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Do you enjoy being single? Or is it a bit disappointing/embarrassing?


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There are definitely times I feel lonely and wish I was in a relationship. However, in the back of my head, I am also very aware I don't have much time for a relationship. Trying to juggle work, school and friends is definitely not an easy task, and I can't imagine the stress I would get from adding on a special man friend.

Maybe in future, when I settle down with life. :mellow:

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Guest angelbuilinh

been single for 16yrs so idk but i feel that being single and having freedom is my thing

however there are times when I feel just a bit lonely

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Guest Facebookun
been single for 16yrs so idk but i feel that being single and having freedom is my thing

however there are times when I feel just a bit lonely

Same as you then, it gets lonely shopping from time to time.

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Guest `prince

i've never been in a relationship and i dont mind being single at all.

it's not embarrassing but it can be a little weird seeing the faces people give when i tell them that i've never had a boyfriend before.

i've been told that i'm a little selfish and i dont mind. i'm still trying to find what i want for myself in life and to me, that's more important than a boyfriend.

i admit though, those tough times where it seems no one understands me are rough. i kind of wish there was a special someone to talk to and to hold me during those times. maybe it'll help me become less heartless.

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Guest MOCCHism

I've been single for a long time already. I felt attracted to a lot of guys already but in the end Ive always been happy that we didnt become a couple coz i always feel in my stomach when it doesnt match.. for a relationship i mean

most times my stomach holds me back from getting into something haha ._.

all my friends say im too picky and i think so too.. i regretted many times that i didnt make a move since it was appearently that the guy likes me.. in the end he ended up with another gf where i think "they match way better"

so I've never found a good match for me... and if, it was too late

atm I'm starting to become a workaholic.. my friends are all over the country for studies so I dont hang out that much anymore.. I miss being with a guy thats y currently Id love to be with one.. but i know i wont hv the time for a relationship

thats why i live with the thought "when it happens it happens, just dont force it"


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Guest ovovoovo

There is nothing embarrassing or disappointing about being single. In fact, a lot of relationships at my age tend to fail by end of the high school, there are a few exceptions but usually it's rare. I'm happy being single - although like most people said, it does get lonely at times.

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I love being single, but sometimes when I see those cute couples..

I get a tad bit jealous 'cos it does get lonely when you're single. ):

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Guest secretwishess

Wells. i like being single.

Its like your so free, you can do whatever you want.

You dont gotta please anyone.

So mhms (:

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Guest <3StrawberryPocky<3

Currently, I do enjoy being single. When you don't have a significant other, there are no expectations or obligations from you emotionally, and you can pursue what you want at the moment without anything hindering you. Although being single may not mean complete freedom without any boundaries, it still allows you to utilize your time for more practical purposes such as for a job or studying rather then talking for hours on the phone with your boyfriend. Even though I do feel occasionally lonely, the majority of the time I like being alone. In college though, I know this mentality will probably change . . . :lol:

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Guest W0nderB0yUlzzang:-

Wrong choice of words, my fellow Soompier. Being single is never disappointing/embarrassing! :D

However, I do feel like the odd one out if I walk/ hang out with couples. So I just greet them & make quick small talk, then leave to catch up with other friends to walk with.

Maybe it's 'cause I've only been in one relationship (which ended up a disaster), but I view it as a burden. I felt like I couldn't be myself when we were going out. Too many expectations! Unlike being single, where there are less worries & no cheaters ;]

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well... i don't like being single cuz i always get lonely and i actually want to experience wat "dating" is like, since i never even had a bf before >< sad, i kno..

but at the same time, i kinda wanna continue it cuz that way i can be free with no commitments

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Guest spiral_flare

I've been single all 18 years of my life, so I don't really know what I'm missing out on, but I'm pretty sure it isn't that great. I think both sides have their pros and cons. But I don't think I want to be in a relationship anytime soon. I don't want to handle someone else. I can barely handle myself. Seriously. lol

Also, I'm waiting until I'm even older because I don't like immature jerks at this age.

One thing that bothers me though, is when I walk down the hallway at school and I get stuck walking behind a couple holding hands.

It just feels weird. I like being single but every time that happens, I get this strange feeling.

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Guest CorruptedSilence__nomore

It depends how I feel.

When I see love drama I'm just like: Yes, good thing I'm single and unattached to anyone *dances* I actually went through a period where I just didn't care about love XD

But this year I've been feeling lonely cause my friends and I feel like I have more burdens and stress on me so I felt like I wanted a boyfriend where I could tell them everything and have that sort of comfort :T

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Guest SushiToaster

i'm pretty happy right, but every now and then when i'm in certain situations i'm like "goddammit i wish i had a boyfriend right now.." hahaha :P

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