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You Like it When Guys.....

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Guest Memesaur

I like it when guys accept you for who you are. Take the bad and the good. After all, there is that quote ... if you can't accept someone at their worst ... what makes you think you deserve them at their best right?

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Guest ithinkitslove

I like it when guys try their best to be "cool" and such, but fail miserably at it. It's so pathetically cute! My boyfriend has mastered that technique. :phew:

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- Looks at me in the eye when we're talking

- Isn't clingy

- Isn't overly sensitive

- Respects my alone time

- Tells me exactly what's on his mind

- Is (mostly) confident of himself

- Sees me carrying heavy stuff and helps me without me asking

- Doesn't treat me like a pampered princess

- Makes me want to be a better person!

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When he picks me up and hangs me on his one shoulder, asks me for my opinion or answer before concluding, kisses me on the forehead or cheeks, and makes me laugh even with the corniest cheesiest lines.

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I especially like it if the guy know how to respect elders. I'm traditional in a way hahhaha. But for my personal liking, I always like it when the boyfriend kiss my forehead. It's surprisingly calming and sweet.

Yeah, for me respect towards elders is really important. I really love my parents and my grandparents (especially, they're sooooo sweet :D).

I also enjoy guys who work hard and do well in school (study, pay attention in class, intelligent).

I also think it's sweet when a guy kisses his girlfriend on the forehead (I'm not allowed to date yet, so I wouldn't know how that feels, but I always thought it was a very caring gesture).

I have a couple guy friends who tend to brighten my day when I'm feeling down (an appropriate and good sense of humor is always a plus. :D), and that is really special. If I had a boyfriend, I would love it if they did that, since I'm always thought of as the optimistic one who sees the glass half full, and being down is rare for me. Also, when a guy gives me quality, well thought out advice on different issues.

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Guest VanillaLace

I like it when guys

- can make me laugh

- are of average intelligence, but smarts are hott ;)

- don't treat me like a fragile person

- give me space

- humor my mood swings

- brush their hand against my face omg,,,, makes my heart go ZASKLDHAFLFKJ

- aren't cool, but rather CUTE [awkward cute, caring, like a teddy bear bodyguard best friend]

- SMILE [MELT!!!!]

- have intiative, aren't passive

- straightforward and honest, tell it to me boy

- play music for me, sing, anything musical @___@

- hold me close

- don't always ask for hugs[contradictory, but a hug several times a day just because you see each other/leaving, unecessary]

- creative, ESPECIALLY for dates. Movies are nothing special anymore. A park with nice scenery could be decorated in christmas lights just for me and BAM. INSTANT LOVE. [i watch too many kdramas LOL. But use those as reference ;)]

- help my achieve my goals/dreams

- help me musically, someone I can rely on for feedback

- make an effort to meet me halfway with my interests

- NOT SENSITIVE[but in the right moment, please do share your feelings]

- confident

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Do special things for their siblings (like make their lunches and play ball with em lol <3)

When they laugh bashfully

When they can take responsibility for their mistakes, and are man enough to be like 'yeah I did this' and shows improvement in tangible changes as opposed to making excuses.

When they are secure enough to be themselves in any situation.

When they try to make you dinner and kinda burn it LOL.

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i like it when guys remember and notice the little things. :)

How ironic, I hate it when girls remember and notice my little thing. :tears:

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