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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to sapphire18 for the tip. I should really start following him on Twitter, as well. ^_^

1월14일은 정말 저에게 특별한 날 인것 같아요~ CNBLUE의 첫 쇼케이스가 열렸던 날! 그리고 2011년 1월 14일 저희의 첫 생일과 함께 제 노래 처음 사랑하는 연인들 을위해가 공개된 날 이니까요 ~거기다가 이렇게 많은 사랑까지!!

좋은 날 또 하나의 좋은 일이 생겨서 너무 기분 좋아요! 여러분들도 그러시죠? ㅋㅋㅋ 1월 14일의 좋은 기를 받아!!남은 도쿄 공연까지 성공적으로 마치고 가겠습니다 ~! 금방 갈께요~ 기다려 주세요 !^^♥ CNBLUE makes you high!!

January 14th seems like a really special day for me~ the day of CN BLUE's 1st showcase! And along with our birthday on 1/14/2011, my song, 'A Song for First-Time Lovers', was released~ and so much love about it, too!!

I'm feeling really happy because something good happened on a good day to begin with! You too, right? kekeke taking the good energy from 1/14! Will finish our Tokyo concert successfully and will return~! Will return soon~ please wait for us!^^♥ CN BLUE makes you high!!


Taking advantage of being at the top of the page...hehehe.


EDIT #2: LOVEKIN IS A GIRL???  blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif Good lord...and here I was thinking s/he was a professor at a university somewhere wearing a tweed coat and a pair of oversized horn-rimmed glasses...sorry sorry... sweatingbullets.gif

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if you wish to purchase the song then I would recommend referencing Soshified Tutorials
































































































































































































































































very helpful & informative (has guides for soribada, mnet, & naver)
































































































































































































































































& don't worry about where to find the song on different charts because
































































































































































































































































on most of the charts its the song currently trending at number 1 :)
































































































































































































































































i really am happy this week turned out to be another Goguma filled week.

































































































































































































































































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Guest loybing

YOu Guys are all GREAT GOGUMAS!

my morning will not be complete without hot coffee but My day will never be this happy, never be this complete without visiting seohwa/yongseo soompi thread. spazzing and reading daily updates becomes a routine, it's like taking vitamins. yongseo vitamins.kekeke!

so happy for Yong.the song is DAEBAK! Loving such two wonderful person, like Yong and Hyun makes me so proud of myself. In my heart i believe that Yong and Hyun love each other truly.what they feel for each other is genuine.

they are not pretentious kind of person. They won the hearts of many people around the world because what they shown us is REAL.

to all gogumas

we may came from different countries, we do have different beliefs, different cultures, but we do ALL love YONGSEO. so that binds us ALL as ONE.


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Guest lovekin




EDIT #2: LOVEKIN IS A GIRL???  *quoted image**quoted image**quoted image* Good lord...and here I was thinking s/he was a professor at a university somewhere wearing a tweed coat and a pair of oversized horn-rimmed glasses...sorry sorry... *quoted image*






HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god, i'm dying~~~~~~ now i have to wonder who ELSE thought the same thing.  or maybe you're being facetious!  lmao, i can't - this is too funny.  tongue.gif




on a different note (but back on topic), i find the noises yong makes really hilarious.  like he makes these weird duck noises to start with, but i find out he also snorts?  after he accuses seo of trying to hit him, there's a split second where he snorts like a piggy.  you know how we all get supremely amused and it just happens?  well, it happened with him~




and i also noticed upon re-watching the latest episode that the very last we see of yongseo sleeping, yong's turned his head in some more (toward seo), as if his muscles have relaxed now that he's actually fallen asleep.  so that tells me that the picture that was circulating before the episode was likely a candid shot of them actually sleeping.  BAW HOW CUTE.  wub.gif


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Thanks to sapphire18 for the tip. I should really start following him on Twitter, as well. ^_^


January 14th seems like a really special day for me~ the day of CN BLUE's 1st showcase! And along with our birthday on 1/14/2011, my song, 'A Song for First-Time Lovers', was released~ and so much love about it, too!!


I'm feeling really happy because something good happened on a good day to begin with! You too, right? kekeke taking the good energy from 1/14! Will finish our Tokyo concert successfully and will return~! Will return soon~ please wait for us!^^♥ CN BLUE makes you high!!




Taking advantage of being at the top of the page...hehehe.






