학중인 성균관대학교 연기예술학과에서 축제를 맞이하여 학과 (cont) http://tl.gd/lp0qvc

full tweet in tweetlonger:

제가 재학중인 성균관대학교 연기예술학과에서 축제를 맞이하여 학과 주점 행사를 진행하고 있습니다^^10일(금요일) 오후 6시부터 익일 오전 2시까지 진행중이구요~성대 근처에 사시는 분들이나 성대축제에 놀러가시는 분들은 연기예술학과 주점에 꼭 들려주세요^^위치는 대운동장 옆 농구코트에 있습니다!~

google translate: I enrolled at Sungkyunkwan University in the Department of Performing Arts the Department pub event to celebrate the festival, festival the progress slip-^ ^ 10, 2011 (Friday) from 6:00 pm until 2 am next day who lives near the vocal cords, or vocal folds during nolreogaPlease hear those in the the postponed Arts and pubs next to the basketball court, playground for the location ^ ^ ~!

주원 @Moonjunwon 5m

부끄부끄RT @gangjjang: @Moonjunwon 어제도 여럿 비주얼쇼크먹이고 갔지?ㅎ 태규씨가 주원씨 실제로 보니까 장난아니더라.라고 ㅋㅋㅋ

google translate: The RT @ gangjjang: @ bukkeu yesterday Moonjunwon the bukkeu joke was not real life. Went to feed several visual shock? Heh Mr. Montague, Mr. Samora blah blah

주원 @Moonjunwon
오랜만에 만남. 잠깐이었지만 너무너무 좋았음~ 샘형도 보고~ 진영이형은 강짱 천사라고 소리 지름!ㅎㅎ 우리 좋아~

google translate: Meeting after a long time. Like to briefly, but so so good Well, Sam and Trevor reported to camp heterozygous as gangjjang angel screamed heh heh ~

with this pic:

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