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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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Guest b00kw0rm

The way I see it, Gyutak & Sunjin lived together for about a year until the were tracked down by SJ's father & forced their separation .. payng off GT so it seems. Now SJ was pregnant with her first born without GT's knowledge, & I have the strong feeling the baby was given up for adoption. Now, this abandoned baby turned out to be the priest. Fine, SJ married this good-for-nothing fellow, a drunkard & philaderer and bore her 3 children, Junhui, Juncheol & Jungsu. Sometime or after so many years, with the irresponsible womanizing husband on & off the scene, GT appeared, thus the aborted romance was restored ... Jungu then was born. The special child was fathered by GT. Does that make sense, bookwOrm?

Yeah, that's what we have been saying all along. There's no surprise there. I think Van was the first one to realise that the priest would most likey turn out to be the illegitimate child and later on, most of us agreed with this!

What I meant is that the characters kept contradicting themselves about when they last saw each other and whether they had an affair after her marriage, etc. And the contradiction was not in them speaking to others and so could be, they didn't want the truth to be known so they lied. But I am talking about when they spoke to each other - before we all knew what really happened. When they met again, GT and SJ's first conversation was as if they parted just before her marriage to White! The contradiction happened more than once! So my question is, is it poor translation or has the scriptwriter lost track of what the horny people said?!

And from what White said - which GT and SJ does not deny - its as if they continued the affair long before Jungu was conceived. Hence, his wondering which child is his? There was no denial from GT that this could not be possible! White does not want to claim Jungu as his because he thinks that its defective genes that make Jungu so special. And dumb & dumber are wondering if Jungu is the "love child" (I hate that term - its puts such a nice, soft glow to it!) because of the special connection GT has with him. But then again, didn't GT and JS immediately connect and bond from the moment they saw each other?!

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Ep 92 KBSW

Another hilarious episode which I'll call The Awakening of Dumb & Dumber. From discovering that THAT EVIL woman bribed her dad to return to discovering her own hubba is doing the adulterous kama sutra with that sweet young thing (who waited 2 HOURS in bright sunshine outisde his home)....and how did Junghee find out abt her two-timing hubba?

Why, by unlocking her hubby's password-protected cellphone and reading all the lovey-dovey text messages NOT sent by her. I'll give the writer full marks for creative writing.

Oh..did anyone else counted the number of times the writer made his clowns slap each other (AGAIN) today? I saw 3 smackeroos, one of which was followed up with water in the face (a morning k-drama ain't complete without the refreshing splashing-water-in-your-face incident, eh? Or saying silly things while being drunk). I must add that Junghee took the water treatment rather well bcos with her face still dripping wet, she gripped the woman's designer jacket and shook her really vigorously, many many times...it helps when you're as short as your nemesis.

There's just so much love overflowing for physical contact in this drama, don't you think?

Yeah man! There're more goodies...Jenny did something today she hasn't done in weeks...she gave her trademark SCREAM! This woman has that special ability to start talking in a normal tone and then suddenly end her sentence in a scream. Military drill sergeants could perfect their own parade shouting techniques from the woman.

And then there was this scene of the 4 delectable (underpaid) curators sitting together looking-assessing at a painting - actually only 3 were looking at it bcos JS was looking down, literally downwards. By the time she realised her co-worker was asking her a question, a very-confused-looking JS looked up, glanced at the painting for less than 2 secs b4 dogface WJ came into the room and as usual summoned her to his den.

Now how many times have we seen WJ stepping into the curators' room to 'save' miss ditzy from some embarrassing or harrassing situation? The man's timing is impeccable.

So in his office, miss bemuddled gave viewers a lesson on how to tell lies while saying she didn't know a thing. Everyone except WJ could see she was lying thru her pearly-white teeth and luscious lips (and looking like her skirt just caught fire) and all WJ could say was: I'm glad to hear things are aw-right.

Geez...I guess love (more like lust) can cause temporary blindness.and in WJ's case, it has also caused brain dysfunction - he's the ONLY dude who still is unaware mr white has returned and broken more cups and plates than a litter of puppies.

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Guest 2Van123

Yeah, that's what we have been saying all along. There's no surprise there. I think Van was the first one to realise that the priest would most likey turn out to be the illegitimate child and later on, most of us agreed with this!