EDIT #2: LOVEKIN IS A GIRL???  *quoted image**quoted image**quoted image* Good lord...and here I was thinking s/he was a professor at a university somewhere wearing a tweed coat and a pair of oversized horn-rimmed glasses...sorry sorry... *quoted image*


@mountainmadman.. thank you for the prompt translation! your one of the best here in gogoma land! goodluck also to your application at allkpop.. by the way can you also translate this credit to Soleill123 , sorry to bother you, hope im not eating your time;) thank you and more power in your endevor! Godbless



정용화 어머니, 며느리 서현에게 정용화 어린 시절 폭로



지난 주, 해운대의 한 일식집에서 시어머니와 첫 식사자리를 갖게 된 용서부부. 시어머니께 정식으로 인사드리는 자리는 처음인지라 잔뜩 긴장했던 서현은 정용화 어머니가 폭로한 남편의 학창 시절 이야기에 웃음을 되찾았다.


정용화가 12년 학창시절 내내 고수했던 특유(?)의 행동 때문이었기 때문. 더군다나 결혼 후 아내 앞에서는 180도 돌변한 모습이어서 방송으로 지켜보셨던 어머니는 그런 아들의 모습에 큰 충격을 받았다며 서현에게 아들의 과거를 거침없이 쏟아내셨다.


정용화의 어머니가 며느리 서현에게 털어 놓는 아들의 학창시절 비화는 무엇일지, 결혼 후 180도 달라진 모습은 과연 어떤 것일지, 2011년 1월 15일(토) 오후 5시 10분 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'에서 공개 된다.


Got this from Cnbluestorm site;)





News] CNBLUE Jung Yonghwa’s Banmal Song #1 Upon Official Release!


On January 14th, CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa released his digital single “For First Time Lovers” (known as Banmal Song). At 10 a.m., Banmal Song reached #1 spot on various real-time charts such as Cyworld BGM Music, Bugs, Soribada and Daum Music.


Meanwhile, Secret Garden OST “That Man” (sung by actor Hyun Bin) and IU’s “Someday” remain steadily on the charts.


Banmal Song raised viewers attention after it was featured in the variety show “We Got Married” (MBC). The acoustic (instrumental) version was also released at the same time as the full song.


The couple recorded the UCC of Banmal Song as a mission in MBC’s “We Got Married” and posted it on YouTube, which then received more than 2 million hits.


Source+Credit: Nate


Translated by: fizzy@cnbluestorm



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i swear while listening to the song i had like a montage in my head replaying the first time our yongseo couple met ,the first time they held each others hand, the way they look at each other, the funny cheesy oneliners, their smile and laughters.lol. Someone please make a fan MV from this song!its so perfect yet so simple ,honest and sweet,<3
































Yonghwa have this gift of composing that will make your heart flutter and make you smile all day. He doesn't need an orchestra ,or some autotune production. He just needs to sing and play his guitar and its just magical.lol. I am sooo cheesy ,i am cringing a little.But who cares I am so happy and touched by the song and i am sure seohyun is listening to it a lot and feeling her heart flutter at her yong seobangs warm voice. Awww...yongseo couple just made me realised how simple and sweet first loves can be and how wonderful it is to have it.
































Nothing but wonderful wishes for CN Blue and their first anniversary! thanks to their debut kpop have sounded better and more lovelier. Congrats!
































Love all around gogumas! and owh I m from malaysia by the way if anyone would care to update the list<3





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Guest lovekim
























































































































MountainMadman, thanks for the trans of the tweet! there's one more! kekeke! need your help...*rub palms together*








































































































Haiyo...me so blind today!!dunno wat's wrong with me...u translated already!!hahaha! sorry sorry!








































































































좋은 날 또 하나의 좋은 일이 생겨서 너무 기분 좋아요! 여러분들도 그러시죠? ㅋㅋㅋ 1월 14일의 좋은 기를 받아!!남은 도쿄 공연까지 성공적으로 마치고 가겠습니다 ~! 금방 갈께요~ 기다려 주세요 !^^♥ CNBLUE makes you high!!








































































































Me still poring over at Soribada...kekeke!









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Guest wa2kingkong






god.. god.. god..


'for first-time lovers'...


o my god..


this song is just to sweet to believe..


i'm meltin' now..wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif




for the fan project, please add me too..


i'm from INDONESIA.. biggrin.gif


happy weekend gogumas.. ^^



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Guest missmoomin101







I have been away for such a long time due to Uni work, and I feel live I've missed so much!!


