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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have sumitted by entry for the Yongseo 1st anniversary project, have you submitted yours? Deadline is 15 Jan 2011































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo.Click here for the Hi-res logo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 4th Project – Video.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here are the sample of the "I love Yongseo" book that was given to Seohyun and Yonghwa for their 300th day celebration.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you wish to see the full 300 pages, here is the link. Enjoy!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest pseudonykkaii




First of all--congratulations to uri favourite couple!!!!for winning popularity award and surpassing the 1M mark on youtube~AND to yong..for having a beautiful goddess like woman for a wife..and ofcourse for seobaby.. For the year that she became a woman--




Happy holidays!!<3




Anyways, i read on allkpop that cnblue was torn in between acting and promoting--so when i saw that they released a teaser i immediately assumed they chose to release the album..but then, i saw this:




Jung Yong Hwa of CN Blue says he’s returning to acting during the first half of 2011

December 30, 2010





Seoul, Korea – It is expected that CN Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa will return to acting.




Jung actually debuted as an actor in the SBS drama series You’re Beautiful, which aired in 2009, before debuting as a singer. Since becoming a member of CN Blue, he has focused on singing. CN Blue is currently preparing to release a new album next February.




However, CN Blue’s agency is “worried about the many requests for casting that are pouring in on him” and confessed that “it’s inevitable for him to fall into a dilemma since most of the drama series that are being proposed have an exciting, well-devised plot and involve famous screenwriters and actors.”




CN Blue’s agency also mentioned that other members of CN Blue, Kang Min Hyuk, Lee Jung Shin, and Lee Jong Hyun, have also been receiving proposals for casting. Kang Min Hyuk is currently giving an energetic performance in SBS’s Monday-Tuesday drama series It’s Okay, Daddy’s Girl.




After leaving a strong impression in the drama series You’re Beautiful, Jung Yong Hwa has been rejecting all proposals and working on the new album, but now he has a desire to take advantage of the good opportunities that are being offered to him.




An affiliate of FNC Music, CN Blue’s management agency, says, “Since some of the drama series proposed are so well-devised and attractive, all CN blue members and the agency desire to accept the proposal. People will be able to see Jung Yong Hwa as an actor again during the first half of 2011.”




Jung will again serve as the MC for 2010 Gayo Dajeon, which will be broadcast live today (the 29th) starting at 9:55 p.m.




By Hong Sam (idsoft3@reviewstar.net)




Source: ReviewStar (Original article in Korean)


Photo from ReviewStar DB


Translated by Sung Kyu Chang / Korea.com




--id love to see yonghwa act again~


Anyone care to shed some light this matter??



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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































OMG was yong seobang cool or what during the Love performance at KBS Gayo? :D and was he wearing the ring on a chain around his neck? i was practically gluing my face to my tv screen trying to see if it really was the ring or not.
































































not that it's extremely important, but if it really is the ring then that makes me a super happy spazzy goguma tonight :D:D:D
































































i'm getting light-headed from all the spazzing we've been doing lately in go-chun, how bout you? ;)
































































EDIT: it seems hyun buin wore the ring too :D *prances off to spazz again!*

































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Guest glennpaulo
















































Want to share CNBLUE performance today SBS
















Loner and Love & Romeo and juliet
















Their Intro is awesome, must watch.
















Their new version of Love is EPIC. To us Filipino its called "sin-ku-pado" I don't know how do we call it English but it is a kind of band music that looks like out of tune but it is not, hard to explain just watch and for snsd please kindly share it here and fancams too,.,
















Hoping for fancam for yongseo moment....
















Yongseo Hwaiting!!!!
















EDIT: Yonghwa is wearing again a necklace with ring, i don't know if it is the couple ring, but it is a ring..During Romeo & juliet and love/Loner performance he's wearing the necklace with a ring. They also done "sinkupado" in Last part of I'm a Loner.

















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OMG was yong seobang cool or what during the Love performance at KBS Gayo? :D and was he wearing the ring on a chain around his neck? i was practically gluing my face to my tv screen trying to see if it really was the ring or not. not that it's extremely important, but if it really is the ring then that makes me a super happy spazzy goguma tonight :D:D:D
































































i'm getting light-headed from all the spazzing we've been doing lately in go-chun, how bout you? ;)































































































































hi pinkksoup sorry to cut your post... i think its the ring ring dong! heres the link.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-z70pSzGwk OMO he is truly a leader at the beggining his mic is not working and in a snap he really knows what to do! im so proud of him!!! and many of their fans cried!!! its snsd are performing now and guess what seohyun is wearing the ringring dong also!!!! GO-CHUN!!!

































































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Guest maybelove






OMG was yong seobang cool or what during the Love performance at KBS Gayo? :D and was he wearing the ring on a chain around his neck? i was practically gluing my face to my tv screen trying to see if it really was the ring or not. not that it's extremely important, but if it really is the ring then that makes me a super happy spazzy goguma tonight :D:D:D




i'm getting light-headed from all the spazzing we've been doing lately in go-chun, how bout you? ;)







omooo... pinkksoupp i was gluing to the tv screen as well!! he's hot! the fan who get his handshake was so lucky! and i was checking to see if he wears the ring~ i'm sorry to be discussing about the ring, but it's just my habit to check if he's wearing the ring or not everytime ^_^ , but apparently he's not wearing the ring :( Sadly i wasn't paying any attention to his necklace at all, so i'm not sure if it's the ring.