What I meant is that the characters kept contradicting themselves about when they last saw each other and whether they had an affair after her marriage, etc. And the contradiction was not in them speaking to others and so could be, they didn't want the truth to be known so they lied. But I am talking about when they spoke to each other - before we all knew what really happened. When they met again, GT and SJ's first conversation was as if they parted just before her marriage to White! The contradiction happened more than once! So my question is, is it poor translation or has the scriptwriter lost track of what the horny people said?!

And from what White said - which GT and SJ does not deny - its as if they continued the affair long before Jungu was conceived. Hence, his wondering which child is his? There was no denial from GT that this could not be possible! White does not want to claim Jungu as his because he thinks that its defective genes that make Jungu so special. And dumb & dumber are wondering if Jungu is the "love child" (I hate that term - its puts such a nice, soft glow to it!) because of the special connection GT has with him. But then again, didn't GT and JS immediately connect and bond from the moment they saw each other?!

Well I thought the priest could be the illegitimate child because of the look of adoration he always has when he sees SJ and his just wanting to be with her. I thought the looks meant that he knew she was his biological Mom. But now, I think that if he does turn out to be the illegitimate child, he doesn’t know that SJ and GT are his biological parents. I think he just admires SJ, especially her devotion to JG and wishes he had a Mom like her. Let’s see how it plays out.

I noticed in KBS dramas that characters tend to forget what they say or they don’t follow up on things they seemed to be so passionate about. I guess they want to build up the suspense or prolong the drama! Like JH for example, had wondered a few episodes back, if Jenny’s Mom was in love with the Chairman. Just as she wondered how that woman knew that there was trouble in paradise. And when she and dumber hid behind a very thin tree, that was even thinner than Ditzy, she had a eureka moment ... and acted as if she had never considered this possibility before! Maybe Jenny’s Mom had slapped her too many times. These days JS seems to be more than ditzy. In fact, she could be the missing party in the dumb, dumber, dumbest trio! Couldn’t she just walk off when Jenny started in on her again? Instead of just saying “MYOB!” and going out of the room, she stands there to let Jenny needle her some more and tops it up with taking a personal phone call – to no less, than JH! – in Jenny’s presence. How much stupider can she get?!

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ep 93 KBSW

I'm beginning to learn different techniques of slapping bcos today's episode again is filled with more hand-to-face action.

Soonjin's method is to stare at your prey, slowly take 2 steps forward to close the distance, aim and then violently swing with arm outstretched and be sure to follow thru with a downwards arc motion.

Daughter Junghee employs a more personal touch - first of course you stare down your opponent, then use one hand to touch and hold her chin ensuring both cheeks are open, then finish off by swinging the other hand to her cheeks, palm wide out.

Ddin't you just love lusty youngjun for the umpteenth time declaring "Jeongsu's MY woman!", and in typical animal fashion, telling the other alpha male WJ to back off? Then in typical animal fashion of marking his territory, Youngjun marches into the office and plants his randy lips on the poor defenseless JS and proceeds to drink Chestnut Jelly's saliva., much to the dee-light of the youngest asst curator.

Let me guess...is the writer truly living out his/her harlequin romance fantasies acting like male chauvinist pigs or izzit legal in ROK to grab YOUR woman in HER office and insert your tongue down her throat? Have to wait till Monday to see how miss ditzy will respond to being manhandled.

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Guest b00kw0rm

Ddin't you just love lusty youngjun for the umpteenth time declaring "Jeongsu's MY woman!", and in typical animal fashion, telling the other alpha male WJ to back off? Then in typical animal fashion of marking his territory, Youngjun marches into the office and plants his randy lips on the poor defenseless JS and proceeds to drink Chestnut Jelly's saliva., much to the dee-light of the youngest asst curator.

Let me guess...is the writer truly living out his/her harlequin romance fantasies acting like male chauvinist pigs or izzit legal in ROK to grab YOUR woman in HER office and insert your tongue down her throat? Have to wait till Monday to see how miss ditzy will respond to being manhandled.

episodes past, it was WJ who warned YJ off "his woman!". When is ditzy going to stand up and say she is her own person :)

I think the writer has watched too many american movies or read too many romance novels! We have dumber being offended at being called a virgin! We have Jenny who according to her co-worker slept with all the men in NY. Now we have YJ with his PDA in a very conservative asian office! And speaking of YJ, with Jenny's Mum going on and on about superior genes and linage ... we can be certain that the son is not WJ's. Who knows, YJ might even turn out to be the Dad.