Thank you to all the translators for your effort and time!  We really appreciate everything!! 


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I have a quick question to ask about the photo above....  




Does anyone know who drew this??  If it was Yong, I think I might die from the overload of love captured in this drawing.  The details are amazing!  The flowers behind the man's back, the two cats leaning on each other, the birds snuggling on the branchwub.gif. And the shape of the heart flowers behind the couple.  I love drawings like this, it's like trying to solve a puzzle.


And another thing, if Yong drew this, it only emphasizes how detailed he really is.  The girl's coat, if you look really carefully, has faded polka-dots on it.  I don't know if this has been noted before, but Hyun seems to have an affinity for polka-dot clothing!! Is it a coincidence that the girl in the drawing has polka-dots on her coat??




Love and hugs to all, I am a very happy Go-chun girl.



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Guest waniey_haha
















ottokei...what should i say...because my heart might exploded due to the sweetness.yonghwa ...the lyrics were so sweet and very beautiful..if i am seohyun..i'll be crying non stop...n it's obviously that u are in love with her yonghwa-yah....so hyun ...what u gonna do?
























Jung Yong Hwa (C.N. Blue) - first time lovers(Banmal Song)
















The day when I first saw you








Your bright smile full of shyness
































we'll get closer after today








every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations








what to say to you








how to get you to laugh








I fear it'll get awkward when I try to hold your hand








all I can do is smile shyly
































Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other








even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar








instead of saying 'thank you'








talk to me in a friendlier way
























Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other








you walk towards me slowly, step by step








now look at my two eyes and tell me








I love you
















The day when I held your hand








































I felt my heart stop beating








I don't even remember what I said








All I feel is a flutter in my stomach








































Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other








even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar








instead of saying 'thank you'








talk to me in a friendlier way
















Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other








you walk towards me slowly, step by step








now look at my two eyes and tell me








I love you
















Hopefully we can fall in love with each other








I'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp








the light of your eyes, gazing at me








































I hope there will only be joyful smiles
















Hopefully we can fall in love with each other








We can lean on one another and take care of each other
























































Looking into your eyes, my two eyes








they're talking to you








I love you








































                           yonghwa " i've made up my mind ...YOU ARE MINE "








                       (so that his style to say I LOVE YOU ..right? ):wub: :wub: :wub:








hyun answer is this :
















 Translation credits to: MountainMadman@Soompi and ichigo_kawai...because i use your pic..if it is not ok with you let me know..n for the other pictures i juz borrow it...hehee tanx to all ..i really love this thread/...
















by the way ..i'm from malaysia









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I'm really happy about Yong releasing his song.  The words describes his story of meeting Hyun for the first time and till now...


Hopefully we will fall in love


Probably we will fall in love


I love you






These are kind of like stages in a relationship.  I think that he may have already confessed his feelings to Hyun sometime before the Busan episode.  If I interpreted the translation of the Busan ep correctly...when Hyun was asking his mom what Yong was like as a boy..his mom answered that he was a lovable kid.  Yong turned to Hyun and said that "see Hyun, I'm a lovable person".  I don't think that it was the first time either that Hyun said Saranghe to Yong during the making of the Banmal song - and she was the one to suggest that they look into each others eyes when they sing that part - and they did it so naturally.  I think that Hyun also reciprocate Yong's feelings though it may have taken her some time to do so.  In Come to Play (recorded Dec 8) - they had a hypothetical situation of what Hyun would do if her parents objected to her marriage or boyfriend.  If I interpret the translation correctly, in the hypothetical situation, she mentioned about having a boyfriend who is assisting her in her development as a person and in so doing is giving her the strength to carry on.  She wouldn't give up her boyfriend if her parents were to be against the relationship.  I can't help but think of Yong in this because he (above anyone else) has been helping her in her growth as a person.  As we know from WGM, she is not a person who does well by doing things without practice.  I can't help but also think that Taeyeon's comments about wanting Hyun to date Yong for real is somehow connected with the release of this song and what lies ahead for these two people - kind of laying the groundwork for an accepting reception to the idea of Hyun dating Yong.  However, I don't believe that we will get a formal/official word of them dating.  I think that would be too problematic for Yong.  In a ways, I think the title to this song is a way to blunt the message of the song - that it is directed to Hyun - to the public - but who knows what he may have said to Hyun privately.  I think he cares a lot about what the Boice thinks/feels about him so that's why he didn't wear the ring until he got a warm reception in his first concert in Japan...then he wore it for the second concert etc.  At least we know that he carries it with him wherever he goes.