Hy~un buin's group performance is coming up soon on tv! FYI, i'm watching the KBS Gayo and checking the thread at the same time :lol:








EDIT: YAY! Hyun buin wear her ring!! :wub: and thanks for sharing @myblue, i was gonna say that he's did it very professionally as his mic not working properly my connection sucks that's why it take ages to post!



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hi pinkksoup sorry to cut your post... i think its the ring ring dong! heres the link..http://t.co/A0wWXnm OMO he is truly a leader at the beggining his mic is not working and in a snap he really knows what to do! im so proud of him!!! and many of their fans cried!!! its snsd are performing now and guess what seohyun is wearing the ringring dong also!!!! GO-CHUN!!!

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Guest shawn_daebak
































































































YEP!!! they both wore the RING DING DONG!
































































yong only wore it, via necklace...
































































hyun buin wore it the whole time...
































































in my perspective.. yong make it as a necklace to prevent it from loosing... because CNBLUE will be DAEBAK!!!
































































because SNSD was tired and dont have any interactions with the crowd unlike Yong...

















































































































































































































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Guest Gabyfrederika












wow guys, i didnt notice that yong wore the ring, GOGUMA FBI ARE DAEBAK! laugh.giflaugh.gif




in the opening i was too much paying attention to yong perfomance and hongki




they are really cute when they were linking arms, i guess hongki was teasing yong about progress of "naturally linking arms of yongseo" (my another wild guessing  haha:)




now we should waiting for our goguma fbi to catch up some yongseo moments :)





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here's a capture of Yong's Ring on a Chain (it sounds like the title of a lovely poem doesn't it???)
















































if you think the ring is too small, that's because the ring currently at an angle.
















during this part of his performance Yong was dancing to the beat and ring was jumping around alot
















trying to catch a still of the ring was so difficult!
















if you don't believe its the ring with just this pic watch the actual performance
















you'll believe it then

















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today cn blue was daebak yonghwa look really rocker.i can`t see yong choding in him.you and your wife are make everybody suprise with your show.i wish u both more succes next year.cn blue and snsd fighting.
















goguma villager today i saw ring ding dong wore by yongseo couple.i really happy they wore it today

















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OMG!! After watching yong's performance today, I can;t help but to comment...AWESOME leader!!! What else can i say? He is CLEVER, to be able to think so quickly on the spot. COOL, not being panicky about mic issues. ROCKER, bringing the stage to live. CHODING, the cute side of him which I totally LOVE and seohyun definitely loves it too!! Juding the way he handles situations and carry himself, i really wonder how people can be antis of yong~ :P...yongseo fighting!!





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So it is confirmed that Yonghwa wore the necklace with the ring during the opening. I watched the amazing performance of CNBlue again. He never took off the necklace.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I tried to capture it but he was moving every single second...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know I shouldn't spazz about CNBlue here. But Yonghwa did a greater job with how he handled the situation with his microphone. It's cool that Seohyun made it to the news last night because of the maknae performance now Yonghwa would probably (the last time I checked, he's already on the 9th spot on daum) make news because of this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And seriously, I don't know what to do with them and their rings...it's just so crazy how they would wear the ring on a certain event then no ring on the next one. Though it's lovely to think that despite the attention of the ring, they still try to wear it as possible as they can.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How sincere they are to each other.

































































































































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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Special gift for every goguma Lover








































































































































































You will see something from yong that can make you smile

















































































































































































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Luckily, KBS World was showing LIVE or else I won't be able to catch such a great show by Yong~ He is really good at getting the mood HIGH! And oh, normally, I won't really go out looking for the ring but this time, the ring necklace is really too obvious! And it help that he wore a low V-neck ^_^ Love the idea of him wearing as necklace, it's much closer to his heart! hehehe...









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Guest miel_1301















































Just adding to the captures of rxp080100 and aneng of Yong's RING on a chain around his neck




















































































































Wifey Hyun OWNED her stage at SBS Gayo last night...































While Hubby Yong ROCKED his stage at KBS Gayo tonight.































Will they SHAKE the whole world at MBC Gayo tomorrow night?
























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Guest justbulan
































*currently in the remote area* goooddd please give me internet :( even to comment here I have to use my mobile... Which is unconfortable since the letter was so small to read....
















Okay back to topic: whoa... If he really takes the role then.. His schedule is really2 packed then... I mean with inkigayo, ,night after night, WGM an then... A new drama? :o

I think there's posibility from him or his company to drop 1 or 2 show from his schedule... Since shooting a drama really take his times.. Remember KHJ who quit wgm because of he's too busy taking BBF? I don't know about what decision yonghwa takes,but I hope he'll not gonna choose to leave WGM... Because if he does, than it means he'll lose an oportunity to get one of a kind heart (I mean hyun heart:p and since this topic is really2 a sensitive to bring in this topic I'll stop herw
















Since there's a posibility my post on the spoiler gonna make some uproar, I've put it on the spoiler... And please, don't take my post too seriously.. Since I just wanna spill out my mind
















KEEP PRAYING GOGUMAS and BE POSITIVE... But also brace your heart and enjoy the show









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Guest yongseocouple












this is the caps, if im not mistaken is taken by rxp080100

























































i'm pretty sure that it is really the ring. awww our yong hubby is so sweet~~ :wub:



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