I noticed in KBS dramas that characters tend to forget what they say or they don’t follow up on things they seemed to be so passionate about. I guess they want to build up the suspense or prolong the drama! Like JH for example, had wondered a few episodes back, if Jenny’s Mom was in love with the Chairman. Just as she wondered how that woman knew that there was trouble in paradise. And when she and dumber hid behind a very thin tree, that was even thinner than Ditzy, she had a eureka moment ... and acted as if she had never considered this possibility before! Maybe Jenny’s Mom had slapped her too many times. These days JS seems to be more than ditzy. In fact, she could be the missing party in the dumb, dumber, dumbest trio! Couldn’t she just walk off when Jenny started in on her again? Instead of just saying “MYOB!” and going out of the room, she stands there to let Jenny needle her some more and tops it up with taking a personal phone call – to no less, than JH! – in Jenny’s presence. How much stupider can she get?!

Ya, that makes sense!

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Youngjun to JS: Anyway your lips were really sweet the other day

Earlier, JS to Youngjun: Give me more time. I'm a little confused right now.

The first statement shows indeed mr lecher did use lots of tongue action on poor hapless JS bcos lips can't taste, only the tongue can.

Second statement shows miss ditzy KNOWS she's ditzy but when asked by lecherous eyes if she was angry (at being bent over and forced to open her lips), as expected she didn't reply and actress Kim Binu played that part really well by fidgeting, looking unconfortable and eyes wandering here and there.

But JS shoudn't be acting so 'virginal' and all...I mean she'd already done the horizontal dance of love with dogface WJ unless of course our demure JS actually prefers it ROUGH, if u know wat I mean.

I was happy to see today's devts except for the overblown crying and overdoses of self-pity...the scary wife who didn't know she was scary, the adulterous husband who blames his GF for acting reckless and then blames the scary wife for his philandering, the diner spinster who claims she didn't sleep with mr white after a whole night of drinking themselves blind, but the highlight for me was mr lustful eyes working on softening JS's (non-existent) resistance by kissing her hand twice (me wonder if those hands of hers are as sweet and as germ-free as her lips, eh?). But u gotta admit for a korean dude to kiss a woman's hand not once but twice does seem very 'eu-ro-pean', right? A knight in lusty armour rescuing a ditxy in distress.

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Guest 2Van123


Youngjun to JS: Anyway your lips were really sweet the other day

Earlier, JS to Youngjun: Give me more time. I'm a little confused right now.

The first statement shows indeed mr lecher did use lots of tongue action on poor hapless JS bcos lips can't taste, only the tongue can.

Second statement shows miss ditzy KNOWS she's ditzy but when asked by lecherous eyes if she was angry (at being bent over and forced to open her lips), as expected she didn't reply and actress Kim Binu played that part really well by fidgeting, looking unconfortable and eyes wandering here and there.

But JS shoudn't be acting so 'virginal' and all...I mean she'd already done the horizontal dance of love with dogface WJ unless of course our demure JS actually prefers it ROUGH, if u know wat I mean.

I was happy to see today's devts except for the overblown crying and overdoses of self-pity...the scary wife who didn't know she was scary, the adulterous husband who blames his GF for acting reckless and then blames the scary wife for his philandering, the diner spinster who claims she didn't sleep with mr white after a whole night of drinking themselves blind, but the highlight for me was mr lustful eyes working on softening JS's (non-existent) resistance by kissing her hand twice (me wonder if those hands of hers are as sweet and as germ-free as her lips, eh?). But u gotta admit for a korean dude to kiss a woman's hand not once but twice does seem very 'eu-ro-pean', right? A knight in lusty armour rescuing a ditxy in distress.

Hmm, heard a song recently. Not sure of the title but it must be YJ's song .. you taste so good, nobody tastes like you! Recent American comedy movies on how to woo a woman .. kiss her fingers, her hand, her arm ... continue as long as you don't get SLAPPED :) :) lol .. make him brush his teeth and gargle first, Ditzy :) And I guess WJ's song would be "and they call it puppy love".

The diner lady, the sometimes bestfriend, sometimes worst enemy is a merry widow. She mentioned once that she has children who do not care for her. And told SJ to learn from her situation and not devote too much time and energy on the 3Ds and JG! She and White would make a good pair. Then again, White and Jenny's Mom look good together too :) :)

not condoning what Professor Hopeful did but geez, for the diner lady to say that no wife has treated her husband so well as JH is really a gross exaggeration!