I think that it has always been the intention to release Yong's version of the song and not a duet.  The latest that Yong could have recorded this song was between the 2nd and the 7th of Jan before he had to go on the Zepp tour.  I believe he wouldn't have had time to write the remainder of the lyrics and arranged the music and record during that time.  So he may already have had this ready by around December.  I have a feeling that he had shown Hyun the lyrics before the release of the song.


It may merely be a coincidence, but its uncanny how many things Yong said in interviews about a future girlfriend is something that he is doing with Hyun.  Yonghwa-ya, skiing/snowboarding together, and a song gift.


Warning: Sensitive Subject





I think some of you mentioned the fear that this is for "show".  I completely understand that, because I think we all do.  I think that only time will tell.  I just hope that if this isn't for real - that if the song became generalized and not about Hyun specifically anymore - he is honest to Hyun about it...and don't lead her on.


I think to be safe we say "they are friends", but to be daring "we say they are more than friends".


I feel though that it would be a waste if they don't at least see where this may lead them.  They seems so complementary to one another.  Ying-Yang to each other.


I have a hunch though that they already decided when they will end WGM.  I think that they've already pretty much decided on their plan for the year.  I think this will likely be before Yong does his drama.  Although WGM would not interfere much with it, I don't believe that they will carry on until next year.



Thank you for the translation, pics and news.  Lets live in go-chun in the moment.



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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyoung gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy to know that Yong's song is still going strong on the charts. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By the way, is there any translation to the second preview posted by @puukpui from the previous page? I'm really curious about it and on what happened at Yong's school. Google translate isn't a big help right now. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy day, guys! :wub:

































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

missmoomin101, Gosh I really hope it was Yong who illustrated it! It does appear very detailed, and I'm glad you noticed the polka-dots on Hyun's  the girl's apparel too =) . If I'm not mistaken, the words in Hangul in the toppish right hand corner says "from Jung Yong Hwa", right (like the artist's signature)? It doesn't seem to be in a specific font - more like Yong's someone's handwriting. ^^. Also, the eyes are drawn the same way as if Yong had drawn them. I could be totally wrong, but I just can't help feeling he would have naturally had a hand in designing the cover. =D

waniey, what beautifully-fitting images to depict the lyrics <3 . I cried again while scrolling through your post with the song playing in the background!


I also sense that they have already decided on when to end WGM. Of course, it would be too long to stretch it out to next year - no couple has even done that anyway (as much as I wish for it *cries* - Both groups are also so very busy too). Maybe that's why they are also becoming bolder, expressively. E.g. this song..., Taeyeon's statement, Yong starting to wear the ring in concerts again. They already know how much time they have left and perhaps some things have gone on behind-the-scenes ^^ and as you've mentioned, Hyun might have already reciprocated in some way. In an unexpected way perhaps? Hence they are preparing fans for .. something(?) - note that this is all pure speculation.

I am 100% with you about them at least trying to see where their journey post-WGM takes them, as it'd be such a waste - they ARE like Ying and Yang (I <3 that expression btw). To me, Yong's always been the bright, outgoing Sun, and Hyun's been the calm, serene Moon.  (cheesy, I know, but it's so true don't you guys think?! haha).


justbulan, you're right - it would have been done by their companies. Like you said, we can't tell when. I guess all we can do is just avoid this topic as mrsjoker suggested -.-" until the actual time comes haha. =)

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Guest justbulan

































































































 I also sense that they have already decided on when to end WGM. Of course, it would be too long to stretch it out to next year - no couple has even done that anyway (as much as I wish for it *cries* - Both groups are also so very busy too). Maybe that's why they are also becoming bolder, expressively. E.g. this song..., Taeyeon's statement, Yong starting to wear the ring in concerts again. They already know how much time they have left and perhaps some things have gone on behind-the-scenes ^^ and as you've mentioned, Hyun might have already reciprocated in some way. In an unexpected way perhaps? Hence they are preparing fans for .. something(?) - note that this is all pure speculation. I am 100% with you about them at least trying to see where their journey post-WGM takes them, as it'd be such a waste - they ARE like Ying and Yang (I <3 that expression btw). To me, Yong's always been the bright, outgoing Sun, and Hyun's been the calm, serene Moon.  (cheesy, I know, but it's so true don't you guys think?! haha).
















































































and Lulu2
















































I think some of you mentioned the fear that this is for "show".  I completely understand that, because I think we all do.  I think that only time will tell.  I just hope that if this isn't for real - that if the song became generalized and not about Hyun specifically anymore - he is honest to Hyun about it...and don't lead her on.I think to be safe we say "they are friends", but to be daring "we say they are more than friends".















































































































