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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































hi guys, I just want to share the video from dcgal. I think this video was posted here a few pages back........ so i re-uploaded it on youtube for easier playing






























































YONGSEO (like a star)






























































credits to DCGAL for the video





























































































linh80..... thank you for the notice. I have been waiting for the second part.... surely an amazing continuation of the story
































































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yukiagne, thanks for the link~! hyun's voice was surprisingly powerful! >o<

panGG, i'm glad i chanced bumped into u twice!! xD yahhh it's yongseo of course kekeke not really in the mood to do anything yongseo-unrelated... and goshhh! u're not only making one but a few vids!! daebakkk, girl! yahh tell me once u're done! ;)whoa... i hope everything will go well with u there... whatever that u're facing. hwaiting~!

soshisoshi, thanks for the fmv... it's indeed a daebak one!

omo!!! it's passed my bedtime already! was watching Playful Kiss... dang, Kim Hyun Joong looks quite similar to yong!!! but of course yong is much better in everything (haha biased answer :P ) gahhh i'd better go now...@_@ goonite!


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Guest bizzie_b


soshisohi  thank you very much for posting the mv from dcgal.  was really having a hard time watching that on the site and im really happy that you were able to download and upload it.  it's a really lovely fmv! wub.gif waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.  errrr, wonder if you could also upload the fancam of seohyun during her If You Seek Amy performance! (LOL, am I asking too mcuh?) haha.  rolleyes.gif




I really hoping that WGM won't be cancelled this Saturday because of the war.  if that happens, all in all, we we're already deprived of 9 weeks without yongseo this year!  waaaaaaaaaaaaah. phew.gif  MBC should make up for that.  I'm also hoping that they'd give a special on Yongseo's 300 days just like what they did during Adam couple's 200 days where an entire WGM Saturday was solely devoted to them. biggrin.gif




PS.  I would like to learn how to post images. If someone could help me please. haha.  would like to post some rather interesting screen caps. haha  wink.gif


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Guest bizzie_b


soshisoshi thank you very much for posting the mv from dcgal.  was really having a hard time watching that on the site and im really happy that you were able to download and upload it.  it's a really lovely fmv! wub.gif waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.  errrr, wonder if you could also upload the fancam of seohyun during her If You Seek Amy performance! (LOL, am I asking too much?) haha.  biggrin.gif



I'm really hoping that WGM won't be cancelled this Saturday because of the war.  if that happens, all in all, we we're already deprived of 9 weeks without yongseo this year!  waaaaaaaaaaaaah. wacko.gif  MBC should make up for that.  I'm also hoping that they'd give a special on Yongseo's 300 days just like what they did during Adam couple's 200 days where an entire WGM Saturday was solely devoted to them. happy.gif



PS.  I would like to learn how to post images. If someone could help me please. haha.  would like to post some rather interesting screen caps. haha wink.gif










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Guest Caliope

I put in another post... (my another post is very full)

Thank you for the information, ancaemma10 ^^

Hahahahahaha Yongseo in the news ^^



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I was thinking about their how they always walk so synchronized and it reminded me of this song, Footsteps by Pocketbooks:










You had me when I saw your shoes



















Or trainers if truth be told



















You had my heart the day I heard your footsteps near me



















And every summer passed me by



















The stairs to my apartment lacked excitement and style



















Until I heard your footsteps with me





























On the top deck of the 23



















Through winter snow and autumn leaves



















Our footsteps in sync



















It's a beautiful thing, choreography





























From the supermarket aisles to the dancefloors of provincial towns



















I'd occupy my vacant hours just waiting for something



















For every couple holding hands in the high street



















You can bet your life



















You'll only hear a single set of footsteps between them





























On the platforms of the Central line



















The beaches of a south coast town



















Our footsteps in sync



















It's a beautiful thing, choreography





























Like the mischief hidden in your eyes



















Or the retro clothes you always buy



















I just hope I'll always hear your footsteps with me



















Like the clutter in your kitchen



















The same song you keep on whistling



















I just hope I'll always hear your footsteps with me





























On the top deck of the 23



















Through winter snow and autumn leaves



















Our footsteps in sync



















It's a beautiful thing, choreography





























Like the mischief hidden in your eyes



















Or the retro clothes you always buy



















I just hope I'll always hear your footsteps with me



















Like the clutter in your kitchen



















The same song you keep on whistling



















I just hope I'll always hear your footsteps with me





























We’ll take one step forwards and then two steps backwards…










Ah... I love the lyrics. Fits out couple so well. I'm not going to begin talking about the whole thing that's going on right now. Let's just hope everything will eventually turn out well.