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Ep 95 KBSW....KBS- B R E A K I N G...NEWS

Jenny's mum (a.k.a. I can't stand lowlife people) has issued her latest presidential commandment to miss ditzy: Do Not Say A SINGLE word in my office.

And can you remember miss ditzy's academy award performance after hearing that thunderous statement and being ordered to get out of the empress office?? She wobbled and hobbled back to her desk, as if she had just seen a nude she-male for the first time? Man, was JS ever suffering from the mother of all shocks?

Whew! Groundbreaking!! No wonder jenny's mum smashed another defenseless teacup to pieces as if to say, Why does the scriptwriter keep giving me this kind of trashy dialogue? I thought he hired me only for my EVIL glare.

Here'a another revelation today - After the priest made the sign of the cross (so that he wouldn't unleash his hidden mixed martial arts and beat the daylights out of mr white) and left the diner, mr white tells soonjin:

I bet he's fake. He sure seems like it..

Well, whaddaya you know? A fake priest? And an orphan some more? (READ: another abandoned child in this drama and that makes 3 - dogface WJ, the ex-babysitter who makes Jeongwu hot under the collar and the man in black with white collar).

What the two-timing wannabe professor should get now are some FAQs, the dos and don'ts from a fellow adulterer - take your pick - mr white, soonjin jenny or dogface WJ. Maybe not dogface bcos he's been discovered, mr white's too brazen abt spreading his genes, jenny's way too emotional, so the best choice to give advice abt two-timing your spouse would be soonjin.

Remember that this drama been selling the tried and tested idea that if you are trapped in a loveless marriage, it's ok to sleep around. Just remember not to get caught. And if people suspect you're twotiming, just do what soonjin does best...just look distressed and tell a sadder than sad story abt the pain of bringing up 4 kids who by the way 3 of them are actually still kids imprisoned in adult bodies.

Then there were the chilling ominous words from mr lecher eyes Youngjun to miss ditzy: I've hungered to spend time with you until now. As if understanding he's also hungering for other parts of her body, miss ditzy keeps quiet and lowers her eyes shyly. Oh how lady-like!! True enough outside her house, YJ grabs JS again and gives her a tight chest-to-chest hug...me waiting to see how far and fast lusty eyes is going to 'force' ditzy into a horizontal position. Even Jungchul tells them to get a room, and says Take your time sis! I like the way he thinks, yeah!

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Guest ineedmoredrama

I've taken to just leaving the tv on while doing my make-up in the mornings while this show's on. I run out when I hear a commotion (teacups and the like being broken for eg) or crying (bawling more like) OR yelling (lots of that too). And don't even get me started on lusty eyes. Sometimes I think I continue to leave the tv on so I can connect with what's being said here! I really should stop trying to tolerate this show, but then how will I be able to understand the frustrations that are being poured out by the rest of you? :P

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Guest b00kw0rm

You guys noticed that nobody can rock Ditzy's world like Jenny's Mum can :) Not even doggy WJ or sloppy-tongue YS. How's that for a spin-off :)

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Didn't we have another FUN-filled episode today?

So for once I won't flame the writer for being so comically ridiculous and I'll just zap in on the characters whom I hope are getting paid well for all the ludicrous lines that they have to spout 5 days a week.

Hmm...I think if given half the chance, Jenny's mum not only wants to rock the world but RULE the world. I'm sensing her rapidly increasing neo-nazism racial supremacy ideology being played more and more since she has finally gone ballistic upon discovering that dogface genes are NOT from superior

pedigree...wait a minute, she actually thinks gyutak's of superior genetic stock doesn't she?

Somewhere along her 20-yr one-sided 'love' for gyutak's Elvis Presley hairstyle, she got sidetracked abt WJ's adoption. Her double whammy was made complete when WJ dropped the tiny bombshell that perhaps even her grandson was not fathered by dogface since Jenny had a habit of bed-hopping with countless males. Jenny's mum was even willing to 'give up' her grandson to WJ since he's not of 'superior stock' that is, he doesn't have grandpapa gyutak's DNA. Does it mean she'll finally allow Jenny to sign the divorce papers - yes, no?

Well if Jenny's mum thinks she's of superior race, can she clearly explain her own vertically-challenged body shape and that the top-half of her face seems worked on by plastic surgeons? If she's a descendant of the best korean genealogy class, why is she only a director of an art gallery? A high class person like her should at least be running a museum or own several art galleries across continents, don't you think?