I feel though that it would be a waste if they don't at least see where this may lead them.  They seems so complementary to one another.  Ying-Yang to each other.































































































































I have a hunch though that they already decided when they will end WGM.  I think that they've already pretty much decided on their plan for the year.  I think this will likely be before Yong does his drama.  Although WGM would not interfere much with it, I don't believe that they will carry on until next year.






























































































































































































both of you already mentioned about both of them.. perhaps already decided when they will end WGM.. i believe the answer is yes..since their company already planned their activities in a year. but we still dont know about the possibilities when they will end it.. since if we looked at adam couple.. they just announced it 1 week before their last shoot... and well yea.. it sucks. just see how adam caouple fans reaction about their suddenly separation.. sad post everywhere.. (even my real friend becomes a lil'll bit emo after hearing that news.. since she really love adam couple) but we can't tell or know when they will do it.. 
































































since if it was announced from long~long~time before.. of course.. they will lose the viewer interest on their show.. (which mean dead end.. if they dropped their ratings). 
































































but after seeing how their fans reaction about their "make-believe-marriage" what will they do? since they received so many love from international gogumas. will they choose to let go the show -just like yong dropped inkigayo- or continue the show as a married couple a little longer? but not to forget how packed their schedule this year... so there's a possibility tough :(  
































































off to spazzing mode :P






























































































































































































EDIT! @boomboombebe I LOVE YOUR POST!!!!
































































especially the "Kingkong is only a monkey" part w00t.gif can't stop laugh after reading these sentences.

















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Ok ............... Ok ............... Ok ............... I surrender (waving white flag)

so please Yong and Hyun ........................ give me a break from this roller coaster ride. I enjoy it, truly, but I can get cardio attack anytime of the day :) .




This is really awesome, I heard the song once and after that I lost count, I lost big time. Yong is really sweet, gosh, wish God made thousands more like him and all the girls in this world will be happy (I'm one for sure  :phew: )




Why? What? How? In the world you're acting so cold Yong on the music shows that I've been spazzing so far? You're boiling inside, boy, don't try to look cool, I just don't buy it. Now I just remembered my long time conversation with my high school boyfiends. I asked them why boy acts like he doesn't know the girl he likes but make an a** of himself with his friends if the girl is around. And most of them said that they want the girl's attention, if the girl sees, then the message is out. Ok, she looks at me not my friends. Hah ........................ is this why you acted that way on KBS Music Festival?




I found this  http://www.youtube.c...h?v=SMCNlPm8cF4 (sorry I don't know how to put it on spoiler) and also on this thread on page 1069 if you curios what the stage look like. What do you think? Yes, it's old news, but it's only 3 monts ago, so I assumed Yong used to be bolder than what we see now.




I feel Yong has told Hyun that she's the first girl that he's thinking seriously. Remember the conversation on his mom car? "You are the first girl'. When the first time I heard it, I thought it's a little bit deliberate on his side to repeat again what his mom said. And when she didn't say anything, seems like confirmation to me. So when the Banmal Song became For First-Time Lovers, I'm not that surprised.




What surprised me is the lyric itself. I don't care if someone said it's only a song, yeah ... and Kingkong is only a monkey, rite? Yong pour all his heart there. Someone said (quote I got it from one of the famous psys) "If you still remember how you feel the first time you meet someone, you are in love with that person". I always dismiss this believe. I'm one of cynical person when it comes to the reality show. I used to hate reality show. Probably I got it badly because I used to live in US and seen all the make believe and yup, it's only a show. But when I saw the first episode of Yongseo couple @ WGM, I convert myself (Thanks to Yong's smart statement @ KBS Win Win with Siwon and Taecyeon - "This kind of question can make Hyun hurt").The first episode to me is the base for all the ones that came and will come out, everytime there's a new revelation I always refer back to the first episode. Oh, that's why Yong or Hyun acted that way ............ Ok, stop this nonsense. Back to the quote, that's what I think about Yong and Hyun. Yong still remembers, and boy, you are so busted with your "The day when i first saw you, Your bright smile full of shyness". The rest to me is history and hoping for the new history. Oh ................ I know you love SeoHyun.