Just some old caps to help myself get through the week. I love the way he stares at her. My excitement hasn't died down yet after the far most best episode ever of WGM I've ever watched, but I have been able to do my homework. :lol:






























And one more of course:












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Guest Crystal392





Thanks to everyone for the pics, links and everything you've shared :D





I really can't wait until Saturday. The news about N&S Korea make me sad... I hope they will reach to an agreement soon.











~Aren't they the cutest couple ever?





















Btw to all ring-obsessed Gogumas: on "Night after night" ep 2 Yong~ was wearing THE ring ;)









NAN ep 2 YongHwa cut:






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Guest suejinners

































































can anyone PLEASE give me link to ep 31!??!?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Number    Singer    Song    Votes(%)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1    Super Junior    Bonamana    57.31 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2    Girls' Generation    Oh!    19.83 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3    SHINee    Lucifer    5.73 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4    2PM    I'll be back    2.62 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5    CNBLUE    I'm a Loner    2.10 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6    BEAST    Shock    1.65 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7    F.T Island    Love Love Love    1.62 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































8    Ga-In    Irreversible    1.40 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9    Yesung    It Has to Be You    1.13 %































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10    U-KISS    Bingeul Bingeul    1.02 %





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Keep Voting Guys <http://isplus.joinsm.../goldendisk/en/>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Welcome, 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDisplus.joinsmsn.com





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^Voting for them for the Golden Disk awards is something you can post about in the cnblue & snsd threads. Do not post about voting for them in this thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are some members that are leaving one-liners and quoting images.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& Please stay on topic. I've seen several posts starting with "I know this is off topic." If you know it is off topic, please don't include it in your post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please do not break the rules. I have PMed those who have violated the rules with a verbal warning. Repeat offenders will receive a warning.

































































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Good Morning....





Pang... thank you. Thanks for sharing the gif from NAN n caps bout Yongbiggrin.gif


DreamyBoo... I also think Kim Hyun Joong at Playful Kiss has similar act with Yong. But, Yong is more playful w00t.gif


ancaemma10, Thanks for the link...


I made screen caps







with love








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MC Jake just posted on twitter:

오늘은 우결녹화입니다..분위기 안날것같아요..북한도발에..흠

I think it says: We recorded WGM today - something's wrong with their vibe because of what happened between South Korea and North Korea. Hum.

No word of Yongseo ... but maybe I'm mistaken and some real Korean speaker can step up?

Best regards,


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Guest MountainMadman

From MC Jake's Twitter:

오늘은 우결녹화입니다..분위기 안날것같아요..북한도발에..흠

Today is WGM recording day...looks like it won't be very cheerful...because of the North Korea incident...hmm

Thanks to Trent for the tip.

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Guest toomuchsmiling






arrgh, the war news is making worried about their safety............... I hope the government will not declare a state emergency because if they do, all activities such as TV broadcastings will be halted.





anyway, so about the next episode, after the japan date is the one where they harvest the gogumas right?? it'll be super duper sweet................ although I don't want the japanese date to end so fast, coz i personally think there were many sweet moments but the PDs might do some editing






soshix3- i hope that will NOT happen. we cannot lose more time. we're finally catching up. I think though that if that were to happen it would have happened already. I'm just hoping the reaction won't be the same as what happened with the dang torpedo that threw us off too. <_< The situation is really intense right now but not only does THAT suck but it ruins our yongseo time. i do not THINK that will happen this time, (as in, this BETTER NOT happen this time)




anyway, i think ur right. The ep where they go harvest gogumas is next!! :lol: i feel like we're catching up at LAST!!! i thank their busy schedules that allow us to reach a more current time frame. :)




omg, page ownage...i'm gonna share this "old" link. just too precious





from ep1 of Night after Night






their song TOTALLY SUITS the holiday in Japan~~!!! xDDDD (so far! and probably for the finale of the trip too!!) :wub:


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Guest Goguma06






I was really sad when i heard that NK had attacked SK :( i really hope that eveything is going to be ok...i don't want a war


I read the news this morning here and just after i heard it on the radio... :'(


I was quite surprised by the choice of song when SNSD performed on Chocolate


They did "If u seek Amy" by Britney Spears but this song is quite explicit XD


If you say the title in your mind it makes "F.U.C.K ME"




U= U


seek= C,K




"All the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy (F,U,C,K ME....(soompi had censored it the first time XD))


I woudn't have tought that SM would let them sing that song XD



But nevertheless i really liked their performance! I was really amazed by Hyun. She was all sexy...i am sure that Yong watched their performance just to see Hyun do all those dances moves!!kekeke



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Hi gogumas... first of all I´m sad too about the news of both koreas, I hope this can be solved soon, in a diplomatic way -_-.
































































































































































































































































































































































































And talking about "If u seek Amy", i didn´t know either until I read it here, hehe... I usually don´t care about this stuff cause after all is just a song, but Seobaby is so pure ... I wonder how she would feel if she realize the real meaning of the song (she even sang that part in a solo) :huh:... fighting SeoHyun! anyway she was astonish ^_^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































And I wonder if Yong did watch this and if he knows about the song and what he thought about it... we all know he is a jealous man and well, I´m just curious, but of course, we will never know :P.
































































































































































































































































































































































































And to spazz  a little more, don´t you think that in the end of ep, Seohyun was looking at Yong instead of the can? like if she was trying to catch his eyes :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: MC Kim´s tweet































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































someone??? I think is something about goguma field (google translation)
































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Thank U Mountainmadman and klee22!!!

































































































































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Guest lovekin




you know, i really love this thread and everything and i don't want to cause unnecessary ruckus, but i really need to get this off my chest:  in regards to whether or not WGM may be cancelled due to the recent events, i think we should realize that missing an episode or even a month's worth would be the least of our concerns in light of tragedy – big or small.  and i'm a little disappointed that, as beloved as this show is, the focus is on whether or not we'll be "robbed" of another episode and then setting us even further back.  even though citizens in SK seem to be taking this all in stride, and even if the chances of WGM being cancelled this weekend is slim as of right now, should all the stations decide to pay more respect by not airing WGM (or any other show for that matter), then so be it.





apart from that, however, i really can't stop replaying the part that seo hooks her arm with his.  the following isn't particularly significant, but i noticed that they edited seo to sigh twice when, in reality, she sighed once.  the PDs really love building up their suspense.  wacko.gif  and i can't help but grin when MC park (?) says they look like a pretty couple.  they really do and, considering how they're more or less bare-faced, they look like normal citizens instead of celebrities.




i hope they have more scenes in the future where they're dressed down like this.  i actually prefer this look because i think it implies their level of comfort together.  of course, the way they dress isn't that significant at all or indicative of their closeness, but it just screams natural to me in all the right ways.




i do wonder what the next episode is going to show – if it's just going to be the remainder of their japan trip, or if it's going to show the starting point of the following episode with their trip back to the goguma field if i recall correctly (like they did when they ended the ueno juri arc and started the goguma field arc in e.25).






EDIT:  correct me if i'm wrong, but i think MC kim's tweet talks about how they've finished recording and ... maybe said something about their country.  i have no idea ...  sweatingbullets.gif  shot in the dark!  i'm learning~




EDIT #2:




so it's been reported that SBS has yet to decide whether to cancel inki (mubank and mucore are already cancelled due to the sports games) but that they'd be watching the reports to see whether a cancellation is to be expected.  and considering that music programs tended to be cancelled first, followed by everything else, the decision there can have a domino effect on everything else, WGM possibly included.  still, nothing has been officially stated, but it's something that's good to know if you're wondering what programs could be affected.



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mc kim's tweet says that they recorded wgm but because of the recent events (yeonpyeong island) he's not sure if they will be airing wgm on saturday.
































and he said yongseo harvested gogumas.

































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