JungChul made 2 mistakes today...the bigger mistake was when he told our delectable totally babelicious Yunju to stop loving him bcos he has the hots for Jenny. Our sweet Yunju today never looked more ladylike oozing pure sweetness in her light blue dress and twin ponytails...man, if she asked me to go for a movie, I'd agree in a heartbeat instead of laying all that cow manure abt treating her like a little sister and all.

The minor mistake he made was he should have used the dumbbells to slam the professor rather than punching his stomach.

The funniest scene was the ending today...when YJ upped the ante by announcing engagement plans, we saw 2 shocked faces (soonjin & jeongwu), many happy faces but miss ditzy maintained her ditziness-very confuesed expression and folks, haven't you ever seen a happier woman in lurve?

I'm so happee I don't know how to look happee so I'll just look confused.

What's the matter dear JS? Didn't you see this coming after lusty eyes forced his lips on yours in your office in front of your co-workers, then kissed your hand twice, and then gave you a his-chest-to-your-chest hug, and in all those close bodily encounters, neither did you protest nor voice your objections.

Remember that in k-dramas unwritten rule No.15, silence means consent.

And only in k-dramas are they so fond of using marriage as a CURE-ALL panacea. Here're some current complications that's plaguing this drama:

1) Miss ditzy clearly has no feelings of affection for lusty eyes and is still undecided on whatever needs to be decided;

2) lusty eyes has been charged with plagiarism which hasn't been resolved but he looks much happier than b4 the charges appeared;

3) Soonjin ever so often tells mr white "I want a divorce".

4) Junghee every day tells professor-wannabe "I may want a divorce".

5) Jungchul has yet to tell everybody "My new girlfriend may be Jenny...wait till I introduce her to all of you...she's a stunner". (yeah, right)

So how does potential wedding bells between JS & YJ somehow erase all these complications beats me. **Sighs** Is JS going to wear the same confused expression and remain quiet when the priest asks her "Do you take this weasel as your husband till death do you part?"

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Guest 2Van123

Daunte, if I may, I would like to add the following complications to the list :-

1. GT proposes to SJ who says 'no'

2. SJ tells GT "lets get married" and he doesn't follow-up on the offer

3. Finally GT proposes again and SJ accepts ... and White makes a dramatic entrance!

4. Ditzy asks YJ to marry her and he says 'not like this!"

5. YJ proposes and Ditzy says she is confused and need more time. YJ is very happy with her answer and swears to wait for as long as it takes!

So while marriage is a cure-all, it is also unneccesarry if one/both parties are given time to be distracted by events overtaking the need/desire to get married! Could someone change the regulated number of ping-pong playing couples in KBS dramas to one couple per drama :) Two is way too many! Three (would doggy and ditzy count as the third couple?!) would have all the viewers reaching for the remote!

The priest must be feeling thankful that they are not Christians so he would not have to see them in Church, let alone perform the marraige ceremony. Now if only he could get out of the habit of going to the diner for free meals!

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Junghui really gives new meaning to the notion of Scarey Wife.

More than twice mr white has told Junghui "You have No Womanly Charms" which is an understatement bcos she makes up for her lack of femininity by being totally husbandly and the de facto man-of-the-house - until mr white displaced her authority. Now we know why Junghui screams and shouts at mr white in almost every episode bcos she's still sore at losing out to a man more ballsy than her.

She has been supporting (and sending their daughter to some boarding school) her wimpy-professor husband who has done only one correct thing so far in choosing a mistress who's young, sexy and worships his shadow. The pretty young thing buys a cellphone for him 24 hours after it was confiscated by scary Junghui. 10/10 marks for being the ideal other woman.

OK today's episode was in fact very educational....here's how you punish a two-timing cowering husband using Junghui's methods:

first you tell him he's grounded indefinitely until your mood changes from very angry to angry.

Second you cut his allowance in half, which is less criminal than cutting his manhood to pieces.

Third you confiscate his cellphone so that all incoming lovey-dovey messages are read by you first.

I guess these 3-prong actions would also include no kissy-touchee with wifey any more.

Wait a sec...is she punishing her husband or is she punishing her son? Yeah, we saw today he promised Junghui to be "a good boy" henceforth but HIS sweet young thing for some reason, has NOT got the message to stop chasing his pants. Are we going to see more slapping and maybe hair-pulling between JH & the girlfriend in Round Two?

Gyutak had often asked "How did Soonjin ever get married to a man like mr white?" The same question could also be asked how did JH ever get married to wimpy professor, and even produced a daughter? Like mother. like daughter, eh?

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