Ok, I'm wondering about the duckduckduck myself. Is it Yong? He is a big teaser, so if he somehow is checking on us, no surprise there. This is really my own perspective ok, so bare with me just a little bit. On episode 19 when Yong and Hyun played a ball, he made such a noise like duck ones. One of the mcs comment was "what are we going to do with that sound?" Has he been like that on regular basis? On top of that he called the bridge the duck legs. Someone mentioned on this thread sometime ago that duckduckduck asked where he/she can see the episodes (didn't mention eng sub), so that person (I'm so sorry I didn't take note) figured it out that duckduckduck must know Korean. That's not my point, my point is Yong told us that he saw again all the episodes. People will assume that he gets all the copies, but I doubt it somehow and if he asks people around, then they will like, what for? Ha .... ha ... ha .... my imagination is very much way out of league now.




Sorry if I make a lot of rubbish kind of statements, but right now I'm not thinking straight, too much Goguma dozes of love:D  and the song, huh ................. my heart, oh mine, believe me if ever we hear the I LOVE YOU between them, we probably fine for a month periode of without WGM (can we?).




Before I forget, MountainMadman, thaaaaaaaaaaaaank you from the bottom of my heart. You are really the knight of shining armour in this thread (no offense to anyone else:) ) .




Lastly, this is only for Yong and Seohyun. Like Olly Murs song, I know o o o wherever you go, That you'll be thinking about me now.




I'm still in Goguma roller coaster ride and not stoping anytime.




EDIT: @ justbulan, thank you .......... I enjoy tremendously your posting on this thread too. R u Indonesian?


           See, I don't think straight, I forget to put where I'm from. I'm from Indonesia (I just got back recently from US). 


           Thanks in advance if someone can post my name on the list.



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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Hi gogumas.... how's your week so far? mine has been as sweet as the sweetest cotton candy, all thanks to the busan episode and the release of Yong's "For First Time Lovers" song. I've been putting it on repeat... it is such a simple, sweet and honest song... how does he do it? i sometimes wonder... is it the romanticist nature inside him or was it because he had a beautiful inspiration? maybe a little bit of both....














































































































































































































I came across this beautiful review on Yonghwa song (when i was out doing my daily lurking on Anjellhaven site).  Have a look guys... if you can't seem to put into words the beauty of Yonghwa's song (like me...) than this review lays down the beautiful meaning behind the song and perhaps what Yong might have in mind... :rolleyes:
















































































It was meant to be done solo.  That’s what I have to say first.   Although millions of people got to take a sneak peek of this with its  release as duet on the YongSeo couple’s Youtube channel, upon hearing  Jung Yong Hwa’s arrangement, this is his song.  No one should take that  away from him.

For most followers of WGM, it has a feel as though he is singing of  his experience with Hyun on the show.  But he isn’t a first-time lover,  didn’t think he was.   So, what was this song?  It comes from his heart,  that we can tell.  From his heart to someone he wants to teach, someone  who appears to be falling in love for the first time.
































































And that person is afraid.  That person is like deer in the face of  car headlights.  That person hasn’t a clue how to go about this  courtship dance.  And that’s why he keeps the song simple and friendly.   To get through the message to her,  he accompanies his raw, yet  soothing voice with the sound of the classic guitar and a set of drums.   Doesn’t this remind us of those suitors singing by the window, gondola  sailors and sitting around a campfire with just the most basic of  instruments to help them get the music bursting from their heart?  Like,  yes, obviously, like a serenade.
































































As he goes about the gentle strums of his guitar, you can picture  that person swaying her head with it.  And this is why I say it is meant  to be his song, to her.  If they sing it together, it loses its magic.   Because how would she understand, if she’s going to focus her attention  on the details of it or the camera shooting the video. How will she  hear the honesty behind its simplicity and beautiful melody?
































































Unlike his first song to her, “Sarang Bit”, this one he did on his  own.  Perhaps even insisting on it, instead of his bandmates doing it  with him, he must do it on his own.  So it becomes this masterpiece,  with a simple melody, voice almost cracking with emotion, bringing forth  everything that he would like to see from someone who has come so near,  yet still so far.  A request. A statement. A serenade.
































































That’s why he becomes That Man, who appears to love this person  wholeheartedly, able to hold his own against that other equally amazing  man on the charts this week.  And with any man in love, he just needs to  be regarded fondly and closely as the words and music he played in this  song. His song. For her.
































































Credit to the writer : freerhythms @anjellhaven.net































































































































To me, the review is as beautiful as the song itself. kudos to the writer.  :lol:































































































































Here's the link to the original post A serenade














































































































































































































@lulu2 & wallpaperfood : regarding your spoiler... it is indeed an inevitable thing isn't it? but agree...until the date is set, i'll postpone any sad thoughts and lets just cherish the moment and enjoy the ride... ^_^

















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Guest LiyLiy14



I'm really falling into BANMAL SONG.




My brother downloaded the song for me yesterday night from YOU TUBE but I insist to buy it. Bank already called to confirm the transaction with me. I felt very satisfied by listening to ORIGINAL VERSION.  






To Yong Hwa,




This is my first time buying song online. I never bought it before. Because of your love toward Seo Hyun, i'm willing to spend my money to support you and your love toward Hyun. Wishing you the best in your future undertaking.




To Seo Hyun,




You are such a lucky woman to have Yong Hwa by your side. Appreciate the happy moment with him. 



Credit to MOUTAINMADMAN, for translating the song and preview for tomorrow episode.




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Guest vero_vero












i think that's old news :) it said about yongseo's first recording on 12th feb in mbc dream center. they will join wgm with adam couple and hwangsoulhye-lee sun ho couple. And first episode maybe air on march. you can see news posted on 16th feb 2010. Sory for my bad english. :)



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Guest YSforever






Please buy the single "For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)"!


You won't regret it!!


THANK YOU MountainMadman and Kay77 for translations!


Thanks everyone for sharing pics/news/videos/analysis..or even just spazzing!


I enjoy reading every post and I'm still amazed that so many people


around the world are in love with our YongSeo couple.


I feel like agreeing with everyone..haha


This is really a place full of love~~:wub:


Oh and about the list of countries, here's the update.








1. Wallpaperfood



2. Goguma1207



3. maybelove



4. ck1Oz









1. yonghwa









1. Dollua



2. BiIH









1. mje411









1. Parisita









1. T-e-z-u-k-A









1. Goguma 06



2. intoxd



3. sweetcandy1061



4. mklavo2 (Im from canada..but am i filipino)



5. gogumacraze



6. MQPheartsYS



7. Yma









1. magdal









1. Icyychong



2. camjenny









1. DJHinata









1. French_Neko



2. Ae-Rin









1. Trent



2. aurora82



3. Nett_Prinzessin



4. Krissylia



5. th.









1. SeLeNe_Alai07









1. Rushgiri (Currently living in Malaysia)



2. gauri92









1. K1L1On1Mr4



2. soshisoshisoshi



3. Puge2



4. zero_one



5. starsundaepower



6. MissBarbietch_0106



7. rRelina



8. isomerkyaa



9. transformer86



10. nadihee



11. likelove8993



12. neviza



13. maggiemeisje



14. niiychan



15. deep_sea



16. bee_ichigo



17. ayanapunya



18. ainigoguma



19. gita_cinta



20. justbulan



21. luv_yesung



22. pen(..^^..)



23. Deeana55



24. LennieYongseo



25. dezadee



26. bamz



27. karenliez



28. Erythrina



29. morningblue



30. R4TU



31. aeria9



32. daphneedel



33. yoreizei



34. lain_laen



35. rere25



36. vmasterpiece



37. dhedhede



38. aoi_enma



39. rumwow



40. kyung16



41. yongseocouple



42. pikoo



43. Nepp



44. sequoi



45. lovelynaa



46. mrsjoker



47. laila-chan



48. wa2kingkong









1. carrots98



2. charmkitz15









1. Durianzi









1. MountainMadman



2. sprinkle_kitty (I'm Korean but i was born in the US)









1. Nettaya









1. LiyLiy14



2. munie87



3. Hapiangle



4. Hanum (alah91)



5. Avelyn



6. shml



7. rieyzajunkisshi



8. Dontwhy



9. kiddywiddy



10. twinkystar



11. faraashah



12. mambo7



13. lisa628



14. alah91



15. hafiq890



16. areu1510



17. pau-chan



18. genevieveshaun



19. isomerkyaa



20. zealous



21. ayutie



22. yongseo_fighting



23. melibu



24. aallyyaa



25. nikijenlo



26. bluebubblebee



27. manimani25 (I'm Malaysian but I live in Tokyo)



28. ahelasumi



29. fittif



30. bubbly_zu



31. nazweena



32. yaya_ismail



33. adriana_kian86



34. eastlight



35. waniey_haha



36. ummihany









1. anatisha



2. bluesu









1. Seoshi.Love



2. Aisuo415



3. Msashnak









1. Kerube-Chan









1. Dinatale (Nataly)









1. lizsch



2. fabiistar07



3. crystal_malfoy



4. sixpence16









1. bezbezbez



2. just_a_dream



3. Faith_memory



4. hawie829



5. gmanalangster



6. xxraqSTAR



7. yeobo



8. cooleet



9. bettechai



10. rainie029



11. myblue



12. luv1822



13. hannahgarrido



14. buge1087



15. glennpaulo



16. ematot



17. gogumaforever



18. biiianx



19. masamii



20. enahs124ever



21. bluenix_me



22. revgail



23. lookah



24. eishazumi



25. jazziejec



26. one_isa



27. loybing



28. Xanshi



29. bizzie_b



30. digidigibob



31. CallMeDayDreamer



32. SophiaPia



33. unnieria



34. ladygahee



35. belle_ivy









1. kasia3goguma









1. lunasol









1. ancaemma10









1. amalmal









1. zXavier



2. yongseo_forever



3. sherlyn275



4. chilipadi_22



5. Aki_yongseo



6. Applehaven



7. roy_lover



8. genevieveshaun



9. wishwash



10. jo_ce_lyn



11. babypillow



12. blurkimchi (Kimberlyn Tan)



13. yongseorockin



14. pinkksoupp



15. whitezephyr



16. oceanprince



17. pink2loveful



18. tpy01



19. wting89



20. Glitterspark



21. tangyberry



22. YongSeo



23. l1nn3



24. redtulip



25. andalasa



26. lovekim



27. tripplemama



28. Yukilovesyou



29. hallyucraze



30. Deeomfg



31. woollylamb



32. Norabella



33. mach8infinity



34. jastubee



35. ningyit



36. sapphire18



37. mochiling



38. norabella



39. starsapphire



40. hilaria



41. aleanasha









1. Hesperide









1. ♥♥PowerOf9









1. YSforever



2. Phoebechiu









1. kun_cheero



2. womingzzine



3. Psyche86



4. lovelybee



5. Asiankatebella



6. CheriMerci



7. Dandelion7



8. zheezy



9. keemaster



10. ahn_annann



11. prow7



12. BigSmileAgain



13. lanladay









1. souhir



2. Germbaby









1. teoki61









1. yani-sakura (I'm from the U.K., England to be exact, born in Abu Dhabi but half Indonesian)



2. maryclaude



3. Fluorescent.Flower









1. rxp080100



2. crystalblue (I am Vietnamese but a U.S. citizen)



3. BluMistLaydee (from Haiti)



4. BRoze2001



5. MaeDang (from Vietnam)



6. kenjisam



7. ikekeyou



8. sweet_spy



9. twayblade



10. k.rivera19



11. DDuk



12. Full-of-love(from Vietnam)



13. hafunohane ( i'm Indonesian.. but i grow up in LA)



14. harajukudezz



15. clrais



16. luvtokki



17. ladeeao (I'm Filipino! & U.S. Citizen)



18. zcanby



19. uh-ohxev



20. sweetcake_(from Vietnam)



21. biancacoolio (born in Philippines)



22. celticheart47



23. toomuchsmiling



24. MrsAthenaG



25. Goguma52



26. szoku85



27. InLove_WithU



28. jojuel



29. bluemoonlight









1. Seychan



2. santak



3. LifeMadeSimple923



4. uynhu



5. keira53



6. Smabi



7. yeuyongseo



8. one_shot



9. hamster_seung



10. shenibabi



11. etou_okano



12. albeechan



13. FrB_vn






There are 277 gogumas from 40 different countries now! WAY TO GO!


According to our project manager bezbezbez, the list is a part of the aniversary project


to show Yong and Hyun how much they're loved all over the world.


So, if you want them to see your ID, please feel free to pm me or just add where you're


from in your post.


I will update the list every day. ^^


Also, please support bezbezbez and crystalblue by submitting photos and recipes if you can.



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